50 research outputs found

    Superior ophthalmic vein and ophthalmic artery in immediate evaluation after endovascular treatment of carotid-cavernous fistulas

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    Purpose: To validate superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) and ophthalmic artery (OA) usefulness in immediate evaluation of new endovascular approaches to treat carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCFs). Material and methods: A retrospective review of 597 intracerebral malformation embolisations yielded 40 embolisations of CCF in the treatment of 18 patients. Two interventional radiologists performed detailed radiological angiographic assessments. Results: Mean age at initial admission was 58.9 years (SD 18.5 years, range 24-85 years). Patients presented with: chemosis (50%), ocular bruit (50%), exophthalmos (61%), diminished visual acuity (77.8%), headache (16.7%), and intracerebral haemorrhage (5.55%), and 5.55% were asymptomatic. Unilateral fistulas (10-55.5%) showed more diversified venous drainage pattern than bilateral ones (8-44.4%). There were statistically significant differences in post-traumatic and spontaneous CCF regarding age (p = 0.036), type of fistula (p = 0.0008), and presence of pseudoaneurysm (p = 0.036). 77.8% of patients had increased ipsilateral SOV diameter. SOV enlargement was not associated with type of fistula, history of trauma, or degree of exophthalmos. Ipsilateral ophthalmic artery was visible in all patients on both pre- and postprocedural angiography on lateral projection. Pre- and post-procedural SOV diameter was significantly different. Internal carotid artery patency was 100%, while the overall final angiographic or clinical success was 85.7%. We had three cases of peri-procedural complications. Conclusions: We reported changeable dynamics of SOV and OA after endovascular treatment of CCFs and proved the feasibility of coils and Onyx-18 in the treatment thereof

    The advantages of a spine coil over a torso coil in magnetic resonance imaging examination of the sternoclavicular joints

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    Purpose: There are two standard methods for an magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination of the sternoclavicular joints: with loop coils and the patient in the prone position, or with torso coils with the patient in a supine position. In some centres these joints are examined with the spine coil in a patient laying prone. There are no reports on the advantages of this method. Our hypothesis is that despite different MRI systems, application of a spine coil will improve examination quality. Material and methods: Twenty-one healthy volunteers (10 female, 11 male, mean age 25 years) were randomised into three groups and scanned using three different MRI scanners (1.5T: Siemens Avanto, Philips Ingenia, 3.0T: Philips Achieva). Each volunteer was examined twice: using a standard protocol with a torso coil and with a spine coil, in prone position. The two groups were compared with regard to the intensity of motion artefacts using the χ2 test, and to the signal-to-noise ratio with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: Application of a spine coil resulted in a significant decrease in the number of motion artefacts in all three planes (axial: p = 0.0004; sagittal: p < 0.0001; coronal: p = 0.0054). Moreover, the signal-to-noise ratio was significantly increased with the application of a spine coil (28.6 ± 8.6 vs. 18.5 ± 7.3, respectively; p = 0.0002). Conclusions: Application of a spine coil with the patient in a prone position is suitable for MRI evaluation of the sternoclavicular joints. It allows a higher signal-to-noise ratio and a lower intensity of motion artefacts to be obtained compared to a torso coil

    Chmura obliczeniowa

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    Cloud computing is an approach to computing that leverages the efficient pooling of on- demand, self-managed virtual infrastructure that is consumed as a service. The launch of this model of data processing requires the appropriate hardware and software infrastructure, which currently are very expensive. Another problem is the law that is not adapted to modern IT solutions. Nevertheless, cloud computing is the fastest growing part of the IT market. This article provides information about benefits and limitations of public and private cloud computing. It focuses on definition of cloud computing, describing proposed solutions for private cloud computing offered by leading software manufacturers and financial and law factors that can decide about successful migration to the cloud

    Rozwiązanie problemu nadmiernych drgań stropów budynku przemysłowego o konstrukcji stalowej

