2,119 research outputs found

    Multicellular Crosstalk Between Exosomes and the Neurovascular Unit After Cerebral Ischemia. Therapeutic Implications

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    Restorative strategies after stroke are focused on the remodeling of cerebral endothelial cells and brain parenchymal cells. The latter, i.e., neurons, neural precursor cells and glial cells, synergistically interact with endothelial cells in the ischemic brain, providing a neurovascular unit (NVU) remodeling that can be used as target for stroke therapies. Intercellular communication and signaling within the NVU, the multicellular brain-vessel-blood interface, including its highly selective blood-brain barrier, are fundamental to the central nervous system homeostasis and function. Emerging research designates cell-derived extracellular vesicles and especially the nano-sized exosomes, as a complex mean of cell-to-cell communication, with potential use for clinical applications. Through their richness in active molecules and biological information (e.g., proteins, lipids, genetic material), exosomes contribute to intercellular signaling, a condition particularly required in the central nervous system. Cerebral endothelial cells, perivascular astrocytes, pericytes, microglia and neurons, all part of the NVU, have been shown to release and uptake exosomes. Also, exosomes cross the blood-brain and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers, allowing communication between periphery and brain, in normal and disease conditions. As such exosomes might be a powerful diagnostic tool and a promising therapeutic shuttle of natural nanoparticles, but also a means of disease spreading (e.g., immune system modulation, pro-inflammatory action, propagation of neurodegenerative factors). This review highlights the importance of exosomes in mediating the intercellular crosstalk within the NVU and reveals the restorative therapeutic potential of exosomes harvested from multipotent mesenchymal stem cells in ischemic stroke, a frequent neurologic condition lacking an efficient therapy

    Mechanical and electrical properties of the solid sapropel

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    In this paper are explored the mechanical (ultimate compression strength, ultimate strain, Young’s modulus, hardness) and the electrical (relative permittivity, specific electrical resistance, quality factor, their dependence on the electric field frequency in the range till 1MHz) properties of the solid sapropel. For the researches are used samples from the solid, monolith sapropel (obtained in the drying process) and samples from the sapropel powder that are pressed with a different force; before the measurements, a part of these samples were heated. There is explored the dependence of the relative permittivity on temperature. Are explored the methods for the forming of the products from the solid sapropel powder

    The relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and psychiatric disorders: from molecular changes to clinical manifestations

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional syndrome characterized by chronic abdominal pain accompanied by altered bowel habits. Although generally considered a functional disorder, there is now substantial evidence that IBS is associated with a poor quality of life and significant negative impact on work and social domains. Neuroimaging studies documented changes in the prefrontal cortex, ventro-lateral and posterior parietal cortex and thalami, and implicate alteration of brain circuits involved in attention, emotion and pain modulation. Emerging data reveals the interaction between psychiatric disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia and IBS, which suggests that this association should not be ignored when developing strategies for screening and treatment. Psychological, social and genetic factors appear to be important in the development of IBS symptomatology through several mechanisms: alteration of HPA axis modulation, enhanced perception of visceral stimuli or psychological vulnerability. Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of IBS with or without psychiatric comorbidities is crucial for elucidating the pathophysiology and for the identification of new therapeutical targets in IBS

    Vasculature Remodeling in a Rat Model of Cerebral Ischemia. The Fate of the BrdU-Labeled Cells Prior to Stroke

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    Despite the clinical significance of post-stroke angiogenesis, a detailed phenotypic analysis of pre-stroke vascular remodeling and post-stroke angiogenesis had not yet been done in a model of focal ischemia. In this study, using BrdU-labeling of proliferating cells and immunofluorescence of pre- and post-stroke rats, we found that, (i) BrdU administered before stroke was incorporated preferentially into the nuclei of endothelial cells lining the lumen of existing blood vessels and newly born neurons in the dentate gyrus but not in the subventricular zone or proliferating microglia, (ii) BrdU injection prior to stroke led to the patchy distribution of the newly incorporated endothelial cells into existing blood vessels of the adult rat brain, (iii) BrdU injection prior to stroke specifically labeled neuronal precursors cells in a region of soft tissue beyond the inhibitory scar, which seems to be permissive to regenerative events, (iv) BrdU injection after stroke led to labeling of endothelial cells crossing or detaching from the disintegrating blood vessels and their incorporation into new blood vessels in the stroke region, scar tissue and the region beyond, (v) BrdU injection after stroke led to specific incorporation of BrdU-positive nuclei into the “pinwheel” architecture of the ventricular epithelium, (vi) blood vessels in remote areas relative to the infarct core and in the contralateral non-lesioned cortex, showed co-labeled BrdU/RECA+ endothelial cells shortly after the BrdU injection, which strongly suggests a bone marrow origin of the endothelial cells. In the damaged cortex, a BrdU/prolyl 4-hydroxylase beta double labeling in the close proximity to collagen IV-labeled basement membrane, suggests that, in addition to bone marrow derived endothelial cells, the disintegrating vascular wall itself could also be a source of proliferating endothelial cells, (vii) By day 28 after stroke, new blood vessels were observed in the perilesional area and the scar tissue region, which is generally considered to be resistant to regenerative events. Finally, (viii) vigorous angiogenesis was also detected in a region of soft tissue, also called “islet of regeneration,” located next to the inhibitory scar.Conclusion: BrdU administered prior to, and after stroke, allows to investigate brain vasculature remodeling in the adult brain

    Microglial morphology in the somatosensory cortex across lifespan. A quantitative study.

