76 research outputs found

    The Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology

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    [Publisher's description]: With contributions from an international panel of experts in the field, The Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology offers a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the most relevant topics concerning the practice of psychology in correctional systems. The contributors explore the theoretical, professional and practical issues that are pertinent to correctional psychologists and other professionals in relevant fields. The Handbook explores the foundations of correctional psychology and contains information on the history of the profession, the roles of psychology in a correctional setting and examines the implementation and evaluation of various interventions. It also covers a range of topics including psychological assessment in prisons, specific treatments and modalities as well as community interventions. This important handbook: Offers the most comprehensive coverage on the topic of correctional psychology Contains contributions from leading experts from New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and North America Includes information on interventions and assessments in both community and imprisonment settings Presents chapters that explore contemporary issues and recent developments in the field Written for correctional psychologists, academics and students in correctional psychology and members of allied professional disciplines, The Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology provides in-depth coverage of the most important elements of the field

    Eliciting Informative Priors by Modelling Expert Decision Making

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    This article introduces a new method for eliciting prior distributions from experts. The method models an expert decision-making process to infer a prior probability distribution for a rare event AA. More specifically, assuming there exists a decision-making process closely related to AA which forms a decision YY, where a history of decisions have been collected. By modelling the data observed to make the historic decisions, using a Bayesian model, an analyst can infer a distribution for the parameters of the random variable YY. This distribution can be used to approximate the prior distribution for the parameters of the random variable for event AA. This method is novel in the field of prior elicitation and has the potential of improving upon current methods by using real-life decision-making processes, that can carry real-life consequences, and, because it does not require an expert to have statistical knowledge. Future decision making can be improved upon using this method, as it highlights variables that are impacting the decision making process. An application for eliciting a prior distribution of recidivism, for an individual, is used to explain this method further

    Eliciting informative priors by modeling expert decision making

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    There are significant limitations to current methods for eliciting the prior beliefs of experts. To combat some of these limitations, this paper proposes an alternative approach that infers an expert’s prior beliefs about an uncertain event, A, from the expert’s past decisions. We show that an analyst can use past information on an expert’s decision-making task, contingent on an expert’s prior of A, to model the decision-making process and infer an approximation of the prior for A. This concept is illustrated by an application to recidivism. We conclude this work by highlighting important directions for future research. Funding: J. R. Falconer’s research is funded through the University of Waikato Doctoral Scholarship

    Methods for eliciting informative prior distributions: A critical review

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    Eliciting informative prior distributions for Bayesian inference can often be complex and challenging. Although popular methods rely on asking experts probability-based questions to quantify uncertainty, these methods are not without their drawbacks, and many alternative elicitation methods exist. This paper explores methods for eliciting informative priors categorized by type and briefly discusses their strengths and limitations. Most of the review literature in this field focuses on a particular type of elicitation approach. The primary aim of this work, however, is to provide a more complete yet macro view of the state of the art by highlighting new (and old) approaches in one clear easy-to-read article. Two representative applications are used throughout to explore the suitability, or lack thereof, of the existing methods, one of which highlights a challenge that has not been addressed in the literature yet. We identify some of the gaps in the present work and discuss directions for future research

    Reexamining evidence-based practice in community corrections: beyond 'a confined view' of what works

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    This article aims to reexamine the development and scope of evidence-based practice (EBP) in community corrections by exploring three sets of issues. Firstly, we examine the relationships between the contested purposes of community supervision and their relationships to questions of evidence. Secondly, we explore the range of forms of evidence that might inform the pursuit of one purpose of supervision—the rehabilitation of offenders—making the case for a fuller engagement with “desistance” research in supporting this process. Thirdly, we examine who can and should be involved in conversations about EBP, arguing that both ex/offenders’ and practitioners’ voices need to be respected and heard in this debate

    ‘If you’d had my life, you’d have done it too’: exploring the experiences of adult males who rape elderly females

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    This study focused on adult males who have committed a sexual offence against elderly victims (aged 55 and over) in order to increase our understanding of this group of offenders. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five such individuals. Interview data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Four main themes emerged: life's been really tough (where participants talked about difficulties they had faced); I'm not bad, I did what anyone would do (where participants sought to explain their behaviour); Other people haven't helped or have made things worse (where participants highlighted challenges they faced in relationships and the impact they felt this had); and Coping and pleasure (which highlights the use of sex and alcohol in their lives). Implications for the practice and treatment of individuals offending against elderly victims are discussed

