426 research outputs found

    Concentrate supplementation for crossbred bulls to increase profitability of smallholder fattening operations in East Java, Indonesia

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    Growth rates of bulls in Indonesia raised in smallholder fattening systems are generally low due to inadequate nutrition. This study compared bull growth and farmer profit between two feeding management systems, namely traditional feeding (as control) and intervention feeding by supplementation with a high quality concentrate. Bos taurus-Ongole cross bred bulls (n=46) aged 1.5-2 years, owned by smallholder farmers, from two villages in East Java were used in this study. The bulls were divided into two treatment groups; control and intervention. Farmers in the intervention group were provided with a concentrate containing onggok, copra and palm kernel cake. Farmers were instructed to feed 4 kg DM of concentrate/bull/day in addition to their existing roughage diet for 161 days or until sold. No changes were made to the feeding or management of the bulls in the control group. Mostly control group farmers used local forages and agricultural by product as a feed, without any supplementation. The daily feed cost and the cost of 1 kg of liveweight gain was higher in the intervention group (IDR 8827 and IDR 11990, respectively) than that of the control group (IDR 2606 and IDR 5543, respectively). Moreover, the average daily gain of bulls in the intervention group (0.82 kg/bull/day) was higher than that of bulls in the control group (0.52 kg/bull/day), resulting in a greater profit for the fattening period. Daily income minus feed costs was higher for farmers in the intervention group (IDR 24182/day), compared to farmers in the control group (IDR 15774/day). It is concluded that although there were additional costs for feeding high-quality feeds, but higher growth rates of bulls resulted in greater profits for smallholder farmers

    Indicadores de qualidade do solo em área de mata e cultivado com cana orgânica e convencional .

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    Em muitos casos, a substituição da vegetação nativa por sistemas agrícolas altera inúmeras características do solo. Este estudo propôs avaliar a qualidade do solo em áreas de uma propriedade que produz cana-de-açúcar sob manejo orgânico e convencional e correlacioná-las a uma área de mata nativa. Para isso, utilizou-se indicadores físicos, químicos e bioquímicos do solo, avaliados através de análise de componentes principais. Mesmo tendo observado diferenças nos atributos avaliados no solo de mata e sistemas agrícolas, estes se mostraram eficientes no uso e conservação do solo

    Correlating comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography volatile profiles of chocolate with sensory analysis

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    The identification of key components relevant to sensory perception of quality from commercial chocolate samples was accomplished after chemometric processing of GC×GC-MS (Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection) profiles corresponding to HS-SPME (Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction) extracts of the samples. Descriptive sensory evaluation of samples was carried out using Optimized Descriptive Profile (ODP) procedures, where sensory attributes of 24 commercial chocolate samples were used to classify them in two classes (low and high chocolate flavor). 2D Fisher Ratio analysis was applied to four-way chromatographic data tensors (1st dimension retention time 1tR × 2nd dimension retention time 2tR × m/z × sample), to identify the crucial areas on the chromatograms that resulted on ODP class separation on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) scores plot. Comparing the relevant sections of the chromatograms to the analysis of the corresponding mass spectra, it was possible to assess that most of the information regarding the sample main sensory attributes can be related to only 14 compounds (2,5-dimethylpyrazine, 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanol, 1-octen-3-ol, trimethylpyrazine, β-pinene, o-cimene, 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine, tetramethylpyrazine, benzaldehyde, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, limonene, benzeneethanol and 1,1-dimethylbutylbenzene) among the complex blend of volatiles found on these extremely complex samples

    Detection of pathological lesions in slaughtered rabbits

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    The slaughterhouse is considered an important control point for the monitoring of rabbit diseases. In our study, 59,440 rabbit carcasses were examined, but only 1% of pathological lesions were recorded at postmortem inspection. Mainly affected were tegumentary, digestive and urinary systems. The most consistent lesion was the subcutaneous abscess; nephritis, probably caused by Encephalitozoon cuniculi, was also frequent. Pathological alterations of the liver, classified as "necrotizing hepatitis" and localized at the caudate lobe, were observed for the first time

    A radio-polarisation and rotation measure study of the Gum Nebula and its environment

