187 research outputs found

    Image enhancement in a microfilm projection printer utilizing partial coherence and spatial filtering

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    An optical system was assembled for a study of spatial filtering and partial coherence. It was used to produce enlargements of microfilm images at a magnification of 12-X. Enhancement of fine-detail contrast was obtained by means of a spatial filter that transmitted most of the light diffracted by the microfilm negative and absorbed about 60$ of the undiffracted light. The filter increased the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the enlarging system by a factor of about 1.5 measured at spatial frequencies lying in the region where the eye is most sensitive. At higher frequencies, the enhancement became greater than was expected, possibly because of phase effects. The optical system was partially coherent and produced coherent-noise blemishes in the enlargements. Consequently, a study was made of the effect of decreasing the degree of coherence by increasing the angular size of the light-source aperture. The 0.8 mm aperture being used was replaced successively by larger ones ( 1 , 3 5, 10, and 20 mm) and by a completely diffuse system. The 10 mm aperture (0.04 radians), which gave a coherence interval of 14.3 \u3eum on the negative, reduced the optical noise greatly and produced as good a result in terms of the system MTF as compared to apertures of higher coherence intervals. For the frequency range that is visually important for a 12-X enlargement, it kept the MTF nearly equal to that of a coherent system and made it distinctly better than that obtained with the diffuse system. Spatial filtering with the 10 mm aperture is possible for enhancement at high frequencies that become important when enlargements much greater than 12-X are used

    Using Differential Equations to Model a Cockatoo on a Spinning Wheel as part of the SCUDEM V Modeling Challenge

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    For the SCUDEM V 2020 virtual challenge, we received an outstanding distinction for modeling a bird perched on a bicycle wheel utilizing the appropriate physical equations of rotational motion. Our model includes both theoretical calculations and numerical results from applying the Heaviside function for the swing motion of the bird. We provide a discussion on: our model and its numerical results, the overall limitations and future work of the model we constructed, and the experience we had participating in SCUDEM V 2020

    Die bewegte Schule unter dem Blickwinkel der Nachhaltigkeit - Identifikation von Gelingensbedingungen für die langfristige erfolgreiche Implementation des bewegungspädagogischen Konzeptes an sächsischen Schulen

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    Das Konzept der bewegten Schule in Sachsen wird seit Mitte der 90er Jahre erfolgreich an sächsischen Schulen implementiert. Die Dissertationsschrift gibt Auskünfte über Gelingensbedingungen für die Nachhaltigkeit des Konzeptes, um es langfristig an den Bildungseinrichtungen aufrecht zu erhalten

    Análise da marcha e quedas em idosos com diferentes níveis de capacidade funcional e estado cognitivo e parâmetros da marcha em velocidades de caminhada distintas

