513 research outputs found

    Synthesis, crystal structure and Raman spectrum of K2[(Pt2)(HPO4)4(H2O)2] containing (Pt2)6+ ions

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    In the crystal structure of the acid platinum phosphate dipotassium di-ÎŒ-hydrogenphosphato-bis­[aqua­platinum(III)](Pt—Pt), K2[Pt2(HPO4)4(H2O)2], the (Pt2)6+ dumbbells within the paddle-wheel complex show Pt—Pt distances of 2.4944 (5) and 2.4892 (5) Å. The pottassium ions are seven-fold coordinated by hydrogenphosphate groups. In the crystal, O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds help to establish the packing. The Raman spectrum was recorded

    Nutritional Content of Bromelain Enzyme Fermented Coconut Dregs as Feed for Oreochromis Niloticus

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    The aims of the study is to nutritional content of bromelain enzyme fermented coconut dregs as feed for oreochromis niloticus. The research procedure bromelain enzyme preparation, coconut dregs fermentation process, experimental design. The result of the research is the proximate test that has been carried out on coconut pulp that has been fermented using the bromelain enzyme, it reveals many things. Namely, the water content and ash content of the coconut pulp that has been fermented using the bromelain enzyme is deemed excellent since it displays a value of less than 12 percent . It is different with crude protein which is less than the National Norm on feed since it only displays a value of 6.20 percent when the standard is 20-35 percent . Another with crude fat and crude fiber. Crude fat and crude fiber in coconut dregs that have been fermented with bromelain enzymes have risen and are far from standard. The normal crude fat is only 2-10 percent , whereas the crude fat in coconut pulp after fermentation with bromelain enzymes is more than 20 percent . And the normal crude fiber is only 4-18 percent , this is less than the crude fiber in fermented coconut pulp because it displays more than 29 percent

    Zur Umsetzung von Platin und Platinverbindungen mit konzentrierter SchwefelsÀure bei hohen Temperaturen - Mit einem Anhang zur Struktur von (UO2)2(SO4)(HSO4)2 -