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    The Gum Nebula is 36 degree wide shell-like emission nebula at a distance of only 450 pc. It has been hypothesised to be an old supernova remnant, fossil HII region, wind-blown bubble, or combination of multiple objects. Here we investigate the magneto-ionic properties of the nebula using data from recent surveys: radio-continuum data from the NRAO VLA and S-band Parkes All Sky Surveys, and H-alpha data from the Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas. We model the upper part of the nebula as a spherical shell of ionised gas expanding into the ambient medium. We perform a maximum-likelihood Markov chain Monte-Carlo fit to the NVSS rotation measure data, using the H-halpha data to constrain average electron density in the shell nen_e. Assuming a latitudinal background gradient in RM we find ne=1.3−0.4+0.4cm−3n_e=1.3^{+0.4}_{-0.4} {\rm cm}^{-3}, angular radius ϕouter=22.7−0.1+0.1deg\phi_{\rm outer}=22.7^{+0.1}_{-0.1} {\rm deg}, shell thickness dr=18.5−1.4+1.5pcdr=18.5^{+1.5}_{-1.4} {\rm pc}, ambient magnetic field strength B0=3.9−2.2+4.9μGB_0=3.9^{+4.9}_{-2.2} \mu{\rm G} and warm gas filling factor f=0.3−0.1+0.3f=0.3^{+0.3}_{-0.1}. We constrain the local, small-scale (~260 pc) pitch-angle of the ordered Galactic magnetic field to +7∘≲℘≲+44∘+7^{\circ}\lesssim\wp\lesssim+44^{\circ}, which represents a significant deviation from the median field orientation on kiloparsec scales (~-7.2∘^{\circ}). The moderate compression factor X=6.0\,^{+5.1}_{-2.5} at the edge of the H-alpha shell implies that the 'old supernova remnant' origin is unlikely. Our results support a model of the nebula as a HII region around a wind-blown bubble. Analysis of depolarisation in 2.3 GHz S-PASS data is consistent with this hypothesis and our best-fitting values agree well with previous studies of interstellar bubbles.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Polarization observations in a low synchrotron emission field at 1.4 GHz

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    We present the first observation of the diffuse polarized synchrotron radiation of a patch (∼3∘×3∘\sim 3^\circ \times 3^\circ) in the BOOMERanG field, one of the areas with the lowest CMB foreground emission. The work has been carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array at 1.4 GHz with 3.4 arcmin resolution and sensitivity of ∼0.18\sim 0.18 mJy beam−1^{-1}. The mean polarized signal has been found to be Prms=(Qrms2+Urms2)=11.6±0.6P_{rms} = \sqrt{(Q_{rms}^2 + U_{rms}^2)} = 11.6 \pm 0.6 mK, nearly one order of magnitude below than in the Galactic Plane. Extrapolations to frequencies of interest for cosmological investigations suggest that polarized synchrotron foreground noise should allow the detection of the CMB Polarization EE--mode already at 32 GHz and make us confident that, at 90 GHz, it is accessible with no relevant foreground contamination. Last but not least, even the BB--mode detection for T/S>0.01T/S > 0.01 is not ruled out in such a low emission patch.Comment: Uses emulateapj.sty, onecolfloat.sty, 5 pages 4 fig., accepted for publication in ApJ

    S-band Polarization All Sky Survey (S-PASS): survey description and maps

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    We present the S-Band Polarization All Sky Survey (S-PASS), a survey of polarized radio emission over the southern sky at Dec~<−1∘< -1^\circ taken with the Parkes radio telescope at 2.3~GHz. The main aim was to observe at a frequency high enough to avoid strong depolarization at intermediate Galactic latitudes (still present at 1.4 GHz) to study Galactic magnetism, but low enough to retain ample Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) at high latitudes for extragalactic and cosmological science. We developed a new scanning strategy based on long azimuth scans, and a corresponding map-making procedure to make recovery of the overall mean signal of Stokes QQ and UU possible, a long-standing problem with polarization observations. We describe the scanning strategy, map-making procedure, and validation tests. The overall mean signal is recovered with a precision better than 0.5\%. The maps have a mean sensitivity of 0.81 mK on beam--size scales and show clear polarized signals, typically to within a few degrees of the Galactic plane, with ample S/N everywhere (the typical signal in low emission regions is 13 mK, and 98.6\% of the pixels have S/N >3> 3). The largest depolarization areas are in the inner Galaxy, associated with the Sagittarius Arm. We have also computed a Rotation Measure map combining S-PASS with archival data from the WMAP and Planck experiments. A Stokes II map has been generated, with a sensitivity limited to the confusion level of 9 mK.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS. Maps are available for download at the website indicated in the manuscrip
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