447 research outputs found

    John Gray's three-part philosophical creed

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    Trzy szeroko dyskutowane, kontrowersyjne książki Johna Graya – Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals (2002), The Silence of Animals: On Progress and Other Myths (2013) and The Soul of the Marionette: A Short Inquiry into Human Freedom (2015) współtworzą swoistą, naturalną trylogię. Każda z wchodzących w jej skład pozycji charakteryzuje się podobną strukturą, na którą składa się kalejdoskop idei, dygresji, skojarzeń i powracających wątków. Przedmiotem niniejszego eseju jest zwięzła analiza i gruntowna krytyka wspomnianej trylogii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jej ostatniego ogniwa. W ramach rozwiniętej argumentacji krytycznej zostały sformułowane liczne zarzuty, zastrzeżenia i wątpliwości odnośnie do zaprezentowanych w trzech książkach poglądów. Wysunięte obiekcje dotyczą między innymi niespójnych wypowiedzi Graya na temat fenomenu tragedii, rzekomego odcięcia się filozofa od tradycyjnej moralności, problematyki wolności, a także źródeł humanizmu wraz z jego szacunkiem dla prawdy.John Gray’s three controversial, widely discussed books, Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals (2002), The Silence of Animals: On Progress and Other Myths (2013) and The Soul of the Marionette: A Short Inquiry into Human Freedom (2015), create a natural trilogy. They all have a similar structure, consisting of a kaleidoscope of ideas, digressions, associations and recurring motifs. This article provides a brief analysis and a thorough critique of this trilogy. The strong and the weak points of the most recent volume are emphasized. A number of objections, reservations and doubts concerning the ideas presented in the three books are formulated. Critical arguments relating to, among other things, Gray’s inconsistent statements on the phenomenon of tragedy, the sources of humanism and its respect for the truth, the issue of freedom and the author’s alleged rejection of traditional morality are put forward

    John Gray and the implications of value pluralism for legal philosophy

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    John Gray is the thinker who has reconstructed the main tenets of ethical pluralism inherent in the work of its initiator - Isaiah Berlin - and pointed to its consequences for political philosophy. In particular he singled out three levels of conflict in ethics identifiable in Berlin’s writings: among the ultimate values belonging to the same morality or code of conduct, among whole ways or styles of life and within goods or values which are themselves internally complex and inherently pluralistic. It is the third, internal kind of conflict that proves to be the richest in implications.Because it undermines a whole constellation of contemporary liberal doctrines informed by the Kantian-Lockean tradition that conform to the legal paradigm. From the pluralist perspective such monumental theories (e.g. those of Rawls or Dworkin) are no longer sustainable due to the recognition that no ultimate value is immune to the phenomenon of incommensurability. Thus, irresolvable conflicts may also break out within the given regulative value. Confronting ethical pluralism with general reflection on law has mostly negative consequences. Nevertheless, the incommensurability thesis sheds considerable light on certain legal disputes. This claim will be illustrated by interpreting from the pluralist perspective the controversy over the verdict by the European Tribunal of Human Rights of 3 November 2010 concerning hanging crosses in classrooms

    Post-stroke pure apraxia of speech – A rare experience

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    Apraxia of speech (AOS) is a motor speech disorder, most typically caused by stroke, which in its “pure” form (without other speech-language deficits) is very rare in clinical practice. Because some observable characteristics of AOS overlap with more common verbal communication neurologic syndromes (i.e. aphasia, dysarthria) distinguishing them may be difficult. The present study describes AOS in a 49-year-old right-handed male after left-hemispheric stroke. Analysis of his articulatory and prosodic abnormalities in the context of intact communicative abilities as well as description of symptoms dynamics over time provides valuable information for clinical diagnosis of this specific disorder and prognosis for its recovery. This in turn is the basis for the selection of appropriate rehabilitative interventions

    Poesia della “distruzione compiuta” milo De Angelis e la sua radice dell’italianita

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    Questo articolo traccia degli aspetti dell’italianitŕ nell’opera di Milo De Angelis, che esordisce nel 1976 con Somiglianze. La sua poesia, opponendosi alla crisi poetica del secondo Novecento, cerca di rifondare lo statuto del discorso lirico, restando pur sempre profondamente radicata nella corporalitŕ delle cose. Le seguenti analisi vengono focalizzate su due punti principali, esaminati tramite i riferimenti alla letteratura italiana. Il primo di essi č quello della rappresentazione di Milano, in cui vengono scoperti degli influssi della poetica di Charles Baudelaire che permettono a De Angelis di abbandonare l’orizzonte usuale della sua cittŕ. La peculiaritŕ rilevata nella seconda parte del saggio č il carattere della parola poetica in sé, determinata da un contrasto interno tra l’elemento dionisiaco ed apollineo.This article aims to trace some aspects of Italianness in the oeuvre of Milo De Angelis, debuting in 1976 with Somiglianze. Despite the crisis in poetry in the second half of the twentieth century, his writing, profoundly rooted in the corporeality of things, attempts to restore the status of lyrical discourse. The analyses are focused on two principal points, examined through some references to Italian literature. The first of them is the representation of Milan, that turns out to be influenced by poetics of Charles Baudelaire, what helps De Angelis to abandon the usual horizon of his city. A peculiarity highlighted in the second part of the paper is the character of a poetic word itself, determined by an inner contrast between the Apollonian and the Dionysian

    Efficient extraction of vicine from faba beans using reactive system of high-pressure CO2/water

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    ABSTRACT: Vicine from faba bean is a causative agent of favism, a genetic disease, which manifests as hemolytic anemia. Despite that low vicine varieties of faba bean exist, they are not widely cultivated. Several extraction methods of vicine from faba beans have been presented in the literature, however, their low efficiency associated to time-consuming and costly process limit the practical use. This work for the first time addresses the employment of high-pressure CO2-assisted extraction of the pyrimidine glycosides from the faba bean. For this purpose, the effect of temperature, CO2 pressure and time on vicine extraction was scrutinized using Box-Behnken design of experiments. Response surface methodology was used to determine the optimal extraction conditions. At 40.7 °C, 8.1 bar of CO2 pressure and 5.1 min of extraction, 81% of total vicine should be extracted from faba bean.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wokół sporu o normatywny pluralizm wartości

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    Between the Space of Milan and Poetic Memory. Reflections on the Margins of Contemporary Italian Poetry

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    In contemporary Italian poetry, the strong presence of things intertwines with the recognition of emptiness. Poets, freed from the excess of history, rebuild their relationship with reality. They discover the depth of things and their real duration. At the same time, they try to find their own identity. A strong interdependence between the subject and the space takes a particular form in the works of poets associated with Milan, such as Vittorio Sereni or Milo De Angelis. They construct poetic imagery through liminal spaces and overlapping visions. Their poetic chronotope does not belong to the linear development of history. Starting from these observations, we aim to understand Milan’s character revealed by contemporary poetry. The dominance of non-places, indicated by Marc Augé, is contrasted in the paper with traditional spatial practices, such as wandering around the streets, where, as in Barthes: “the city speaks to its inhabitants, we speak our city, simply by inhabiting it, by traversing it, by looking at it.” This approach finally leads us to see the poetic space from the microhistory perspective and through the aura phenomenon

    Doktryna wolności Isaiaha Berlina

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    Autorka analizuje doktrynę wolności Isaiaha BerlinaPublikacja dofinansowana ze środków przyznanych w ramach dotacji dla Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego na rozwój młodych naukowców i doktorantó