73 research outputs found

    Aeroobne töövĂ”ime 14–16aastastel neidudel

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    Töö eesmĂ€rgiks oli hinnata 14–16aastaste neidude maksimaalse hapnikutarbimise vĂ”imet (VO2max) ja töötada saadud andmete pĂ”hjal vĂ€lja vastav hindeskaala praktiliseks kasutamiseks. Uuringus osales 102 tervet neidu erinevatest Tartu koolidest, kelle VO2max taseme nĂ€itajad mÀÀrati otsesel meetodil liikuval jooksurajal Conconi testi pĂ”hjal. Vaatlusaluste neidude VO2max absoluutne nĂ€itaja (±SD) oli 2,24 ± 0,45 l min-1 ja suhteline nĂ€itaja 39,35 ± 6,92 ml min-1 kg-1. VĂ”rreldes selle töö tulemusi erinevate uuringutulemustega maailmast, vĂ”ib jĂ€reldada, et eesti neidude aeroobse töövĂ”ime tase on suhteliselt sarnane eakaaslaste omaga mujal maailmas. Eesti Arst 2004; 83 (6): 371–37

    The Beaufort Sea Maritime Boundary Dispute: High Stakes for Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Resource Extraction in a Changing Climate

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    This paper analyzes the Beaufort Sea maritime boundary dispute and the risk it poses to Canadian Arctic sovereignty and resource extraction in the North as the effects of climate change become more apparent. The confluence of environmental change, national level policies, international governance regimes, and how they come together to govern the Beaufort Sea is, of utmost concern to Canada and relations with Arctic partners, including, most notably, the United States of America (US). Therefore, this paper integrates thinking from each of these fields to explore the history, status, role and future relevance of the Beaufort Sea maritime boundary dispute in Arctic governance debates to analyze the linkages between Arctic sovereignty and energy development. More fundamentally, this paper seeks to understand why the dispute has not been resolved, what a resolution may look like, and who stands to benefit, through an analysis of the role of international law as it relates to the seas to determine what this says about the current stakes and interests involved there

    B-raku retseptorite repertuaari uurimine kahel meetodil

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    B-rakud ja nende toodetud antikehad on olulised omandatud immuunsĂŒsteemi osad. Antikehad neutraliseerivad patogeene ning aktiveerivad teisi immuunsĂŒsteemi osasid. Iga antikeha, membraanes vormis B-raku retseptor, on ĂŒhele kindlale antigeenile spetsiifiline. Spetsiifika kujuneb erinevate tugevalt reguleeritud protsesside tulemusel, mille kĂ€igus moodustub organismi kĂ”ikidest B-raku retseptoritest repertuaar. Repertuaari uurimine on oluline uurimaks immuunvahendatud haigusi, nende tekkemehhanisme ning potentsiaalseid ravivĂ”imalusi. KĂ€esoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmĂ€rk oli vĂ”rrelda kahte erinevat meetodit tervete inimeste B raku retseptorite repertuaari uurimisel. Lisaks uuriti kahe terve inimese B-raku retseptorite repertuaari klonaalsust, mitmekesisust, geenisegmentide kasutust ning CDR3 jĂ€rjestuste ĂŒlekate

    ‘Soft Securitization’: Unconventional Security Issues and the Arctic Council

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    This article assesses the Arctic Council’s role as a security actor in the context of a rapidly changing circumpolar region. It investigates how the Arctic Council uses security language, and which issues it depicts as relevant to Arctic security. The article does this by undertaking textual analysis of ‘securitizing moves’ represented in the Council’s publicly available online documents, including declarations and agreements, policy papers, working group reports, public statements, and other related sources. The findings offer empirical insights into the Arctic Council and the construction of Arctic security issues, as well as theoretical reflections on the analytical usefulness of securitization theory, and the dynamics of constructing unconventional security issues in a multilateral intergovernmental forum

    Ground heat pump booster sp function-technical indices and rooms indoor climate

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    The object of the study was heating pump Booster SP and indoor climate provided by floor and ventilation heating. The test site, laboratory of ‘Heating pumps and indoor climate’, was in The Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Technology. Heating pump together with ventilation system were set to automatically ensure proper indoor climate. The particularities of the laboratory setting are the alternative depth of the ground collector (1.5 m) and two indoor heating contours with different layouts. The operating parameters of heating pump were measured by thermocouple probes which were placed on the nodes of heating pump. Indoor climate, provided by heating pump Booster SP and ventilation system, was assessed with a diagnostics device which sensors were placed 1.5 m from the floor. The operating state of ground contour, two indoor heating contours, heating pump and indoor climate was diagnosed by simultaneous data accusation. Based on data processing the operating state and efficiency of heating pump, indoor climate’s compliance with laws and legislations was assesse
