109 research outputs found

    Design and Simulation of an Antenna-Coupled Microbolometer at 30 THz

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    Weproposeamodelofantenna-coupledmicrobolometertobeincludedinanarrayforreceivinganddetectinglongwaveinfrared (LWIR) electromagnetic radiation. The antenna is joined to microstrip bandpass filters thus forming a single metal structure to definetheoperationfrequencyband.Theantennaandmicrostripfiltersaremodeledinaluminumthinfilm.Themicrobolometer ismodeledwithsuperconductingniobium,alltogetheronasiliconnitridemembrane.Thesquaredpixelstructureisdesignedon asupportframeof2

    Growth of vertically aligned ZnO nanorods using textured ZnO films

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    A hydrothermal method to grow vertical-aligned ZnO nanorod arrays on ZnO films obtained by atomic layer deposition (ALD) is presented. The growth of ZnO nanorods is studied as function of the crystallographic orientation of the ZnO films deposited on silicon (100) substrates. Different thicknesses of ZnO films around 40 to 180 nm were obtained and characterized before carrying out the growth process by hydrothermal methods. A textured ZnO layer with preferential direction in the normal c-axes is formed on substrates by the decomposition of diethylzinc to provide nucleation sites for vertical nanorod growth. Crystallographic orientation of the ZnO nanorods and ZnO-ALD films was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Composition, morphologies, length, size, and diameter of the nanorods were studied using a scanning electron microscope and energy dispersed x-ray spectroscopy analyses. In this work, it is demonstrated that crystallinity of the ZnO-ALD films plays an important role in the vertical-aligned ZnO nanorod growth. The nanorod arrays synthesized in solution had a diameter, length, density, and orientation desirable for a potential application as photosensitive materials in the manufacture of semiconductor-polymer solar cells

    ¿ Quién es superdotado?

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    There have been many definitions, across the history, about what means to be gifted. From the first Galton´s definitions, resting on psychometric correlations and concerning with intelligence as measured, to the current global and integral definitions that include many different factors. Nevertheless, it seems that the giftedness field is still spread. In this paper we present a Dimensional Analysis made through a wide review of bibliography and working with a hundred of variables that seem to define giftedness. Our main goal is to establish an evolutional and chronologically hierarchical organization of the factors that play a role in the giftedness definition. The result of the analysis is very interesting not just at theoretical level, but always for its importance for educational practice.Muchas han sido las definiciones que a lo largo de la historia se han dado acerca de lo que representa ser superdotado. Desde las primeras definiciones de Galton, apoyadas en correlatos psicométricos y muy relacionadas con la inteligencia medida, hasta las más recientes de naturaleza global e integral que incluyen toda una variedad de factores. Sin embargo, parece que el campo de la superdotación todavía resulta difuso. En este trabajo presentamos un Análisis Dimensional realizado a partir de una extensa revisión de fuentes bibliográficas y habiendo considerado un centenar de variables que parecen definir el término superdotado. Es nuestro objetivo principal llegar a establecer una organización evolutiva, jerárquica, pues, en cronología de los factores que intervienen en el hecho de ser superdotado. El resultado del análisis dimensional es de un gran interés, no sólo por lo que representa a nivel conceptual o teórico en este campo, sino también por su transcendencia para la práctica educativa

    ética y el ingeniero civil

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    El presente artículo describe con la nueva ley ‘anti-Space’, como se conoce hoy en día, la supervisión y ejecución de las obras conforme a los diseños estructurales establecidos, que se realizan plenamente en el sitio de la obra con una supervisión técnica contratada por el propietario o asignada por la oficina de Planeación o Curaduría y con el enfoque ético de profesionales a cargo

    Susceptibility of Almond (Prunus dulcis) Cultivars to Twig Canker and Shoot Blight Caused by Diaporthe amygdali

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    Twenty-five almond cultivars were assessed for susceptibility to Diaporthe amygdali, causal agent of twig canker and shoot blight disease. In laboratory experiments, growing twigs were inoculated with four D. amygdali isolates. Moreover, growing shoots of almond cultivars grafted onto INRA ‘GF-677’ rootstock were used in 4-year field inoculations with one D. amygdali isolate. In both types of experiments, inoculum consisted of agar plugs with mycelium, which were inserted underneath the bark, and the lesion lengths caused by the fungus were measured. Necrotic lesions were observed in the inoculated almond cultivars in both laboratory and field tests, confirming the susceptibility of all evaluated cultivars to all inoculated isolates of D. amygdali. Cultivars were grouped as susceptible or very susceptible according to a cluster analysis. The relationship between some agronomic traits and cultivar susceptibility was also investigated. Blooming and ripening times were found to be relevant variables explaining cultivar performance related to D. amygdali susceptibility. Late and very late blooming and early and medium ripening cultivars were highly susceptible to D. amygdali. Our results may provide valuable information that could assist in ongoing breeding programs of this crop and in the selection of cultivars for new almond plantations.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Abordaje del Síndrome de Ulises desde el Trabajo Social

