12 research outputs found
V pedagoškem procesu uporabljena primera celovite programske rešitve SAP na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteti za organizacijske vede in na Ekonomski univerzi v Pragi
The paper describes two cases of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integration into the educational process. Case studies used at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia and at the University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic are presented and explained with regards to where and how they are used. The lectures and seminars on the ERP systems and the market share leader ERP system SAP are available for students at both universities. Both universities have gained much practical experience with the teaching of ERP based on exercises and practical experience with the SAP product done by students. As a next step, both universities plan to prepare a common international e-business course based on scenarios running on the SAP application accessible for students from both universities. This kind of cooperation could give student projects a new international dimension. Key words: case, education, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), process, procurement, SAP, teaching, sellingČlanek opisuje dva primera uporabe celovite programske rešitve (ERP) znotraj pedagoškega procesa. Opisana sta učna primera uporabe na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteti za organizacijske vede in na Ekonomski univerzi v Prag, Češka. Na obeh univerzah je v okviru predavanj in vaj predstavljena na trgu ena od vodilnih celovitih programskih rešitev SAP. Študentje obeh univerz so tekom svojega izobraževanja pridobili veliko praktičnih izkušenj na tem področju. Obe univerzi se zavedata pomembnosti e-regijskega sodelovanja in v prihodnosti načrtujeta skupno izobraževanje na področju celovitih programskih rešitev vključno s praktično izvedbo vaj iz SAP-a, ki bodo temeljile na skupno zastavljenem scenariju. Tak način e-regijskega sodelovanja bo študentom v okviru njihovega študija prinesel popolnoma nove dimenzije mednarodnega povezovanja. Ključne besede: študija primera, izobraževanje, učenje, celovita programska rešitev, ERP, proces, oskrbovanje, prodajanj
Organizacijski čimbenici uspješnog ulaska na elektronička tržišta
The appeal of doing business on the Web is clear. By bringing together large numbers of buyers and sellers and by automating transactions, e-marketplaces expand the choices available to buyers, give sellers access to new customers (buyers), and reduce transaction costs for all participants. Entering the e- marketplace is related to the business process of reengineering, connecting of information systems, gaining new knowledge with training and learning, and making investments in new information technologies and software. Such organization must take very careful steps to prepare itself for a successful entrance on the e-marketplace. Only this kind of approach will enable the organization the full use of the available opportunities and will bring expected business results. The paper presents the different types of e-marketplaces and the use of e-marketplaces for business. Furthermore, the results of the research that was done among 250 large organizations in Slovenia are presented. The current status of the use e-commerce and e-marketplaces in large organizations in Slovenia is introduced. In addition, organizational factors found by large organizations to be important for a successful entrance to the e-marketplaces are presented. We conclude the paper with recommendations for the organizations that intend to enter e-marketplace.Privlačnost poslovanja putem (World Wide) Weba je jasna: agregiranjem velikog broja kupaca i prodavača, te automatiziranjem transakcija, elektronička tržišta povećavaju izbor dostupan kupcima, ali i pružaju prodavateljima pristup novim kupcima, te smanjuju transkacijske troškove za sve učesnike u trgovanju. Ulaz na elektroničko tržište je povezan s reinženjeringom, povezivanjem informacijskih sustava, stjecanjem novih znanja putem treninga i učenja, te investiranjem u nove informacijske tehnologije i software. Organizacija koja namjerava s uspjehom ući u elektroničko tržište, mora se za takav korak pažljivo pripremiti. Samo će takav pristup organizaciji otvoriti potpuni pristup svim mogućnostima koje stoje na raspolaganju, te dovesti do očekivanih poslovnih rezultata. U radu se predstavljaju različiti oblici elektroničkih tržišta, te uporaba elektroničkih tržišta u poslovanju. Nadalje se iznose rezultati istraživanja provedenog u 250 velikih slovenskih poduzeća. U istraživanju se razmatra trenutna razina korištenje elektroničke trgovine i tržišta u velikim slovenskim poduzećima, te se izdvajaju organizacijski čimbenici koji se cijene bitnim za uspješan ulazak na elektronička tržišta. U zaključku rada se iznose preporuke za organizacije koje namjeravaju ući na elektroničko tržište
Phase formation, microstructure development and thermoelectric properties of (ZnO)(k)In2O3 ceramics
