278 research outputs found

    Сторітеллінг як інструментальний компонент самопрезентації в діловому спілкуванні

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    The role of storytelling, narrative as an important component of self-presentation in business communication is considered. It is investigated that the students of technical universities using storytelling spontaneously, do not link them with the concept of "business cooperation". The different tools of narrative practices used by psychologists and teachers for developing professional skills to freely express opinions in a given direction in terms of psychological patterns of the self-identity process and in terms of rhetoric are analyzed.Розглянуто роль сторітеллінгу (розповідання історій), наративу як одного з важливих компонентів самопрезентації в діловому спілкуванні. Досліджено, що студенти технічних спеціальностей у ВНЗ використовують розповідання історій спонтанно, не пов'язують їх з поняттям "ділова взаємодія". Проаналізовано різні інструменти розвитку наративної практики, які використовуються психологами та педагогами для розвитку вміння професіонала вільно висловлювати думки в заданому напрямку з точки зору психологічних закономірностей процесу самопрезентації особистості та з точки зору риторики

    The Development of Social Responsibility of Technical University Students in the Process of Professional Training

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    The study emphasizes the importance of social responsibility of the engineer in the modern post-industrial society. We reveal the essence of the phenomenon of social responsibility, determine its structural components, and define the criteria for its development. Also, we theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the influence of pedagogical conditions on the development of social responsibility of future engineers in the process of professional training. These conditions include (1) increasing positive motivation of students to develop social responsibility; (2) ensuring a responsible attitude of students to perform tasks in various types of professional training (academic, extracurricular, and research activities); and (3) encouraging students to study the concept of social responsibility on their own. Besides, we describe methods of teaching social responsibility (special course, discussion, simulation, case study, etc.). The conducted analysis of the results of the experimental work confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Finally, we experimentally prove the impact of pedagogical conditions on the formation of socially responsible engineers in the process of their professional training


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    The article clarifies the principles of innovation management, taking into account participatory management as a new approach to project management. Based on an assessment of the current state and trends in the country's socio-economic development in the conditions of an innovative economy, a conceptual model for the formation and assessment of socio-economic development priorities has been developed. The conceptual provisions of the new paradigm of socio-economic development are revealed and justified. A set of theoretical provisions and practical tools for assessing the impact of innovative projects has been developed. The criticality of stakeholders in the management of innovation activities has been determined and assessed. A methodology and methods have been developed for integrating the management of innovation activities into the management system. A method is proposed for taking into account the influence of mutual risks and assessing changes in the cost part of the project taking into account risks based on determining the factors of interaction of innovative projects.O artigo esclarece os princípios da gestão da inovação, considerando a gestão participativa como uma nova abordagem à gestão de projetos. Com base numa avaliação do estado actual e das tendências do desenvolvimento socioeconómico do país nas condições de uma economia inovadora, foi desenvolvido um modelo conceptual para a formação e avaliação das prioridades de desenvolvimento socioeconómico. As disposições conceituais do novo paradigma de desenvolvimento socioeconômico são reveladas e justificadas. Foi desenvolvido um conjunto de disposições teóricas e ferramentas práticas para avaliar o impacto de projetos inovadores. A criticidade das partes interessadas na gestão das atividades de inovação foi determinada e avaliada. Foram desenvolvidas uma metodologia e métodos para integrar a gestão das atividades de inovação no sistema de gestão. É proposto um método para levar em conta a influência dos riscos mútuos e avaliar as mudanças na parte de custos do projeto, levando em consideração os riscos com base na determinação dos fatores de interação de projetos inovadores

    Trends in the Development of the Pharmaceutical Market of Ukraine in the Conditions of Martial Law

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    The article identifies the problems and trends in the development of the pharmaceutical market under martial law. The influence of martial law on the development of the pharmaceutical market is studied. The dynamics of pharmacy sales of medicines and the structure of the related sales are determined. The problems that have arisen in the pharmaceutical industry in the current conditions are outline. The current state of the pharmaceutical market is analyzed, the factors that impede its development are identified. It is proved that in the context of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, especially at the first stage, the problem of providing the population with medicines, medical devices and other types of parapharmaceutical products has significantly aggravated. The authors emphasize the peculiarities of marketing of pharmaceutical goods and services during martial law. The main directions of development of the pharmaceutical industry under martial law are defined. It is proved that at the beginning of the war, the purchase of medicines online was suspended due to the lack of courier delivery and supply of electricity in the regions where active military actions took place. However, despite the martial law situation, Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies continue to develop, create new medicines, provide jobs and, most importantly, provide the population with important medicines. The authors present the areas of the State support for the development of the pharmaceutical market. It is proved that the existing production and research facilities and qualified personnel allow rapid expansion of the range of medicines within the terms of public-private partnerships and government orders, which will increase the resilience of the health care system in the context of emergencies

