71 research outputs found

    Quasigeostrophic Dynamics of a Finite-Thickness Tropopause

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    Geostrophic instabilities of a front in a stratified rotating fluid

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    Les instabilités d'une région de front dans un fluide stratifié en rotation sont étudiées. On s'intéresse plus particulièrement à l'instabilité dite de Rossby-Kelvin, qui existe grâce au couplage d'une onde de Rossby et d'une onde Kelvin. La stabilité linéaire d'un front dans un fluide à deux couches est étudiée numériquement par la méthode de collocation. Les résultats de Sakai (1989) pour le cas de deux couches d'égale hauteur sont confirmés et ceci valide notre approche. Celle-ci permet d'étendre ces résultats aux cas non-symétriques et au cas où le front intersecte le fond ou la surface. Ensuite, la stabilité d'un front dans un fluide continuement stratifié est analysée par des simulations numériques à l'aide du modèle méso-échelle WRF (Weather Research and Forecast). L'existence de l'instabilité de Rossby-Kelvin dans un fluide stratifié est ainsi confirmée, avec des taux de croissance comparables au cas du fluide à deux couches

    A simple model to assess the impact of gravity waves on ice-crystal populations in the tropical tropopause layer

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    The role of gravity waves on microphysics of tropical cirrus clouds and air-parcel dehydration was studied using the combination of Lagrangian observations of temperature fluctuations and a 1.5D model. High-frequency measurements during isopycnal balloon flights were used to resolve the gravity-wave signals with periods ranging from a few days to 10 min. The detailed microphysical simulations with homogeneous freezing, sedimentation, and a crude horizontal mixing represent the slow ascent of air parcels in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). A reference simulation describes the slow ascent of air parcels in the tropical tropopause layer, with nucleation occurring only below the cold-point tropopause with a small ice-crystal density. The inclusion of the gravity waves drastically modifies the vertical profile of low ice concentration and weak dehydration found during the ascent alone, with the increased ice-crystal number and size distribution agreeing better with observations. Numerous events of nucleation occur below and above the cold-point tropopause, efficiently restoring the relative humidity over ice to equilibrium with respect to the background temperature, as well as increasing the cloud fraction in the vicinity of the cold-point tropopause. The corresponding decrease in water vapor is estimated at 2 ppmv around the cold-point tropopause.</p

    Effect of gravity wave temperature fluctuations on homogeneous ice nucleation in the tropical tropopause layer

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    The impact of high-frequency fluctuations of temperature on homogeneous nucleation of ice crystals in the vicinity of the tropical tropopause is investigated using a bin microphysics scheme for air parcels. The imposed temperature fluctuations come from measurements during isopycnic balloon flights near the tropical tropopause. The balloons collected data at high frequency, guaranteeing that gravity wave signals are well resolved.With the observed temperature time series, the numerical simulations with homogeneous freezing show a full range of ice number concentration (INC) as previously observed in the tropical upper troposphere. In particular, a low INC may be obtained if the gravity wave perturbations produce a non-persistent cooling rate (even with large magnitude) such that the absolute change in temperature remains small during nucleation. This result is explained analytically by a dependence of the INC on the absolute drop in temperature (and not on the cooling rate). This work suggests that homogeneous ice nucleation is not necessarily inconsistent with observations of low INCs.</p

    Comparison between non‐orographic gravity‐wave parameterizations used in QBOi models and Strateole 2 constant‐level balloons

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    Gravity‐wave (GW) parameterizations from 12 general circulation models (GCMs) participating in the Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation initiative (QBOi) are compared with Strateole 2 balloon observations made in the tropical lower stratosphere from November 2019–February 2020 (phase 1) and from October 2021–January 2022 (phase 2). The parameterizations employ the three standard techniques used in GCMs to represent subgrid‐scale non‐orographic GWs, namely the two globally spectral techniques developed by Warner and McIntyre (1999) and Hines (1997), as well as the “multiwaves” approaches following the work of Lindzen (1981). The input meteorological fields necessary to run the parameterizations offline are extracted from the ERA5 reanalysis and correspond to the meteorological conditions found underneath the balloons. In general, there is fair agreement between amplitudes derived from measurements for waves with periods less than 1 1 1 h and parameterizations. The correlation between the daily observations and the corresponding results of the parameterization can be around 0.4, which is 99 % 99% 99\% significant, since 1200 days of observations are used. Given that the parameterizations have only been tuned to produce a quasi‐biennial oscillation (QBO) in the models, the 0.4 correlation coefficient of the GW momentum fluxes is surprisingly good. These correlations nevertheless vary between schemes and depend little on their formulation (globally spectral versus multiwaves for instance). We therefore attribute these correlations to dynamical filtering, which all schemes take into account, whereas only a few relate the gravity waves to their sources. Statistically significant correlations are mostly found for eastward‐propagating waves, which may be due to the fact that during both Strateole 2 phases the QBO is easterly at the altitude of the balloon flights. We also found that the probability density functions (pdfs) of the momentum fluxes are represented better in spectral schemes with constant sources than in schemes (“spectral” or “multiwaves”) that relate GWs only to their convective sources

    Nonlinear disintegration of the internal tide

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (2008): 686-701, doi:10.1175/2007JPO3826.1.The disintegration of a first-mode internal tide into shorter solitary-like waves is considered. Since observations frequently show both tides and waves with amplitudes beyond the restrictions of weakly nonlinear theory, the evolution is studied using a fully nonlinear, weakly nonhydrostatic two-layer theory that includes rotation. In the hydrostatic limit, the governing equations have periodic, nonlinear inertia–gravity solutions that are explored as models of the nonlinear internal tide. These long waves are shown to be robust to weak nonhydrostatic effects. Numerical solutions show that the disintegration of an initial sinusoidal linear internal tide is closely linked to the presence of these nonlinear waves. The initial tide steepens due to nonlinearity and sheds energy into short solitary waves. The disintegration is halted as the longwave part of the solution settles onto a state close to one of the nonlinear hydrostatic solutions, with the short solitary waves superimposed. The degree of disintegration is a function of initial amplitude of the tide and the properties of the underlying nonlinear hydrostatic solutions, which, depending on stratification and tidal frequency, exist only for a finite range of amplitudes (or energies). There is a lower threshold below which no short solitary waves are produced. However, for initial amplitudes above another threshold, given approximately by the energy of the limiting nonlinear hydrostatic inertia–gravity wave, most of the initial tidal energy goes into solitary waves. Recent observations in the South China Sea are briefly discussed.KRH was supported by a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Mellon Independent Study Award and ONR Grant N000140610798

    Multi-scale waves in sound-proof global simulations with EULAG

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    EULAG is a computational model for simulating flows across a wide range of scales and physical scenarios. A standard option employs an anelastic approximation to capture nonhydrostatic effects and simultaneously filter sound waves from the solution. In this study, we examine a localized gravity wave packet generated by instabilities in Held-Suarez climates. Although still simplified versus the Earth’s atmosphere, a rich set of planetary wave instabilities and ensuing radiated gravity waves can arise. Wave packets are observed that have lifetimes ≤ 2 days, are negligibly impacted by Coriolis force, and do not show the rotational effects of differential jet advection typical of inertia-gravity waves. Linear modal analysis shows that wavelength, period, and phase speed fit the dispersion equation to within a mean difference of ∼ 4%, suggesting an excellent fit. However, the group velocities match poorly even though a propagation of uncertainty analysis indicates that they should be predicted as well as the phase velocities. Theoretical arguments suggest the discrepancy is due to nonlinearity — a strong southerly flow leads to a critical surface forming to the southwest of the wave packet that prevents the expected propagation

    Activities of small‐scale gravity waves in the upper mesosphere observed from meteor radar at King Sejong Station, Antarctica (62.22°S, 58.78°W) and their potential sources

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    Gravity wave (GW) activities in the upper mesosphere (80–100 km) and their potential sources are investigated using meteor radar observations at King Sejong Station, Antarctica (KSS; 62.22°S, 58.78°W) during recent 14 years (2007–2020). GW activities are estimated by horizontal wind variances of small-scale GWs (periods <2 h, horizontal wavelength <400 km, or vertical wavelength <3–5 km). The wind variances show clear semiannual variations with maxima at solstices, and annual variations are also seen above z = 90 km. The deseasonalized wind variances at z = 96.8 km have a statistically significant periodicity of ∼11 years that can be associated with solar cycle variations. Three major potential GW sources in the lower atmosphere are examined. Orography is a potential source of GWs in winter and autumn, when the basic-state wind is westerly from the surface up to the mesosphere. The residual of the nonlinear balance equation (RNBE) at 5 hPa, a diagnostic of the GWs associated with jet stream, is the largest in winter and has a secondary maximum in spring. The correlation between the observed GWs and RNBE is significant in equinoxes, while correlation is low in winter. Deep convection in storm tracks is a potential source in autumn and winter. Secondary GWs generated in the mesosphere can also be observed in the upper mesosphere. Ray-tracing analysis for airglow images observed at KSS indicates that secondary GWs are mostly generated in winter mesosphere, which may be associated with the breaking of orographic GWs