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    This paper deals with the problem of vibration that occurs in many industrial buildings. It covers the complete procedure of handling such tasks. Two buildings in a “Lubelski Wegiel S.A.” coal mine were examined in 2003 – 2005. Some years after building vibration of floors appeared (Figs 2-3). It was caused probably by modification in the building structures or improper maintenance of machines. Measurements and numerical simulations (Figs 4-5 and Tab. 1) showed that resonance appeared. It was stated that main elements of the structure were not in danger and vibration concern the floors only. Necessary modifications of the structures were designed (Figs 6-7). Testing measurements after bringing them into effect were conducted (Figs 8-11).W niniejszej pracy zajęto się problemem drgań pojawiających się w wielu budynkach przemysłowych. W latach 2003-2005 sprawdzono dwa budynki w kopalni węgla „Lubelski Węgiel S.A.” Kilka lat później pojawiły się drgania stropów w budynku, które zostały wywołane prawdopodobnie przez mody-fikacje wprowadzone w konstrukcji lub prze nieprawidłowe utrzymanie maszyn. Zarówno pomiary jak i symulacje numeryczne wykazały wystąpienie rezonansu. Stwierdzono, że główne elementy konstrukcji nie były zagrożone, a drgania dotyczyły tylko stropów. Zaprojektowano niezbędne modyfikacje konstrukcji i przeprowadzono testowe pomiary po ich wprowadzeniu

    Wczesne markery miażdżycy u chorych z nieprawidłową glikemią na czczo

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    Introduction. It is known that increased plasma glucose, which includes impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and diabetes, is a risk factor for atherosclerosis. Individuals with IFG exhibit a higher rate of cardiovascular events compared with those with normal fasting glucose. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether IFG has an influence on early markers of atherosclerosis [intima media thickness (IMT), strain (S, deformation of the vessels wall), and strain rate (Sr, deformation over time)] in common ca­rotid artery (CCA) compare to healthy subjects (without disturbances of glucose metabolism). Patients and methods. A group of 25 dysglycemic patients with IFG and 15 healthy subjects of similar age and gender were examined. Blood analyses and anthropometric measurement [systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR)] were obtained. Carotid IMT, S, and Sr were measured by tissue Doppler. IFP was diagnosed according to the diagnostic criteria for IFG in Poland. Results. Patients with IFG had higher DBP and IMT of CCA (right and left) compared with control. There was no difference in SBP and HR between patients with IFG and controls. Strain of CCA was decreased in subject with IFG compared with controls and strain rate of CCA was increased in patients with IFG compared with the controls. Conclusion. IFG may have an influence on early markers of atherosclerosis, but further investigations are needed to confirm these observations.Wstęp. Podwyższone stężenie glukozy we krwi, obejmujące nieprawidłową glikemię na czczo (IFG), nietolerancję glukozy i cukrzycę, jest czynnikiem ryzyka miażdżycy. U pacjentów z nieprawidłową glikemią na czczo częstość występowania zdarzeń sercowo-naczyniowych jest większa niż u osób z prawidłową glikemią. Celem badania była ocena, czy IFG ma wpływ na wczesne markery miażdżycy: grubość kompleksu błony wewnętrznej (IMT), odkształcenie ściany naczynia (S) i odkształcenie w jednostce czasu (Sr) w tętnicach szyjnych wspólnych (CCA) w porównaniu z osobami zdrowymi (bez zaburzeń metabolizmu glukozy). Pacjenci i metody. Zbadano 25 chorych z IFG oraz 15 zdrowych osób odpowiednio dobranych pod względem wieku i płci. Od chorych pobrano próbkę krwi oraz dokonano pomiarów skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (SBP), rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (DBP), częstości rytmu serca (HR). Oceny IMT tętnic szyjnych, S, Sr dokonano przy użyciu doplera tkankowego. Rozpo­znania IFG dokonano na podstawie kryteriów rozpoznania obowiązujących w Polsce. Wyniki. Pacjenci z IFG mieli wyższe wartości DBP oraz IMT prawej i lewej CCA w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Nie stwierdzono różnicy między SBP i HR w grupie z IFG w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Odkształcenie ściany naczynia obu CCA było obniżone w grupie z IFG w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną, Sr był wyższy w grupie z IFG niż w grupie kontrolnej. Wnioski. Nieprawidłowa glikemia na czczo może mieć wpływ na wczesne markery miażdżycy, jednak są potrzebne dalsze badania, by potwierdzić tę obserwację