International audienceThe (ZnO)(k)In2O3 system is interesting for applications in the fields of thermoelectrics and optoelectronics. In this study we resolve the complex homologous phase evolution with increasing temperature in polycrystalline ceramics for k = 5, 11 and 18 and its influence on the microstructural development and thermoelectric properties. The phase formation at temperatures above 1000 degrees C is influenced by the local ZnO-to-In2O3 ratio in the starting-powder mixture. While the equilibrium phase for k = 5 is formed directly after sintering at 1200 degrees C, the formation of the k = 11 and k =18 equilibrium phases proceeds at higher temperatures by diffusion between the initially formed phases, the lower k Zn5In2O8/Zn7In2O10 and the higher k ZnkIn2Ok+3 (9 < k < infinity)Such phase formation affects the sintering and grain growth, and consequently, with the degree of structural and compositional homogeneity, also the thermoelectric characteristics of the (ZnO)(k)In2O3 ceramics. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Phase formation, microstructure development and thermoelectric properties of (ZnO)(k)In2O3 ceramics
International audienceThe (ZnO)(k)In2O3 system is interesting for applications in the fields of thermoelectrics and optoelectronics. In this study we resolve the complex homologous phase evolution with increasing temperature in polycrystalline ceramics for k = 5, 11 and 18 and its influence on the microstructural development and thermoelectric properties. The phase formation at temperatures above 1000 degrees C is influenced by the local ZnO-to-In2O3 ratio in the starting-powder mixture. While the equilibrium phase for k = 5 is formed directly after sintering at 1200 degrees C, the formation of the k = 11 and k =18 equilibrium phases proceeds at higher temperatures by diffusion between the initially formed phases, the lower k Zn5In2O8/Zn7In2O10 and the higher k ZnkIn2Ok+3 (9 < k < infinity)Such phase formation affects the sintering and grain growth, and consequently, with the degree of structural and compositional homogeneity, also the thermoelectric characteristics of the (ZnO)(k)In2O3 ceramics. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Effect of annealing in air on the microstructural and thermoelectric characteristics of ZnO-based ceramics synthesized in a reducing atmosphere
Sintering in a reducing atmosphere, in comparison with sintering in air, greatly improves the electrical performance of ZnO-based thermoelectric materials. However, it also raises a question concerning their chemical stability in air for applications at high temperatures. The influence of annealing in air at temperatures up to 1000°C on the characteristics of ZnO-based ceramics synthesized in a reducing atmosphere of N2 + H2 was studied. The annealing process primarily results in acceptor states at the grain boundaries with the formation of electrostatic Schottky barriers, leading to decreased charge-carrier mobility and a lowering of the electrical conductivity and consequently 4-times lower power factor in comparison with the ceramics before annealing. The annealing in air does not affect the enhanced solid solubility of the donor dopants (i.e., Al) in the ceramics by sintering in a reducing atmosphere; however, it lowers the concentration of intrinsic donor defects, i.e. zinc interstitials (Zni) and oxygen vacancies (VO), thus decreasing the concentration of charge carriers. Nevertheless, the power factor of air-annealed ceramics was still 8-times higher than for ZnO ceramics prepared only by sintering in air. These results provide guidelines for the development of ZnO ceramics with annealing in air at high temperatures up to 1000°C after sintering in a reducing atmosphere, which not only enhanced thermoelectric characteristics, but also improved stability for applications in air at high temperatures, compared to the samples synthesis in air only
Prostori prezentacije: razstava kot praktični del D izbirnega predmeta, mentor doc. Andrej Brumen Čop
Razstava Prostori prezentacije je dobila ime po D izbirnem predmetu, ki se je v tem šolskem letu na Oddelku za likovno pedagogiko izvajal prvič. Predmet je zasnovan kot množica teoretičnih in praktičnih vsebin, ki se tičejo problema prezentacije oziroma predstavitve. Pri tem so nam bile v pomoč misli teoretikov (B. Groys, J. Elkins, M. J. Jacob, J. Baas idr.), ki se ukvarjajo z opazovanjem spreminjanja prezentacij v sodobni umetnosti. Šli smo tudi na teren in si ogledali nekatere postavitve v muzejih, galerijah in zbirkah, potem pa se dejansko lotili razstave v galeriji Pef, ki ima popolnoma študijski namen
Prostori prezentacije: razstava kot praktični del D izbirnega predmeta, mentor doc. Andrej Brumen Čop
Razstava Prostori prezentacije je dobila ime po D izbirnem predmetu, ki se je v tem šolskem letu na Oddelku za likovno pedagogiko izvajal prvič. Predmet je zasnovan kot množica teoretičnih in praktičnih vsebin, ki se tičejo problema prezentacije oziroma predstavitve. Pri tem so nam bile v pomoč misli teoretikov (B. Groys, J. Elkins, M. J. Jacob, J. Baas idr.), ki se ukvarjajo z opazovanjem spreminjanja prezentacij v sodobni umetnosti. Šli smo tudi na teren in si ogledali nekatere postavitve v muzejih, galerijah in zbirkah, potem pa se dejansko lotili razstave v galeriji Pef, ki ima popolnoma študijski namen