30 research outputs found

    Value formation of innovative product : a way to commercialization

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    Purpose: The issues of studying the value formation process of an innovative product, from the idea to the prototype to the commercialization of the output from the production line, depending on the type of innovations, are the aims of this article. Design/Methodology/Approach: The conceptual framework of "value" and "innovations" is explored and the theoretical basis of the value approach is revealed at the beginning of the article. The definition of an innovative product is given and the development process and the mechanism of its value formation at each development phase are revealed. Findings: The value-added elements are specified, from the idea generation to the commercialization of the innovative product. The expenses for the calculation items and the development phases of the innovative product are estimated. Practical Implications: Categories of the innovation-based economy development, as "innovation", "innovative product", and "value" are not sufficiently studied. Intensive discussions are taking place in the scientific community regarding what an innovative product is and how its value is formed. A specific result of intellectual activity, at the initial stage of its formation represents an idea that is difficult to be estimated. Originality/Value: The problematics for further research of value formation of innovative products depending on their specific nature is put.The article was prepared in the course of carrying out research work within the framework of the project part of the state task in the field of scientific activity in accordance with the task No. 26.2758.2017 / PCh (26.2758.2017 / 4.6) for 2017-2019 on the topic "System for the formation and distribution analysis of the value of innovative products based on the infrastructure concept".peer-reviewe

    Development of Human Resources of Agro-Industrial Complex

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    The article investigates the distinctive features of the development of human resources of agro-industrial complex (AIC). The study determined the categorical nature of human resources, as a whole, and the author's vision of the resource capacity of AIC was offered, in particular. The detailed analysis of the development of human resources of AIC in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus through the prism of the study of the features of life, well-being and safety of the rural population was carried out. Particular attention is paid to the problems of staffing of AIC of the leading countries of the world, including EU countries. The results obtained allowed to establish the fact of the indirect identity of the main factors of reduction of the rural population in the considered post-Soviet republics and the depopulation of rural areas in the EU. On this basis, at the conceptual level the key tasks were identified, which resolution, as for Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus, and for Europe, make prospects of development of human resources of AIC. Taking into consideration peculiarities of AIC of Russia, as well as specific, national problems of rural development, the article developed the concept of development of human resources of AIC of Russia. Apart, within the concept, measures for training and retraining of workers for agricultural enterprises of Russia were allocated, as well as a model of balancing supply and demand in the labor market in order to determine the number of specialists of specific specialties necessary for the development of AIC in the region was offered.Досліджено особливості розвитку людських ресурсів АПК. Дослідження визначило категоріальний характер людських ресурсів у цілому, а також авторське бачення ресурсного потенціалу АПК, зокрема. Проведено детальний аналіз розвитку людських ресурсів АПК України, Казахстану, Росії та Білорусі через призму вивчення особливостей життя, добробуту та безпеки сільського населення. Особлива увага приділяється проблемам кадрового забезпечення АПК провідних країн світу, включаючи країни ЄС. Отримані результати дозволили встановити факт непрямої ідентичності основних чинників скорочення сільського населення в розглянутих пострадянських республіках і депопуляції сільських територій в ЄС. Виходячи з цього, на концептуальному рівні були визначені ключові завдання, вирішення яких, як для Росії, Казахстану, України та Білорусі, так і для Європи, дають перспективи розвитку людських ресурсів АПК. Враховуючи особливості АПК Росії, а також специфічні національні проблеми розвитку села, розроблено концепцію розвитку людських ресурсів АПК Росії. Крім того, в рамках концепції виділено заходи щодо підготовки та перепідготовки працівників сільськогосподарських підприємств Росії, а також модель балансування попиту та пропозиції на ринку праці з метою визначення кількості фахівців конкретних спеціальностей, необхідних для розвитку. АПК у регіоні.В статье исследуются отличительные особенности развития человеческих ресурсов агропромышленного комплекса (АПК). В ходе исследования была определена категориальная природа человеческих ресурсов в целом, и, в частности, было предложено авторское видение ресурсного потенциала АПК. Был проведен детальный анализ развития человеческих ресурсов АПК в Украине, Казахстане, России и Белоруссии через призму изучения особенностей жизни, благополучия и безопасности сельского населения. Особое внимание уделено проблемам кадрового обеспечения АПК ведущих стран мира, в том числе стран ЕС. Полученные результаты позволили установить факт косвенной идентичности основных факторов сокращения сельского населения в рассматриваемых постсоветских республиках и депопуляции сельских территорий в ЕС. Исходя из этого, на концептуальном уровне были определены ключевые задачи, решение которых, как для России, Казахстана, Украины и Беларуси, так и для Европы, определяет перспективы развития человеческих ресурсов АПК. Принимая во внимание особенности АПК России, а также специфические национальные проблемы развития села, в статье разработана концепция развития человеческих ресурсов АПК России. Кроме того, в рамках концепции были выделены меры по подготовке и переподготовке работников сельскохозяйственных предприятий России, а также модель балансирования спроса и предложения на рынке труда с целью определения количества специалистов конкретных специальностей, необходимых для развития. АПК в регионе было предложено