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. André Luiz Felix RodackiCoorientadora: Prof. Dra. Natália Boneti MoreiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física. Defesa : Curitiba, 06/08/2021Inclui referências: p. 95-111Resumo: No processo de envelhecimento notam-se alteracoes na capacidade funcional, cognicao e parametros da marcha que podem resultar no aumento do risco de quedas. Diante desta perspectiva, este projeto e composto por dois estudos distintos, porem complementares, com o objetivo de verificar se os parametros da marcha de idosos residentes na comunidade diferem de acordo com a capacidade funcional e o historico de quedas ao caminhar em velocidade auto-selecionada (VASC) e rapida (VRC), bem como investigar a relacao entre o estado cognitivo e os parametros espaco-temporais da marcha na VASC e VRC. O presente estudo possui delineamento transversal e ambos (estudos 1 e 2) foram compostos por 295 idosos (70.9 } 7.2 anos; 82.3% mulheres) residentes na comunidade do municipio de Curitiba - Parana. A avaliacao foi realizada em um unico momento, com duracao media de 40 minutos. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados para ambos os estudos foram: Caracteristicas sociodemograficas; condicoes clinicas de saude; cognicao (Mini- Exame do Estado Mental, MEEM) e parametros espaco-temporais da marcha. Alem destes, no estudo 1 foi avaliado o historico de quedas, a capacidade funcional (Short Physical Performance Battery, SPPB) e a mobilidade funcional (Timed Up and Go, TUG). No estudo 1, os idosos selecionados foram alocados em 4 grupos de acordo com o historico de quedas e a capacidade funcional: nao caidores com alta capacidade funcional (NACF; n = 94), nao caidores com baixa capacidade funcional (NBCF; n = 114), caidores com alta capacidade funcional (CACF; n = 29) e caidores com baixa capacidade funcional (CBCF; n = 58). No estudo 1, foi utilizada a Analise de Componentes Principais (ACP), e em seguida foi utilizado o teste ANOVA seguido do post-hoc Bonferroni, bem como o effect size. No estudo 2, foi utilizada a regressao linear. O nivel de significancia foi de p<0.05. Os resultados do estudo 1 evidenciaram que o grupo CBCF apresentou menores escores, principalmente na potencia de membros inferiores e mobilidade funcional. A ACP evidenciou que o primeiro componente principal (CP1) explicou a quantidade mais substancial da variabilidade da marcha em VASC e VRC, incluindo predominantemente os parametros temporais. O segundo componente principal (CP2), composto por desfechos espaciais (comprimento do passo e da passada e velocidade de caminhada), apresentou o maior tamanho de efeito para diferenciar o estado funcional. CP1 e CP2 foram capazes de diferenciar o estado funcional (alta capacidade vs. baixa capacidade), independentemente do historico de quedas. No estudo 2, os parametros espacotemporais da marcha apresentaram fraca associacao com o escore geral do MEEM e a orientacao temporal e espacial, independente da velocidade de caminhada (VASC e VRC). O modelo de regressao composto por variaveis espaco-temporais da marcha explicou uma fracao significativa da variacao do estado cognitivo (de 28% a 31%). O comprimento da passada e o tempo do passo foram os melhores fatores explicativos. Conclui-se que maiores niveis de capacidade funcional e um estado cognitivo preservado estao relacionados a diminuicao do risco de quedas e bom desempenho da marcha, principalmente relacionado aos parametros espaco-temporais, independente da velocidade de caminhada.Abstract: In the aging process, changes in functional capacity, cognition and gait parameters are noted, which can result in an increased risk of falls. In this perspective, this project is composed of two distinct, but complementary studies, with the objective of verifying whether the gait parameters of community-dwelling older adults differ according to the functional capacity and the falls history when walking at self-selected (VASC) and fast walking speed (VRC), as well as investigating the relationship between the cognitive status and the spatiotemporal gait parameters when walking at VASC and VRC. The present study has a cross-sectional design, and both (studies 1 and 2) were composed of 295 (70.9 } 7.2 years; 82.3% women) community-dwelling older adults of the city of Curitiba - Parana. The evaluation was performed in a single moment, with an average duration of 40 minutes. The assessment instruments used for both studies were: Sociodemographic characteristics; clinical health conditions; cognition (Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE) and spatiotemporal gait parameters. In addition to these, in study 1 the falls history, functional capacity (Short Physical Performance Battery, SPPB) and functional mobility (Timed Up and Go, TUG) were evaluated. In study 1, the selected older adults were allocated into 4 groups according to falls history and functional capacity (SPPB): Non-fallers with higher functional capacity (NACF, n = 94), non-fallers with lower functional capacity (NBCF, n = 114), fallers with higher functional capacity (CACF, n = 29) and fallers with lower functional capacity (CBCF, n = 58). In Study 1, Principal Component Analysis (ACP) was used, and then the ANOVA test followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc test was used, as well as the effect size. In study 2, linear regression was used. The level of significance was p<0.05. The results of study 1 showed that CBCF group presented lower scores, especially in the power of lower limbs and functional mobility. The ACP showed that the first principal component (PC1) explained the most substantial amount of gait variability in VASC and VRC, including predominantly temporal parameters. The second principal component (PC2) composed by spatial outcomes (stride and step length and walking speed) showed the highest effect size to differentiate functional status. PC1 and PC2 were able to differentiate functional status (higher functional capacity vs. lower functional capacity), regardless of falls history. In relation to the results of study 2, the spatiotemporal gait parameters were weakly associated with Mini-Mental State Examination general score and its subdomains (temporal and spatial orientation), irrespective of the walking speed (VASC and VRC). The regression model composed of spatiotemporal gait variables explained a significant fraction of the variation in cognitive status (from 28% to 31%). The stride length and step time were the best explanatory factors. It is concluded that higher levels of functional capacity and a preserved cognitive status are related to decreased risk of falls and great gait performance, mainly related to the spatiotemporal parameters, regardless of the walking speed

    Developing plant protection concepts for organic farming – results from research for practicioners

