53 research outputs found

    The mass of the neutron star in Vela X-1 and tidally induced non-radial oscillations in GP Vel

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    We report new radial velocity observations of GP Vel/HD77581, the optical companion to the eclipsing X-ray pulsar Vela X-1. Using data spanning more than two complete orbits of the system, we detect evidence for tidally induced non-radial oscillations on the surface of GP Vel, apparent as peaks in the power spectrum of the residuals to the radial velocity curve fit. By removing the effect of these oscillations (to first order) and binning the radial velocities, we have determined the semi-amplitude of the radial velocity curve of GP Vel to be K_o=22.6+/-1.5 km/s. Given the accurately measured semi-amplitude of the pulsar's orbit, the mass ratio of the system is 0.081+/-0.005. We are able to set upper and lower limits on the masses of the component stars as follows. Assuming GP Vel fills its Roche lobe then the inclination angle of the system, i=70.1+/-2.6 deg. In this case we obtain the masses of the two stars as M_x=2.27 +/-0.17 M_sun for the neutron star and M_o=27.9+/-1.3 M_sun for GP Vel. Conversely, assuming the inclination angle is i=90 deg, the ratio of the radius of GP Vel to the radius of its Roche lobe is beta=0.89+/-0.03 and the masses of the two stars are M_x=1.88+/-0.13 M_sun and M_o=23.1+/-0.2 M_sun. A range of solutions between these two sets of limits is also possible, corresponding to other combinations of i and beta. In addition, we note that if the zero phase of the radial velocity curve is allowed as a free parameter, rather than constrained by the X-ray ephemeris, a significantly improved fit is obtained with an amplitude of 21.2+/-0.7 km/s and a phase shift of 0.033+/-0.007 in true anomaly. The apparent shift in the zero phase of the radial velocity curve may indicate the presence of an additional radial velocity component at the orbital period.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Nonadiabatic resonant dynamic tides and orbital evolution in close binaries

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    This investigation is devoted to the effects of nonadiabatic resonant dynamic tides generated in a uniformly rotating stellar component of a close binary. The companion is considered to move in a fixed Keplerian orbit, and the effects of the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force are neglected. Semi-analytical solutions for the linear, nonadiabatic resonant dynamic tides are derived by means of a two-time variable expansion procedure. The solution at the lowest order of approximation consists of the resonantly excited oscillation mode and displays a phase shift with respect to the tide-generating potential. Expressions are established for the secular variations of the semi-major axis, the orbital eccentricity, and the star's angular velocity of rotation caused by the phase shift. The orders of magnitude of these secular variations are considerably larger than those derived earlier by Zahn (1977) for the limiting case of dynamic tides with small frequencies. For a 5 solar mass ZAMS star, an orbital eccentricity e = 0.5, and orbital periods in the range from 2 to 5 days, numerous resonances of dynamic tides with second-degree lower-order gravity modes are seen to induce secular variations of the semi-major axis, the orbital eccentricity, and the star's angular velocity of rotation with time scales shorter than the star's nuclear life time.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 13 page

    Variational Registration of Multiple Images with the SVD based SqN Distance Measure

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    Image registration, especially the quantification of image similarity, is an important task in image processing. Various approaches for the comparison of two images are discussed in the literature. However, although most of these approaches perform very well in a two image scenario, an extension to a multiple images scenario deserves attention. In this article, we discuss and compare registration methods for multiple images. Our key assumption is, that information about the singular values of a feature matrix of images can be used for alignment. We introduce, discuss and relate three recent approaches from the literature: the Schatten q-norm based SqN distance measure, a rank based approach, and a feature volume based approach. We also present results for typical applications such as dynamic image sequences or stacks of histological sections. Our results indicate that the SqN approach is in fact a suitable distance measure for image registration. Moreover, our examples also indicate that the results obtained by SqN are superior to those obtained by its competitors.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted at the conference "Scale Space and Variational Methods" in Hofgeismar, Germany 201

    Pathogenic Neisseria Hitchhike on the Uropod of Human Neutrophils

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    Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) are important components of the human innate immune system and are rapidly recruited at the site of bacterial infection. Despite the effective phagocytic activity of PMNs, Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections are characterized by high survival within PMNs. We reveal a novel type IV pilus-mediated adherence of pathogenic Neisseria to the uropod (the rear) of polarized PMNs. The direct pilus-uropod interaction was visualized by scanning electron microscopy and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. We showed that N. meningitidis adhesion to the PMN uropod depended on both pilus-associated proteins PilC1 and PilC2, while N. gonorrhoeae adhesion did not. Bacterial adhesion elicited accumulation of the complement regulator CD46, but not I-domain-containing integrins, beneath the adherent bacterial microcolony. Electrographs and live-cell imaging of PMNs suggested that bacterial adherence to the uropod is followed by internalization into PMNs via the uropod. We also present data showing that pathogenic Neisseria can hitchhike on PMNs to hide from their phagocytic activity as well as to facilitate the spread of the pathogen through the epithelial cell layer

    Differential Expression of CD163 on Monocyte Subsets in Healthy and HIV-1 Infected Individuals

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    CD163, a haptoglobin-hemoglobin (Hp-Hb) scavenger receptor, expressed by monocytes and macrophages, is important in resolution of inflammation. Age-related non-AIDS co-morbidities in HIV-infected individuals, particularly dementia and cardiovascular disease, result in part from effects of HIV-1 infection on monocyte and macrophage biology. CD163 co-expression on CD14+CD16++ monocytes has been proposed as a useful biomarker for HIV-1 disease progression and the presence of HIV associated dementia. Here we investigated CD163 expression on monocyte subsets ex vivo, on cultured macrophages, and soluble in plasma, in the setting of HIV-1 infection. Whole blood immunophenotyping revealed CD163 expression on CD14++CD16- monocytes but not on CD14+CD16++ monocytes (P = 0.004), supported by CD163 mRNA levels. Incubation with M-CSF induced CD163 protein expression on CD14+CD16++ monocytes to the same extent as CD14++CD16− monocytes. CD163 expression on CD14++CD16+ monocytes from HIV-infected subjects was significantly higher than from uninfected individuals, with a trend towards increased expression on CD14++CD16− monocytes (P = 0.019 and 0.069 respectively), which is accounted for by HIV-1 therapy including protease inhibitors. Shedding of CD163 was shown to predominantly occur from the CD14++CD16− subset after Ficoll isolation and LPS stimulation. Soluble CD163 concentration in plasma from HIV-1 infected donors was similar to HIV-1 uninfected donors. Monocyte CD163 expression in HIV-1 infected patients showed a complicated relationship with classical measures of disease progression. Our findings clarify technical issues regarding CD163 expression on monocyte subsets and further elucidates its role in HIV-associated inflammation by demonstrating that CD163 is readily lost from CD14++CD16− monocytes and induced in pro-inflammatory CD14+CD16++ monocytes by M-CSF. Our data show that all monocyte subsets are potentially capable of differentiating into CD163-expressing anti-inflammatory macrophages given appropriate stimuli. Levels of CD163 expression on monocytes may be a potential biomarker reflecting efforts by the immune system to resolve immune activation and inflammation in HIV-infected individuals

    Differential Expression of CD163 on Monocyte Subsets in Healthy and HIV-1 Infected Individuals

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    CD163, a haptoglobin-hemoglobin (Hp-Hb) scavenger receptor, expressed by monocytes and macrophages, is important in resolution of inflammation. Age-related non-AIDS co-morbidities in HIV-infected individuals, particularly dementia and cardiovascular disease, result in part from effects of HIV-1 infection on monocyte and macrophage biology. CD163 co-expression on CD14+CD16++ monocytes has been proposed as a useful biomarker for HIV-1 disease progression and the presence of HIV associated dementia. Here we investigated CD163 expression on monocyte subsets ex vivo, on cultured macrophages, and soluble in plasma, in the setting of HIV-1 infection. Whole blood immunophenotyping revealed CD163 expression on CD14++CD16- monocytes but not on CD14+CD16++ monocytes (P = 0.004), supported by CD163 mRNA levels. Incubation with M-CSF induced CD163 protein expression on CD14+CD16++ monocytes to the same extent as CD14++CD16− monocytes. CD163 expression on CD14++CD16+ monocytes from HIV-infected subjects was significantly higher than from uninfected individuals, with a trend towards increased expression on CD14++CD16− monocytes (P = 0.019 and 0.069 respectively), which is accounted for by HIV-1 therapy including protease inhibitors. Shedding of CD163 was shown to predominantly occur from the CD14++CD16− subset after Ficoll isolation and LPS stimulation. Soluble CD163 concentration in plasma from HIV-1 infected donors was similar to HIV-1 uninfected donors. Monocyte CD163 expression in HIV-1 infected patients showed a complicated relationship with classical measures of disease progression. Our findings clarify technical issues regarding CD163 expression on monocyte subsets and further elucidates its role in HIV-associated inflammation by demonstrating that CD163 is readily lost from CD14++CD16− monocytes and induced in pro-inflammatory CD14+CD16++ monocytes by M-CSF. Our data show that all monocyte subsets are potentially capable of differentiating into CD163-expressing anti-inflammatory macrophages given appropriate stimuli. Levels of CD163 expression on monocytes may be a potential biomarker reflecting efforts by the immune system to resolve immune activation and inflammation in HIV-infected individuals

    Perivascular macrophages in health and disease

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    Macrophages are a heterogeneous group of cells that are capable of carrying out distinct functions in different tissues, as well as in different locations within a given tissue. Some of these tissue macrophages lie on, or close to, the outer (abluminal) surface of blood vessels and perform several crucial activities at this interface between the tissue and the blood. In steady-state tissues, these perivascular macrophages maintain tight junctions between endothelial cells and limit vessel permeability, phagocytose potential pathogens before they enter tissues from the blood and restrict inappropriate inflammation. They also have a multifaceted role in diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer disease, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes. Here, we examine the important functions of perivascular macrophages in various adult tissues and describe how these functions are perturbed in a broad array of pathological conditions

    Flemish network on rare connective tissue diseases (CTD): patient pathways in systemic sclerosis. First steps taken.

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    peer reviewedDespite the low prevalence of each rare disease, the total burden is high. Patients with rare diseases encounter numerous barriers, including delayed diagnosis and limited access to high-quality treatments. In order to tackle these challenges, the European Commission launched the European Reference Networks (ERNs), cross-border networks of healthcare providers and patients representatives. In parallel, the aims and structure of these ERNs were translated at the federal and regional levels, resulting in the creation of the Flemish Network of Rare Diseases. In line with the mission of the ERNs and to ensure equal access to care, we describe as first patient pathways for systemic sclerosis (SSc), as a pilot model for other rare connective and musculoskeletal diseases. Consensus was reached on following key messages: 1. Patients with SSc should have multidisciplinary clinical and investigational evaluations in a tertiary reference expert centre at baseline, and subsequently every three to 5 years. Intermediately, a yearly clinical evaluation should be provided in the reference centre, whilst SSc technical evaluations are permissionably executed in a centre that follows SSc-specific clinical practice guidelines. In between, monitoring can take place in secondary care units, under the condition that qualitative examinations and care including interactive multidisciplinary consultations can be provided. 2. Patients with early diffuse cutaneous SSc, (progressive) interstitial lung disease and/or pulmonary arterial hypertension should undergo regular evaluations in specialised tertiary care reference institutions. 3. Monitoring of patients with progressive interstitial lung disease and/or pulmonary (arterial) hypertension will be done in agreement with experts of ERN LUNG
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