2,894 research outputs found

    First-principles study of stability of solid crystals

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    Práce se zabývá modelováním elektronové struktury v krystalech pevných látek. Konkrétně jsou prvoprincipiálním kódem VASP spočteny hustoty valenčních elektronů a hustoty stavů tří krystalů, reprezentující tři typy vazeb. Jedná se o vazbu kovovou v krystalu hliníku, o vazbu kovalentní v krystalu diamantu a o vazbu iontovou v krystalu soli kamenné. Z vypočtených hodnot napětí a energie jsou následně určeny některé makroskopické parametry krystalů, jako jsou rovnovážný mřížkový parametr, modul objemové pružnosti a mez pevnosti při izotropním tahu.This work deals with a modeling of an electronic structure of solid crystals. Specifically, densities of valence electrons, and the density of states are calculated using first-principles code VASP for three crystals representing three different types of bonding. These are the metal bonding in a crystal of aluminum, the covalent bonding in a diamond crystal, and an ionic bonding in the crystal of rock salt. From calculated values of stress and crystal energy are then determined some macroscopic parameters of crystals, such as the equilibrium lattice parameter, the bulk modulus and the theoretical strength under isotropic tension.

    The ins and outs of Ca2+ in plant endomembrane trafficking

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    Trafficking of proteins and lipids within the plant endomembrane system is essential to support cellular functions and is subject to rigorous regulation. Despite this seemingly strict regulation, endomembrane trafficking needs to be dynamically adjusted to ever-changing internal and environmental stimuli, while maintaining cellular integrity. Although often overlooked, the versatile second messenger Ca2+ is intimately connected to several endomembrane-associated processes. Here, we discuss the impact of electrostatic interactions between Ca2+ and anionic phospholipids on endomembrane trafficking, and illustrate the direct role of Ca2+ sensing proteins in regulating endomembrane trafficking and membrane integrity preservation. Moreover, we discuss how Ca2+ can control protein sorting within the plant endomembrane system. We thus highlight Ca2+ signaling as a versatile mechanism by which numerous signals are integrated into plant endomembrane trafficking dynamics

    Strongly Interacting Electrons and Holes in Ultrathin MoTe2 Heterostructures

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    ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATIONStrongly Interacting Electrons and Holes in Ultrathin MoTe2 HeterostructuresbyDennis PleskotDoctor of Philosophy, Graduate Program in Materials Science and EngineeringUniversity of California, Riverside, March 2019Dr. Nathaniel Gabor, ChairpersonHeterostructures composed of atomic layer materials (ALMs) bonded through van der Waals (vdW) interactions have demonstrated great potential for use in next generation optoelectronic devices. However, the role of strong charge carrier interactions in the interlayer photocurrent in such devices is not fully understood. One such ALM, molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2), has a band gap energy near 1.0 eV, suggesting that MoTe2 is a promising material for ultrasensitive infrared optical photodetectors and next-generation solar photocells. Like other ALMs, the photoresponse in MoTe2 should give experimental access to strong many-body phenomena. Here, we report on the advanced fabrication and dynamic photoresponse of graphene-MoTe2-graphene vdW heterostructure photocells. We find that the power dependence of the interlayer photocurrent is well described by a single power law at low power, where the power law exponent parameterizes the nonlinearity of the photoresponse. We develop a detailed 2-particle Auger recombination model that accounts for careful time integration of the dynamics, resulting in an analytic solution that reproduces the non-linear power dependence. Additionally, we observed sharp suppression of conventional power law behavior above a critical power threshold, accompanied with a critical phase transition in the spatial expansion of the suppressed photocurrent region. We attribute this transition to the emergence of an electron-hole liquid phase that is remarkably stable at room temperature and moderate operating conditions. Additional measurements of the dynamic photoresponse support the existence of this phase, allowing us to fully explore the evolution of electron-hole pairs with increasing density in MoTe2

    Analýza plnění standardu VKIS v souvislosti s vývojem rozpočtů ve vybraných knihovnách Plzeňského kraje

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje problematice kvality knihovních služeb v souvislosti s vývojem knihovních rozpočtu, tj. jak je kvalita služeb ovlivněna financováním knihoven. V první části se teoreticky řeší problematika kvality služeb a související témata, další část se zaměřuje na Standard VKIS, jeho vznik a současnou podobu. Další kapitola přináší ucelený pohled na stav knihovnictví v Plzeňském kraji, včetně pohledu na financování a regionální funkce. V další kapitole jsou analyzovány 3 konkrétní knihovny, je zde popsán vývoj financování, vývoj některých ukazatelů činnosti a vývoj plnění jednotlivých kategorií Standardu VKIS. V následující kapitole přináší autor vlastní subjektivní zhodnocení kvality služeb analyzovaných knihoven.The diploma thesis deals with library service quality in relation to the development of library budgets. In the introductory chapter, the teoretical knowledge of service quality is gathered and summarized. The next chapter is focused on the PLIS standard. Attention is paid to its history and current form. The next chapter present an integrated view of the librarianship in the Plzeň region, its financing and regional function. In the next chapter is a detailed analysis of three libraries focussed on their financing, performance indicators and filling PLIS standard. The next chapter looks ahead to autors subjective evaluation of quality of library services in analysed libraries.Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictvíInstitute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Stan wojenny w oczach Anglika. Spostrzeżenia fizyka Michaela Glazera z pobytu w Krakowie w maju 1982 roku

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    Martial Law through the Eyes of an Englishman. Observations of Physicist Michael Glazer from His Stay in Krakow in May 1982 The article presents a note drawn up in May 1982 by a British physicist Michael Glazer recording his impressions from his scholarship stay in Krakow. The document offers an interesting insight into the difficult Polish reality of the first months of martial law; it is written from the perspective of a foreigner who is surprised by what goes around him. The text constitutes not only a record of a foreigner’s experiences: for it found its way onto the desks of the employees of Foreign Office in London and was recognized by diplomats as an important source of information concerning the relatively poorly cognized Polish reality. One has to bear in mind that at that time, due to a diplomatic boycott of the Polish People’s Republic, introduced after 13 December 1981, the Western authorities had considerable difficulty in cognizing the internal situation along the Vistula

    Drug Addiction and Crime

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    katedra: KSS; přílohy: CD ROM - kompletní znění bakalářské práce; rozsah: 68stran, 3 strany příloh

    Membrane Binding of Recoverin : From Mechanistic Understanding to Biological Functionality

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    Recoverin is a neuronal calcium sensor involved in vision adaptation that reversibly associates with cellular membranes via its calcium-activated myristoyl switch. While experimental evidence shows that the myristoyl group significantly enhances membrane affinity of this protein, molecular details of the binding process are still under debate. Here, we present results of extensive molecular dynamics simulations of recoverin in the proximity of a phospholipid bilayer. We capture multiple events of spontaneous membrane insertion of the myristoyl moiety and confirm its critical role in the membrane binding. Moreover, we observe that the binding strongly depends on the conformation of the N-terminal domain. We propose that a suitable conformation of the N-terminal domain can be stabilized by the disordered C-terminal segment or by binding of the target enzyme, i.e., rhodopsin kinase. Finally, we find that the presence of negatively charged lipids in the bilayer stabilizes a physiologically functional orientation of the membrane-bound recoverin.Peer reviewe

    High temporal resolution reveals simultaneous plasma membrane recruitment of TPLATE complex subunits

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    The TPLATE complex (TPC) is a key endocytic adaptor protein complex in plants. TPC in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) contains six evolutionarily conserved subunits and two plant-specific subunits, AtEH1/Pan1 and AtEH2/Pan1, although cytoplasmic proteins are not associated with the hexameric subcomplex in the cytoplasm. To investigate the dynamic assembly of the octameric TPC at the plasma membrane (PM), we performed state-of-the-art dual-color live cell imaging at physiological and lowered temperatures. Lowering the temperature slowed down endocytosis, thereby enhancing the temporal resolution of the differential recruitment of endocytic components. Under both normal and lowered temperature conditions, the core TPC subunit TPLATE and the AtEH/Pan1 proteins exhibited simultaneous recruitment at the PM. These results, together with co-localization analysis of different TPC subunits, allow us to conclude that TPC in plant cells is not recruited to the PM sequentially but as an octameric complex