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    Durch Umsetzung von SchwefelsĂ€ure mit elementaren Platin konnte das erste binĂ€re, saure Sulfat des Platins, Pt2(SO4)2(HSO4)2, dargestellt und strukturell charakterisiert werden. In der Verbindung liegen [Pt2(SO4)4]-Baueinheiten vor, die zu Schichten verknĂŒpft sind. Die Schichten werden durch WasserstoffbrĂŒckenbindungen zusammengehalten. Durch die Umsetzung von Oleum mit elementarem Platin konnte ein weiteres binĂ€res Sulfat, Pt3(SO4)4, dargestellt werden. In diesem Sulfat sind [Pt2(SO4)4]-Baueinheiten durch SO42--Ionen zu Schichten verknĂŒpft. Zwischen diesen Schichten liegen die Pt2+-Ionen, die eine oktaedrische Koordination aufweisen. Pt3(SO4)4 zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Löslichkeit in Wasser und durch eine niedrige Zersetzungstemperatur von 516 °C aus. Das Zersetzungsprodukt ist ein sehr fein strukturierter Platinschwamm, dessen Poren eine GrĂ¶ĂŸe bis hinab zu 25 nm aufweisen. Aus der wĂ€ssrigen Lösung von Pt3(SO4)4 konnte ein weiteres Sulfat, (H3O)2[Pt2(SO4)4(H2O)2]∙4H2O, durch Rekristallisation erhalten werden. Im Gegensatz zu den beiden binĂ€ren Sulfaten, in denen die [Pt2(SO4)4]-Einheiten zu Schichten verknĂŒpft sind, liegen hier monomere [Pt2(SO4)4(H2O)2]-Gruppen vor, in denen die H2O MolekĂŒle die terminalen Positionen der Pt2-Hantel einnehmen. Den gleichen Aufbau weist die Verbindung (NH4)2[Pt2(SO4)4(H2O)2] auf, die durch die Umsetzung von Pt(NO3)2 mit SchwefelsĂ€ure darstellbar ist. Die Umsetzung der bereits seit lĂ€ngerem bekannten Verbindung K2[Pt2(SO4)4(H2O)2] mit SchwefelsĂ€ure fĂŒhrt zu K3[Pt2(SO4)4(HSO4)2], welches als Substitutionsprodukt des Hydrates angesehen werden kann, in dem die H2O-MolekĂŒle gegen HSO4--Gruppen ersetzt sind. Die monomeren [Pt2(SO4)4H(HSO4)2]-Einheiten werden ĂŒber ein zusĂ€tzliches Proton unter Ausbildung von [H(HSO4)2]-Gruppen verbunden. Die Umsetzung von K2PtCl4 mit SchwefelsĂ€ure fĂŒhrt zu dem Sulfat K4[Pt2(SO4)5], in dem die [Pt2(SO4)4]-Baueinheiten ĂŒber SO42--Gruppen zu unendlichen Ketten gemĂ€ĂŸ [Pt2(SO4)4/1(SO4)2/2]4- verknĂŒpft sind. Die Umsetzung von Rb2PtCl4 und Cs2PtCl4 fĂŒhrt zu den Verbindungen Rb[Pt2(SO4)3(HSO4)] und Cs[Pt2(SO4)3(HSO4)]. In beiden Verbindungen sind die Pt2-Hanteln ĂŒber tetraedrische Anionen zu Schichten verknĂŒpft. Die Schichten werden ĂŒber WasserstoffbrĂŒckenbindungen miteinander und den Rb+- bzw. Cs+-Ionen verknĂŒpft. Mit den Verbindungen A4[Pt12(SO4)12O8] (A = NH4+, K+, Rb+, Cs+) konnten erstmals Oxidsulfate des Platins dargestellt werden. Diese zeichnen sich durch das bislang beispiellose Clusteranion [Pt12(SO4)12O8]4- aus, in dem sechs Pt26+-Hanteln ĂŒber acht O2--Ionen zu einem verzerrten Pt12-Ikosaeder verknĂŒpft sind. In den kleinen DreiecksflĂ€chen des Ikosaeders liegen acht O2--Ionen und ĂŒber den verbleibenden zwölf großen DreiecksflĂ€chen stehen zwölf dreizĂ€hlig angreifende SO42--Gruppen. Durch die Umsetzung von UO3 mit SchwefelsĂ€ure konnte ein neues Uranylsulfat (UO2)2(SO4)(HSO4)2 dargestellt und strukturell charakterisiert werden. In diesem Uranylsulfat werden die UO2+-Kationen durch fĂŒnf Sulfatgruppen koordiniert, so dass sich eine pentagonale Bipyramide als Koordinationspolyeder ergibt

    Linnaruumis rakendatavad looduskaitsemeetodid elurikkuse sÀilitamiseks

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    Linnastumine on viimaste aastakĂŒmnete jooksul kujunenud olulisimaks maakasutust muutvaks protsessiks. Linnade laienemine mĂ”jutab elurikkust lĂ€bi elupaikade kao ja killustumise, mikroklimaatiliste tingimuste muutuse ning keskkonnareostuse, mis toob kaasa bioloogilise mitmekesisuse languse. Looduslikku elupaigastruktuuri jĂ€ljendavalt planeeritud linn vĂ”ib oma heterogeense maastikuga pakkuda mitmekĂŒlgseid alternatiivseid elupaigavĂ”imalusi paljudele elustikurĂŒhmadele. Linnade elurikkuse hoidmiseks on oluline hoida ning luua liigirikka taimestikuga haljasalasid, mis on omavahel hĂ€sti ĂŒhendatud. Elurikkust toetab ka kodumaiste taimedega haljastamine ning niitmiskoormuse vĂ€hendamine. Bakalaureusetöö eesmĂ€rk on anda ĂŒlevaade, millised elustiku kaitse meetmed linnas on tulemuslikud, soodustades linnalooduse liigirikkuse sĂ€ilimist ja taastamist

    Digital and technological innovation in vector-borne disease surveillance to predict, detect, and control climate-driven outbreaks

