128 research outputs found


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    The article investigates the features of the scenography of modern Ukrainian musical theater on example of V.Troitskyi’s opera "Coriolanus". The main means of creating a unified and coherent image are reviewed. Music polystylistics combines into a single unit thanks to the workshop scenography: sets, costumes, make-up. Incarnation of the leading ideas of the European theater art background collage of musical genres leading XX century create a unique and interesting phenomenon in Ukrainian cultural and artistic space.One of the most important musical genres in the history of music is opera. Its appearance was prepared by the development of the theater. The first origins can be seen even in the ancient Greek tragedies and ancient Egyptian mysteries. Actually after its approval, Italian drama per musica, which had appeared in the XVI century, eventually spread throughout Europe. This future Italian opera represented the combination of music, poetry, drama and theatrical art.At the beginning of the XXI century we can see the new modification of the genre – "new opera". In today's culture it is a very popular genre in the world that demonstrates the essence of the modern era. Opening kind of ancient Greek tragedy was a "new opera" directed by Vladyslav Troyiytskyi’s "Coriolanus". Availability of the polystylistics as the basis of musical language in the formulation V.Troyitskyi’s "Coriolanus" creates a situation where it plays an integrative function of scenography.Actually scenography in the XX century is characterized by certain trends that were clearly expressed by V.Meyyerhold in 1920. Vanguard direction and a new technique of acting required breaking of old decorative systems.Opera or rather "new opera" V.Troyitskyi’s "Coriolanus" is an interesting and groundbreaking phenomenon in Ukrainian art space. The story of the ancient biographies, which masterfully embodied in W. Shakespeare’s tragedy was the basis for the work, which is very important and organically sounded in the XXI century. An important formative role in this opera is played the scenography. It helps reveal the originality of images of the main characters, creates the right mood and emotional exercises integrating function with respect to polystylistics musical component. This event has become an important step in the development of modern Ukrainian music theater and can serve as a model for the future functioning of the synthetic genre. Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей сценографии современного украинского музыкального театра, в частности на примере оперы "Кориолан" В.Троицкого. Рассматриваются основные средства создания целостного образа. Музыкальная полистилистичность обьединяется в единое целое благодаря мастерской сценографии: декорациям, костюмам, гриму. Воплощение ведущих идей европейского театрального искусства на фоне музыкального коллажа ведущих жанров XX века создает неповторимое и интересное явление в украинском культурно-художественном пространстве.Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей сценографії сучасного українського музичного театру, зокрема на прикладі опери "Коріолан" В.Троїцького. Розглядаються основні засоби створення цілісного образу. Музична полістилістичність та різнобарвність поєднується в єдине ціле завдяки майстерній сценографії: декораціям, костюмам, гриму. Втілення провідних ідей європейського театрального мистецтва на тлі музичного колажу провідних жанрів XX століття створює неповторне та цікаве явище в українському культурно-мистецькому просторі.

    Using multimedia language lab to develop linguo-cultural competence

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    The article is devoted to the problem of developing students’ linguo-cultural competence by means of a multimedia language laboratory. The multimedia language laboratory is used to create an artificial linguo-cultural environment in a regular classroom with the help of authentic audio and video materials carefully selected and methodically prepared by the teacher. The research is based on the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, theoretical methods related to the study of scientific literature, and experiment. In the course of the experiment, which involved 185 students, the researchers proved that the integrated use of multimedia language lab capabilities allows improving the performance and quality of students’ linguo-cultural competence, promotes the activation of educational and cognitive activities, and helps teachers in motivating their students to learn languages. The reliability of the experimental data was confirmed by the method of mathematical statistics. On the basis of the research results it is concluded that the use of the multimedia language lab makes the process of learning a foreign language more effective and dynamic and contributes to the development of students’ linguo-cultural competence


