3,194 research outputs found

    On the stability of an infinite swept attachment line boundary layer

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    The instability of an infinite swept attachment line boundary layer is considered in the linear regime. The basic three dimensional flow is shown to be susceptible to travelling wave disturbances which propagate along the attachment line. The effect of suction on the instability is discussed and the results suggest that the attachment line boundary layer on a swept wing can be significantly stabilized by extremely small amounts of suction. The results obtained are in excellent agreement with the available experimental observations

    Cancer survivors who fully participate in the PROFILES registry have better health-related quality of life than those who drop out

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    Purpose Attrition and subsequent missing data pose a challenge in longitudinal research in oncology. This study examined factors associated with attrition in the PROFILES registry, and its impact on observed health-related quality of life (HRQOL) estimates. Methods Sociodemographic, clinical, and HRQOL data were collected annually from a cohort of 2625 colorectal cancer survivors between 2010 and 2015. Participant characteristics according to time of dropout were compared using analysis of variance and chi-square tests. Predictors of attrition were examined in logistic regression analysis. Multilevel linear mixed models were constructed to investigate associations between attrition and HRQOL over time. Results Participants who dropped out were more likely to be female (OR = 1.23, CI = 1.02–1.47), older (OR = 1.20, CI = 1.09–1.33), less educated (OR = 1.64, CI = 1.30–2.11), and to have depressive symptoms (OR = 1.84, CI = 1.39–2.44) than full responders, and less likely to have high socioeconomic status (OR = 0.74, CI = 0.61–0.94). Participants who dropped out earlier reported significantly worse HRQOL, functioning, and psychosocial symptoms, which declined at a steeper rate over time, than full responders. Conclusions Cancer survivors’ HRQOL may be overestimated in longitudinal research due to attrition of the most unwell participants. Implications for Cancer Survivors Cancer survivors with the poorest health are at risk of dropping out of PROFILES and possibly withdrawing from other activities. Optimizing participation in PROFILES—a potential mechanism for providing information and access to support—is an avenue for keeping this group engaged

    Infrared activity of hydrogen molecules trapped in Si

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    The rovibrational-translational states of a hydrogen molecule moving in a cage site in Si, when subjected to an electrical field arising from its surroundings, are investigated. The wave functions are expressed in terms of basis functions consisting of the eigenfunctions of the molecule confined to move in the cavity and rovibrational states of the free molecule. The energy levels, intensities of infrared and Raman transitions, effects of uniaxial stress, and a neighboring oxygen defect are found and compared with existing experimental data

    Assessing the quality and communicative aspects of patient decision aids for early-stage breast cancer treatment: a systematic review

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    Purpose: Decision aids (DAs) support patients in shared decision-making by providing balanced evidence-based treatment information and eliciting patients’ preferences. The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the quality and communicative aspects of DAs for women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Methods: Twenty-one currently available patient DAs were identified through both published literature (MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, CENTRAL, and PsycINFO) and online sources. The DAs were reviewed for their quality by using the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) checklist, and subsequently assessed to what extent they paid attention to various communicative aspects, including (i) information presentation, (ii) personalization, (iii) interaction, (iv) information control, (v) accessibility, (vi) suitability, and (vii) source of information. Results: The quality of the DAs varied substantially, with many failing to comply with all components of the IPDAS criteria (mean IPDAS score = 64%, range 31–92%). Five aids (24%) did not include any probability information, 10 (48%) presented multimodal descriptions of outcome probabilities (combining words, numbers, and visual aids), and only 2 (10%) provided personalized treatment outcomes based on patients and tumor characteristics. About half (12; 57%) used interaction methods for eliciting patients’ preferences, 16 (76%) were too lengthy, and 5 (24%) were not fully accessible. Conclusions: In addition to the limited adherence to the IPDAS checklist, our findings suggest that communicative aspects receive even less attention. Future patient DA developments for breast cancer treatment should include communicative aspects that could influence the uptake of DAs in daily clinical practice

    The role of airspeed variability in fixed-time, fuel-optimal aircraft trajectory planning

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    With the advent of improved aircraft situational awareness and the need for airlines to reduce their fuel consumption and environmental impact whilst adhering to strict timetables, fixed-time, fuel-optimal routing is vital. Here, the aircraft trajectory planning problem is addressed using optimal control theory. Two variants of a finite horizon optimal control formulation for fuel burn minimization are developed, subject to arrival constraints, an aerodynamic fuel-burn model, and a data-driven wind field. In the first variant, the control variable is expressed as a set of position-dependent aircraft headings, with the optimal control problem solved through a reduced gradient approach at a range of fixed airspeeds. The fuel optimal result is taken as the lowest fuel use recorded. In the second variant, both heading angle and airspeed are controlled. Results from three months of simulated flight routes between London and New York show that permitting optimised en-route airspeed variations leads to fuel savings of 0.5% on an average day (and up to 4% on certain days), compared with fixed airspeed flights. We conclude that significant fuel savings are possible if airspeeds are allowed to vary en route to take optimal advantage of the wind field

    Optimized electrocardiographic criteria for the detection of left ventricular hypertrophy in obesity patients