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    Vector-borne diseases are particularly sensitive to changes in weather and climate. Timely warnings from surveillance systems can help to detect and control outbreaks of infectious disease, facilitate effective management of finite resources, and contribute to knowledge generation, response planning, and resource prioritisation in the long term, which can mitigate future outbreaks. Technological and digital innovations have enabled the incorporation of climatic data into surveillance systems, enhancing their capacity to predict trends in outbreak prevalence and location. Advance notice of the risk of an outbreak empowers decision makers and communities to scale up prevention and preparedness interventions and redirect resources for outbreak responses. In this Viewpoint, we outline important considerations in the advent of new technologies in disease surveillance, including the sustainability of innovation in the long term and the fundamental obligation to ensure that the communities that are affected by the disease are involved in the design of the technology and directly benefit from its application

    The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has resulted in a myriad of interventions with the urgent aim of reducing the public health impact of this virus. However, a wealth of evidence both from high-income and low-income countries is accruing on the broader consequences of such interventions on economic and public health inequalities, as well as on pre-existing programmes targeting endemic pathogens. We provide an overview of the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on hepatitis B virus (HBV) programmes globally, focusing on the possible consequences for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Ongoing disruptions to infrastructure, supply chains, services and interventions for HBV are likely to contribute disproportionately to the short-term incidence of chronic hepatitis B, providing a long-term source of onward transmission to future generations that threatens progress towards the 2030 elimination goals

    Polymorphisms Predicting Phylogeny in Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)

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    Hepatitis B viruses (HBV) are compact viruses with circular genomes of ∌3.2kb in length. Four genes (HBx, Core, Surface and Polymerase) generating seven products are encoded on overlapping reading frames. Ten HBV genotypes have been characterised (A-J), which may account for differences in transmission, outcomes of infection, and treatment response. However, HBV genotyping is rarely undertaken, and sequencing remains inaccessible in many settings. We used a machine learning approach based on random forest algorithms (RFA) to assess which amino acid (aa) sites in the genome are most informative for determining genotype. We downloaded 5496 genome-length HBV sequences from a public database, excluding recombinant sequences, regions with conserved indels, and genotypes I/J. Each gene was separately translated into aa, and the proteins concatenated into a single sequence (length 1614aa). Using RFA, we searched for aa sites predictive of genotype, and assessed co-variation among the sites with a Mutual Information (MI)-based method. We were able to discriminate confidently between genotypes A-H using 10 aa sites. 5/10 sites were identified in Polymerase (Pol), of which 4/5 were in the spacer domain, and a single site in reverse transcriptase. A further 4/10 sites were located in Surface protein, and a single site in HBx. There were no informative sites in Core. Properties of the aa were generally not conserved between genotypes at informative sites. Co-variation analysis identified 55 pairs of highly-linked sites. Three RFA-identified sites were represented across all pairs (two sites in spacer, and one in HBx). Residues that co-vary with these sites are concentrated in the small HBV surface gene. We also observe a cluster of sites adjacent to the Surface promoter region that co-vary with a spacer residue. Overall, we have shown that RFA analysis is a powerful tool for identifying aa sites that predict HBV lineage, with an unexpectedly high number of such sites in the spacer domain, which has conventionally been viewed as unimportant for structure or function. Our results improve ease of genotype prediction from limited regions of HBV sequence, and may have implications for understanding HBV evolution and the role of the spacer domain

    Assessing the efficiency of countries in making progress towards universal health coverage: a data envelopment analysis of 172 countries

