622 research outputs found

    Communication as ethical facilitator

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    The purpose of the article is to offer a reflection on the ethical aspect of communication, more from a practised, experienced perspective than according to abstract models characterised by theoretical regulation and definition. Specifically, through references to the crisis of confidence that is currently sweeping Europe, it will attempt to show how communication can constitute a natural place for training and cooperative construction of new values and principles of ethical and moral regulation across the various fields of social activity, from the world of enterprise to that of institutions

    Trovarsi «alle soglie della vita»: Ingmar Bergman ri-letto da Sylvia Plath

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    This essay focuses on the generative encounter of Sylvia Plath with the movies of Ingmar Berg-man whose acquaintance with the labyinths of the psyche perfectly fits the inner chasms ex-plored by the poet. The lyrical play Three Women, produced by the BBC in 1962 and adapted for stage by Gabriele Salvatores in 1979, originates from Bergman’s movie Brink of Life, with a series of tonal variations which I account for in my intermedial reading

    QSAR analysis for the inhibition of the mutagenic activity by anthocyanin derivatives

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    Flavonoid compounds modulate the cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme activity and inhibit the mutagenic activity of mammalian cells, preventing carcinogen activation and cellular DNA damage. In this work, the quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) theory is applied to predict the cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition constant by anthocyanin derivatives. Different freely available software calculates 102,260 non-conformational molecular descriptors. A training set of 12 compounds is used to calibrate the best univariable linear regression models, while a test set of 4 compounds is used to explore their predictive capability. The present results are compared with previously reported ones by using 3D-QSAR, thus demonstrating that the proposed topological QSAR models achieve acceptable statistical quality. The proposed model provides a prospective QSAR guide for the search of new anthocyanin derivatives possessing high or low predicted mutagenicity.Fil: Szewczuk, Nicolas Alejadro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Duchowicz, Pablo Román. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Pomilio, Alicia Beatriz. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Asimmetrie del due. Di alcuni motivi scapigliati

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    Un attraversamento critico di alcuni dei principali temi della Scapigliatura lombarda

    Recuperação da difusão fonetica em individuos desdentados com emprego de proteses totais duplas confeccionadas com base na tecnica da zona neutra

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    Orientador: Moustafa Mohamed El-GuindyDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Embora o estudo da fala relacionada aos pacientes desdentados e reabilitados com Prótese Total Dupla possua vários trabalhos publicados, ainda não é considerado com a devida importância que merece, tanto em seu aspecto fisiológico como social e emocional. Utilizando Espectrografia foi analisada a intensidade dos sons da consoante "S" e das vogais "A", "E", "I" e "O" em 5 indivíduos brasileiros, do sexo masculino, com faixa etária de 40 a 76 anos, que nunca se utilizaram de prótese dental e que procuraram a Clinica de Prótese Total da Faculdade de Odontologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, para confeccionar dentaduras duplas. Trés espectrogramas foram feitos para cada indivíduo: um antes da instalação das dentaduras, outro 30 dias após o uso das mesmas e outro imediatamente após a remoção destas próteses. Aplicou-se aos dados obtidos análise estatistica de média das diferenças, desvio padrão e variância. A significância foi testada por meio do teste t. Como resultado obtldo da amostra estudada, determinamos que os valores de intensidade de som, na situação desdentado, reabilitado ou quando a prótese é removida, apresentam alterações estatisticamente signlficantes, agindo diretamente na qualidade da falaAbstract: Although several studies have been published about toothless patients rehabilitated with Double Total Prosthesis, this subject has not yet been fully considered as to its physiological, social or emotional aspects. By means of Spectrography, the intensity of sound of the consonant "5" and of the vowels "A", "E", " I" , and "O" was analyzed in five Brazilian male individuals, ages ranging from 40 to 76, who had never made use of dental prosthesis before and who had sought the Total Prosthesis Clinic of the Odontology College at Pontificia Universidade Católica de Campinas to have double dentures made. Three spectrograms were made for each individual: one before the dentures were set, one after 30 days of their use, and another immediately after their removal. A statistic analysis of differences average, standard deviation and variation was applied to the data obtained. Significancy was tested through Teste t. From the studied sample we found that the values concernlng sound intensity in the three different conditions toothless, rehabilitated and after prosthesis removal - show statlstically significant alterations, directly interfering with the quality of speechMestradoFisiologia e Biofisica do Sistema EstomatognaticoMestre em Ciência

