53,398 research outputs found

    Development of pre-service mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge and identity in working with information and communication technology

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    This paper describes the work undertaken in a course in communication and information technology in a pre-service program for secondary school mathematics teachers. This course aimed to help pre-service teachers develop a positive attitude regarding ICT and use it confidently. It focused on the exploration of educational software and of the Internet’s potential as a means of research and production of web sites. We discuss how the pre-service mathematics teachers evaluate their work concerning their commitment, difficulties they found, learning they identified, and personal relationship. We also analyse the effects of the course on the development of their professional knowledge and identity

    Regional Perspective of Recuay Mortuary Practices: A View from the Hinterlands, Callejón De Huaylas, Peru

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    Archaeological investigations of burial chambers in the north-central highlands of Peru constitute the corpus of this thesis. Most of the stone structures correspond chronologically and culturally to the Recuay Tradition, a time span of 100 to 800 CE. The study area is located in the Cordillera Negra of the Callejón de Huaylas basin (Ancash Department). CRM projects developed in the impact zone of the Pierina mine have contributed valuable information on the mortuary practices of a Recuay agro-pastoral community. This thesis relied on grave goods inventories, osteological analysis, and types of stone architecture in the burial chamber. Data from this community is compared to a sample from the Cordillera Blanca, situated at the eastern side of the Callejón de Huaylas. While the Cordillera Blanca tombs show evidence of high quality tomb construction and grave goods associated with chiefly groups, the Cordillera Negra tombs do not. This thesis investigates the possible explanations of the differences. After 700 CE, both areas suffered transformations with the intrusive presence of Wari-related materials and the increase of inter-regional interaction. At the same time, cultural change occurred in tomb construction to above-ground mausoleums (chullpas). Since the pioneering studies of J.C. Tello (1929) and W.C. Bennett (1944), no other study of Recuay burial practices has been carried out at regional scale. Basic information per burial chamber reaffirm mortuary customs in the area, and help to define the characteristics of Recuay funerary practices

    Building Resilience in Closed-Loop Supply Chains through Information-Sharing Mechanisms

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    In this paper we reflect on the role of information sharing on increasing the resilience of supply chains. Specifically, we highlight the lack of studies addressing this relevant topic in closed-loop supply chains. Then, we introduce the works covered by the Special Issue “Information Sharing on Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains” to investigate the relationships between information sharing and resilience in sustainable supply chains.Universidad de Sevilla V PPIT-USDICAR-UniCT (Dpto. Ing. Civil y Arqu. Univ. Catania) Plan de investigación Departamental 2016-201

    Investigating mathematical investigations

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    There are good reasons why we may involve the students in doing mathematics investigations. Recent curricula encourage this sort of activity but we notice that its application in the classroom is not a simple matter. We discuss the issues that arise when students are presented with investigative tasks, with special interest in the dynamics of the classroom and in the role of the teacher. Our aim is to derive suggestions for classroom practice as well as for further research and teacher development

    Using ICT to support reflection in pre-service mathematics teacher education

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    This paper analyses a virtual supervision setting (e-mail and forum) during the practicum in a pre-service secondary school mathematics teacher education program. It is a study of the authors’ own professional practice using a qualitative-interpretative approach and case studies of student teachers. The results show that the setting was significant for pre-service teachers who had a more reflective attitude, but was seen as a burden by the others. The forum enabled fruitful reflections and discussions and e-mail was mostly used for organizational matters. In the future, attention must be paid to the role of the educational supervisor in fostering participation in the forum and use of e-mail.Este artigo analisa um dispositivo de supervisão virtual (e-mail e fórum) durante o estágio num curso de formação inicial de professores de Matemática do ensino secundário. É um estudo dos autores sobre a sua própria prática profissional usando uma abordagem qualitativa e interpretativa e estudos de casos de futuros professores. Os resultados mostram que o dispositivo foi significativo para os futuros professores que tinham uma atitude mais reflexiva mas foi visto como um “peso” pelos outros futuros professores. O fórum permitiu reflexões frutuosas e discussões e o e-mail foi principalmente usado para matérias organizacionais. No futuro, deve ser dada atenção ao papel do supervisor educacional em promover a participação no fórum e o uso do e-mail


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    Ao fim de uma década de seminários de investigação dedicados à apresentação de trabalhos empíricos e teóricos e à análise de temas específicos de educação matemática como a resolução de problemas, o currículo, os professores, etc., realizou-se em Portugal um encontro em que a investigação em educação matemática constituiu, ela própria, o tema central de debate. Aconteceu no VII Encontro de Investigação em Educação Matemática, iniciativa anual da Secção de Educação e Matemática da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação, que teve lugar em Mirandela em Abril de 1998 e envolveu cerca de cento e dez participantes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The electrical industry in Portugal : a strategy formulation analysis

