568 research outputs found


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    One of the subject areas in economic security studies (a new direction in management science) is an assessment. Estimates of a particular object will most significantly reflect its state in case there is an information analytical support. Information analytical assessment provision in economic security studies must meet assessment information needs by providing such resource as indicators, using which it will be possible to have a high–quality economic security estimates of the objects selected for assessment. The indicators selection and further operations with them using the assessment methods to get the objects estimates in mіcrolevel economic security studies is performed taking into account an object of assessment, a research context of economic security, quality estimates requirements, availability and accessibility of information for determining values of indicators, estimates character (retrospective, current, predictive). There are some examples of indicators and methods of the objects assessment in the microlevel economic security studies considered that are eligible for assessment in a protective context of an enterprise economic security.Одной из предметных областей в науке об экономической безопасности (новое  направление в управленческой науке) является оценивание. Оценки конкретного объекта максимально достоверно будут отображать его состояние в случае наличия информационно–аналитического обеспечения. Информационно–аналитическое обеспечение оценивания в науке об экономической безопасности должно удовлетворять информационные потребности оценивания путем предоставления такого ресурса, как показатели, на основе которых можно получить качественные оценки экономической безопасности выбранных объектов оценивания. Выбор показателей и дальнейшие операции с ними с применением методов оценивания для получения оценок объектов в науке об экономической безопасности на микроуровне осуществляется с учетом объекта оценивания, контексты исследования экономической безопасности, требований к качеству оценок,  наличия и доступности информации для определения значений показателей, характера оценок (ретроспективные, текущие или прогнозные).  Как пример, представлено некоторые показатели и методы оценивания объектов в науке об экономической безопасности на микроуровне, которые подходят для оценивания в защитном контексте экономической безопасности предприятия.Однією з предметних областей в економічній безпекології (новий напрям в управлінській науці) є оцінювання. Оцінки конкретного об’єкта максимально достовірно будуть відображати його стан за наявності інформаційно–аналітичного забезпечення. Інформаційно–аналітичне забезпечення оцінювання в економічній безпекології має задовольнити інформаційні потреби оцінювання шляхом надання такого ресурсу як показники, з використанням яких можна отримати якісні оцінки економічної безпеки вибраних об’єктів оцінювання. Вибір показників та подальші операції з ними за допомогою методів оцінювання для отримання оцінок об’єктів в економічній безпекології макрорівня здійснюються з урахуванням об’єкта оцінювання, контексту дослідження економічної безпеки, вимог до якості оцінок, наявності та доступності інформації для визначення значень показників, характеру оцінок (ретроспективні, поточні, прогнозні). Як приклад надано деякі показники та методи оцінювання об’єктів в економічній безпекології мікрорівня, які придатні для оцінювання у захисному контексті економічної безпеки підприємства

    Star Unfolding Convex Polyhedra via Quasigeodesic Loops

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    We extend the notion of star unfolding to be based on a quasigeodesic loop Q rather than on a point. This gives a new general method to unfold the surface of any convex polyhedron P to a simple (non-overlapping), planar polygon: cut along one shortest path from each vertex of P to Q, and cut all but one segment of Q.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. v2 improves the description of cut locus, and adds references. v3 improves two figures and their captions. New version v4 offers a completely different proof of non-overlap in the quasigeodesic loop case, and contains several other substantive improvements. This version is 23 pages long, with 15 figure

    Specifics of impurity effects in ferropnictide superconductors

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    Effects of impurities and disorder on quasiparticle spectrum in superconducting iron pnictides are considered. Possibility for occurrence of localized energy levels due to impurities within the superconducting gap and the related modification of band structure and of superconducting order parameter are discussed. The evolution of superconducting state with impurity doping is traced.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum effects for ballistic transport in spintronic devices

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    Recent fabrication of atomic precision nanodevices for spintronics greatly boosted their performance and also revealed new interesting features, as oscillating magnetoresistance with number of atomic layers in a multilayered structure. This motivates the need to go beyond the usual theoretical approach of semi-classical continuous layers. Here the simple tight-binding dynamics is used to describe quantum conduction in a multicomponent system with spin-polarized electrodes separated by an ultrathin and atomically coherent non-magnetic spacer (either metallic or insulating). A possibility is indicated for obtaining a huge resonant enhancement of magnetoresistance in such device by a special choice of gate voltage on the spacer element.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Influence of a low magnetic field on the thermal diffusivity of Bi-2212

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    The thermal diffusivity of a Bi-2212 polycrystalline sample has been measured under a 1T magnetic field applied perpendicularly to the heat flux. The magnetic contribution to the heat carrier mean free path has been extracted and is found to behave as a simple power law. This behavior can be attributed to a percolation process of electrons in the vortex lattice created by the magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Studies of the Chemical and Structural Heterogeneity of the Technological Model of the Fusion Boundary of Pearlitic Steel and the Material of the Anticorrosive Cladding of VVER

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    The properties of ingots of variable chemical composition are investigated. The ingots simulated the fusion boundary of heterogeneous steels of pearlitic and austenitic grade, used as structural for VVER-type reactors. The distribution of chemical elements and hardness, microstructure was studied. The phase composition of the ingots was studied using thermodynamic modeling. It was found that the distribution of alloying elements, hardness and phase composition is nonlinear. In ingots, a zone of a sudden change in hardness was detected, from 350 HB to 150 HB, ingot 1, and from 250 HB to 160 HB, ingot 2. A study of the phase composition and microstructure showed that at a ratio of the austenite phase to the ferritic (71-76)% to (29-24)%, a sharp change in hardness is observed. Keywords: heterogeneous welded joints and cladding, fusion boundary, technological modeling, thermodynamic modeling