    Hierro en el embarazo

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    En el embarazo el requerimiento de este mineral se encuentra aumentado, debido a los requerimientos del feto, al crecimiento de los órganos de reproducción, y a la expansión de la masa sanguínea materna. Durante el primer trimestre los requerimientos son menores debido o la cesación de las menstruaciones, pero a partir de la semana 16ª, la expansión de la masa de glóbulos rojos y la volemia materna aumentan los requerimientos notablemente; a partir de entonces la necesidad de hierro aumenta linealmente hasta el fin de la gestación ya que en el tercer trimestre aumenta la eritropoyesis y la placenta acumula hierro

    Toxic Chemical Compounds of the Solanaceae

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    The Solanaceae is comprised of some 2500 species of cosmopolitan plants, especially native to the American continent. They have great value as food, like the well-known potato, tomato and eggplants, and medicines, like species of Atropa, Withania and Physalis, but many plants of this family are toxic, and sometimes lethal to mammals, in particular to man. Some of them also produce hallucinations and perceptual changes. The toxic species of this family are characterized by the occurrence of a variety of chemical compounds, some of which are responsible for the toxicity and lethality observed after ingestion, while others are suspected to be toxic. In this review, the following toxic compounds belonging to different members of the Solanaceae family are described: Tropane alkaloids (Atropa, Datura, Hyoscyamus, Mandragora); pyrrolidine and pyrrolic alkaloids (Nierembergia, Physalis, Solanum); protoalkaloids (Nierembergia); glycoalkaloids (Lycopersicon, Solanum); nicotine (Nicotiana); cardenolides (Cestrum, Nierembergia); capsaicinoids (Capsicum); kaurene-type tetracyclic diterpenes (Cestrum); steroidal glycosides (Cestrum, Solanum); 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and vitamin D3 (Cestrum, Solanum, Nierembergia); and withasteroids, withanolides (Withania), and physalins (Physalis). Other bioactive chemical constituents of members of this family are sugar esters and lectins. Phenylpropanoids are not included in this paper.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    High-Voltage Resonant Converter with Extreme Load Variation: Design Criteria and Applications

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    The power converter that feeds high-frequency, high-voltage transformers must be carefully designed due to parasitic components, mainly the secondary winding capacitance and the leakage inductance, that introduces resonances in relatively low-frequency range, next to the switching frequency. This paper considers applications in which the load (resistive) has an unpredictable behavior, changing from open to short-circuit condition faster than the output voltage control loop could react. In this context, to avoid over voltage and over current situations, that could damage the converter, the transformer or the load, it is necessary to find an operation point that assure the desired output voltage in spite of the load condition. This can done adjusting the frequency response of the transformer adding an external inductance, together with selecting the switching frequency to get stable output voltage independently of the load

    Conversor Cc-ca Trifásico Com Comutação Em Baixa Frequência E Baixa Distorção HarmÈnica

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    Conversor CC-CA trifásico com comutação em baixa frequência e baixa distorção harmônica, caracterizado pelo fato de que o conversor CC-CA trifásico ora tratado utiliza um circuito que é uma estrutura em ponte, possuindo seis transistores, que podem ser do tipo bipolar, IGBT, MOSFET, ou qualquer outro tipo de interruptor controlável na condução e no bloqueio, e seis diodos em antiparalelo, fazendo a condução de corrente no sentido oposto ao dos transistores; os interruptores sendo denominados de T1 a T6. Adiciona-se um circuito auxiliar composto por interruptores bidirecionais eletrolíticos, tendo como função melhorar a forma de onda.BR0201377H02M1/12H02M1/14H02M1/12H02M1/14BR20020201377H02M1/12H02M1/14H02M1/12H02M1/1