    Development of Human Resources of Agro-Industrial Complex

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    The article investigates the distinctive features of the development of human resources of agro-industrial complex (AIC). The study determined the categorical nature of human resources, as a whole, and the author's vision of the resource capacity of AIC was offered, in particular. The detailed analysis of the development of human resources of AIC in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus through the prism of the study of the features of life, well-being and safety of the rural population was carried out. Particular attention is paid to the problems of staffing of AIC of the leading countries of the world, including EU countries. The results obtained allowed to establish the fact of the indirect identity of the main factors of reduction of the rural population in the considered post-Soviet republics and the depopulation of rural areas in the EU. On this basis, at the conceptual level the key tasks were identified, which resolution, as for Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus, and for Europe, make prospects of development of human resources of AIC. Taking into consideration peculiarities of AIC of Russia, as well as specific, national problems of rural development, the article developed the concept of development of human resources of AIC of Russia. Apart, within the concept, measures for training and retraining of workers for agricultural enterprises of Russia were allocated, as well as a model of balancing supply and demand in the labor market in order to determine the number of specialists of specific specialties necessary for the development of AIC in the region was offered.Досліджено особливості розвитку людських ресурсів АПК. Дослідження визначило категоріальний характер людських ресурсів у цілому, а також авторське бачення ресурсного потенціалу АПК, зокрема. Проведено детальний аналіз розвитку людських ресурсів АПК України, Казахстану, Росії та Білорусі через призму вивчення особливостей життя, добробуту та безпеки сільського населення. Особлива увага приділяється проблемам кадрового забезпечення АПК провідних країн світу, включаючи країни ЄС. Отримані результати дозволили встановити факт непрямої ідентичності основних чинників скорочення сільського населення в розглянутих пострадянських республіках і депопуляції сільських територій в ЄС. Виходячи з цього, на концептуальному рівні були визначені ключові завдання, вирішення яких, як для Росії, Казахстану, України та Білорусі, так і для Європи, дають перспективи розвитку людських ресурсів АПК. Враховуючи особливості АПК Росії, а також специфічні національні проблеми розвитку села, розроблено концепцію розвитку людських ресурсів АПК Росії. Крім того, в рамках концепції виділено заходи щодо підготовки та перепідготовки працівників сільськогосподарських підприємств Росії, а також модель балансування попиту та пропозиції на ринку праці з метою визначення кількості фахівців конкретних спеціальностей, необхідних для розвитку. АПК у регіоні.В статье исследуются отличительные особенности развития человеческих ресурсов агропромышленного комплекса (АПК). В ходе исследования была определена категориальная природа человеческих ресурсов в целом, и, в частности, было предложено авторское видение ресурсного потенциала АПК. Был проведен детальный анализ развития человеческих ресурсов АПК в Украине, Казахстане, России и Белоруссии через призму изучения особенностей жизни, благополучия и безопасности сельского населения. Особое внимание уделено проблемам кадрового обеспечения АПК ведущих стран мира, в том числе стран ЕС. Полученные результаты позволили установить факт косвенной идентичности основных факторов сокращения сельского населения в рассматриваемых постсоветских республиках и депопуляции сельских территорий в ЕС. Исходя из этого, на концептуальном уровне были определены ключевые задачи, решение которых, как для России, Казахстана, Украины и Беларуси, так и для Европы, определяет перспективы развития человеческих ресурсов АПК. Принимая во внимание особенности АПК России, а также специфические национальные проблемы развития села, в статье разработана концепция развития человеческих ресурсов АПК России. Кроме того, в рамках концепции были выделены меры по подготовке и переподготовке работников сельскохозяйственных предприятий России, а также модель балансирования спроса и предложения на рынке труда с целью определения количества специалистов конкретных специальностей, необходимых для развития. АПК в регионе было предложено