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    Introduction: Maximising efficiency of resources is critical to progressing towards universal health coverage (UHC) and the sustainable development goal (SDG) for health. This study estimates the technical efficiency of national health spending in progressing towards UHC, and the environmental factors associated with efficient UHC service provision. Methods: A two-stage efficiency analysis using Simar and Wilson’s double bootstrap data envelopment analysis investigates how efficiently countries convert health spending into UHC outputs (measured by service coverage and financial risk protection) for 172 countries. We use World Bank and WHO data from 2015. Thereafter, the environmental factors associated with efficient progress towards UHC goals are identified. Results: The mean bias-corrected technical efficiency score across 172 countries is 85.7% (68.9% for low-income and 95.5% for high-income countries). High-achieving middleincome and low-income countries such as El Salvador, Colombia, Rwanda and Malawi demonstrate that peer-relative efficiency can be attained at all incomes. Governance capacity, income and education are significantly associated with efficiency. Sensitivity analysis suggests that results are robust to changes. Conclusion: We provide a 2015 baseline for cross-country UHC technical efficiency scores. If countries wish to improve their UHC outputs within existing budgets, they should identify their current efficiency and try to emulate more efficient peers. Policy-makers should focus on strengthening institutions and implementing known best practices to replicate efficient systems. Using resources more efficiently is likely to positively impact UHC coverage goals and health outcomes, and without addressing gaps in efficiency progress towards achieving the SDGs will be impeded

    L'indicateur de fréquence de traitements (IFT) : un indicateur pour une utilisation durable des pesticides

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    International audienceEn automne 2007, lors du Grenelle de l’Environnement, dans un contexte de prise de conscience forte des risques liĂ©s aux pesticides, le prĂ©sident de la RĂ©publique a annoncĂ© un objectif ambitieux de rĂ©duction de « l’usage des pesticides d’ici 10 ans si possible ». Un groupe de travail s’est constituĂ© depuis, sous la prĂ©sidence de M. Paillotin, pour mettre en place ce plan baptisĂ© Écophyto 2018.Concevoir des mesures qui permettent d’atteindre cet objectif suppose de connaĂźtre, dans des dĂ©lais suffisamment brefs, les pratiques mises en Ɠuvre par les agriculteurs. Or, fin 2005, l’expertise scientifique collective Pesticide rĂ©alisĂ©e par l’INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique) et le CEMAGREF (Centre national du machinisme agricole du gĂ©nie rural des eaux et des forĂȘts) faisait les constats suivants : – malgrĂ© des dispositifs de recueil de donnĂ©es relatifs Ă  l’agriculture riches et variĂ©s (Durand, 2003), la connaissance rĂ©elle des pratiques des agriculteurs en matiĂšre de protection des cultures est assez limitĂ©e (Aubertot et al., 2005) ; – les indicateurs traditionnels mis en Ɠuvre jusqu’à cette date (quantitĂ© de substance active vendue ou nombre de produits phytosanitaires appliquĂ©s sur une parcelle durant une campagne) manquent de pertinence pour assurer une lisibilitĂ© de l’évolution de l’utilisation des pesticides en agriculture

    Assessing the efficiency of countries in making progress towards universal health coverage: a data envelopment analysis of 172 countries.

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    INTRODUCTION: Maximising efficiency of resources is critical to progressing towards universal health coverage (UHC) and the sustainable development goal (SDG) for health. This study estimates the technical efficiency of national health spending in progressing towards UHC, and the environmental factors associated with efficient UHC service provision. METHODS: A two-stage efficiency analysis using Simar and Wilson's double bootstrap data envelopment analysis investigates how efficiently countries convert health spending into UHC outputs (measured by service coverage and financial risk protection) for 172 countries. We use World Bank and WHO data from 2015. Thereafter, the environmental factors associated with efficient progress towards UHC goals are identified. RESULTS: The mean bias-corrected technical efficiency score across 172 countries is 85.7% (68.9% for low-income and 95.5% for high-income countries). High-achieving middle-income and low-income countries such as El Salvador, Colombia, Rwanda and Malawi demonstrate that peer-relative efficiency can be attained at all incomes. Governance capacity, income and education are significantly associated with efficiency. Sensitivity analysis suggests that results are robust to changes. CONCLUSION: We provide a 2015 baseline for cross-country UHC technical efficiency scores. If countries wish to improve their UHC outputs within existing budgets, they should identify their current efficiency and try to emulate more efficient peers. Policy-makers should focus on strengthening institutions and implementing known best practices to replicate efficient systems. Using resources more efficiently is likely to positively impact UHC coverage goals and health outcomes, and without addressing gaps in efficiency progress towards achieving the SDGs will be impeded