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    Die Ausweitung des Ökologischen Landbaus erfordert umfangreiche und praxisnahe Forschungen zur Ertragsstabilität. Dabei spielt die Gesunderhaltung der Pflanze und die Qualität der Ernteprodukte eine wichtige Rolle. In dem Beitrag wird die Bedeutung der Dauerfeldver­suche des Julius Kühn-Institutes in Dahnsdorf (Land Brandenburg) für diese Aufgabe dargestellt. Die Maßnahmen zur Unkrautkontrolle, zur Kartoffelkäferbekämpfung (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) und zur Kupferminimierung bei der Krautfäuleregulierung (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary) wurden im System einer für den Ökolandbau typischen Fruchtfolge und nach EU-Ökorichtlinien geprüft. Die Vorteile einer Bewirtschaftung im Ökolandbau auf die Bodenaktivität, Häufigkeit und Artenvielfalt der Insektengemeinschaften allgemein, konnte auch unter kleinräumigen Bedingungen eines Versuchsfeldes bestätigt werden.The expansion of organic farming requires intensive and applied research on yield stability. Plant health of the plant and the quality of the harvested products play an important role here. The article describes the importance of the long-term field trials of the Julius Kühn-Institut in Dahnsdorf (State of Brandenburg) for this task. The measures for weed control, for potato beetle control (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) and for copper minimization in the regulation of late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary) were tested in the system of a crop rota­tion typical for organic farming and according to EU orga­nic guidelines. The benefits of organic farming on soil activity, abundance and biodiversity of insect communities in general could be confirmed even under small-scale conditions of an experimental field

    A dispositional approach to psychological climate: relationships between interpersonal harmony motives and psychological climate for communication safety

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    This study examined the dispositional antecedents of a climate at the individual level, psychological climate for communication safety. The impact of two interpersonal harmony motives, harmony enhancement and disintegration avoidance, on psychological climate for communication safety, innovative performance and the moderated mediated processes associated with job autonomy were examined in a survey study in China. Results showed that harmony enhancement was positively related to innovative performance through psychological climate for communication safety. Moreover, job autonomy moderated the relationship between harmony motives and psychological climate for communication safety. Harmony enhancement was more strongly associated with psychological climate for communication safety when job autonomy was low. The relationship between disintegration avoidance and psychological climate for communication safety was positive when job autonomy was high, but negative when job autonomy was low. Conditional indirect effects consistent with these interaction effects were also found

    Non-invasive imaging in the diagnosis of acute viral myocarditis

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    Autopsy series of consecutive cases have demonstrated an incidence of myocarditis at approximately 1–10%; on the contrary, myocarditis is seriously underdiagnosed clinically. In a traditional view, the gold standard has been myocardial biopsy. However, it is generally specific but invasive and less sensitive, mostly because of the focal nature of the disease. Thus, non-invasive approaches to detect myocarditis are necessary. The traditional diagnostic tools are electrocardiography, laboratory values, especially troponin T or I, creatine kinase and echocardiography. For a long period, nuclear technique with indium-111 antimyosin antibody has been used as a diagnostic approach. In the last years, the use of this technique has declined because of radiation exposure and 48-h delay in obtaining imaging after injection to prevent blood pool effect. Thus, a non-invasive diagnostic approach without radiation and online image availability has been awaited. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging has these promising characteristics. With this technique, it is possible to analyse inflammation, oedema and necrosis in addition to functional parameters such as left ventricular function, regional wall motion and dimensions. Thus, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging has emerged as the most important imaging tool in the diagnostic procedure and the review focus on this field. But there are also advances in echocardiography and computer tomography, which are described in detail

    Energy Management of People in Organizations: A Review and Research Agenda

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    Although energy is a concept that is implied in many motivational theories, is hardly ever explicitly mentioned or researched. The current article first relates theories and research findings that were thus far not explicitly related to energy. We describe theories such as flow, subjective well-being, engagement and burn-out, and make the link with energy more explicit. Also, we make a first link between personality characteristics and energy, and describe the role of leadership in unleashing followers’ energy. Following, we identify how the topic of energy management can be profitably incorporated in research from a scientific as well as a practitioner viewpoint. Finally, we describe several interventions to enhance energy in individuals and organizations

    Die bewegte Schule unter dem Blickwinkel der Nachhaltigkeit - Identifikation von Gelingensbedingungen für die langfristige erfolgreiche Implementation des bewegungspädagogischen Konzeptes an sächsischen Schulen

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    Das Konzept der bewegten Schule in Sachsen wird seit Mitte der 90er Jahre erfolgreich an sächsischen Schulen implementiert. Die Dissertationsschrift gibt Auskünfte über Gelingensbedingungen für die Nachhaltigkeit des Konzeptes, um es langfristig an den Bildungseinrichtungen aufrecht zu erhalten