    Antioxidative Defense, Suppressed Nitric Oxide Accumulation, and Synthesis of Protective Proteins in Roots and Leaves Contribute to the Desiccation Tolerance of the Resurrection Plant Haberlea rhodopensis

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    The desiccation tolerance of plants relies on defense mechanisms that enable the protection of macromolecules, biological structures, and metabolism. Although the defense of leaf tissues exposed to solar irradiation is challenging, mechanisms that protect the viability of the roots, yet largely unexplored, are equally important for survival. Although the photosynthetic apparatus in leaves contributes to the generation of oxidative stress under drought stress, we hypothesized that oxidative stress and thus antioxidative defense is also predominant in the roots. Thus, we aimed for a comparative analysis of the protective mechanisms in leaves and roots during the desiccation of Haberlea rhodopensis. Consequently, a high content of non-enzymatic antioxidants and high activity of antioxidant enzymes together with the activation of specific isoenzymes were found in both leaves and roots during the final stages of desiccation of H. rhodopensis. Among others, catalase and glutathione reductase activity showed a similar tendency of changes in roots and leaves, whereas, unlike that in the leaves, superoxide dismutase activity was enhanced under severe but not under medium desiccation in roots. Nitric oxide accumulation in the root tips was found to be sensitive to water restriction but suppressed under severe desiccation. In addition to the antioxidative defense, desiccation induced an enhanced abundance of dehydrins, ELIPs, and sHSP 17.7 in leaves, but this was significantly better in roots. In contrast to leaf cells, starch remained in the cells of the central cylinder of desiccated roots. Taken together, protective compounds and antioxidative defense mechanisms are equally important in protecting the roots to survive desiccation. Since drought-induced damage to the root system fundamentally affects the survival of plants, a better understanding of root desiccation tolerance mechanisms is essential to compensate for the challenges of prolonged dry periods

    Sequence comparison of prefrontal cortical brain transcriptome from a tame and an aggressive silver fox (Vulpes vulpes)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Two strains of the silver fox (<it>Vulpes vulpes</it>), with markedly different behavioral phenotypes, have been developed by long-term selection for behavior. Foxes from the tame strain exhibit friendly behavior towards humans, paralleling the sociability of canine puppies, whereas foxes from the aggressive strain are defensive and exhibit aggression to humans. To understand the genetic differences underlying these behavioral phenotypes fox-specific genomic resources are needed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>cDNA from mRNA from pre-frontal cortex of a tame and an aggressive fox was sequenced using the Roche 454 FLX Titanium platform (> 2.5 million reads & 0.9 Gbase of tame fox sequence; >3.3 million reads & 1.2 Gbase of aggressive fox sequence). Over 80% of the fox reads were assembled into contigs. Mapping fox reads against the fox transcriptome assembly and the dog genome identified over 30,000 high confidence fox-specific SNPs. Fox transcripts for approximately 14,000 genes were identified using SwissProt and the dog RefSeq databases. An at least 2-fold expression difference between the two samples (p < 0.05) was observed for 335 genes, fewer than 3% of the total number of genes identified in the fox transcriptome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Transcriptome sequencing significantly expanded genomic resources available for the fox, a species without a sequenced genome. In a very cost efficient manner this yielded a large number of fox-specific SNP markers for genetic studies and provided significant insights into the gene expression profile of the fox pre-frontal cortex; expression differences between the two fox samples; and a catalogue of potentially important gene-specific sequence variants. This result demonstrates the utility of this approach for developing genomic resources in species with limited genomic information.</p

