112 research outputs found

    Assessing social-ecological connectivity of agricultural landscapes in Spain: Resilience implications amid agricultural intensification trends and urbanization

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2022.103525Acknowledgements Funding was provided through the following sources: a Fulbright Flex grant of the US-Spain Fulbright Commission that supported the first author’s main component of field research beginning in 2017 with funding for related research in 2018 and 2019; the 3-year E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Professorship of Environment and Society Geography and Penn State's Department of Geography (2019-2022); the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, National Project I+D+i 2019, “Multifunctional and territorialized agri-food systems in Spain. Conceptualisation and governance. Analysis of cases in Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha,” ID2019-105711RB-C61/AEI/10.13039/501 100011033; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the FEDER funds from the Spanish Pluriregional Operational Program 2014–2020 (POPE), LifeWatch-ERIC action line, with co-financing by the Provincial Council of Granada, for the project “Thematic Center on Mountain Ecosystem & Remote sensing, Deep learning-AI e-Services University of Granada-Sierra Nevada” (LifeWatch-2019-10-UGR-01); and ERDF/Ministry of Science and Innovation–State Research Agency for the project “Researching how to integrate sustainability and competitiveness in Agrifood Mediterranean Landscapes: Agrobiodiversity, climate change and local development” (AGROFOODSCAPES)" (PID2020-117198RB-I00). Initial versions of this work were presented to the Department of Geography at the Autonomous University of Madrid/ Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2017 and the Institute of Regional Development at the University of Granada/Universidad de Granada in 2018. The support of both these institutions, their collaborative institutional networks, and their faculty, students, and staff are gratefully acknowledged. Additional feedback occurred in the first author’s keynote addresses to the Permanent European Conference on Sustainable Rural Landscapes (PECSRL) in Jaén, Spain, in 2021 and 2022. Insights and support before and during the 2017-2019 period, which are gratefully acknowledged, were offered by Darla Munroe, William Doolittle, Medora D. Ebersole, Tobias Plieninger, María Garcia Martin, Claudia Bieling, Carlos Barahona, Sam Dumble, José Pepe Gonzalez, César López Santiago, Carlos Montes, Irene Iniesta-Arandia, and Samir Sayadi. Numerous research and practitioner colleagues and partners, the members of the GeoSyntheSES Lab at Penn State, and the reviewers and editors of the journal provided helpful inputs that have been incorporated.CONTEXT Accelerated intensification/disintensification and urbanization are changing agricultural systems and propel the need for spatial approaches to understand sustainability-enhancing resilience. Landscapes are key to this understanding though little is known of the broad-scale, cross-landscape connectivity of social-ecological factors amid changing agricultural systems. OBJECTIVE This study's goals are to identify broad-scale types of agricultural landscapes in Spain that are associated with intensification/disintensification and urbanization and then to use case studies to assess the types and extent of cross-landscape connectivity. It examines the social-ecological connectivity of environmental resources, resource users, and governance. The overarching purpose is to improve the understanding of social-ecological connectivity in strengthening the sustainability-enhancing resilience of agricultural landscapes amid global agri-food changes. METHODS To pursue these goals, we conducted a structured literature review of publications to identify major types of agricultural landscapes in Spain that reflect intensification/disintensification and urbanization trends. Case studies of agricultural landscapes and connectivity were undertaken in the Madrid and Granada regions. These case studies used a structured interview with experienced professional experts in fields of social-ecological sustainability and agricultural landscapes in each region. Analyses including Latent Block Modelling were applied to interview results on types and extent of cross-landscape connectivity in both conventional and alternative agriculture. RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS The structured literature review identified the predominance of three types of broad-scale agricultural landscapes in Spain: intensive, “traditional” rural, and peri-urban/urban. Analysis of case-study results revealed variation of the extent and structure of connectivity among clusters of landscape interactions and social-ecological factors. Landscape-level connectivity created both negative agricultural impacts (e.g., extensive water transfers and nutrient pollution in conventional agriculture) and positive impacts (e.g., knowledge system and seed exchanges in alternative agriculture). Interactions of alternative agricultural systems in peri-urban/urban and “traditional” rural landscapes have benefitted from cross-landscape connectivity amid accelerated agricultural change. SIGNIFICANCE Research and policy on the landscape-level connectivity of agricultural systems are needed to strengthen sustainability-enhancing resilience of both conventional and alternative agriculture. This study's approach and results are a strategic complement to existing emphasis on within-landscape cycles of social-ecological factors in alternative agriculture. This study's insights are important in the transition phases of alternative agriculture and associated food systems amid changes due to agricultural intensification/disintensification and urbanization. Understanding selective cross-landscape connectivity is important for spatial approaches to strengthen the sustainability-enhancing resilience of agricultural systems.Fulbright Flex grant of the US-Spain Fulbright CommissionPenn State's Department of Geography 2019-2022Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, National Project I+D+i 2019, “Multifunctional and territorialized agri-food systems in Spain. Conceptualisation and governance. Analysis of cases in Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha,” ID2019-105711RB-C61/AEI/10.13039/501 100011033Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the FEDER funds from the Spanish Pluriregional Operational Program 2014–2020 (POPE)LifeWatch-ERIC action line, with co-financing by the Provincial Council of Granada, for the project “Thematic Center on Mountain Ecosystem & Remote sensing, Deep learning-AI e-Services University of Granada-Sierra Nevada” (LifeWatch-2019-10-UGR-01)ERDF/Ministry of Science and Innovation–State Research Agency for the project “Researching how to integrate sustainability and competitiveness in Agrifood Mediterranean Landscapes: Agrobiodiversity, climate change and local development” (AGROFOODSCAPES)" (PID2020-117198RB-I00)Universidad Autónoma de MadridUniversidad de Granad

