105 research outputs found

    The influence of substrate and vegetation on extensive green roof hydrological performance

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the hydrological processes occurring in extensive green roof systems through data collected during a continuous monitoring programme of different green roof configurations. Nine green roof test beds (TB) which vary systematically in their substrate composition and vegetation options have been monitored since April 2010 at the University of Sheffield, UK. Three green roof substrates were tested: two commercial substrates manufactured by Alumasc – Heather with Lavender (HLS) and Sedum Carpet (SCS) Substrate were considered alongside a Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA)-based substrate. Three vegetation treatments have been tested: a drought tolerant specie (sedum), a meadow flower mixture and a no vegetation option. Per event retention performance varied depending on the initial water content within the substrate and the characteristics of the rainfall event. Consistent behaviour was observed among the tested green roof configurations with respect to per event retention. Greater retention was associated with HLS and SCS substrates when compared with LECA. Vegetated configurations showed consistently higher retention performance. Sedum vegetation resulted in higher retention performance than Meadow Flower. This was particularly evident on the LECA substrate

    Zeolite Activation of Organometallics: Revisiting Substitution Kinetics of [Mo(CO)\u3csub\u3e6\u3c/sub\u3e] with Chemisorbed PMe\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3e in Dehydrated Na\u3csub\u3e56\u3c/sub\u3eY Zeolite

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    Reactions of [Mo(CO)6] under vacuum in α-cages of Na56Y zeolite fully loaded with chemisorbed PMe3 form cis-[Mo(CO)4(PMe3)2] but mixtures of [Mo(CO)5(PMe3)] and cis-[Mo(CO)4(PMe3)2] are formed under CO. Reactions under vacuum exhibit low enthalpic and very negative entropic factors (ΔH = 71.4 ± 3.5 kJ mol-1 and ΔS = -102 ± 11 J K-1 mol-1) compared with much higher enthalpic and positive entropic factors for CO dissociative reactions with P(n-Bu)3 in xylene observed elsewhere. Reaction at 66 °C under vacuum is ca.103 times faster than spontaneous CO dissociative reactions in solution. Intrazeolite substitution is concluded to occur by a zeolite assisted mechanism in which two oxide ions in the cavity walls simultaneously displace two neighbouring CO ligands from the [Mo(CO)6]. This contrasts with even lower enthalpy, and more negative entropy values, for simultaneous displacement of three neighbouring CO ligands in thermal decarbonylation reactions. The α-cages behave as multidentate anionic zeolate ligands with varying numbers of O2- ions participating to create highly ordered transition states. These results emphasize the high degree to which such kinetic studies can reveal intimate details of the nature of these activating effects

    The influence of substrate and vegetation configuration on green roof hydrological performance

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    A four-year record of rainfall and runoff data from nine different extensive (80 mm substrate) green roof test beds has been analysed to establish the extent to which the substrate composition and vegetation treatment affect hydrological performance. The test beds incorporated three different substrate components with different porosity and moisture retention characteristics, and three different vegetation treatments (Sedum, Meadow Flower and unvegetated). Consistent differences were observed, with the vegetated beds showing higher levels of rainfall retention and better detention compared with unvegetated beds. The seasonal Meadow Flower beds had similar hydrological performance to Sedum-vegetated beds. There was a 27% performance reduction in annual volumetric retention attributable to differences in substrate and vegetation. The beds with the most porous/permeable substrates showed the lowest levels of both retention and detention. As with previous studies, retention efficiency in all nine beds showed a strong dependency on rainfall depth (P), with retention typically >80% for events where P < 10 mm, but significantly lower when P > 10 mm. The effects of vegetation and substrate were most evident for rainfall events where P > 10 mm, with the mean per-event retention varying between beds from 26.8% to 61.8%. On average, the test beds were able to retain the first 5 mm of rainfall in 65% of events where P > 5 mm, although this ranged from 29.4% to 70.6% of events depending on configuration. In terms of detention, all but one of the test beds could achieve runoff control to a green field runoff equivalent of 2 l/s/ha for more than 75% of events. Detention was also characterised via the calibration of a reservoir-routing modelthatlinked net rainfall to the measured runoff response. The parameter values identified here – when combined with a suitable evapotranspiration/retention model – provide a generic mechanism for predicting the runoff response to a time-series or design rainfall for any unmonitored system with comparable components, permitting comparison against local regulatory requirements

    Parameters influencing the regeneration of a green roof’s retention capacity via evapotranspiration

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    The extent to which the finite hydrological capacity of a green roof is available for retention of a storm event largely determines the scale of its contribution as a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS). Evapotranspiration (ET) regenerates the retention capacity at a rate that is variably influenced by climate, vegetation treatment, soil and residual moisture content. Experimental studies have been undertaken to monitor the drying cycle behaviour of 9 different extensive green roof configurations with 80 mm substrate depth. A climate-controlled chamber at the University of Sheffield replicated typical UK spring and summer diurnal cycles. The mass of each microcosm, initially at field capacity, was continuously recorded, with changes inferred to be moisture loss/gain (or ET/dew). The ranges of cumulative ET following a 28 day dry weather period (ADWP) were 0.6–1.0 mm/day in spring and 0.7–1.25 mm/day in summer. These ranges reflect the influence of configuration on ET. Cumulative ET was highest from substrates with the greatest storage capacity. Significant differences in ET existed between vegetated and non-vegetated configurations. Initially, seasonal mean ET was affected by climate. Losses were 2.0 mm/day in spring and 3.4 mm/day in summer. However, moisture availability constrained ET, which fell to 1.4 mm/day then 1.0 mm/day (with an ADWP of 7 and 14 days) in spring; compared to 1.0 mm/day and 0.5 mm/day in summer. A modelling approach, which factors Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) according to stored moisture content, predicts daily ET with very good accuracy (PBIAS = 2.0% [spring]; −0.8% [summer])

    Moisture content behaviour in extensive green roofs during dry periods: the influence of vegetation and substrate characteristics

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key parameter that influences the stormwater retention capacity, and thus the hydrological performance, of green roofs. This paper investigates how the moisture content in extensive green roofs varies during dry periods due to evapotranspiration. The study is supported by 29 months continuous field monitoring of the moisture content within four green roof test beds. The beds incorporated three different substrates, with three being vegetated with sedum and one left unvegetated. Water content reflectometers were located at three different soil depths to measure the soil moisture profile and to record temporal changes in moisture content at a five-minute resolution. The moisture content vertical profiles varied consistently, with slightly elevated moisture content levels being recorded at the deepest substrate layer in the vegetated systems. Daily moisture loss rates were influenced by both temperature and moisture content, with reduced moisture loss/evapotranspiration when the soil moisture was restricted. The presence of vegetation resulted in higher daily moisture loss. Finally, it is demonstrated that the observed moisture content data can be accurately simulated using a hydrologic model based on water balance and two conventional Potential ET models (Hargreaves and FAO56 Penman–Monteith) combined with a soil moisture extraction function. Configuration-specific correction factors have been proposed to account for differences between green roof systems and standard reference crops

    The impact of green roof ageing on substrate characteristics and hydrological performance

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    Green roofs contribute to stormwater management through the retention of rainfall and the detention of runoff. However, there is very limited knowledge concerning the evolution of green roof hydrological performance with system age. This study presents a non-invasive technique which allows for repeatable determination of key substrate characteristics over time, and evaluates the impact of observed substrate changes on hydrological performance. The physical properties of 12 green roof substrate cores have been evaluated using non-invasive X-Ray Microtomography (XMT) imaging. The cores comprised three replicates of two contrasting substrate types at two different ages: unused virgin samples; and 5-year-old samples from existing green roof test beds. Whilst significant structural differences (density, pore and particle sizes, tortuosity) between virgin and aged samples of a crushed brick substrate were observed, these differences did not significantly affect hydrological characteristics (maximum water holding capacity and saturated hydraulic conductivity). A contrasting substrate based upon a light expanded clay aggregate experienced increases in the number of fine particles and pores over time, which led to increases in maximum water holding capacity of 7%. In both substrates, the saturated hydraulic conductivity estimated from the XMT images was lower in aged compared with virgin samples. Comparisons between physically-derived and XMT-derived substrate hydrological properties showed that similar values and trends in the data were identified, confirming the suitability of the non-invasive XMT technique for monitoring changes in engineered substrates over time. The observed effects of ageing on hydrological performance were modelled as two distinct hydrological processes, retention and detention. Retention performance was determined via a moisture-flux model using physically-derived values of virgin and aged maximum water holding capacity. Increased water holding capacity with age increases the potential for retention performance. However, seasonal variations in retention performance greatly exceed those associated with the observed age-related increases in water holding capacity (+72% vs +7% respectively). Detention performance was determined via an unsaturated-flow finite element model, using van Genuchten parameters and XMT-derived values of saturated hydraulic conductivity. Reduced saturated hydraulic conductivity increases detention performance. For a 1-hour 30-year design storm, the peak runoff was found to be 33% lower for the aged brick-based substrate compared with its virgin counterpart

    Independent Validation of the SWMM Green Roof Module

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    Green roofs are a popular Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) technology. They provide multiple benefits, amongst which the retention of rainfall and detention of runoff are of particular interest to stormwater engineers. The hydrological performance of green roofs has been represented in various models, including the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The latest version of SWMM includes a new LID green roof module, which makes it possible to model the hydrological performance of a green roof by directly defining the physical parameters of a green roof’s three layers. However, to date, no study has validated the capability of this module for representing the hydrological performance of an extensive green roof in response to actual rainfall events. In this study, data from a previously-monitored extensive green roof test bed has been utilised to validate the SWMM green roof module for both long-term (173 events over a year) and short-term (per-event) simulations. With only 0.357% difference between measured and modelled annual retention, the uncalibrated model provided good estimates of total annual retention, but the modelled runoff depths deviated significantly from the measured data at certain times (particularly during summer) in the year. Retention results improved (with the difference between modelled and measured annual retention decreasing to 0.169% and the Nash-Sutcliffe Model Efficiency (NSME) coefficient for per-event rainfall depth reaching 0.948) when reductions in actual evapotranspiration due to reduced substrate moisture availability during prolonged dry conditions were used to provide revised estimates of monthly ET. However, this aspect of the model’s performance is ultimately limited by the failure to account for the influence of substrate moisture on actual ET rates. With significant differences existing between measured and simulated runoff and NSME coefficients of below 0.5, the uncalibrated model failed to provide reasonable predictions of the green roof’s detention performance, although this was significantly improved through calibration. To precisely model the hydrological behaviour of an extensive green roof with a plastic board drainage layer, some of the modelling structures in SWMM green roof module require further refinement

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