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    El principal objeto de estudio de la investigación trata de conocer y analizar desde la perspectiva de Trabajo Social, cuáles son los factores predominantes que acompañan al colectivo inmigrante durante su proceso migratorio. En dicho estudio, se plantea la descripción de la sintomatología, lo cual permite diferenciarlo de otro tipo de trastorno, los mecanismos de actuación llevados a cabo desde el Trabajo Social, y la realidad de la situación de las personas inmigrantes que padecen del «Síndrome de Estrés Crónico y Múltiple del Inmigrante» en la ciudad de Zaragoza, llamado «Síndrome de Ulises»

    Abordaje del Síndrome de Ulises desde el Trabajo Social

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    El principal objeto de estudio de la investigación trata de conocer y analizar desde la perspectiva de Trabajo Social, cuáles son los factores predominantes que acompañan al colectivo inmigrante durante su proceso migratorio. En dicho estudio, se plantea la descripción de la sintomatología, lo cual permite diferenciarlo de otro tipo de trastorno, los mecanismos de actuación llevados a cabo desde el Trabajo Social, y la realidad de la situación de las personas inmigrantes que padecen del «Síndrome de Estrés Crónico y Múltiple del Inmigrante» en la ciudad de Zaragoza, llamado «Síndrome de Ulises»

    Pb(core)/ZnO(shell) nanowires obtained by microwave-assisted method

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    In this study, Pb-filled ZnO nanowires [Pb(core)/ZnO(shell)] were synthesized by a simple and novel one-step vapor transport and condensation method by microwave-assisted decomposition of zinc ferrite. The synthesis was performed using a conventional oven at 1000 W and 5 min of treatment. After synthesis, a spongy white cottonlike material was obtained in the condensation zone of the reaction system. HRTEM analysis revealed that product consists of a Pb-(core) with (fcc) cubic structure that preferentially grows in the [111] direction and a hexagonal wurtzite ZnO-(Shell) that grows in the [001] direction. Nanowire length was more than 5 μm and a statistical analysis determined that the shell and core diameters were 21.00 ± 3.00 and 4.00 ± 1.00 nm, respectively. Experimental, structural details, and synthesis mechanism are discussed in this stud

    Association between Salivary Leptin Levels and Taste Perception in Children

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    The satiety inducing hormone leptin acts not only at central nervous system but also at peripheral level. Leptin receptors are found in several sense related organs, including the mouth. A role of leptin in sweet taste response has been suggested but, until now, studies have been based on in vitro experiments, or in assessing the levels of the hormone in circulation. The present study investigated whether the levels of leptin in saliva are related to taste perception in children and whether Body Mass Index (BMI) affects such relationship. Sweet and bitter taste sensitivity was assessed for 121 children aged 9-10 years and unstimulated whole saliva was collected for leptin quantification, using ELISA technique. Children females with lower sweet taste sensitivity presented higher salivary leptin levels, but this is only in the normal weight ones. For bitter taste, association between salivary leptin and caffeine threshold detection was observed only in preobese boys, with higher levels of salivary hormone in low sensitive individuals. This study is the first presenting evidences of a relationship between salivary leptin levels and taste perception, which is sex and BMI dependent. The mode of action of salivary leptin at taste receptor level should be elucidated in future studies.FC

    Quality and high yield synthesis of Ag nanowires by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method

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    Silver nanowires (Ag-NWs) were obtained using microwave-assisted hydrothermal method (MAH). The main advantage of the method is its high NWs production which is greater than 90%. It is also easy, fast, and highly reproducible process. One of the drawbacks presented so far in the synthesis of nanostructures by polyol path is the high temperature used in the process, which is superior than the boiling point of solvent (ethylene glycol), and also its excessive reaction time. Here, Ag-NWs with diameters of 70 to 110 nm were synthesized in 5 min in large quantities. Results showed that dimensions and shape of nanowires were very susceptible to changes with reaction parameters. The reactor power and reactor fill capacity were important for the synthesis. It was found that the reaction time needs to be decreased because of the NWs which start to deform and break up due to significant increase in the pressure's system. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron diffraction analysis (SAED) did not show corresponding phases of AgO. Some aspects about synthesis parameters which are related to the percent yield and size of nanowires are also discussed