35 research outputs found

    Widespread hybridization within mound-building wood ants in Southern Finland results in cytonuclear mismatches and potential for sex-specific hybrid breakdown.

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    Hybridization and gene flow between diverging lineages is increasingly recognized as a common evolutionary process and its consequences can vary from hybrid breakdown to adaptive introgression. We have previously found a population of wood ant hybrids between Formica aquilonia and F. polyctena that shows antagonistic effects of hybridization: females with introgressed alleles show hybrid vigour, whereas males with the same alleles show hybrid breakdown. Here we investigate whether hybridization is a general phenomenon in this species pair, and analyze 647 worker samples from 16 localities in Finland using microsatellite markers and a 1200 bp mitochondrial sequence. Our results show that 27 sampled nests contained parental-like gene pools (six putative F. polyctena and 21 putative F. aquilonia) and all remaining nests (69), from nine localities, contained hybrids of varying degrees. Patterns of genetic variation suggest these hybrids arise from several hybridization events or, instead, have backcrossed to the parental gene pools to varying extents. In contrast to expectations, the mitochondrial haplotypes of the parental species were not randomly distributed among the hybrids. Instead, nests that were closer to parental-like F. aquilonia for nuclear markers preferentially had F. polyctena's mitochondria and vice versa. This systematic pattern suggests there may be underlying selection favoring cytonuclear mismatch and hybridization. We also found a new hybrid locality with strong genetic differences between the sexes similar to those predicted under antagonistic selection on male and female hybrids. Further studies are needed to determine the selective forces that act on male and female genomes in these newly discovered hybrids. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    The UK prosthetic and orthotic workforce: current status and implications for the future

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    Background Prosthetists and orthotists (POs) are the smallest of the 14 allied health profession (AHP) workforces within NHS England. Obtaining data on the workforce has always been challenging due to this information being held across different organisations. An understanding of the prosthetic and orthotic (P&O) workforce is essential to ensure that it is adequately equipped to meet the evolving needs of users of P&O services. The study aims to estimate the size and composition, for the first time, of the UK P&O workforce and P&O service provision. Methods To gather the required information, two surveys (one for the UK P&O workforce and one for UK P&O private company) and two freedom of information (FOI) requests [one for all NHS Trusts and Health Boards (HB) in the UK and one for the higher education institutes in the UK offering programmes leading to registration as a PO were developed and distributed from September to December 2022. Results The P&O workforce survey received a 74% response rate (863 POs) and 25 private companies reported employing one or more P&O staffing groups. From the FOI requests, 181 of a potential 194 Trusts/Health Boards and all four higher education institutions responded. The study indicated a total of 1766 people in the UK P&O workforce, with orthotists and orthotic technicians representing the largest percentage of the workforce at 32% and 30%, respectively. A greater percentage of prosthetists (65%) and orthotists (57%) were employed by private companies compared to the NHS. Only 34% of POs stated that they “definitely” planned to remain in the workforce for the next 5 years. The current UK PO employment levels are 142 to 477 short of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommendation. Conclusions The low job satisfaction amongst many POs and the projected increase in the number of people who will require prosthetic and/or orthotic care in the UK are challenges for future UK P&O services. Strategies are required to create a sustainable and resilient workforce that can meet the needs of a changing healthcare landscape

    Instability of natural selection at candidate barrier loci underlying speciation in wood ants

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    doi: 10.1111/mec.15606Speciation underlies the generation of novel biodiversity. Yet, there is much to learn about how natural selection shapes genomes during speciation. Selection is assumed to act against gene flow at barrier loci, promoting reproductive isolation. However, evidence for gene flow and selection is often indirect and we know very little about the temporal stability of barrier loci. Here we utilize haplodiploidy to identify candidate male barrier loci in hybrids between two wood ant species. As ant males are haploid, they are expected to reveal recessive barrier loci, which can be masked in diploid females if heterozygous. We then test for barrier stability in a sample collected 10 years later and use survival analysis to provide a direct measure of natural selection acting on candidate male barrier loci. We find multiple candidate male barrier loci scattered throughout the genome. Surprisingly, a proportion of them are not stable after 10 years, natural selection apparently switching from acting against to favouring introgression in the later sample. Instability of the barrier effect and natural selection for introgressed alleles could be due to environment-dependent selection, emphasizing the need to consider temporal variation in the strength of natural selection and the stability of the barrier effect at putative barrier loci in future speciation work.Peer reviewe


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    Forma parte de una serie dedicada a países de varios continentes seleccionados para que los jóvenes lectores comparen similitudes y diferencias entre cada uno de ellos y con el suyo en particular. Se aprecian las diferencias entre ellos pero sobre todo se destacan aquellas cosas comunes a todos estos pueblos. Este volumen se centra en Rusia, país situado entre dos continentes y dos océanos. Se muestran, además, las características de sus tierras, de sus habitantes y de Moscú, su capital. También, aspectos sociales (comida, religión, turismo) y su destacada labor en la exploración espacial, en los deportes y en la cultura, sobre todo, música y danza.SCBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]


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    Forma parte de una serie dedicada a países de varios continentes seleccionados para que los jóvenes lectores comparen similitudes y diferencias entre cada uno de ellos y con el suyo en particular. Se aprecian las diferencias entre ellos pero sobre todo se destacan aquellas cosas comunes a todos estos pueblos. Este volumen se centra en esta isla caribeña, muestra su situación geográfica, las características de sus tierras, de sus habitantes y de su capital, Kingston. También, las riquezas naturales (bauxita, agricultura) y sus aspectos sociales ( comida, música, turismo).SCBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]


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    Forma parte de una serie dedicada a países de varios continentes seleccionados para que los jóvenes lectores comparen similitudes y diferencias entre cada uno de ellos y con el suyo en particular. Se aprecian las diferencias entre ellos pero sobre todo se destacan aquellas cosas comunes a todos estos pueblos. Este volumen se centra en Egipto, país entre dos continentes, Africa y Asia. Se muestran, además, las características de sus tierras, de sus habitantes y de sus principales ciudades, Alejandría y El Cairo, la capital. La importancia de canales y presas en un país casi desértico, y aspectos sociales (comida, turismo).SCBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Building a road

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    Presenta algunas de las diferentes máquinas utilizadas en la construcción de carreteras, como excavadoras, camiones volquetes, campactadoras, asfaltadoras. Un glosario ilustrado proporciona una primera herramienta de referencia para las máquinas que aparecen en la publicación. Para niños hasta siete años.SCBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    On the farm

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    Presenta algunas de las diferentes máquinas utilizadas en las explotaciones agrícolas, incluidos los arados, tractores, máquinas de ordeño, para abonado con estiércol o purinas, esquilado, para plantar semillas, cosechadoras, o para cortar y hacer las balas de pasto, y cosechadoras. Un glosario ilustrado proporciona una primera herramienta de referencia para las máquinas que aparecen en la publicación. Para niños hasta siete años.SCBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Big and little

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    Presenta un enfoque original de la percepción y la apreciación de los conceptos básicos del mundo y de la vida que rodea a los primeros lectores:comprensión de este mundo para su desarrollo pleno y profundización en el conocimiento de su lengua para expresar las ideas con más amplitud.Esta concebido para ser utilizado como juego, para el jardín de infancia, la escuela y, también para casa, pues puede ser compartido con los padres.SCBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]