36 research outputs found

    Therapieadhärenz bei Tuberkulose

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    Thema: Tuberkulose (Tb) ist eine der zehn häufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. In der Schweiz gibt es jährlich rund 550 neue Tuberkulose-Fälle, davon sind mehrheitlich Migrantinnen und Migranten betroffen. Eine Therapie dauert sechs bis neun Monate. Es ist bekannt, dass die Therapieadhärenz in den ersten sechs Monaten einer Therapie drastisch sinkt und bei 78 bis 43% liegt. Eine Vernachlässigung der Therapie kann zu Resistenzen führen. Fragestellung: Wie können Pflegefachpersonen Erwachsene mit Tuberkulose im ambulanten Setting bei der Therapieadhärenz wirksam unterstützen? Methode: Es wurde eine Literaturrecherche in drei pflegerelevanten Datenbanken durchgeführt. Anschliessend wurden die sechs gefundenen Studien zusammengefasst, ihre Güte wurde beurteilt und die Studien wurden diskutiert. Ergebnisse: Anhand der Ergebnisse der Studien haben sich sieben Themenbereiche ergeben, die bei der Betreuung von tuberkulosekranken Menschen von Bedeutung sind: das Einbeziehen der Familie, die Stigmatisierung, die Nebenwirkungen, die Beziehung und Kommunikation, das menschliche Leiden, die kulturellen Unterschiede und die finanzielle Situation. Schlussfolgerung: Durch die Ergebnisse und das durchgeführte Experteninterview können Empfehlungen für die Praxis zum Umgang mit Tb-Betroffenen abgegeben werden. Zum westlichen Tb-Angebot und zur pflegerischen Betreuung in Bezug auf die Therapieadhärenz sollte weitere Forschung betrieben werden um konkrete Aussagen für dieses Setting machen zu können

    The psychological and pedagogical aspect of the life quality of citizens with disabilities

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    Today, with the existing trends of society's humanization and democratization, there is a need to find ways to improve the life quality of people with disabilities for their full and harmonious development. Furthermore, in the current conditions of a challenging economic, social, and political world situation, it is crucial to effectively organize the process of psycho-pedagogical support for the social and psychological development of people, including children, with disabilities. Nowadays, state and public authorities all over the world try to direct their social policy and public activity toward the creation of a complex of legal, economic, psychological, educational, medical, rehabilitation, and other measures aimed at improvement of the quality of services, social adaptation and return to a full-quality life of people with disabilities. The article aims to reveal the main tendencies of scientific works in psychological and pedagogical support for the life quality of people with disabilities. Also, we should clarify practical aspects and perspectives of psychological and pedagogical support for this category of people, including, during extreme situations, martial law. Methodology. To write the article, we analyzed the works of scientists carrying out theoretical and practical research on the effectiveness of work with disabled persons. Also, we studied the results of a questionnaire poll of specialists in social services and disabled persons. Results. According to the research results, the tendencies of modern teachers and scientists studying the psychological and pedagogical support of the life quality of people with disabilities, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey on the factors influencing the success of psychological and pedagogical work to improve the life quality of persons with disabilities are traced and outlined promising work directions with these people


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    Thematic justification. The Ukrainian Sokil movement in the emigration has become one of the unifying factors of Ukrainian people. Ideology, conservation of traditions, language and culture, high level of organizational-educational, physical culture and sports activities has become the key to recognition of The Ukrainian Sokil movement by the international community abroad. The aim of the work is to carry out the historical and theoretical analysis of the emerging conditions of the Ukrainian Sokil movement abroad and to identify the features of its activity. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, historical-logical and chronological methods. Research results. Ukrainian diaspora has made a great contribution to the establishment of Sokil movement in the emigration. Czechoslovakia, the USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, France, Switzerland, etc. were significant centres of the development of Ukrainian community abroad. The activity of the Sokil movement was characterized by national patriotic education, conservation of Ukrainian traditions and culture, public sporting and educational events. Conclusions. The activity of the Ukrainian Sokil movement abroad was a vivid expression of the cooperation of Ukrainians in the emigration, their unification around the idea of state-creation and the upbringing of a patriotic conscious nation in close connection with the gymnastic-sports movement and international geopolitical processes

