50 research outputs found

    Students Designing ICT Support for Collaborative Learning in Practice

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    The Recent Past and Possible Futures of Citizen Science: Final Remarks

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/173349This book is the culmination of the COST Action CA15212 Citizen Science to Promote Creativity, Scientific Literacy, and Innovation throughout Europe. It represents the final stage of a shared journey taken over the last 4 years. During this relatively short period, our citizen science practices and perspectives have rapidly evolved. The COST Action started in 2016, when citizen science was gaining momentum in Europe and worldwide. The first international citizen science conference took place in San JosĂ©, California, in 2012. This period also saw the foundation of citizen science organisations, such as the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) at the Museum fĂŒr Naturkunde Berlin, in 2014. These milestones were not isolated events in the evolution of citizen science. There was a confluence of factors on multiple levels: globally, nationally, and locally. There was a sense of urgency to find common spaces to discuss the widespread flourishing of citizen science practices. These factors led to the formation of the citizen science COST Action. The impetus for citizen science in Europe over the last few years is partially indebted to the activities and interactions of this COST Action. This has offered a panoramic view of new initiatives, recently built digital platforms, and ongoing hot topic debates in the citizen science community of practitioners. It also helped spark several European-funded projects. The most relevant example is EU-Citizen. Science, a coordination and support platform launched in 2019. Its goal is to become the European reference point for citizen science, through cross-network knowledge sharing on a multi-language repository website with access to projects and resources for all stakeholders...

    Editorial: The Science of Citizen Science Evolves

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/173349Citizen science broadly refers to the active engagement of the general public in scientific research tasks. Citizen science is a growing practice in which scientists and citizens collaborate to produce new knowledge for science and society. Although citizen science has been around for centuries, the term citizen science was coined in the 1990s and has gained popularity since then. Recognition of citizen science is growing in the fields of science, policy, and education and in wider society. It is establishing itself as a field of research and a field of practice, increasing the need for overarching insights, standards, vocabulary, and guidelines. In this editorial chapter we outline how this book is providing an overview of the field of citizen science

    DigiTranScope: the governance of digitally-transformed society

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    This volume presents the key outcomes and research findings of the Digitranscope research project of the European Commission Joint Research Centre. The project set out to explore during the period 2017-2020 the challenges and opportunities that the digital transformation is posing to the governance of society. We focused our attention on the governance of data as a key aspect to understand and shape the governance of society. Data is a key resource in the digital economy, and control over the way it is generated, collected, aggregated, and value is extracted and distributed in society is crucial. We have explored the increasing awareness about the strategic importance of data and emerging governance models to distribute the value generated more equitably in society. These findings have contributed to the new policy orientation in Europe on technological and data sovereignty and the sharing of data for the public interest. The digital transformation, the rise of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things offer also new opportunities for new forms of policy design, implementation, and assessment providing more personalised support to those who need it and being more participative throughout the policy cycle. The use of digital twins, gaming, simulation, and synthetic data are just at their beginning but promise to change radically the relationships among all the stakeholders in governance of our society

    DigiTranScope: some key findings

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    Digitranscope originated from the JRC Strategy 20301. The strategy identified ten strategic topics on which the JRC should concentrate to anticipate future policy requests. One of these topics was ‘Data and Digital Transformation’, to which the JRC set up two initiatives: the first being a transversal project on ‘Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation’, the second being a CAS research project on digital transformation, which was to be more exploratory in nature. The CAS project originally proposed to address two key issues: i) how the information glut triggered by digital transformation reverses the cognitive balance between humans and machines, and ii) the impact of digital information technology on the rules and institutions that guide modern societies. This proposal therefore led to the establishment of two projects in 2017: ‘Human behaviour and machine intelligence’ (HUMAINT)2 and our project, ‘Digital transformation and the governance of human society’ (Digitranscope)

    DigiTranScope: some key findings

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    Digitranscope originated from the JRC Strategy 20301. The strategy identified ten strategic topics on which the JRC should concentrate to anticipate future policy requests. One of these topics was ‘Data and Digital Transformation’, to which the JRC set up two initiatives: the first being a transversal project on ‘Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation’, the second being a CAS research project on digital transformation, which was to be more exploratory in nature. The CAS project originally proposed to address two key issues: i) how the information glut triggered by digital transformation reverses the cognitive balance between humans and machines, and ii) the impact of digital information technology on the rules and institutions that guide modern societies. This proposal therefore led to the establishment of two projects in 2017: ‘Human behaviour and machine intelligence’ (HUMAINT)2 and our project, ‘Digital transformation and the governance of human society’ (Digitranscope)


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    Esta revisĂŁo narrativa tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir a relevĂąncia dos estudos desenvolvidos no Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Gerontologia da Universidade Federal de SĂŁo Carlos (PPGGero/UFSCar). Os dados foram coletados na disciplina “SeminĂĄrios Avançados em Gerontologia”, em que os docentes autores apresentaram suas linhas de pesquisa, as quais foram compiladas pelos discentes autores. Os resultados desta revisĂŁo apresentam os estudos realizados em um programa interdisciplinar de mestrado acadĂȘmico que possui duas linhas de pesquisa denominadas: 1) SaĂșde, Biologia e Envelhecimento; e 2) GestĂŁo, Tecnologia e Inovação em Gerontologia. Os estudos se inserem em diversas temĂĄticas da ĂĄrea do envelhecimento, que se articulam entre ambas as linhas de pesquisa do programa. Na linha 1 destacam-se estudos relacionados Ă  cognição, Ă  demĂȘncia e suas consequĂȘncias aos pacientes e cuidadores, bem como a pesquisas relacionadas ao seu diagnĂłstico e cuidado. Destacam-se tambĂ©m pesquisas epidemiolĂłgicas e aquelas relacionadas a condiçÔes ou doenças comuns no envelhecimento, como dor crĂŽnica, osteoartrite e, mais recentemente, a infecçÔes em idosos, incluindo a COVID-19. Na linha 2 destacam-se pesquisas relacionadas a tecnologias assistivas voltadas aos idosos, bem como estratĂ©gias de marketing e polĂ­ticas de atenção para esse pĂșblico. É notĂłrio que a multidimensionalidade de abordagens das questĂ”es do envelhecimento exige enfoque multidisciplinar sobre um contexto de excelĂȘncia acadĂȘmica. Assim, conclui-se que as pesquisas do PPGGero/UFSCar, ao abrangerem vĂĄrias ĂĄreas do conhecimento – as quais permeiam as ciĂȘncias humanas, biolĂłgicas, sociais e exatas no contexto de tecnologia e inovação –, promovem a formação de mestres e pesquisadores que contribuem para a produção de conhecimento em Gerontologia no paĂ­s

    Investigating the potential uptake of e-research within a social science discipline: socio-technical issues within library & information science

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    We present preliminary findings from a case study of a social science collaborative project involving professionals, faculty members and graduate students. Employing actor-network theory to inform the use of interviews and text analysis, we studied the interplay between socio-technical aspects of work organization and the activities of the actors. Although the study is at an initial stage, we report three main findings: the low level of institutional support was compensated by high autonomy of action and expertise of project members; an artifact had consequences for collocated and remote collaboration; the lack of institutional intellectual property ownership provided flexibility. We conclude that the case shows how e-research and virtual research environments can benefit graduate students, professionals and non-elite researchers, who may have fewer opportunities to travel and engage in research work together