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    This study intends to give an overview of the Portuguese electrical industry. The approach was based on the strategy concept, which conducted the analysis. The analysis done of the strategy concept had its focus on both the nature of this concept and its applicability within the economic world. This thesis concluded that strategy is a plan for the future. The study of the concept leads to the creation of models of analysis for business realities. The models used in this work were SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, and Porter’s Five Forces. These were the tools used in this work to approach the electrical industry in Portugal. The report concludes that government policies will have great importance in the industry’s future. It is assumed that the future of the industry will involve an investment in renewable energy, in the development of the grid, and in sustainable mobility, mainly through electrical energy. The main trends identified are decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization.Este trabalho pretende dar uma visão geral da indústria elétrica Portuguesa. A abordagem foi feita com base no conceito de estratégia, que guiou a análise. O conceito estratégia foi analisado numa tentativa de perceber o que é e qual a sua aplicabilidade no mundo empresarial. A conclusão é que estratégia é um plano para o futuro. O estudo do conceito levou à criação de modelos de analise para a realidade empresarial. Os modelos usados foram: análise SWOT, análise PEST, análise das cinco forças de Porter. Foi com estas ferramentas que abordei a indústria elétrica Portuguesa. As conclusões da análise foram que as políticas do governo serão muito importantes no futuro da indústria. É assumido que o futuro da indústria passará por um investimento na energia renovável, no desenvolvimento da rede e na mobilidade sustentável, através da energia elétrica. As principais tendências são descarbonização, descentralização e digitalização

    Teachers' and students' views and attitudes towards a new mathematics curriculum: A case study

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    The education system in Portugal is in the midst of a period of intensive reform. This paper describes the findings of a qualitative case study focusing on the views and attitudes of teachers and students participating in a pilot curriculum development programme stressing active methodologies and group work, conducted by the Ministry of Education In particular it discusses their views and attitudes about mathematics, mathematics teaching and curriculum innovation. The teachers were found to struggle with a contradiction: whilst they approved the new orientations, which were seen as adequate and innovative, they complained strongly about the design and implementation of the programme Students had a generally positive attitude towards mathematics, although there were differences among them. The 7th graders were satisfied with their mathematics classes and with the new curriculum. The 10th graders did not consider the changes as significant in themselves, but expressed concern for their academic progress

    O trabalho colaborativo e o desenvolvimento profissional do professor de Matemática

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    Este artigo relata um estudo cujo objectivo era identificar factores que influenciam o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores de Matemática, no quadro da realização de trabalhos colaborativos, em ligação directa com a prática lectiva. Entre 1993 e 1997, dois professores de Matemática do ensino secundário e um investigador trabalharam na concretização dos novos programas desta disciplina. As reuniões da equipa foram audio-gravadas e transcritas e as aulas observadas dos dois professores foram gravadas em vídeo e transcritas. Paralelamente ao trabalho lectivo e de reflexão sobre as aulas, foram elaborados pareceres sobre as orientações curriculares, preparadas e proferidas comunicações em encontros de professores e elaborados artigos para revistas de educação matemática. Os resultados do estudo reforçam a perspectiva que o desenvolvimento profissional é um processo que se realiza ao longo de períodos alargados de tempo e que a observação de aulas de outros professores constitui um poderoso ponto de partida para a reflexão sobre a prática profissional. Este estudo evidencia três factores susceptíveis de promover o desenvolvimento profissional: (i) o enquadramento favorável à experimentação e ao desenvolvimento profissional; (ii) o trabalho de equipa desenvolvido de forma reflexiva, segundo o ritmo, necessidades e interesse dos professores, no contexto natural do trabalho da escola; e (iii) o desejo de inovar e de fazer melhor

    A formação de professores e o Processo de Bolonha

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    O presente documento aborda o problema dos perfis, qualificação e estruturas de formação dos cursos de formação de professores e educadores de infância, tendo em vista a sua reorganização no quadro do Processo de Bolonha. A sua elaboração tem por base a experiência dos subscritores na formação de docentes no ensino universitário e politécnico, as posições expressas em anteriores documentos académicos e institucionais sobre formação de professores em Portugal e as opiniões emitidas pela comunidade académica desta área convidada a pronunciar-se oralmente e por escrito1