    Sociolinguistic aspects of Ukrainian diaspora in Portugal

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    Przedmiotem naszej pracy jest ukraińska migracja do Portugalii. Celem jest analiza ukraińskiej integracji, adaptacji językowej, dyskryminacji i stylu życia. Jest to jedna z pierwszych prac napisanych na temat ukraińskiej migracji podczas stanu wojennego, kiedy Ukraińcy zostali zmuszeni do opuszczenia swojego kraju i poszukiwania nowego domu. Portugalia była jednym z pierwszych krajów, które otworzyły swoje drzwi dla Ukraińców. Duża liczba Ukraińców wyemigrowała i teraz ma status tymczasowej ochrony w Portugalii, który pozwala większości z nich na legalne życie w Unii Europejskiej. Podczas naszej pracy odkryliśmy, że słowo "uchodźca" ma dla Ukraińców negatywne konotacje. W związku z zakazem opuszczania kraju przez mężczyzn, w Portugalii przebywa duża liczba kobiet z dziećmi, które uczą się w tamtejszych szkołach od ponad roku. Pomimo wszystkich trudności związanych z przymusową migracją, ukraińskie dzieci aktywnie uczą się języka i kultury portugalskiej, w przeciwieństwie do dorosłych. Większość obywateli Ukrainy, którzy przybyli podczas wojny, nie uczy się portugalskiego, ponieważ w Portugalii czują się bardziej komfortowo komunikując się w języku angielskim i mają wielką nadzieję, że wkrótce będą mogli wrócić do domu. Wbrew wszelkim przeciwnościom Ukraińcy czują się komfortowo w nowym kraju, podkreślając, że jest to najbezpieczniejszy kraj i są wdzięczni Portugalczykom za wszelką pomoc, jakiej im udzielili.Niniejsza praca składa się z dwóch części: pierwszej teoretycznej, opisującej różne rodzaje migracji, ukraińską migrację na przestrzeni lat, adaptację do nowego kraju i języka oraz porównującej język portugalski i ukraiński. Druga część to część praktyczna, w której przeprowadzono wywiady z 331 Ukraińcami mieszkającymi w Portugalii. Ta część obejmuje takie tematy, jak dane społeczno-demograficzne, czas spędzony w Portugalii, powody migracji, zatrudnienie Ukraińców, znajomość języka portugalskiego i dyskryminacja, poczucie bezpieczeństwa i standard życia w nowym kraju, plany na przyszłość oraz porównanie życia na Ukrainie i w Portugalii.The subject of our work is Ukrainian immigrants in Portugal. The aim is to analyse their Ukrainian integration, language adaptation, discrimination and lifestyle. This is one of the first works written about the Ukrainian migration during the martial law, when Ukrainians were forced to leave their country and look for a new home. Portugal was one of the first countries who opened doors to Ukrainians. A large number of Ukrainians have emigrated and now have temporary protection status in Portugal, which allows most of them to live legally in the European Union. During our work, we found that the word “refugee” has negative connotations for Ukrainians. With the ban on men leaving the country, a large number of women with children who have been studying in Portuguese schools for more than a year. Despite all the difficulties of forced migration, Ukrainian children are actively learning Portuguese language and culture, unlike adults. Most Ukrainian citizens who arrived during the war do not learn Portuguese, based on the fact that they are more comfortable communicating in English in Portugal and have a great hope that they will soon be able to return home. Against all odds Ukrainians are facing, they feel comfortable in this new country, emphasising that it is the safest country, and they are grateful to the Portuguese people for all the help they have provided to them.This work consists of two parts: the first part is theoretical, describing different types of migration, Ukrainian migration over the years, adaptation to a new country and language, and comparing Portuguese and Ukrainian. The second part is a practical one in which 331 Ukrainians living in Portugal were interviewed. This part covers such topics as socio-demographic data, time spent in Portugal, reasons for migration, employment of Ukrainians, Portuguese language skills and discrimination, sense of security and standard of living in the new country, future plans and comparison of life in Ukraine and Portugal.O objeto do nosso trabalho são os imigrantes ucranianos em Portugal. O alvo é analisar a sua integração ucraniana, adaptação à língua, discriminação e estilo de vida. Este é um dos primeiros trabalhos escritos sobre a migração ucraniana durante a lei marcial, quando os ucranianos foram forçados a deixar o seu país e a procurar um novo lar. Portugal foi um dos primeiros países a abrir as portas aos ucranianos. Um grande número de ucranianos emigrou e tem agora o estatuto de proteção temporária em Portugal, o que permite à maioria deles viver legalmente na União Europeia. Durante o nosso trabalho, descobrimos que a palavra "refugiado" tem conotações negativas para os ucranianos. Com a proibição dos homens saírem do país, um grande número de mulheres em Portugal com filhos que estão a estudar nas escolas portuguesas há mais de um ano. Apesar de todas as dificuldades da migração forçada, as crianças ucranianas estão a aprender ativamente a língua e a cultura portuguesas, ao contrário dos adultos. A maioria dos cidadãos ucranianos que chegaram durante a guerra não aprendem português, porque se sentem mais à vontade para comunicar em inglês em Portugal e têm uma grande esperança de poderem regressar em breve ao seu país. Contra todas as adversidades que os ucranianos estão a enfrentar, sentem-se confortáveis neste novo país, salientando que é o país mais seguro, e estão gratos ao povo português por toda a ajuda que lhes têm prestado.Este trabalho é composto por duas partes: a primeira parte é teórica, descrevendo os diferentes tipos de migração, a migração ucraniana ao longo dos anos, a adaptação a um novo país e a uma nova língua, e comparando o português e o ucraniano. A segunda parte é prática, na qual foram entrevistados 331 ucranianos a viver em Portugal. Esta parte abrange temas como dados sociodemográficos, tempo passado em Portugal, razões para a migração, emprego dos ucranianos, competências em língua portuguesa e discriminação, sentimento de segurança e nível de vida no novo país, planos futuros e comparação da vida na Ucrânia e em Portugal