    Victim awareness : re-examining a probation fundamental

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    ‘Ensuring offenders' awareness of the effects of crime on the victims of crime and the public’ is one of five stated aims of the National Probation Service of England and Wales and specifically undertaking victim awareness work is an expectation of the service’s work. The nature and putative value of such work appears to be rarely questioned however. It is argued that ‘victim awareness’ is a confused concept in terms of its rationale, definition, and empirical basis as a criminogenic need. These issues are evaluated and the practice implications discussed. A possible model of victim awareness work is described

    Patients' experiences of peritoneal dialysis at home: a phenomenological approach

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    The aim of this study was to highlight the meaning of home dialysis as experienced by patients with chronic renal failure. The research design was influenced by Ricoeur´s phenomenology. Nineteen patients from a Brazilian public hospital were interviewed, from May to September 2009. Interviews were guided by the question: "Tell me about your experiences lived undergoing PD". Findings unveiled the patients' perception of the drastic changes in their existence, consequent to disease and treatment; and the perception of themselves in that process. The feeling of anguish, physical pain and deprivations were part of living that condition. They foresee an uncertain future, depending on the expertise of health care providers and the demands on support of significant others. Findings suggest that individual aspects of patients' experiences must be considered if health care providers are to facilitate positive health outcomes.El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender la experiencia de la diálisis peritoneal domiciliaria, a partir de la narración de los pacientes. El abordaje del estudio se inspiró en la fenomenología hermenéutica de Paul Ricoeur. Fueron entrevistados 19 pacientes en la unidad de hemodiálisis de un hospital público brasileño, de marzo a septiembre de 2009. Las entrevistas fueron orientadas por la pregunta: describa su experiencia en la diálisis peritoneal. Los resultados revelaron la percepción de los participantes sobre el significado de la enfermedad en sus vidas y las drásticas transformaciones personales sufridas en ese proceso. Sentimientos de angustia y dolor física fueron acompañados por importantes limitaciones personales y sociales, impuestas por el tratamiento. Ellos esperan un futuro desconocido, reconociendo su dependencia de la ayuda de los familiares y de los profesionales de la salud. Los resultados revelan las dificultades y la falta de perspectivas experimentadas por los pacientes en diálisis, demostrando el papel crucial que le cabe a los profesionales que los acompañan. Ayudarlos a desarrollar el autocuidado y maximizar su calidad de vida es una prioridad en la asistencia a esos pacientes.O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender a experiência da diálise peritoneal domiciliar, a partir da narrativa dos pacientes. A abordagem do estudo inspirou-se na fenomenologia hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur. Foram entrevistados 19 pacientes na unidade de hemodiálise de um hospital público brasileiro, de março a setembro de 2009. As entrevistas foram orientadas pela questão: descreva sua experiência na diálise peritoneal. Os resultados desvelaram a percepção dos participantes sobre o significado da doença em suas vidas e as drásticas transformações pessoais sofridas nesse processo. Sentimentos de angústia e dor física foram acompanhados por importantes limitações pessoais e sociais, impostas pelo tratamento. Eles esperam por um futuro incerto, reconhecendo sua dependência da ajuda dos familiares e dos profissionais da saúde. Os resultados desvelam as dificuldades e a falta de perspectivas vividas pelos pacientes em diálise, demonstrando o papel crucial que cabe aos profissionais que os acompanham. Ajudá-los a desenvolver o autocuidado e maximizar sua qualidade de vida é prioridade na assistência a esses pacientes

    Exploring the development of a cultural care framework for European caring science

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the development of a cultural care framework that seeks to inform and embrace the philosophical ideals of caring science. Following a review of the literature that identified a lack of evidence of an explicit relationship between caring science and cultural care, a number of well-established transcultural care frameworks were reviewed. Our purpose was to select one that would resonate with underpinning philosophical values of caring science and that drew on criteria generated by the European Academy of Caring Science members. A modified framework based on the work of Giger and Davidhizar was developed as it embraced many of the values such as humanism that are core to caring science practice. The proposed caring science framework integrates determinants of cultural lifeworld-led care and seeks to provide clear directions for humanizing the care of individuals. The framework is offered to open up debate and act as a platform for further academic enquiry