    Watermills and windmills as monuments in Poland - protection of cultural heritage in situ and in open-air museums

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    This paper presents the results of research on the history of the protection of mills as objects of cultural heritage on Polish lands. First, the spatial distribution of over 20,000 mills at the beginning of the previous century is characterized, then the main actions undertaken for their protection in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are discussed. Merely 3.4% of mills that worked in the past are now protected as monuments and recorded in the national register. Most of them remain in their original locations (in situ), and another 71 windmills and 22 watermills have been relocated to open-air museums. These specific institutions face a particularly important task involving the necessity to retain the original functionality of the mills

    KORTES Mission for Solar Activity Monitoring Onboard International Space Station

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    peer reviewedWe present a description of the recent advances in the development of the KORTES assembly—the first solar oriented mission designed for the Russian segment of the International Space Station. KORTES consists of several imaging and spectroscopic instruments collectively covering a wide spectral range extending from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths to X-rays. The EUV telescopes inside KORTES will trace the origin and dynamics of various solar phenomena, e.g., flares, CMEs, eruptions etc. EUV spectra provided by grazing-incidence spectroheliographs will enable precise DEM-diagnostics during these events. The monochromatic X-ray imager will observe the formation of hot plasma in active regions and outside them. The SolpeX module inside KORTES will offer an opportunity to measure fluxes, Doppler shifts and polarization of soft X-ray emission both in lines and continuum. SolpeX observations will contribute to studies of particle beams and chromospheric evaporation. The instrumentation of KORTES will employ a variety of novel multilayer and crystal optics. The deployment of KORTES is planned for 2024

    Lending policy of commercial banks from the perspective of the real estate market

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    Związku z wysoką kapitałochłonnością, która jest jedną z cech nieruchomości. Bez odpowiednich metod finansowania przeprowadzenie transakcji dla wielu osób odłożone zostałoby w czasie lub stałoby się niemożliwie. Kredyt hipoteczny jest rozwiązaniem umożliwiającym zakup lub budowę nieruchomości przez osoby nie posiadające wystarczającego kapitału. Udzielane finansowanie wiąże się z szeregiem zagrożeń, które brane są pod uwagę podczas badania i oceny zdolności kredytowej. Nieruchomości posiadają cechy specyficzne, które odróżniają je od innego rodzaju aktywa. Ze względu na znaczenie jakie pełniom nieruchomości zagadnienia z nimi związane precyzują uwarunkowania prawne i regulacyjne. Istnieje wiele czynników wpływających na rynek nieruchomości, a za najważniejsze uważa się zmiany dotyczące: popytu, podaży i ceny. Stan rynku nieruchomości uwarunkowany jest od kształtowanej polityki kredytowej banków komercyjnych, która wpływa na zmiany dotyczące dostępności finansowania. Praca przedstawia politykę kredytową banków komercyjnych z perspektywy rynku nieruchomości. W tym przełożenie zmian dotyczących polityki kredytowej na udzielane finansowanie, które oddziałuje na rynek nieruchomości. Liberalna polityka kredytowa wpływa na wzrost akcji kredytowej, co odzwierciedla liczba zawieranych umów. Zwiększony popyt prowadzi do wzrostu podaży, którą przedstawia zwiększona ilość rozpoczynanych prac i ilość mieszkań oddanych do użytku.Due to high capital intensity, which is one of the features of real estate. Withoutappropriate financing methods, transactions would be postponed or even impossible for many people. A credit mortage is a solution that allows people who do not have sufficient capital to buy or build real estate. For commercial banks, granting financing is associated with a number of risks that are taken into account when examing and assessing creditworthiness. Real estates have spefific features that distinguish them from other types of assets. Due to the importance of real estate, issues related to them are specified in legal and regulatory conditions. There are many factors affecting on the real estate market, and the most important ones are changes in: demand, supply and price. The situation on the real estate market depends on the credit policy of commercial banks. Which has a large impact on changes related to the availability of credit. The thesis presents the credit policy of commercial banks from the perspective of the real estate market. The thesis show the dependence of the real estate market on the availability of mortage credits. Liberal credit politcy leads to increase the number of concluded credit agreements. High demand leads to increase in supply, which is reflected in a greater number of commenced construction of property and the number of flats completed