82 research outputs found

    SUSY Higgs bosons and beyond

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    We consider extensions of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) where the extra degrees of freedom interact weakly with the Higgs sector. These models allow to relax the tension between the lower bound on the lightest CP even Higgs mass from direct LEP searches and the theoretical upper bound of the MSSM. We study the beyond MSSM (BMSSM) effects via an effective field-theory approach, assuming that the MSSM is valid up to a heavy physics scale M. We compute the masses, couplings and branching fractions of the Higgs sector, including all the relevant corrections up to order 1/M^2. We find that the collider phenomenology can be greatly different with respect to both the SM and the MSSM.Comment: Contribution to the XVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, April 19 -23, 2010, Florence, Italy. 5 pages, 2 figure

    The Planck Scale from Top Condensation

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    We propose a scenario in which the Planck scale is dynamically linked to the electroweak scale induced by top condensation. The standard model field content, without the Higgs, is promoted to a 5D warped background. There is also an additional 5D fermion with the quantum numbers of the right-handed top. Localization of the zero-modes leads, at low energies, to a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model that also stabilizes the radion field dynamically thus explaining the hierarchy between the Planck scale and v_EW = 174 GeV. The top mass arises dynamically from the electroweak breaking condensate. The other standard model fermion masses arise naturally from higher-dimension operators, and the fermion mass hierarchies and flavor structure can be explained from the localization of the zero-modes in the extra dimension. If any other contributions to the radion potential except those directly related with electroweak symmetry breaking are engineered to be suppressed, the KK scale is predicted to be about two orders of magnitude above the electroweak scale rendering the model easily consistent with electroweak precision data. The model predicts a heavy (composite) Higgs with a mass of about 500 GeV and standard-model-like properties, and a vector-like quark with non-negligible mixing with the top quark and mass in the 1.6 - 2.9 TeV range. Both can be within the reach of the LHC. It also predicts a radion with a mass of a few GeV that is very weakly coupled to standard model matter.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures; added references, minor changes in the electroweak precision constraints section; final version in PR

    Electroweak phase transition, Higgs diphoton rate, and new heavy fermions

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    Estudio correlacionado de algunas características del girasol (Helianthus annuus) con tres niveles de fosforo y potasio en la zona de san pedro alejandrino.

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    El presente trabajo tuvo por finalidad observar el comportamiento del girasol (Helianthus annuus L.) al hacer un estudio correlacionado de algunas características con tres niveles de fósforo y potasio, en un suelo de textura Arcillo Arenoso en la zona de San Pedro Alejandrino (Granja de la Universidad del Magdalena) los resultados experimentales de los componentes rendimientos y demás características, al hacer el análisis estadístico indicaron efectos no significativos, las características en estudios son rendimiento promedio por parcela; 1: Número promedio de capítulos por parcela 2: Altura promedia de plantas por parcela; 3: Tiempo de maduración promedio por parcela. El análisis Fisicoquímico del suelo presenta una ligera alcalinidad con contenido bajo de Nitrógeno y bajo contenido de Carbón Orgánico La escasa precipitación en esta zona para la época de septiembre a diciembre en que se llevó a cabo el experimento dio lugar a emplear un riego por gravedad y a intervalos máximo de dos días, debido a la imperiosa necesidad del agua; además los factores como el viento (fuerte en esta zona) que lo obliga. La variedad en estudio fue la SUNGOLD enano doble, caracterizada por producir capítulos de tipo relleno con algunas segregaciones hacia la especie original; de plantas cuya altura no mayor de 1.60 metros producían hasta un promedio de 23 capítulos por planta en un período vegetativo de 86 días. Esta variedad se puede recomendar para explotación comercial de jardinería. Durante el cultivo no se presentó enfermedades fungosas de importancia económica, solo se observó ataques de comedores de follaje, haciéndose el control con dos aplicaciones de SEVIN 85 a intervalos de 18 días

    Electroweak constraints on warped models with custodial symmetry

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    It has been recently argued that realistic models with warped extra dimensions can have Kaluza-Klein particles accessible at the Large Hadron Collider if a custodial symmetry, SU(2)_V \times P_{LR}, is used to protect the T parameter and the coupling of the left-handed bottom quark to the Z gauge boson. In this article we emphasize that such a symmetry implies that the loop corrections to both the T parameter and the Z b_L \bar{b}_L coupling are calculable. In general, these corrections are correlated, can be sizable, and should be considered to determine the allowed parameter space region in models with warped extra dimensions and custodial symmetry, including Randall-Sundrum models with a fundamental Higgs, models of gauge-Higgs unification and Higgsless models. As an example, we derive the constraints that arise on a representative model of gauge-Higgs unification from a global fit to the precision electroweak observables. A scan over the parameter space typically leads to a lower bound on the Kaluza-Klein excitations of the gauge bosons of about 2-3 TeV, depending on the configuration. In the fermionic sector one can have Kaluza-Klein excitations with masses of a few hundred GeV. We present the constraints on these light fermions from recent Tevatron searches, and explore interesting discovery channels at the LHC.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figure

    Propuesta de implementación de un costeo abc en una empresa de confección, caso: Confecciones Miss Maleny

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    En la actualidad las empresas se encuentran en un entorno de constantes cambios por lo cual deben ser cada día más competitivas y flexibles. En donde la globalización juega un papel fundamental en las empresas, las mismas no pueden ignorar ya que al hacerlo tienen el riesgo de desaparecer, ahora los clientes son más exigentes, buscan recibir una mayor calidad en los productos y servicios, lo que las empresas deben doblar esfuerzos para entender las nuevas necesidades y tratar de ser satisfechas

    Proton Stability in Six Dimensions

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    We show that Lorentz and gauge invariance explain the long proton lifetime within the standard model in six dimensions. The baryon-number violating operators have mass dimension 15 or higher. Upon TeV-scale compactification of the two universal extra dimensions on a square T2/Z2T^2/Z_2 orbifold, a discrete subgroup of the 6-dimensional Lorentz group continues to forbid dangerous operators.Comment: PRL accepted versio

    Dirac gauginos, R symmetry and the 125 GeV Higgs

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    We study a supersymmetric scenario with a quasi exact R-symmetry in light of the discovery of a Higgs resonance with a mass of 125 GeV. In such a framework, the additional adjoint superfields, needed to give Dirac masses to the gauginos, contribute both to the Higgs mass and to electroweak precision observables. We analyze the interplay between the two aspects, finding regions in parameter space in which the contributions to the precision observables are under control and a 125 GeV Higgs boson can be accommodated. We estimate the fine-tuning of the model finding regions of the parameter space still unexplored by the LHC with a fine-tuning considerably improved with respect to the minimal supersymmetric scenario. In particular, sizable non-holomorphic (non-supersoft) adjoints masses are required to reduce the fine-tuning