    A novel high entropy spinel-type aluminate MAl2_{2}O4_{4}(M = Zn, Mg, Cu, Co) and its lithiated oxyfluoride and oxychloride derivatives prepared by one-step mechanosynthesis

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    For the first time, a spinel-type high entropy oxide (Zn0.25_{0.25}Cu0.25_{0.25}Mg0.25_{0.25}Co0.25_{0.25})Al2_{2}O4_{4} as well as its derivative lithiated high entropy oxyfluoride Li0.5_{0.5}(Zn0.25_{0.25}Cu0.25_{0.25}Mg0.25_{0.25}Co0.25_{0.25})0.5_{0.5}Al2_{2}O3.5_{3.5}F0.5_{0.5} and oxychloride Li0.5_{0.5}(Zn0.25_{0.25}Cu0.25_{0.25}Mg0.25_{0.25}Co0.25_{0.25})0.5_{0.5}Al2_{2}O3.5_{3.5}Cl0.5_{0.5} are prepared in the nanostructured state via high-energy co-milling of the simple oxide precursors and the halides (LiF or LiCl) as sources of lithium, fluorine and chlorine. Their nanostructure is investigated by XRD, HR-TEM, EDX and XPS spectroscopy. It is revealed that incorporation of lithium into the structure of spinel oxide together with the anionic substitution has significant effect on its short-range order, size and morphology of crystallites as well as on its oxidation/reduction processes. The charge capacity of the as-prepared nanomaterials tested by cyclic voltammetry is found to be rather poor despite lithiation of the samples in comparison to previously reported spinel-type high entropy oxides. Nevertheless, the present work offers the alternative one-step mechanochemical route to novel classes of high entropy oxides as well as to lithiated oxyfluorides and oxychlorides with the possibility to vary their cationic and anionic elemental composition

    The death enzyme CP14 is a unique papain-like cysteine proteinase with a pronounced S2 subsite selectivity

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    The cysteine protease CP14 has been identified as a central component of a molecular module regulating programmed cell death in plant embryos. CP14 belongs to a distinct subfamily of papain-like cysteine proteinases of which no representative has been characterized thoroughly to date. However, it has been proposed that CP14 is a cathepsin H-like protease. We have now produced recombinant Nicotiana benthamiana CP14 (NbCP14) lacking the C-terminal granulin domain. As typical for papain-like cysteine proteinases, NbCP14 undergoes rapid autocatalytic activation when incubated at low pH. The mature protease is capable of hydrolysing several synthetic endopeptidase substrates, but cathepsin H-like aminopeptidase activity could not be detected. NbCP14 displays a strong preference for aliphatic over aromatic amino acids in the specificity-determining P2 position. This subsite selectivity was also observed upon digestion of proteome-derived peptide libraries. Notably, the specificity profile of NbCP14 differs from that of aleurain-like protease, the N. benthamiana orthologue of cathepsin H. We conclude that CP14 is a papain-like cysteine proteinase with unusual enzymatic properties which may prove of central importance for the execution of programmed cell death during plant development