    Social factors influencing Russian male alcohol use over the life course: a qualitative study investigating age based social norms, masculinity, and workplace context

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    The massive fluctuations occurring in Russian alcohol-related mortality since the mid-1980s cannot be seen outside of the context of great social and economic change. There is a dearth of qualitative studies about Russian male drinking and especially needed are those that address social processes and individual changes in drinking. Conducted as part of a longitudinal study on men’s alcohol consumption in Izhevsk, this qualitative study uses 25 semi-structured biographical interviews with men aged 33–60 years to explore life course variation in drinking. The dominant pattern was decreasing binge and frequent drinking as men reached middle age which was precipitated by family building, reductions in drinking with work colleagues, and health concerns. A minority of men described chaotic drinking histories with periods of abstinence and heavy drinking. The results highlight the importance of the blue-collar work environment for conditioning male heavy drinking in young adulthood through a variety of social, normative and structural mechanisms. Post-Soviet changes had a structural influence on the propensity for workplace drinking but the important social function of male drinking sessions remained. Bonding with workmates through heavy drinking was seen as an unavoidable and essential part of young men’s social life. With age peer pressure to drink decreased and the need to perform the role of responsible breadwinner put different behavioural demands on men. For some resisting social pressure to drink became an important site of self-determination and a mark of masculine maturity. Over the lifetime the place where masculine identity was asserted shifted from the workplace to the home, which commonly resulted in a reduction in drinking. We contribute to existing theories of Russian male drinking by showing that the performance of age-related social roles influences Russian men’s drinking patterns, drinking contexts and their attitudes. Further research should be conducted investigating drinking trajectories in Russian men

    Teacher’s Readiness to Create Own Online Courses

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    Rapid development of information educational technologies requires special teacher’s training for possibility to create their own online courses. In particular, it is necessary to understand what do teachers need first of all? How may be solved the problem of formation of the key university teachers competencies?The purpose of this study is to identify the key elements of teachers' readiness to create their online courses and to study the formation of special teachers competences to develop their own online courses.Our study was conducted on the basis of an online course for professional development of university teachers "Pedagogical support of online education". The methods of the study were: online questionnaires, analysis of the creative works of teachers (developed tests and recorded videos) and oral attestation. We analyzed objectives of teacher’s training, the formation of key competencies and relevance of the online course topics. We found out two main reasons to join in our course by the university teachers: recommendations of their leadership (37%) and their own initiative, interest to study subject (29%). 252 people have fully completed all the required tasks and completed their training with a certificate of professional development. 60% of the teachers participating were on such online training the first time. In general, university teachers have been able to demonstrate the necessary theoretical knowledge (64%) and have done the first steps of their application during the preparation for the attestation on our program. They were very good at the writing of the methodical materials, but had not yet mastered recording of the videos. This research confirms the necessity of special training for university teachers for the high-quality creation online courses and allows the online courses authors to find new points of the changing their programs toward the more actual level

    Microfossils and chemical elements in bottom sediments of the Ashadze-1 Hydrothermal Field (tropical Mid-Atlantic Ridge)

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    The first thorough analysis of microfossils from ore-bearing sediments of the Ashadze-1 Hydrothermal Field in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge sampled during Cruise 26 of R/V Professor Logachev in 2005 revealed substantial influence of hydrothermal processes on preservation of planktonic calcareous organisms as well as on preservation and composition of benthic foraminifera. From lateral and vertical distribution patterns and secondary alterations of microfossils it is inferred that the main phase of hydrothermal mineralization occurred in Holocene. Heavy metals (Cu, Co, Cr, and Ag) were accumulated by foraminiferal tests and in their enveloping Fe-Mn crusts. Distribution of authigenic minerals replacing foraminiferal tests demonstrates local zoning related to hydrothermal activity. There are three mineral-geochemical zones defined: sulfide zone, zone with elevated Mg content, and zone of Fe-Mn crusts