    Noise-Induced Phase Space Transport in Two-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems

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    First passage time experiments were used to explore the effects of low amplitude noise as a source of accelerated phase space diffusion in two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, and these effects were then compared with the effects of periodic driving. The objective was to quantify and understand the manner in which ``sticky'' chaotic orbits that, in the absence of perturbations, are confined near regular islands for very long times, can become ``unstuck'' much more quickly when subjected to even very weak perturbations. For both noise and periodic driving, the typical escape time scales logarithmically with the amplitude of the perturbation. For white noise, the details seem unimportant: Additive and multiplicative noise typically have very similar effects, and the presence or absence of a friction related to the noise by a Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem is also largely irrelevant. Allowing for colored noise can significantly decrease the efficacy of the perturbation, but only when the autocorrelation time becomes so large that there is little power at frequencies comparable to the natural frequencies of the unperturbed orbit. Similarly, periodic driving is relatively inefficient when the driving frequency is not comparable to these natural frequencies. This suggests strongly that noise-induced extrinsic diffusion, like modulational diffusion associated with periodic driving, is a resonance phenomenon. The logarithmic dependence of the escape time on amplitude reflects the fact that the time required for perturbed and unperturbed orbits to diverge a given distance scales logarithmically in the amplitude of the perturbation.Comment: 15 pages, including 13 Figures and 1 Table, uses Phys. Rev. macro

    Substitutional doping of Cu in diamond: Mott physics with pp orbitals

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    Discovery of superconductivity in the impurity band formed by heavy doping of boron into diamond (C:B) as well as doping of boron into silicon (Si:B) has provided a rout for the possibility of new families of superconducting materials. Motivated by the special role played by copper atoms in high temperature superconducting materials where essentially Cu dd orbitals are responsible for a variety of correlation induced phases, in this paper we investigate the effect of substitutional doping of Cu into diamond. Our extensive first principle calculations averaged over various geometries based on density functional theory, indicates the formation of a mid-gap band, which mainly arises from the t2gt_{2g} and 4p4p states of Cu. For impurity concentrations of more than 1\sim 1%, the effect of 2pbandsofneighboringcarbonatomscanbeignored.Basedonourdetailedanalysis,wesuggestatwobandmodelforthemidgapstatesconsistingofaquarterfilledholelike bands of neighboring carbon atoms can be ignored. Based on our detailed analysis, we suggest a two band model for the mid-gap states consisting of a quarter-filled hole like t_{2g}band,andahalffilledbandof band, and a half-filled band of 4pstates.IncreasingtheconcentrationoftheCuimpuritybeyond states. Increasing the concentration of the Cu impurity beyond \sim 5%, completely closes the spectral gap of the host diamond.Comment: 5 figure

    Replicated Transfer Matrix Analysis of Ising Spin Models on `Small World' Lattices

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    We calculate equilibrium solutions for Ising spin models on `small world' lattices, which are constructed by super-imposing random and sparse Poissonian graphs with finite average connectivity c onto a one-dimensional ring. The nearest neighbour bonds along the ring are ferromagnetic, whereas those corresponding to the Poisonnian graph are allowed to be random. Our models thus generally contain quenched connectivity and bond disorder. Within the replica formalism, calculating the disorder-averaged free energy requires the diagonalization of replicated transfer matrices. In addition to developing the general replica symmetric theory, we derive phase diagrams and calculate effective field distributions for two specific cases: that of uniform sparse long-range bonds (i.e. `small world' magnets), and that of (+J/-J) random sparse long-range bonds (i.e. `small world' spin-glasses).Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, IOP macros, eps figure

    Magnetic and transport properties of diluted granular multilayers

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    The magnetic and transport properties of Co80Fe20t /Al2O34 nm multilayers with low nominal thicknesses t=0.7 and 0.9 nm of Co80Fe20 granular layers are studied. Magnetic studies find a superparamagnetic state above the blocking temperature Tb of field-cooled/zero-field-cooled splitting that grows with t and decreases with H. The low-voltage Ohmic tunnel transport passes to non-Ohmic IV3/2 law for applied fields above 500 V/cm. At fixed V, the temperature dependence of conductance reveals an anomalous dip around 220 K, which can be attributed to the effect of surface contamination by supercooled water. Current-in-plane tunnel magnetoresistance MR ratio tends, at lower t, to higher maximum values 8% at room temperature but to lower field sensitivity. This may indicate growing discorrelation effect e.g., between shrinking areas of correlated moments in this regime and corroborates the deficit of granule magnetization estimated from the Inoue–Maekawa MR fit, compared to that from direct magnetization measurements. MR displays a mean-field-like critical behavior when t approaches the point of superparamagnetic/ superferromagnetic transition tc1.3 nm at room temperature from below, different from the formerly reported percolationlike behavior at approaching it from above.With growing temperature, MR reveals, beyond the common decrease, an anomalous plateau from Tb30–50 K up to some higher value T150–200 K, not seen at higher t