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    Background: Despite a generally high specificity, electrocardiographic (ECG) criteria for the detection of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) lack sensitivity, particularly in obesity patients. Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of the most commonly used ECG criteria (Cornell voltage and Sokolow-Lyon index), the recently introduced Peguero-Lo Presti criteria and the correction of these criteria by body mass index (BMI) to detect LVH in obesity patients and to propose adjusted ECG criteria with optimal accuracy. Methods: The accuracy of the ECG criteria for the detection of LVH was retrospectively tested in a cohort of obesity patients referred for a transthoracic echocardiogram based on clinical grounds (test cohort, n = 167). Adjusted ECG criteria with optimal sensitivity for the detection of LVH were developed. Subsequently, the value of these criteria was prospectively tested in an obese population without known cardiovascular disease (validation cohort, n = 100). Results: Established ECG criteria had a poor sensitivity in obesity patients in both the test cohort and the validation cohort. The adjusted criteria showed improved sensitivity, with optimal values for males using the Cornell voltage corrected for BMI, (RaVL+SV3)*BMI ≥700 mm*kg/m2; sensitivity 47% test cohort, 40% validation cohort; for females, the Sokolow-Lyon index corrected for BMI, (SV1 + RV5/RV6)*BMI ≥885 mm*kg/m2; sensitivity 26% test cohort, 23% validation cohort. Conclusions: Established ECG criteria for the detection of LVH lack sufficient sensitivity in obesity patients. We propose new criteria for the detection of LVH in obesit

    Wannier-function description of the electronic polarization and infrared absorption of high-pressure hydrogen

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    We have constructed maximally-localized Wannier functions for prototype structures of solid molecular hydrogen under pressure, starting from LDA and tight-binding Bloch wave functions. Each occupied Wannier function can be associated with two paired protons, defining a ``Wannier molecule''. The sum of the dipole moments of these ``molecules'' always gives the correct macroscopic polarization, even under strong compression, when the overlap between nearby Wannier functions becomes significant. We find that at megabar pressures the contributions to the dipoles arising from the overlapping tails of the Wannier functions is very large. The strong vibron infrared absorption experimentally observed in phase III, above ~ 150 GPa, is analyzed in terms of the vibron-induced fluctuations of the Wannier dipoles. We decompose these fluctuations into ``static'' and ``dynamical'' contributions, and find that at such high densities the latter term, which increases much more steeply with pressure, is dominant.Comment: 17 pages, two-column style with 14 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macro

    Superantigens from Staphylococcus aureus induce procoagulant activity and monocyte tissue factor expression in whole blood and mononuclear cells via IL-1beta.

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    Background: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most common bacteria in human sepsis, a condition in which the activation of blood coagulation plays a critical pathophysiological role. During severe sepsis and septic shock microthrombi and multiorgan dysfunction are observed as a result of bacterial interference with the host defense and coagulation systems. Objectives: In the present study, staphylococcal superantigens were tested for their ability to induce procoagulant activity and tissue factor (TF) expression in human whole blood and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Methods and results: Determination of clotting time showed that enterotoxin A, B and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 from S. aureus induce procoagulant activity in whole blood and in mononuclear cells. The procoagulant activity was dependent on the expression of TF in monocytes since antibodies to TF inhibited the effect of the toxins and TF was detected on the surface of monocytes by flow cytometry. In the supernatants from staphylococcal toxin-stimulated mononuclear cells, interleukin (IL)-1beta was detected by ELISA. Furthermore, the increased procoagulant activity and TF expression in monocytes induced by the staphylococcal toxins were inhibited in the presence of IL-1 receptor antagonist, a natural inhibitor of IL-1beta. Conclusions: The present study shows that superantigens from S. aureus activate the extrinsic coagulation pathway by inducing expression of TF in monocytes, and that the expression is mainly triggered by superantigen-induced IL-1beta release

    Sexual dimorphism in cortisol metabolism throughout pubertal development: a longitudinal study

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    Objective: Sex differences in disease susceptibility might be explained by sexual dimorphism in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity, which has been postulated to emerge during puberty. However, studies conducted thus far lacked an assessment of Tanner pubertal stage. This study aimed to assess the contribution of pubertal development to sexual dimorphism in cortisol production and metabolism. Methods: Participants (n = 218) were enrolled from a population-based Netherlands Twin Register. At the ages of 9, 12 and 17 years, Tanner pubertal stage was assessed and early morning urine samples were collected. Cortisol metabolites were measured with GC-MS/MS and ratios were calculated, representing cortisol metabolism enzyme activities, such as A-ring reductases, 11β-HSDs and CYP3A4. Cortisol production and metabolism parameters were compared between sexes for pre-pubertal (Tanner stage 1), early pubertal (Tanner stage 2–3) and late-pubertal (Tanner stage 4–5) stages. Results: Cortisol metabolite excretion rate decreased with pubertal maturation in both sexes, but did not significantly differ between sexes at any pubertal stage, although in girls a considerable decrease was observed between early and late-pubertal stage (P < 0.001). A-ring reductase activity was similar between sexes at pre-and early pubertal stages and was lower in girls than in boys at late-pubertal stage. Activities of 11β-HSDs were similar between sexes at pre-pubertal stage and favored cortisone in girls at early and late-pubertal stages. Cytochrome P450 3A4 activity did not differ between sexes. Conclusions: Prepubertally, sexes were similar in cortisol parameters. During puberty, as compared to boys, in girls the activities of A-ring reductases declined and the balance between 11β-HSDs progressively favored cortisone. In addition, girls showed a considerable decrease in cortisol metabolite excretion rate between early and late-pubertal stages. Our findings suggest that the sexual dimorphism in cortisol may either be explained by rising concentrations of sex steroids or by puberty-induced changes in body composition
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