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    The purpose of the article. The primary purpose of this study is the intention of disclosing theatricality as one of the main elements of the artistic structure of the vocal variety. The mentioned fact determines the relevance of the integrated approach in the theoretical works devoted to this problematic. The methodology is multilevel. It includes both the philosophical level of music studies, formal logical methods, and specific approaches at the crossroads of cultural studies, aesthetics, musicology, pedagogy and theatrical art. Especially unique are complex and system processes. The scientific novelty of this work is justified through the output of this study on the need for synthesis in the various performance of not only vocal skill but also the plastic aspect, which is embodied in the form of the theatrical variety. A particular issue, therefore, is the answer to the challenge of new requirements for variety performance, due, among other things, to the development of media. Conclusions. On the integrity of the variety, the act should be said when the essential principle is observed for all genres of variety art – the created work of various art should be based on such expressive means that belong exclusively to a particular variety genre. The theatricality of variety performance follows from the specific structure of the act: it has a short string (the beginning), which should immediately impress the audience and a quick transition to the next parts of the performance. Locality and mobility are the features that best and most accurately characterize variety expressiveness.Цель работы ‒ раскрытие театральности как одного из основных элементов художественной структуры вокального эстрадного номера. Этим обусловливается также актуальность применения в теоретических трудах, посвященных данной проблематике, комплексного подхода. Методология исследования является многоуровневой. Она включает как философский уровень музыковедческих работ, формальные логические методы, так и специфические подходы на пересечении культурологии, эстетики, музыковедения, педагогики и сценического искусства. Существенный вес принадлежит комплексному и системному методам. Научная новизна работы обосновывается через выход данного исследования на необходимость синтеза в эстрадном исполнительстве не только вокального мастерства, но и пластического аспекта, который воплощается в виде театральности эстрадного номера. Это, следовательно, является ответом на вызов новых требований к эстрадному исполнительству, обусловленных, в том числе, развитием медиа средств. Выводы. О целостности эстрадного номера следует говорить тогда, когда соблюдается важнейший принцип для всех жанров эстрады – создаваемый произведение должно опираться на такие выразительные средства, которые принадлежат исключительно конкретному эстрадному жанру. Театральность эстрадного исполнительства вытекает из специфической структуры номера: он имеет короткую завязку (начало), который должен сразу произвести впечатление на зрителей, и быстрый переход к следующим частям выступления. Локальность и мобильность – это черты, которые лучше и наиболее точно характеризуют эстрадную выразительность.Мета роботи ‒ розкриття театральності як одного з основних елементів художньої структури вокального естрадного номеру. Методологія дослідження є багаторівневою. Вона включає як філософський рівень музикознавчої розвідки, формальні логічні методи, так і специфічні методи на перетині культурології, естетики, музикознавства, педагогіки та сценічного мистецтва. Істотна вага належить комплексному та системному методам. Наукова новизна роботи обґрунтовується через вихід даного дослідження на необхідність синтезу в естрадному виконавстві не лише вокальної майстерності, але й пластичного аспекту, що втілюється у вигляді театральності естрадного номеру. Це, відтак, є відповіддю на виклик нових вимог до естрадного виконавства, зумовлених в тому числі розвитком медіа засобів. Висновки. Про цілісність естрадного номера слід говорити тоді, коли дотримується найважливіший принцип для всіх жанрів естради – створюваний твір має спиратися на такі виразні засоби, які належать виключно до конкретного естрадного жанру. Театральність естрадного виконавства витікає зі специфічної структури номера: він має коротку зав’язку (початок), який має відразу справити враження на глядачів, та швидкий перехід до наступних частин виступу. Локальність та мобільність – це риси, які найкраще та найбільш точно характеризують естрадну виразність

    Development of university students’ linguocultural competence under conditions of coronavirus pandemic: ukrainian dimension

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    The aim of the study is to analyse the educational means facilitating the development of the linguocultural competence within the academic environment in Ukraine under conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. About 60 senior students and 15 university instructors giving classes in English and Chinese participated in the research. The research methodology is based on analytical and practical analyses of the normative documents facilitating the correlation of foreign language education standards in Ukraine, Europe and China; interviewing; observation (within the experimental study/training). The results show that all students and instructors admitted the importance of culture-related issues in the process of teaching and learning languages; 99% of the teaching staff and 75% of the students chose a more detailed content of culture-related issues to be taught/learnt; 80% of instructors and 78% of the students highlighted the importance of organising culture-related events. The research results show that it is crucial to accomplish a balanced integration of language and culture in the teaching process. Teachers should clearly understand what cultural information is significant and how to make efficient use of it by applying digital resources. The key issues teachers should pay attention to are the evaluation of cultural information, its accessibility and the most efficient ways to present it to students