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    Microglia are long-lived cells that constantly monitor their microenvironment. To accomplish this task, they constantly change their morphology both in the short and long term under physiological conditions. This makes the process of quantifying physiological microglial morphology difficult. By using a semi-manual and a semi-automatic method to assess fine changes in cortical microglia morphology, we were able to quantify microglia changes in number, surveillance and branch tree starting from the fifth postnatal day to 2 years of life. We were able to identify a fluctuating behavior of most analyzed parameters characterized by a rapid cellular maturation, followed by a long period of relative stable morphology during the adult life with a final convergence to an aged phenotype. Detailed cellular arborization analysis revealed age-induced differences in microglia morphology, with mean branch length and the number of terminal processes changing constantly over time. Our study provides insight into microglia morphology changes across lifespan under physiological conditions. We were able to highlight, that due to the dynamic nature of microglia several morphological parameters are needed to establish the physiological state of these cells

    Microglial morphology in the somatosensory cortex across lifespan. A quantitative study

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    Background: Microglia are long-lived cells that constantly monitor their microenvironment. To accomplish this task, they constantly change their morphology both in the short and long term under physiological conditions. This makes the process of quantifying physiological microglial morphology difficult. Results: By using a semi-manual and a semi-automatic method to assess fine changes in cortical microglia morphology, we were able to quantify microglia changes in number, surveillance and branch tree starting from the fifth postnatal day to 2 years of life. We were able to identify a fluctuating behavior of most analyzed parameters characterized by a rapid cellular maturation, followed by a long period of relative stable morphology during the adult life with a final convergence to an aged phenotype. Detailed cellular arborization analysis revealed age-induced differences in microglia morphology, with mean branch length and the number of terminal processes changing constantly over time. Conclusions: Our study provides insight into microglia morphology changes across lifespan under physiological conditions. We were able to highlight, that due to the dynamic nature of microglia several morphological parameters are needed to establish the physiological state of these cells

    Nanodrugs for the treatment of ischemic stroke: A systematic review

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    Ischemic stroke, a significant neurovascular disorder, currently lacks effective restorative medication. However, recently developed nanomedicines bring renewed promise for alleviating ischemia’s effects and facilitating the healing of neurological and physical functions. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the efficacy of nanotherapies in animal models of stroke and their potential impact on future stroke therapies. We also assessed the scientific quality of current research focused on nanoparticle-based treatments for ischemic stroke in animal models. We summarized the effectiveness of nanotherapies in these models, considering multiple factors such as their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and angiogenetic properties, as well as their safety and biodistribution. We conclude that the application of nanomedicines may reduce infarct size and improve neurological function post-stroke without causing significant organ toxicity.University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova ; European Social Fun

    Up-regulation of serotonin receptor 2B mRNA and protein in the peri-infarcted area of aged rats and stroke patients.

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    Despite the fact that a high proportion of elderly stroke patients develop mood disorders, the mechanisms underlying late-onset neuropsychiatric and neurocognitive symptoms have so far received little attention in the field of neurobiology. In rodents, aged animals display depressive symptoms following stroke, whereas young animals recover fairly well. This finding has prompted us to investigate the expression of serotonin receptors 2A and 2B, which are directly linked to depression, in the brains of aged and young rats following stroke. Although the development of the infarct was more rapid in aged rats in the first 3 days after stroke, by day 14 the cortical infarcts were similar in size in both age groups i.e. 45% of total cortical volume in young rats and 55.7% in aged rats. We also found that the expression of serotonin receptor type B mRNA was markedly increased in the perilesional area of aged rats as compared to the younger counterparts. Furthermore, histologically, HTR2B protein expression in degenerating neurons was closely associated with activated microglia both in aged rats and human subjects. Treatment with fluoxetine attenuated the expression of Htr2B mRNA, stimulated post-stroke neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and was associated with an improved anhedonic behavior and an increased activity in the forced swim test in aged animals. We hypothesize that HTR2B expression in the infarcted territory may render degenerating neurons susceptible to attack by activated microglia and thus aggravate the consequences of stroke

    Long-term treatment with chloroquine increases lifespan in middle-aged male mice possibly via autophagy modulation, proteasome inhibition and glycogen metabolism

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    Previous studies have shown that the polyamine spermidine increased the maximum life span in C. elegans and the median life span in mice. Since spermidine increases autophagy, we asked if treatment with chloroquine, an inhibitor of autophagy, would shorten the lifespan of mice. Recently, chloroquine has intensively been discussed as a treatment option for COVID-19 patients. To rule out unfavorable long-term effects on longevity, we examined the effect of chronic treatment with chloroquine given in the drinking water on the lifespan and organ pathology of male middle-aged NMRI mice. We report that, surprisingly, daily treatment with chloroquine extended the median life span by 11.4% and the maximum life span of the middle-aged male NMRI mice by 11.8%. Subsequent experiments show that the chloroquine-induced lifespan elevation is associated with dose-dependent increase in LC3B-II, a marker of autophagosomes, in the liver and heart that was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. Quite intriguingly, chloroquine treatment was also associated with a decrease in glycogenolysis in the liver suggesting a compensatory mechanism to provide energy to the cell. Accumulation of autophagosomes was paralleled by an inhibition of proteasome-dependent proteolysis in the liver and the heart as well as with decreased serum levels of insulin growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3), a protein associated with longevity. We propose that inhibition of proteasome activity in conjunction with an increased number of autophagosomes and decreased levels of IGFBP3 might play a central role in lifespan extension by chloroquine in male NMRI mice.UEFISCDI (EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme), Consiliul National al Cercetarii Stiintifice (CNCS), Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii (UEFISCDI