    Вікові та статеві особливості неспецифічного організму опір українського верхового коня

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    It is established that the indices of non-specific resistance of Ukrainian Riding Horse depend on age and sex. The lowest indices of serum bactericidal activity, serum lysozyme activity, the content of γ-globulins were found in 6-monthold foals, for which, however, the phagocytosis completeness indices were concurrent with those of adult individuals of the corresponding sex. Hence, the foals are least protected in terms of humoral-type non-specific resistance. Indicators of bactericidal and lysozyme activity of serum, phagocytosis completeness index were higher for stallions. Indicators of geldings were higher than those for mares, but lower than those for entires. The higher total protein content is also characteristic for stallions; at the age of 6, 9, 12 - the content of albumins; for mares at the age of 1.5, 2, 3, 12 - the content of γglobulins was higher, the indicators of geldings in terms of albumin/globulin ratio were closer to those of mares of the corresponding age. Consequently, for Ukrainian Riding Horse, the indicators of organism non-specific resistance are higher for stallions and vary with age. These differences should be taken into account when working with this breed.Встановлено, що показники неспецифічного опору українського верхового коня залежність від віку та статі. Найнижчі показники бактерицидної активності сироватки крові, сироватки крові лізоцимну активність, вміст γ-глобулінів було виявлено у жеребців 6-місячного віку, за які, однак, показники повноти фагоцитозу були одночасно з тими дорослих особин відповідної статі. Отже, жеребці найменш захищені умови неспецифічного опору гуморального типу. Показники бактерицидної та лізоцимної активності сироватки, повноти фагоцитозу індекс був вищим для жеребців. Показники поворотів були вищими, ніж для кобили, але нижчі, ніж у хоробрих. Більш високий вміст білка також характерний для жеребців; у віці 6, 9 років, 12 - вміст альбумінів; для кобил у віці 1,5, 2, 3, 12 років - вміст γглобулінів був вищим, показники залози за співвідношенням альбумін / глобулін були ближче до кобил відповідного віку. Отже, для українського верхового коня показники організму неспецифічні стійкість вища для жеребців і змінюється з віком. Ці відмінності повинні бути враховується при роботі з цією породою

    Building a Model of Long-Term Forecasting of the Natural Gas Production in Ukraine for Managerial Decision-Making

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    The article analyzes the dynamics of the natural gas production in Ukraine for 2009–2018, carries out a fractal analysis of the time series of the natural gas production indicators. The mathematical model of the natural gas production in Ukraine is developed taking into view the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol and parts of the territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions (with introduction of the correction coefficient). The long-term forecast of the natural gas production for 2019–2027 is accomplished using the Holt’s method – with the purpose of usage for managerial decision-making at all levels of power. The average absolute percentage error was 2,026%, which does not exceed 10%. This indicates a high accuracy of the forecast. The forecast of the natural gas production in Ukraine for 2019-2027, in the presence of the correction coefficient, is made without considering new investments and modern technologies. It is specified that in order to improve the natural gas production in Ukraine in 2019-2027, we need programs to support the development of the natural gas production at the State level; the State guarantees on projects, which envisage the introduction of new types of equipment and new low-waste, resource-saving technological processes used in the production of natural gas. Besides, it is necessary to create favorable investment climate that will attract funds of foreign investors from the world financial market for modernization of the natural gas industry in Ukraine

    The Dynamics of Lexical Variants in the USA Pre-election Discourse

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    У статті обґрунтовується невід’ємність існування варіативних лексичних одиниць, які включають оказіональні елементи. Здійснюючи контент-аналіз варіативних сладових лексичного наповнення передвиборчих агітаційних текстів 1950-2012 рр., виявляються не лише кількісні показники лексичних варіантів, а й домінуючі лексичні варіативні категорії у діахронії. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34337В статье обосновывается неотъемлемость существования вариативных лексических единиц, включающих окказиональные элементы. Посредством осуществления контент-анализа вариативных составляющих лексического наполнения предвыборных агитационных текстов 1950-2012гг., выявляются не только количественные показатели лексических вариантов, а и доминирующие лексические вариативные категории в диахронии. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34337The article gives the background of lexical variant forms including occasional elements. With the help of content-analysis of lexical variant presentation in pre-election agitation texts of 1950-2012 it is possible to find out not only the quantitative figures of lexical variants, but also dominant lexical variant categories in diachronics. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3433

