8,570 research outputs found

    From Topology to Generalised Dimensional Reduction

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    In the usual procedure for toroidal Kaluza-Klein reduction, all the higher-dimensional fields are taken to be independent of the coordinates on the internal space. It has recently been observed that a generalisation of this procedure is possible, which gives rise to lower-dimensional ``massive'' supergravities. The generalised reduction involves allowing gauge potentials in the higher dimension to have an additional linear dependence on the toroidal coordinates. In this paper, we show that a much wider class of generalised reductions is possible, in which higher-dimensional potentials have additional terms involving differential forms on the internal manifold whose exterior derivatives yield representatives of certain of its cohomology classes. We consider various examples, including the generalised reduction of M-theory and type II strings on K3, Calabi-Yau and 7-dimensional Joyce manifolds. The resulting massive supergravities support domain-wall solutions that arise by the vertical dimensional reduction of higher-dimensional solitonic p-branes and intersecting p-branes.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, no figures, typo corrected, reference added and discussion of duality extende

    Measuring the health effects of air pollution : to what extent can we really say people are dying from bad air?

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    Estimation of the effects of environmental impacts is a major focus of current theoretical and policy research in environmental economics. Such estimates are used to set regulatory standards for pollution exposure; design appropriate environmental protection and damage mitigation strategies; guide the assessment of environmental impacts; and measure public willingness to pay for environmental amenities. It is a truism that the effectiveness of such strategies depends crucially on the quality of the estimates used to inform them. However, this paper argues that in respect to at least one area of the empirical literature - the estimation of the health impacts of air pollution using daily time series data - existing estimates are questionable and thus have limited relevance for environmental decision-making. By neglecting the issue of model uncertainty - or which models, among the myriad of possible models researchers should choose from to estimate health effects - most studies overstate confidence in their chosen model and underestimate the evidence from other models, thereby greatly enhancing the risk of obtaining uncertain and inaccurate results. This paper discusses the importance of model uncertainty for accurate estimation of the health effects of air pollution and demonstrates its implications in an exercise that models pollution-mortality impacts using a new and comprehensive data set for Toronto, Canada. The main empirical finding of the paper is that standard deviations for air pollution-mortality impacts become very large when model uncertainty is incorporated into the analysis. Indeed they become so large as to question the plausibility of previously measured links between air pollution and mortality. Although applied to the estimation of the effects of air pollution, the general message of this paper - that proper treatment of model uncertainty critically determines the accuracy of the resulting estimates - applies to many studies that seek to estimate environmental effects

    Euclidean-signature Supergravities, Dualities and Instantons

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    We study the Euclidean-signature supergravities that arise by compactifying D=11 supergravity or type IIB supergravity on a torus that includes the time direction. We show that the usual T-duality relation between type IIA and type IIB supergravities compactified on a spatial circle no longer holds if the reduction is performed on the time direction. Thus there are two inequivalent Euclidean-signature nine-dimensional maximal supergravities. They become equivalent upon further spatial compactification to D=8. We also show that duality symmetries of Euclidean-signature supergravities allow the harmonic functions of any single-charge or multi-charge instanton to be rescaled and shifted by constant factors. Combined with the usual diagonal dimensional reduction and oxidation procedures, this allows us to use the duality symmetries to map any single-charge or multi-charge p-brane soliton, or any intersection, into its near-horizon regime. Similar transformations can also be made on non-extremal p-branes. We also study the structures of duality multiplets of instanton and (D-3)-brane solutions.Comment: Latex, 50 pages, typos corrected and references adde

    U-duality as General Coordinate Transformations, and Spacetime Geometry

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    We show that the full global symmetry groups of all the D-dimensional maximal supergravities can be described in terms of the closure of the internal general coordinate transformations of the toroidal compactifications of D=11 supergravity and of type IIB supergravity, with type IIA/IIB T-duality providing an intertwining between the two pictures. At the quantum level, the part of the U-duality group that corresponds to the surviving discretised internal general coordinate transformations in a given picture leaves the internal torus invariant, while the part that is not described by internal general coordinate transformations can have the effect of altering the size or shape of the internal torus. For example, M-theory compactified on a large torus T^n can be related by duality to a compactification on a small torus, if and only if n\ge 3. We also discuss related issues in the toroidal compactification of the self-dual string to D=4. An appendix includes the complete results for the toroidal reduction of the bosonic sector of type IIB supergravity to arbitrary dimensions D\ge3.Comment: Latex, 28 page

    Development and Evaluation of a Standard Weight (W\u3csub\u3es\u3c/sub\u3e) Equation for Blue Catfish

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    Using a data set composed of 33 populations from six states, we employed the regression-linepercentile technique to develop a standard weight equation for blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus and validated it with an independent data set composed of 43 populations from 10 states. The equation is log10Ws=-6.067+ 3.400 log10TL, where Ws is standard weight in grams and TL is total length in millimeters. The English-unit equivalent (pounds and inches) is log10Ws=-3.950+ 3.400 log10TL. The equation is valid for blue catfish 160 mm (approximately 6 in) TL and longer. Relative weight (Wr) values computed with this equation did not exhibit any systematic length bias

    Harmonic superpositions of non-extremal p-branes

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    The plot of allowed p and D values for p-brane solitons in D-dimensional supergravity is the same whether the solitons are extremal or non-extremal. One of the useful tools for relating different points on the plot is vertical dimensional reduction, which is possible if periodic arrays of p-brane solitons can be constructed. This is straightforward for extremal p-branes, since the no-force condition allows arbitrary multi-centre solutions to be constructed in terms of a general harmonic function on the transverse space. This has also been shown to be possible in the special case of non-extremal black holes in D=4 arrayed along an axis. In this paper, we extend previous results to include multi-scalar black holes, and dyonic black holes. We also consider their oxidation to higher dimensions, and we discuss general procedures for constructing the solutions, and studying their symmetries.Comment: Latex, 23 page

    Induced W∞W_\infty Gravity as a WZNW Model

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    We derive the explicit form of the Wess-Zumino quantum effective action of chiral \Winf-symmetric system of matter fields coupled to a general chiral \Winf-gravity background. It is expressed as a geometric action on a coadjoint orbit of the deformed group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms on cylinder whose underlying Lie algebra is the centrally-extended algebra of symbols of differential operators on the circle. Also, we present a systematic derivation, in terms of symbols, of the "hidden" SL(\infty;\IR) Kac-Moody currents and the associated SL(\infty;\IR) Sugawara form of energy-momentum tensor component T++T_{++} as a consequence of the SL(\infty;\IR) stationary subgroup of the relevant \Winf coadjoint orbit

    X-ray observations of highly obscured τ_(9.7 μm) > 1 sources: an efficient method for selecting Compton-thick AGN?

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    Observations with the IRS spectrograph onboard Spitzer have found many sources with very deep Si features at 9.7 μm, that have optical depths of τ > 1. Since it is believed that a few of these systems in the local Universe are associated with Compton-thick active galactic nuclei (hereafter AGN), we set out to investigate whether the presence of a strong Si absorption feature is a good indicator of a heavily obscured AGN. We compile X-ray spectroscopic observations available in the literature on the optically-thick (τ_(9.7 μm) > 1) sources from the 12 μm IRAS Seyfert sample. We find that the majority of the high-τ optically confirmed Seyferts (six out of nine) in the 12 μm sample are probably Compton-thick. Thus, we provide direct evidence of a connection between mid-IR optically-thick galaxies and Compton-thick AGN, with the success rate being close to 70% in the local Universe. This is at least comparable to, if not better than, other rates obtained with photometric information in the mid to far-IR, or even mid-IR to X-rays. However, this technique cannot provide complete Compton-thick AGN samples, i.e., there are many Compton-thick AGN that do not display significant Si absorption, with the most notable example being NGC1068. After assessing the validity of the high 9.7 μm optical-depth technique in the local Universe, we attempt to construct a sample of candidate Compton-thick AGN at higher redshifts. We compile a sample of seven high-τ Spitzer sources in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) and five in the Spitzer First-Look Survey. All these have been selected to have no PAH features (EW_(6.2 μm) 10^(42) erg s^(−1)) of the detected GOODS sources corroborates that these are AGN. For FLS, ancillary optical spectroscopy reveals hidden nuclei in two more sources. SED fitting can support the presence of an AGN in the vast majority of sources. Owing to the limited photon statistics, we cannot derive useful constraints from X-ray spectroscopy on whether these sources are Compton-thick. However, the low L_(X)/L_(6 μm) luminosity ratios, suggest that at least four out of the six detected sources in GOODS may be associated with Compton-thick AGN
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