    Development of the future translators’ professional competency in bilateral interpreting: modern methods

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    The paper presents the research on the effectiveness of the future translator and / or interpreter training using modern methods which facilitate the development of their professional competency in bilateral interpreting. The authors analyse psychological and pedagogical experience, modern educational technologies and prospects for future professionals in the context of bilateral interpreting. The scholars substantiate the results of the initiated phonetic research (including linguistic and translation analysis of audio texts) related to the semantics of prosodic means, which constituted the basis for the experimental study. The research reveals the outcomes of the experimental study conducted at Ushynsky University involving the third-year students who major in the English↔Ukrainian translation. The four stages of the designated pedagogical experiment are specified: 1) pre-testing; 2) preparatory training course according to combined (interactive and traditional) authors’ teaching methods; 3) after-testing; 4) assessment of the students’ outcomes. The use of the experimental construct turns out to be practical due to these methods: cooperative learning, inquiry-based instructions, differentiation, professional development, technology and problem solving. The study also confirms the fact that the integration of traditional and modern technologies in teaching students to interpret information taking into consideration phonetic features of Ukrainian and English oral texts can help future translators develop their analytical and critical thinking, flexibility, agility and adaptability, initiative and entrepreneurialism while receiving, analysing and interpreting information. The detailed analysis of modern scientific literature proves that the use of the competence-oriented and context-centred approaches to the educational process contributes to the students’ academic success

    Determination Methods Of Defrosted Protein-vegetable Mixtures Parameters Development

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    The aim of the work is to develop methods of investigating the influence of semolina and extruded semolina on quality and quantity parameters of mixtures with milk-protein concentrates in a cycle of freezing-defrost that allows to substantiate resource-saving in semi-products manufacturing.Obtained results of changes of the quality of protein-vegetable mixtures after the effect of negative temperatures confirm cryo-protective properties of carbohydrates of products of wheat processing.There were studied methods of extracting proteins of whey for getting albumin mass and using in the composition of milk-protein concentrates. It was established, that adding collagen-containing ingredients in amount 0,4 % for intensifying thermal coagulation of whey proteins decreases the duration of precipitation to (55±2) and (40±2) min respectively depending on a type of raw material processing. There were studied both native whey and protein concentrate, obtained by the method of ultra-filtration with mass share of dry substances (16±2) %.The method of thermal analysis determined a cryoscopic temperature of sour-milk fatless cheese and also albumin mass, obtained using «Collagen pro 4402». The calculation method, based on cryoscopic temperature indices determined an amount of moisture, frozen out in milk-whey mixtures with wheat processing products. The presented information is enough for estimating traditional modes of freezing milk-protein concentrates objectively.The obtained results of the studies indicate the effectiveness of the offered methods for determining parameters of protein-vegetable mixtures after defrosting. Measurements of quality parameters may be used for correcting mass losses of concentrates effectively


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    The aim of the work is to develop methods of investigating the influence of semolina and extruded semolina on quality and quantity parameters of mixtures with milk-protein concentrates in a cycle of freezing-defrost that allows to substantiate resource-saving in semi-products manufacturing. Obtained results of changes of the quality of protein-vegetable mixtures after the effect of negative temperatures confirm cryo-protective properties of carbohydrates of products of wheat processing. There were studied methods of extracting proteins of whey for getting albumin mass and using in the composition of milk-protein concentrates. It was established, that adding collagen-containing ingredients in amount 0,4 % for intensifying thermal coagulation of whey proteins decreases the duration of precipitation to (55±2) and (40±2) min respectively depending on a type of raw material processing. There were studied both native whey and protein concentrate, obtained by the method of ultra-filtration with mass share of dry substances (16±2) %. The method of thermal analysis determined a cryoscopic temperature of sour-milk fatless cheese and also albumin mass, obtained using «Collagen pro 4402». The calculation method, based on cryoscopic temperature indices determined an amount of moisture, frozen out in milk-whey mixtures with wheat processing products. The presented information is enough for estimating traditional modes of freezing milk-protein concentrates objectively. The obtained results of the studies indicate the effectiveness of the offered methods for determining parameters of protein-vegetable mixtures after defrosting. Measurements of quality parameters may be used for correcting mass losses of concentrates effectively

    Вплив продуктів переробки зернових на показники заморожених молочно-білкових сумішей