    Humanization of Relationships between Teachers and Students in Educational Work

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    Studying tendencies in the transformation of the educational system, which are currently taking place in both primary and secondary schools around the world, revealed an urgent need for the further development of the humanization of education. The humanization of personally oriented relationships between teachers and students in the educational process of primary and secondary schools as the fundamental of the national education system and the environment for developing the younger generation is the most efficient way to strengthen the humanitarian component in the educational process, as shown by the evaluation of the current educational system. The purpose of the academic paper is to highlight the concept, components and main features of the process of humanizing the relationship between teachers and students in the process of educational activities, as well as clarifying the most effective directions for optimizing the humanization of relations between teachers and education seekers. Methodology. While conducting the research, the analytical and bibliographic method was used to study the scientific literature on humanizing relations in the learning process. At the same time, analysis, synthesis and generalization of information were applied to study and process data. By the way, the research authors also conducted a questionnaire in online mode to practically clarify the most important issues related to organizing educational work on the basis of its humanization. Results. Based on the research results, the primary and most significant theoretical aspects of the issue of the humanitarian approach to relations in the learning process were established. The standpoints of scientists, teachers and educational methodologists regarding the key aspects of this issue were investigated

    Забезпечення сталого розвитку освіти майбутніх фахівців морського транспорту за допомогою мережевої взаємодії

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    The article describes the concept of sustainable development, which is one of the modern trends of scientific research in the 21st century. The analysis of scientific researches has been carried out in the context of the mentioned problem of sustainable development, the tendencies of development of the network interaction theory as factor of sustainable development of maritime education have been transformed into pedagogical practice of maritime higher educational establishments. The main objective of the article is to express the idea that the rapid development of information is the main impetus for the transformation of education, updating its content and forms, methods and technologies, improving the efficiency and accessibility of quality education. The process of network interaction on the example of creating an e-course for foreign students is substantiated. There was considered the possibility of modernizing the training of maritime professionals using modern information technologies (distance technologies, augmented reality and VR). The prospect of network interaction ideas has been proved, which is confirmed by the effectiveness of the introduction of the Moodle e-course for international entrants. It is shown that the students participate in network interaction, create the frame for successful adaptation of international students in Ukraine.У статті описана концепція сталого розвитку, яка є однією із сучасних тенденцій наукових досліджень у 21 столітті. Аналіз наукових досліджень здійснено у контексті зазначеної проблеми сталого розвитку, тенденції розвитку теорії мережевої взаємодії як чинника сталого розвитку морської освіти перетворені на педагогічну практику морських вищих навчальних закладів. Основна мета статті - висловити думку про те, що швидкий розвиток інформації є головним поштовхом до трансформації освіти, оновлення її змісту та форм, методів і технологій, підвищення ефективності та доступності якісної освіти. Обґрунтовано процес мережевої взаємодії на прикладі створення електронного курсу для іноземних студентів. Була розглянута можливість модернізації підготовки морських фахівців із використанням сучасних інформаційних технологій (дистанційні технології, розширена реальність та ВР). Доведено перспективу ідей мережевої взаємодії, що підтверджується ефективністю впровадження електронного курсу Moodle для міжнародних учасників. Показано, що студенти беруть участь у мережевій взаємодії, створюють рамки для успішної адаптації міжнародних студентів в Україні

    The Instruments and Ways to Ensure Economic Security of Pharmaceutical Enterprises

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    The article identifies problems of ensuring economic security of enterprises of pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine. It is noted that the state of manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprises, complicated by military operations on the territory of Ukraine, requires the search for instruments to identify and forecast economic security as an effective task of crisis management of enterprises and stabilization of the functioning of the pharmaceutical industry. It is noted that ensuring the economic security of a manufacturing enterprise is considered as a complex system covering organizational-economic, financial, innovation-investment, technical, managerial, informational, legal, ecological, personnel, and other aspects. Taking into account the specifics of production-economic activity of enterprises of the pharmaceutical industry, the main threats to economic security have been identified. On the example of pharmaceutical enterprises, an integral indicator of the level of economic security is computed, taking into account the probability of occurrence of certain threats. A close correlation between the level of economic security of pharmaceutical enterprises and profitability of enterprise activity is identified. It is concluded that the proposed instruments can be applied to enterprises of other sectors of economy, taking into account the specifics of their production activities. It is noted that different degrees of probability and nature of each threat (managed and unmanageable) require implementation of a set of measures to prevent/mitigate the consequences of each threat, which requires additional financial resources, but these costs are rather appropriate investments in stable future development of enterprise. A system of measures for economic security of enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry has been proposed, which provides for a set of interrelated actions to prevent and/or mitigate the consequences of threats in modern socioeconomic and political realities, will solve the issue of creating favorable conditions for the functioning and development of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine