130 research outputs found
Epidemic Threshold in Continuous-Time Evolving Networks
Current understanding of the critical outbreak condition on temporal networks
relies on approximations (time scale separation, discretization) that may bias
the results. We propose a theoretical framework to compute the epidemic
threshold in continuous time through the infection propagator approach. We
introduce the {\em weak commutation} condition allowing the interpretation of
annealed networks, activity-driven networks, and time scale separation into one
formalism. Our work provides a coherent connection between discrete and
continuous time representations applicable to realistic scenarios.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure
The Profile of Young Offenders in the City of Maputo, Mozambique
The present study describes the profile of 172 young people who were attending their prison sentences in three Maputo prisons. We examined their Certificates of Judgment and Execution of Sentence based on descriptive statistics and statistical tests. Most participants were male. Young people, especially men, committed a large number of crimes against property. There was higher prevalence of women committing crimes against people’s physical integrity and health. The number of young people charged increased as they progressed in age. The major part of the sample received correctional penalties, were convicted for the first time, had no occupation or worked in the informal sector, and came from the suburban neighborhoods of Maputo City. Our results show the need for focusing on the prevention of criminal acts in young people and in the monitoring of this population during and after incarceration
Acolhendo e crescendo juntos na Pedreira - crianças de todas as idades - Vila Cruzeiro do Sul-POA/RS
Human Mobility Networks, Travel Restrictions, and the Global Spread of 2009 H1N1 Pandemic
After the emergence of the H1N1 influenza in 2009, some countries responded with
travel-related controls during the early stage of the outbreak in an attempt to
contain or slow down its international spread. These controls along with
self-imposed travel limitations contributed to a decline of about 40% in
international air traffic to/from Mexico following the international alert.
However, no containment was achieved by such restrictions and the virus was able
to reach pandemic proportions in a short time. When gauging the value and
efficacy of mobility and travel restrictions it is crucial to rely on epidemic
models that integrate the wide range of features characterizing human mobility
and the many options available to public health organizations for responding to
a pandemic. Here we present a comprehensive computational and theoretical study
of the role of travel restrictions in halting and delaying pandemics by using a
model that explicitly integrates air travel and short-range mobility data with
high-resolution demographic data across the world and that is validated by the
accumulation of data from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. We explore alternative
scenarios for the 2009 H1N1 pandemic by assessing the potential impact of
mobility restrictions that vary with respect to their magnitude and their
position in the pandemic timeline. We provide a quantitative discussion of the
delay obtained by different mobility restrictions and the likelihood of
containing outbreaks of infectious diseases at their source, confirming the
limited value and feasibility of international travel restrictions. These
results are rationalized in the theoretical framework characterizing the
invasion dynamics of the epidemics at the metapopulation level
Parecer Branco para não Ser Discriminado? Revisão Sistemática sobre Estratégias de Embranquecimento
This research aimed to understand the effects of racial discrimination in identity formation of black brazilian individuals. Publications in the national literature indexed in the databases SCIELO, PePSIC and LILACS were systematically reviewed. 20 articles were selected through the descriptors "aesthetic standard”, "racial aesthetics", "racial whitening” and “racial identity". It was observed that the racial discrimination suffered by black individuals can induce a tendency to “self whitening” as a form of protection from discrimination and from the position of the hegemonic standard. However, we found out that these individuals take strategies of resistance against the whitening process, in a way to resignify their black identity.This research aimed to understand the effects of racial discrimination in identity formation of black brazilian individuals. Publications in the national literature indexed in the databases SCIELO, PePSIC and LILACS were systematically reviewed. 20 articles were selected through the descriptors "aesthetic standard”, "racial aesthetics", "racial whitening” and “racial identity". It was observed that the racial discrimination suffered by black individuals can induce a tendency to “self whitening” as a form of protection from discrimination and from the position of the hegemonic standard. However, we found out that these individuals take strategies of resistance against the whitening process, in a way to resignify their black identity.El estudio tenía como objetivo entender los efectos de la discriminación en la identidad de los individuos negros brasileños. Se examinaron sistemáticamente las publicaciones de la literatura nacional indizada en las bases de datos SCIELO, PePSIC y LILACS. A través de los descriptores "patrón estético", "estética racial", "blanqueamiento racial" e "identidad racial", se seleccionaron 20 artículos. Se observó que la discriminación racial, sufrida por los individuos negros, puede causar una tendencia a la autodeclaración, como una forma de protección contra la discriminación y enmarcada en el patrón hegemónico. También se encontró que estos individuos utilizan estrategias de resistencia al proceso de blanqueamiento, para resignificar su identidad negra.O estudo objetivou compreender como o individuo negro vivencia o processo de “branqueamento”. Foram revisadas sistematicamente as publicações na literatura nacional indexada nas bases de dados SCIELO, PePSIC e LILACS. Através dos descritores “padrão estético”, “estética racial”, “branqueamento racial” e “identidade racial”, foram selecionados 20 artigos. Observou-se que a discriminação racial, sofrida pelos indivíduos negros, pode causar uma tendência ao autobranqueamento, como forma de proteção em relação à discriminação e enquadramento no padrão hegemônico. Constatou-se, também, que estes indivíduos usam estratégias de resistência frente ao processo de branqueamento, de forma a ressignificar sua identidade negra
Parecer Branco para não Ser Discriminado? Revisão Sistemática sobre Estratégias de Embranquecimento
O estudo objetivou compreender como o individuo negro vivencia o processo de “branqueamento”. Foram revisadas sistematicamente as publicações na literatura nacional indexada nas bases de dados SCIELO, PePSIC e LILACS. Através dos descritores “padrão estético”, “estética racial”, “branqueamento racial” e “identidade racial”, foram selecionados 20 artigos. Observou-se que a discriminação racial, sofrida pelos indivíduos negros, pode causar uma tendência ao autobranqueamento, como forma de proteção em relação à discriminação e enquadramento no padrão hegemônico. Constatou-se, também, que estes indivíduos usam estratégias de resistência frente ao processo de branqueamento, de forma a ressignificar sua identidade negra
Thermodynamic Analysis for the Selection of low GWP Refrigerants in Ground Source Heat Pumps
One of the main objectives of the European Commission in the buildings sector, responsible for approximately 40% of total energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions, is to identify technological solutions capable of reducing energy consumption and at the same time greenhouse gas emissions. For this purpose, ground source heat pump system (GSHPs) is a technology of particular interest that promises to considerably reduce greenhouse gas emissions of HVAC systems (up to 44% compared to air source heat pumps). In order to develop and test innovative GSHPs to be used for heating and cooling in the various European climatic zones, EU has funded the GEO4CIVHIC project, which will have a duration of 4 years and will end in 2022. As part of the project, the problem of identifying new generation low environmental impact refrigerants to be used in innovative GSHPs is tackled. In this article, we report the results of an energetic and exergetic analysis of the performance of heat pumps based on simulations carried out both on simple reverse cycles and on more complex cycles. Low pressure alternative fluids have been considered as an alternative to R134a and high pressure fluids as an alternative to R410A. The simulations were conducted at various heat sink and heat source temperature conditions, in order to evaluate the GSHPs performance in the whole range of real conditions that can be found in Europe. Particular attention was paid to the compression phase, with the aim to simulate the compressor performance in a more realistic way than simply assuming constant isentropic efficiency
Modeling vaccination campaigns and the Fall/Winter 2009 activity of the new A(H1N1) influenza in the Northern Hemisphere
The unfolding of pandemic influenza A(H1N1) for Fall 2009 in the Northern
Hemisphere is still uncertain. Plans for vaccination campaigns and vaccine
trials are underway, with the first batches expected to be available early
October. Several studies point to the possibility of an anticipated pandemic
peak that could undermine the effectiveness of vaccination strategies. Here we
use a structured global epidemic and mobility metapopulation model to assess
the effectiveness of massive vaccination campaigns for the Fall/Winter 2009.
Mitigation effects are explored depending on the interplay between the
predicted pandemic evolution and the expected delivery of vaccines. The model
is calibrated using recent estimates on the transmissibility of the new A(H1N1)
influenza. Results show that if additional intervention strategies were not
used to delay the time of pandemic peak, vaccination may not be able to
considerably reduce the cumulative number of cases, even when the mass
vaccination campaign is started as early as mid-October. Prioritized
vaccination would be crucial in slowing down the pandemic evolution and
reducing its burden.Comment: Paper: 19 Pages, 3 Figures. Supplementary Information: 10 pages, 8
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