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    This paper reports a study into the influence of manna groats and extruded manna groats on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of milk and protein concentrates over a freezing–defrosting cycle. A slight change in the quality of protein­plant mixtures after defrosting confirms the cryoprotective properties of carbohydrates of plant components.The capability to preserve albumin mass at negative temperatures with its subsequent use as the milk­protein basis for semi­finished products was proven.The feasibility of using a collagen­containing ingredient in the amount of 0.4 % for the intensification of the thermal­acid coagulation of whey proteins was proven experimentally. The process was performed both in native whey and in protein concentrate with a mass fraction of dry substances of (16±2) %, obtained by the ultrafiltration method. It was revealed that coagulation duration is (55±2) min and (40±2) min, respectively, at a temperature of (95±2) °C. A decrease in the duration of the process correlates with a decrease in power consumption. Adding albumin mass, in addition to cottage cheese, to the formulation of semi­products would increase milk protein resources.We report results of research into cryoscopic temperature of mixes based on cottage cheese with manna groats and extruded manna groats, as well as of the albumin mass obtained with the use of “Collagen pro 4402”. The amount of frozen moisture in milk and protein mixtures with wheat processing products was determined by the calculation method. It was proven that the modification of the carbohydrate complex of grains by means of extrusion ensures an increase in binding free moisture in protein­plant mixtures during defrostingПредставлено исследование влияния крупы манной и экструдированной на качественные и количественные показатели молочно-белковых концентратов в цикле замораживания – размораживания. Незначительное изменение качества белково-растительных смесей после размораживания, подтверждают криопротекторные свойства углеводов растительных компонентов.Доказана возможность сохранения при отрицательных температурах альбуминной массы с последующим использованием в качестве молочно-белковой основы для полуфабрикатов.Экспериментально подтверждена целесообразность использования коллагенсодержащего ингредиента в количестве 0,4 % для интенсификации термокислотной коагуляции сывороточных белков. Поцесс осуществляли как в нативной молочной сыворотке, так и в белковом концентрате с массовой долей cухих веществ (16±2) %, полученного методом ультрафильтрации. Выявлено, что продолжительность коагуляции – (55±2) мин и (40±2) мин соответственно при температуре (95±2) ° C. Уменьшение времени процесса коррелирует со снижением энергозатрат. Добавление в рецептуры полуфабрикатов кроме творога альбуминной массы позволит увеличить ресурсы молочного белка.Представлены исследования криоскопической температуры смесей на основе творога с крупой манной и екструдированной, а также альбуминной массой полученной с использованием «Коллаген pro 4402». Расчетным методом на основе криоскопической температуры, определено количество вымороженной влаги в молочно-белковых смесях с продуктами переработки пшеницы. Подтверждено, что модификация углеводного комплекса зерновых путем экструдирования обеспечивает повышение связывания свободной влаги в белково-растительных смесях при размораживанииПредставлено дослідження впливу крупи манної та екструдованої на якісні та кількісні показники молочно-білкових концентратів в циклі заморожування – розморожування. Незначні зміни якості білково-рослинних сумішей після розморожування підтверджують кріопротекторну дію вуглеводів рослинних складових.Доведено можливість збереження за від'ємних температур альбумінної маси з подальшим використанням в якості молочно-білкової основи для напівфабрикатів.Експериментально підтверджена доцільність використання колагенвмісного інгредієнту в кількості 0,4 % для інтенсифікації термокислотної коагуляції сироваткових білків. Процес проводився як в нативній молочній сироватці, так і в концентраті білковому з масовою часткою cухих речовин (16±2)%, отриманого методом ультрафільтрації. Виявлено, що тривалість коагулювання – (55±2) хв та (40±2) хв відповідно за температури (95±2)°C. Зменшення часу процесу корелюється із зниженням енерговитрат. Додавання в рецептури напівфабрикатів окрім сиру кисломолочного альбумінної маси дозволить збільшити ресурси молочного білку.Представлено дослідження кріоскопічної температури сумішей на основі сиру кисломолчного з крупою манною і екструдуваою, а також альбумінної маси отриманої з використанням «Колаген pro 4402». Розрахунковим методом на основі кріоскопічної температури, визначено кількість вимороженої вологи в молочно-білкових сумішах з продуктами переробки пшениці. Підтверджено, що модифікація вуглеводного комплексу зернових шляхом екструдування забезпечує підвищення зв’язування вільної вологи в біково-рослинних сумішах при розморожуванн

    Герої казок братів Грімм як прецедентні феномени

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    The definition of the term ‘precedent phenomenon’ is given in this article. The main linguistic characteristics are enumerated. Some examples of precedent phenomena in German fairy-tales are analyzed.У статті подано визначення поняття прецедентного феномену, наведені основні лінгвістичні характеристики цього терміну, проаналізовані приклади прецедентних феноменів на матеріалі німецьких казок. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/269

    Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

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    SummaryBackground The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 provides an up-to-date synthesis of the evidence for risk factor exposure and the attributable burden of disease. By providing national and subnational assessments spanning the past 25 years, this study can inform debates on the importance of addressing risks in context. Methods We used the comparative risk assessment framework developed for previous iterations of the Global Burden of Disease Study to estimate attributable deaths, disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and trends in exposure by age group, sex, year, and geography for 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks from 1990 to 2015. This study included 388 risk-outcome pairs that met World Cancer Research Fund-defined criteria for convincing or probable evidence. We extracted relative risk and exposure estimates from randomised controlled trials, cohorts, pooled cohorts, household surveys, census data, satellite data, and other sources. We used statistical models to pool data, adjust for bias, and incorporate covariates. We developed a metric that allows comparisons of exposure across risk factors—the summary exposure value. Using the counterfactual scenario of theoretical minimum risk level, we estimated the portion of deaths and DALYs that could be attributed to a given risk. We decomposed trends in attributable burden into contributions from population growth, population age structure, risk exposure, and risk-deleted cause-specific DALY rates. We characterised risk exposure in relation to a Socio-demographic Index (SDI). Findings Between 1990 and 2015, global exposure to unsafe sanitation, household air pollution, childhood underweight, childhood stunting, and smoking each decreased by more than 25%. Global exposure for several occupational risks, high body-mass index (BMI), and drug use increased by more than 25% over the same period. All risks jointly evaluated in 2015 accounted for 57·8% (95% CI 56·6–58·8) of global deaths and 41·2% (39·8–42·8) of DALYs. In 2015, the ten largest contributors to global DALYs among Level 3 risks were high systolic blood pressure (211·8 million [192·7 million to 231·1 million] global DALYs), smoking (148·6 million [134·2 million to 163·1 million]), high fasting plasma glucose (143·1 million [125·1 million to 163·5 million]), high BMI (120·1 million [83·8 million to 158·4 million]), childhood undernutrition (113·3 million [103·9 million to 123·4 million]), ambient particulate matter (103·1 million [90·8 million to 115·1 million]), high total cholesterol (88·7 million [74·6 million to 105·7 million]), household air pollution (85·6 million [66·7 million to 106·1 million]), alcohol use (85·0 million [77·2 million to 93·0 million]), and diets high in sodium (83·0 million [49·3 million to 127·5 million]). From 1990 to 2015, attributable DALYs declined for micronutrient deficiencies, childhood undernutrition, unsafe sanitation and water, and household air pollution; reductions in risk-deleted DALY rates rather than reductions in exposure drove these declines. Rising exposure contributed to notable increases in attributable DALYs from high BMI, high fasting plasma glucose, occupational carcinogens, and drug use. Environmental risks and childhood undernutrition declined steadily with SDI; low physical activity, high BMI, and high fasting plasma glucose increased with SDI. In 119 countries, metabolic risks, such as high BMI and fasting plasma glucose, contributed the most attributable DALYs in 2015. Regionally, smoking still ranked among the leading five risk factors for attributable DALYs in 109 countries; childhood underweight and unsafe sex remained primary drivers of early death and disability in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Interpretation Declines in some key environmental risks have contributed to declines in critical infectious diseases. Some risks appear to be invariant to SDI. Increasing risks, including high BMI, high fasting plasma glucose, drug use, and some occupational exposures, contribute to rising burden from some conditions, but also provide opportunities for intervention. Some highly preventable risks, such as smoking, remain major causes of attributable DALYs, even as exposure is declining. Public policy makers need to pay attention to the risks that are increasingly major contributors to global burden. Funding Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation