283 research outputs found

    Evo-devo and cognitive science

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    Definition, Sicherung und Kommunikation Ökologischer Produktqualität - Betrachtungen am Beispiel des Tafelapfels

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    Organic production standards are used by actors along the organic production and supply chain as measures for quality assurance and tools for communication and differentiation of organic product and process quality. The results of a literature review show that the main aspects of organic product quality are not considered by the most significant standards for organic production in Germany and hence, these standards are not appropriate measures for the above mentioned purposes

    Moist bias in the Pacific upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) in climate models affects regional circulation patterns

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    Water vapour in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) is a key radiative agent and a crucial factor in the Earth's climate system. Here, we investigate a common regional moist bias in the Pacific UTLS during Northern Hemisphere summer in state-of-the-art climate models. We demonstrate, through a combination of climate model experiments and satellite observations, that the Pacific moist bias amplifies local long-wave cooling, which ultimately impacts regional circulation systems in the UTLS. Related impacts involve a strengthening of isentropic potential vorticity gradients, strengthened westerlies in the Pacific westerly duct region, and a zonally displaced anticyclonic monsoon circulation. Furthermore, we show that the regional Pacific moist bias can be significantly reduced by applying a Lagrangian, less-diffusive transport scheme and that such a model improvement could be important for improving the simulation of regional circulation systems, in particular in the Asian monsoon and Pacific region.</p

    Quasi-biennial oscillation modulation of stratospheric water vapour in the Asian monsoon

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    The Asian monsoon (AM) plays a key role in the transport of water vapour to the lower stratosphere and contributes significantly to the wet phase of the annual global stratospheric water vapour cycle. Although it is known that the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) is one of the main drivers of the interannual variability in the AM water vapour, the physical mechanisms responsible for this variability remain unclear. Here we have used daily microwave limb sounder data for the period 2005–2020 to characterize the QBO signature on the lower stratosphere AM water vapour during the boreal summer. We show that the QBO has the strongest impact during August, when QBO westerly minus QBO easterly differences may reach 1 ppmv at 100 hPa, although a significant signature is also observed during July. We find that the region whose temperature controls the QBO signal on water vapour over the AM differs between July and August. In July, when the key region is over the tropical Indian Ocean, the QBO modulation of the AM water vapour occurs in phase with the signal over the Equator, whereas in August, when the key region is at the subtropics, over the southern edge of the monsoon, the signal over the AM is opposite to that over the Equator. Our results reveal that the QBO signal on the temperature on the south side of the AM anticyclone, which ultimately has an impact on AM water vapour, is, in turn, modulated by the QBO impact on tropical clouds. Thus, we find that the QBO signature on clouds over the eastern Indian Ocean gives rise to Rossby wave trains that produce variations in the circulation over the southern side of the AM anticyclone such that weaker anticyclone over this region generates an increase in water vapour, and vice versa.</p


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    Objective: This study aimed to determine Indonesian native stingless bee propolis from ten provinces of Indonesia as complementary nutraceutical candidate of anti-tuberculosis drug (ATD).Methods: Propolis samples were collected from stingless bee cultivated in ten provinces of Indonesia. The antioxidant capacity test was performed using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and toxicity test was done using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test. The inhibition test of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) was performed using Lowenstein-Jensen medium and bacterial colonies were estimated using Most Probable Number.Results: The highest antioxidant capacity was found in Geniotrigona incisa (G. incisa) propolis from South Sulawesi Province with an IC50of 100.05 ppm, while the lowest antioxidant capacity was found in Tetragonula minangkabau propolis from North Sumatera Province with an IC50 of 1378.90 ppm. The lowest propolis toxicity was found in Geniotrigona thorasica propolis from South Kalimantan Province with an LC50of &gt;1000.00, while the highest propolis toxicity was found in Tetragonula laeviceps (T. laeviceps) propolis from Banten Province with an LC50 of&lt;50.00. T. laeviceps propolis from Banten Province had the lowest Mtb inhibition, with the inhibition value of 1.59%. On the other hand, the highest inhibition was shown by Tetragonula biroi propolis from South Sulawesi Province and Tetragonula fuscobalteata propolis from West Nusa Tenggara Province with 100% inhibition value (equivalent to rifampicin).Conclusion: Based on all determinant parameters, G. incisa propolis from South Sulawesi Province has the highest score, and it is defined as complementary nutraceutical candidate of ATD

    Influence of enhanced Asian NOx emissions on ozone in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in chemistry–climate model simulations

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    The Asian summer monsoon (ASM) anticyclone is the most pronounced circulation pattern in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) during northern hemispheric summer. ASM convection plays an important role in efficient vertical transport from the surface to the upper-level anticyclone. In this paper we investigate the potential impact of enhanced anthropogenic nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions on the distribution of ozone in the UTLS using the fully coupled aerosol–chemistry–climate model, ECHAM5-HAMMOZ. Ozone in the UTLS is influenced both by the convective uplift of ozone precursors and by the uplift of enhanced-NOx-induced tropospheric ozone anomalies. We performed anthropogenic NOx emission sensitivity experiments over India and China. In these simulations, covering the years 2000–2010, anthropogenic NOx emissions have been increased by 38 % over India and by 73 % over China with respect to the emission base year 2000. These emission increases are comparable to the observed linear trends of 3.8 % per year over India and 7.3 % per year over China during the period 2000 to 2010. Enhanced NOx emissions over India by 38 % and China by 73 % increase the ozone radiative forcing in the ASM anticyclone (15–40° N, 60–120° E) by 16.3 and 78.5 mW m−2 respectively. These elevated NOx emissions produce significant warming over the Tibetan Plateau and increase precipitation over India due to a strengthening of the monsoon Hadley circulation. However, increase in NOx emissions over India by 73 % (similar to the observed increase over China) results in large ozone production over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Tibetan Plateau. The higher ozone concentrations, in turn, induce a reversed monsoon Hadley circulation and negative precipitation anomalies over India. The associated subsidence suppresses vertical transport of NOx and ozone into the ASM anticyclone

    A convolution of observational and model data to estimate age of air spectra in the northern hemispheric lower stratosphere

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    Derivation of mean age of air (AoA) and age spectra from atmospheric measurements remains a challenge and often requires output from atmospheric models. This study tries to minimize the direct influence of model output and presents an extension and application of a previously established inversion method to derive age spectra from mixing ratios of long- and short-lived trace gases. For a precise description of cross-tropopause transport processes, the inverse method is extended to incorporate air entrainment into the stratosphere across the tropical and extratropical tropopause. We first use simulations with the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS) to provide a general proof of concept of the extended principle in a controllable and consistent environment, where the method is applied to an idealized set of 10 trace gases with predefined constant lifetimes and compared to reference model age spectra. In the second part of the study we apply the extended inverse method to atmospheric measurements of multiple long- and short-lived trace gases measured aboard the High Altitude and Long Range (HALO) research aircraft during the two research campaigns POLSTRACC–GW-LCYCLE–SALSA (PGS) and Wave-driven Isentropic Exchange (WISE). As some of the observed species undergo significant loss processes in the stratosphere, a Monte Carlo simulation is introduced to retrieve age spectra and chemical lifetimes in stepwise fashion and to account for the large uncertainties. Results show that in the idealized model scenario the inverse method retrieves age spectra robustly on annual and seasonal scales. The extension to multiple entry regions proves reasonable as our CLaMS simulations reveal that in the model between 50 % and 70 % of air in the lowermost stratosphere has entered through the extratropical tropopause (30–90∘ N and S) on annual average. When applied to observational data of PGS and WISE, the method derives age spectra and mean AoA with meaningful spatial distributions and quantitative range, yet large uncertainties. Results indicate that entrainment of fresh tropospheric air across both the extratropical and tropical tropopause peaked prior to both campaigns, but with lower mean AoA for WISE than PGS data. The ratio of moments for all retrieved age spectra for PGS and WISE is found to range between 0.52 and 2.81 years. We conclude that the method derives reasonable and consistent age spectra using observations of chemically active trace gases. Our findings might contribute to an improved assessment of transport with age spectra in future studies

    The implementation of the CLaMS Lagrangian transport core into the chemistry climate model EMAC 2.40.1: application on age of air and transport of long-lived trace species

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    Lagrangian transport schemes have proven to be useful tools for modelling stratospheric trace gas transport since they are less diffusive than classical Eulerian schemes and therefore especially well suited for maintaining steep tracer gradients. Here, we present the implementation of the full-Lagrangian transport core of the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS) into the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry model (EMAC). We performed a ten-year time-slice simulation to evaluate the coupled model system EMAC/CLaMS. Simulated zonal mean age of air distributions are compared to age of air derived from airborne measurements, showing a good overall representation of the stratospheric circulation. Results from the new Lagrangian transport scheme are compared to tracer distributions calculated with the standard flux-form semi-Lagrangian (FFSL) transport scheme in EMAC. The differences in the resulting tracer distributions are most pronounced in the regions of strong transport barriers. The polar vortices are presented as an example and simulated trace gas distributions are compared to satellite measurements. The analysis of CFC-11, N2O, CH4, and age of air in the polar vortex regions shows that the CLaMS Lagrangian transport scheme produces a stronger, more realistic transport barrier at the edge of the polar vortex than the FFSL transport scheme of EMAC. Differences in simulated age of air range up to one year in the Arctic polar vortex in late winter/early spring. The new coupled model system EMAC/CLaMS thus constitutes a suitable tool for future model studies of stratospheric tracer transport

    A multi-scenario Lagrangian trajectory analysis to identify source regions of the Asian tropopause aerosol layer on the Indian subcontinent in August 2016

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    The Asian tropopause aerosol layer (ATAL) is present during the Asian summer monsoon season affecting the radiative balance of the atmosphere. However, the source regions and transport pathways of ATAL particles are still uncertain. Here, we investigate transport pathways from different regions at the model boundary layer (MBL) to the ATAL by combining two Lagrangian transport models (CLaMS, Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere; MPTRAC, Massive-Parallel Trajectory Calculations) with balloon-borne measurements of the ATAL performed by the Compact Optical Backscatter Aerosol Detector (COBALD) above Nainital (India) in August 2016. Trajectories are initialised at the measured location of the ATAL and calculated 90 d backwards in time to investigate the relation between the measured, daily averaged, aerosol backscatter ratio and source regions at the MBL. Different simulation scenarios are performed to find differences and robust patterns when the reanalysis data (ERA5 or ERA-Interim), the trajectory model, the vertical coordinate (kinematic and diabatic approach) or the convective parameterisation are varied. The robust finding among all scenarios is that the largest continental air mass contributions originate from the Tibetan Plateau and the Indian subcontinent (mostly the Indo-Gangetic Plain), and the largest maritime air mass contributions in Asia come from the western Pacific (e.g. related to tropical cyclones). Additionally, all simulation scenarios indicate that the transport of maritime air from the tropical western Pacific to the region of the ATAL lowers the backscatter ratio (BSR) of the ATAL, while most scenarios indicate that the transport of polluted air from the Indo-Gangetic Plain increases the BSR. While the results corroborate key findings from previous ERA-Interim-based studies, they also highlight the variability in the contributions of different MBL regions to the ATAL depending on different simulation scenarios.</p
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