    Metodología para el estudio evolutivo del paisaje: aplicación al espacio protegido de Sierra Nevada

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    En el último medio siglo las transformaciones de orden económico y social han propiciado grandes mutaciones en el paisaje que afectan tanto al ámbito urbano como al rural, alcanzando incluso a los escasos espacios naturales estén éstos o no amparados por alguna figura de protección. Dicha circunstancia obliga a plantearnos la necesidad de llevar a cabo estudios sobre el pasado reciente o lejano de nuestros paisajes. Este artículo constituye una propuesta metodológica que trata de dar respuesta a la necesidad de abordar estudios de carácter evolutivo. La conformación de los paisajes de un ámbito determinado en un periodo concreto depende estrechamente del modelo de explotación de los recursos y de ordenación del espacio que impone la sociedad local del momento, así como del modelo territorial considerado a escala regional. Es por ello que hemos diseñado un método de trabajo que, partiendo de los presupuestos del análisis sistémico del paisaje, utiliza la sucesión de los distintos modelos socio-territoriales como factor clave explicativo de la evolución temporal del mismo.The immense economic and social transformations of the last half century have caused significant changes to urban as well as rural landscapes that extend even to the ever-scarce natural spaces, regardless of whether or not they are legally protected. This set of circumstances makes it all the more necessary to embark on investigative work to explore our recent and distant landscape history. This article sets forth a methodological proposal to respond to the need of formal studies concerning landscape evolution. The adaptation of landscapes to specific spatial confines within concrete time periods depends greatly on the type of resource exploitation and land planning imposed by local society during specific time periods as well as on the territorial model considered at the regional level. For that reason, we have designed a method of investigation starting with the proposal of a systematic analysis that uses the succession of different socio-territorial models as the key element to explain landscape evolution within a certain time period.Durant la derniere moitié du siècle, les transformations d’ordre économique et sociale ont signifient des grandes mutations dans le paysages qui afectent aussi bien le milieu urbain et rurale, incluant de même les petits espaces naturels ayant eté preservés par un certain mode de protection ou sans l’être. Cette circonstance nous guide a mener une étude sur les passés recents ou lointains de notres paysages. Cet article constitue une proposition métodologique que esseye de repondre à la necessité d’aborder des études sur l’évolution des paysages. La conformation des paysages d’un milieu determiné en une periode concrete depend etroitement du modéle d’exploitation des ressources et de l’ordenation de l’éspace qui impose la société locale du moment, et ainsi que le modéle territorial consideré a echelle regionale. Pour cette raison, on a dessinié une méthode de travail qui part des principes d’analyse sistémique du paysage utilisant la succecion des differents modeles socio-territoriales comme facteur clé explicative de l’évolution temporelle du même.Este artículo recoge parte de los resultados obtenidos en el Proyecto de Investigación «Evolución del paisaje del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada y su entorno», subvencionado por el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2005-2008, dentro del Plan de Investigación del Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales

    Agri-Food Land Transformations and Immigrant Farm Workers in Peri-Urban Areas of Spain and the Mediterranean

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    Spain is a global hotspot of transformations of agri-food land systems due to changing production intensity, diets, urbanization, market integration, and climate change. Characteristic of the Mediterranean, these expanding intersections with the migration, livelihoods, and food security strategies of immigrant farm workers urge new research into the “who,” “how,” and “why” questions of the transformation of agri-food land systems. Addressing this gap, we communicate preliminary results from field research in the Granada and Madrid areas. We use a novel conceptual framework of linkages among distinct agri-food land systems and the roles and agency of immigrant farm workers. Preliminary results integrating a combined land- and labor-centric approach address: (1) how the recent and ongoing transformations of specific agri-food land systems are indicative of close links to inexpensive, flexible labor of immigrant farm workers; (2) how the connectivity among transformations of multiple distinct agri-food land systems can be related to the geographic mobility of immigrant farm workers and livelihoods (non-farm work, gendered employment, peri-urban residential location, labor recruitment); and (3) how the struggles for food and nutrition security among immigrant farm workers are indicative of links to local sites and networked agrobiodiversity. This study can help advance the nexus of migration-land research with expanding ethical, justice, and policy concerns of land system sciences in relation to the new suite of agri-food interest and initiatives.Fulbright Scholarship BoardBureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in Spain and the U.S

    Spatio and temporal spread of Plum pox virus infecting European plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. D'agen) orchard in Mendoza, Argentina = Distribución espacial y temporal del Plum pox virus en un monte de ciruelo europeo (Prunus domestica L cv D'agen) de Mendoza, Argentina

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    Sharka, caused by Plum pox virus (PPV), is considered one of the most serious viral diseases of stone fruits worldwide due to the great yield losses in orchards. In Rama Caída, Mendoza, a 5-year study (2007-2011) was conducted on the degree of disease dispersion in a European plum cv D’agen orchard using samples from leaves and DAS-ELISA assay against PPV in order to determine incidence over time and spatial spread. Incidence significantly increased between 2007 and 2009 and during the next two years the increase was not statistically significant. Spatial point pattern of PPV at the plot was characterized by the occurrence of some heterogeneous clusters of infected trees located up to 65 m in the west-east direction of the rows over the five years. Point pattern and correlation type-approaches were undertaken using joint-count and Ripley's K function and showed that the detected infected plants had a disease aggregation pattern both in west-east and south-north directions, and within row and between rows across the plot. This short-distance local dispersion would be associated with diverse factors, such as vector aphids, that were not evaluated in this study. Hence, this work can serve as a basis for further studies in sharka dispersion in Cuyo region.Sharka causada por Plum pox virus (PPV) es considerada la enfermedad más nociva de los frutales de carozo debido a las pérdidas que produce en los montes frutales. En Rama Caída (Mendoza) se estudió la dispersión del PPV en un monte de ciruelo europeo cv D’agen durante 2007 a 2011 a través del análisis de muestras de hojas de árboles individuales por DAS-ELISA, para determinar la incidencia y distribución espacial de virus. Entre 2007 y 2009, el aumento en la incidencia fue estadísticamente significativo mientras que en 2010 y 2011 este no resultó significativo. El PPV se distribuyó en el lote, como un patrón de puntos caracterizado por agrupamientos heterogéneos de árboles infectados, ubicados hasta los 65 m en dirección oeste-este de las filas. A través del análisis de patrones de puntos y de correlación de árboles infectados, mediante la función K de Ripley y el estadístico Joint-count, se comprobó que las plantas infectadas presentaron un patrón espacial agregado, tanto en sentido oeste-este (entre filas), como sur-norte (dentro de fila), indicando una dispersión a corta distancia. Este escenario puede responder a múltiples factores no estudiados, como la presencia de áfidos vectores, y constituir las bases de futuros estudios de dispersión de PPV en Cuyo.Instituto de Patología VegetalFil: Dal Zotto, Angelica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Porcel, Laura Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rama Caída; ArgentinaFil: Marini, Diana Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Junín; ArgentinaFil: Picca, Cecilia Nelida. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rama Caída; ArgentinaFil: Córdoba, Mariano. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Estadística y Biometría; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Teich, Ingrid. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Fisiología y Recursos Genéticos Vegetales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Spatio and temporal spread of Plum pox virus infecting European plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. D'agen) orchard in Mendoza, Argentina

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    Sharka, caused by Plum pox virus (PPV), is considered one of the most serious viral diseases of stone fruits worldwide due to the great yield losses in orchards. In Rama Caída, Mendoza, a 5-year study (2007-2011) was conducted on the degree of disease dispersion in a European plum cv D?agen orchard using samples from leaves and DAS-ELISA assay against PPV in order to determine incidence over time and spatial spread. Incidence significantly increased between 2007 and 2009 and during the next two years the increase was not statistically significant. Spatial point pattern of PPV at the plot was characterized by the occurrence of some heterogeneous clusters of infected trees located up to 65 m in the west-east direction of the rows over the five years. Point pattern and correlation type-approaches were undertaken using joint-count and Ripley´s K function and showed that the detected infected plants had a disease aggregation pattern both in west-east and south-north directions, and within row and between rows across the plot. This short-distance local dispersion would be associated with diverse factors, such as vector aphids, that were not evaluated in this study. Hence, this work can serve as a basis for further studies in sharka dispersion in Cuyo region.Fil: Dal Zotto, Angélica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Porcel, Laura Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Marini, Diana Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Picca, Cecilia Nélida. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Córdoba, Mariano. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Unidad de Fitopatología y Modelización Agrícola - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Unidad de Fitopatología y Modelización Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Teich, Ingrid. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentin

    The agrarian landscape in the Mediterranean semi-arid mountain: The evolution of the historical irrigation systems in the Sierra de la Contraviesa

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    Los regadíos históricos han sido una invariante en los paisajes de una montaña mediterránea semiárida como la Sierra de la Contraviesa (sureste de España). Estos espacios regados han contribuido, pese a su exigua extensión, a diversificar el mosaico agrario serrano y la economía local, presentando unas constantes paisajísticas relativamente estables durante siglos. Pese a todo, desde 1950, la marginalidad socioeconómica de este ámbito dentro de la actual dinámica territorial de la región, ha desencadenado profundos cambios. Este trabajo tiene por objeto interpretar en clave paisajística la evolución histórica y multiplicidad de funciones de estos sistemas y su papel actual en el mosaico de los agrosistemas presentes en el macizo. Para ello, se profundiza, en primer lugar, en las bases físicas que sustentan el regadío y en el proceso de conformación histórico-geográfica (ss. IV-XX) de estas estructuras heredadas. En segundo lugar, y partiendo de la cartografía histórica catastral, se realiza un análisis diacrónico de su extensión y configuración en los principales perímetros de regadío para los últimos 70 años. Los resultados obtenidos revelan cómo la reciente desarticulación del modelo de gestión tradicional compromete la continuidad de estos sistemas y de sus diversos valores asociados, determinando un progresivo empobrecimiento y homogenización paisajística.Historic irrigation systems have been an invariant in the landscapes of an arid Mediterranean mountain such as the Sierra de la Contraviesa (southeast Spain). These irrigated spaces have contributed, despite their meager size, to diversify the mountain agrarian mosaic and the local economy, presenting constant relatively stable landscapes for centuries. Despite everything, since 1950, the socioeconomic marginality of this area within the current territorial dynamics of the region has triggered profound changes. The purpose of this work is to interpret in a landscape key the historical evolution and multiplicity of functions of these systems and their current role in the mosaic of agrosystems present in the massif. In order to do this, it is delved, first of all, into the physical bases that sustain irrigation and the process of historical-geographical conformation (IV-XX Centuries) of these inherited structures. Second, and starting from the cadastral historical cartography, a diachronic analysis of its extension and configuration is carried out in the main irrigated perimeters for the last 70 years. The results obtained reveal how the recent disarticulation of the traditional management model compromises the continuity of these systems and their various associated values, determining a progressive impoverishment and homogenization of the landscape

    Cognitive decline in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Neuropathological substrate and genetic determinants

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    Proteïna TDP-43; Esclerosi lateral amiotròfica; Demència frontotemporalProteína TDP-43; Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica; Demencia frontotemporalTDP-43 protein; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Frontotemporal dementiaCognitive impairment and behavioral changes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are now recognized as part of the disease. Whether it is solely related to the extent of TDP-43 pathology is currently unclear. We aim to evaluate the influence of age, genetics, neuropathological features, and concomitant pathologies on cognitive impairment in ALS patients. We analyzed a postmortem series of 104 ALS patients and retrospectively reviewed clinical and neuropathological data. We assessed the burden and extent of concomitant pathologies, the role of APOE ε4 and mutations, and correlated these findings with cognitive status. We performed a logistic regression model to identify which pathologies are related to cognitive impairment. Cognitive decline was recorded in 38.5% of the subjects. Neuropathological features of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) were found in 32.7%, explaining most, but not all, cases with cognitive impairment. Extent of TDP-43 pathology and the presence of hippocampal sclerosis were associated with cognitive impairment. Mutation carriers presented a higher burden of TDP-43 pathology and FTLD more frequently than sporadic cases. Most cases (89.4%) presented some degree of concomitant pathologies. The presence of concomitant pathologies was associated with older age at death. FTLD, but also Alzheimer’s disease, were the predominant underlying pathologies explaining the cognitive impairment in ALS patients. In sum, FTLD explained the presence of cognitive decline in most but not all ALS cases, while other non-FTLD related findings can influence the cognitive status, particularly in older age groups.SBE is a recipient of the Rio-Hortega post-residency grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain. This study was partially funded by Fundació Marató de TV3 (grant no. 20141610 to EG and no. 20143710 to RRG) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (PI15/01618 to RRG). AA is funded by Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS) 2016–2020 (SLT002/16/00329). JG is recipient of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER grants (PI16/01673 and PI19/00593