98 research outputs found

    Impact of changes in human capital potential on macroeconomic trends

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    A decline in labour force and wage cuts are among the factors that determine macroeconomic trends. Since workers are normally motivated by significantly higher wages in other companies, these factors can reduce labour mobility. Moreover, we are witnessing trends related to the share of labour force, capital and output growth. This paper supports the thesis according to which these trends are rooted in the increase of the market power starting from the 1980s. Furthermore, this paper analyses the development of the margins using the company-level data in the USA economy from the 1950s on. Initially, the margins were stable, or on a slight decline. Average margins had an increase of 18% above the marginal cost in the 1980s compared to the 67% growth that we are witnessing nowadays. There seems to be no clear pattern identifiable across the industries, but the margins tend to be higher in smaller companies in all industries and the higher growth is usually registered as a result of growth within an industry


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    Društvena odgovornost poduzetnika podrazumijeva procjenu ekonomskih, društvenih i ekoloških posljedica poslovanja poduzeća te pokušaj poboljšanja stanja slušanjem potreba dionika. Društveno odgovorno poslovanje širi spektar aktivnosti od onih koje su vezane za samo poslovanje. To je poslovanje koje svoju strategiju implementira društvenu i ekološku komponentu uz održavanje profitabilnosti. Cilj ovog rada je analizom literature o društvenoj odgovornosti poduzetnika te potom sintezom definirati pojam društvene odgovornosti poduzetnika, a potom društveno odgovorno poslovanje pronaći u aktivnostima Končara Elektroindustrije i Cemex-a Hrvatska. Emprijsko istraživanje je provedeno anketnim upitnikom na uzorku od 50 studenata. Cilj anketiranja bilo je saznati jesu li i u kojoj mjeri studenti upoznati sa pojmom društveno odgovornog poslovanja te prepoznaju li u poslovanju Končara Elektroindustrije d.d. i Cemex-a Hrvatske d.d. aktivnosti koje upućuju na primjenu takvog načina poslovanja. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je većina ispitanika upoznata sa pojmom društveno odgovornog poslovanja, te da u aktivnostima kompanija pronalazi primjere takvog poslovanjaCorporate Social Responsibility involves an assessment of economic, social and environmental consequences of business enterprises and attempt to improve the situation by listening to the needs of stakeholders. It's a business which in it's strategy implements social and ecological component along with continuing of profitability. The aim of this work is the analysis of the literature on the social responsibility of entrepreneurs and then synthesized to define the concept of social responsibility of entrepreneurs, and find socially responsible business activities in Končar Elektroindustrija and Cemex Hrvatska. Empirical research was conducted questionnaire to a sample of 50 students. The aim of survey was find out whether and to what extent the students are familiar with the concept of corporate social responsibility and if they recognize activities in business of Končar Elektroindustrija and Cemex Hrvatska that indicates the use of this concept in their business.The results showed that majority of respondents are familiar with the concept of corporate social responsibility and that both companies apply to such a way of doing

    Geotechnical zoning with GIS technology : master’s thesis

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    Rad prikazuje mogućnosti obrade podataka dobivenih klasifikacijskim pokusima i terenskom krilnom sondom. Kreirana je baza podataka u GIS okruženju i izrađene su karte zona po određenim geomehaničkim parametrima. Karte zona uspoređene su s geološkom građom terena, odnosno provjerena je potencijalna veza zona s geološkim jedinicama na listovima Osnovne geološke karte koje su obuhvaćene istraživanim područjem.The thesis presents the processing possibilities for the data obtained by classification experiments and field vane shear test. A database in GIS environment and zone maps per specific geomechanical parameters were created. The zone maps were compared to the geological constitution of the terrain, i.e. the potential connection of the zones and the geological units of the Basic Geological Map covered by the study area was verified

    Designing of wooden roof truss : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Na temelju zadanih podataka drvene rešetkaste krovne konstrukcije potrebno je dimenzonirati glavni nosač i sekundarni nosač konstrukcije te izraditi radioničke nacrte glavnog nosača i detalje spojeva.Based on given data of truss structure it is needed to design the main structure, secondary structure and make drawings of the main structure and details of joins

    Geotechnical zoning with GIS technology : master’s thesis

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    Rad prikazuje mogućnosti obrade podataka dobivenih klasifikacijskim pokusima i terenskom krilnom sondom. Kreirana je baza podataka u GIS okruženju i izrađene su karte zona po određenim geomehaničkim parametrima. Karte zona uspoređene su s geološkom građom terena, odnosno provjerena je potencijalna veza zona s geološkim jedinicama na listovima Osnovne geološke karte koje su obuhvaćene istraživanim područjem.The thesis presents the processing possibilities for the data obtained by classification experiments and field vane shear test. A database in GIS environment and zone maps per specific geomechanical parameters were created. The zone maps were compared to the geological constitution of the terrain, i.e. the potential connection of the zones and the geological units of the Basic Geological Map covered by the study area was verified

    Designing of wooden roof truss : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Na temelju zadanih podataka drvene rešetkaste krovne konstrukcije potrebno je dimenzonirati glavni nosač i sekundarni nosač konstrukcije te izraditi radioničke nacrte glavnog nosača i detalje spojeva.Based on given data of truss structure it is needed to design the main structure, secondary structure and make drawings of the main structure and details of joins


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    Prudencijalna politika ima velik značaj u ostvarivanju financijske stabilnosti svake zemlje, pa tako i Hrvatske. Ona se dijeli na mikroprudencijalnu i makroprudencijalnu politiku. Obje prethodno navedene politike su izuzetno važne, a njihov suodnos je važan kako bi samo istraživanje ove teme bilo konzistentno i točno. Problem samog istraživanja se ogleda u činenici da različiti autori na različit način definiraju makroprudencijalnu te mikroprudencijalnu politiku, a isto tako pojedini autori veću važnost pridaju jednoj, a pojedini autori drugoj politici. Stoga je sam cilj ovoga rada uvidjeti kakva je veza između ovih dviju politika, koje su njihove posebitosti te kakve učinke na financijsku stabilnost svaka od njih ostavlja. Samim istraživanjem je tako utvrđeno kako suobje ove politike jednako važne u ostvarivanju ukupne financijske stabilnosti zemlje. Svaka zemlja je dužna brinuti o financijskoj stabilnosti, jer se jedino na taj način može osigurati normalno funkcioniranje gospodarstva u cjelini. Financijsku stabilnost ponajviše ugrožavaju sistemski rizici koji se sastoje od više vrsta rizika, primjerice kamatnog, tržišnog, operativnog i slično, a svi oni zajedno uvelike ugrožavaju ostvarivanju financijske stabilnosti u nekoj zemlji. Mikroprudencijalna i makroprudencijalna politika su u izravnom odnosu sa financijskom stabilnošću. Mikroprudencijalna ju promatra na razini jedne zemlje, a makroprudencijalna na globalnoj razini.Prudential policy is of great importance in achieving the financial stability of every country, including Croatia. It is divided into microprudential and macroprudential policies. Both policies mentioned above are extremely important, and their coherence is important in order to make the research of this topic consistent and accurate. The problem of the research itself is reflected in the fact that different authors define macroprudential and microprudential policy in different ways, and also some authors attach more importance to one and some authors to another policy. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to see what is the connection between these two policies, what are their particularities and what effects on financial stability each leaves. The research itself has established that the coherence of these policies is equally important in achieving the overall financial stability of the country. Every country is obliged to take care of financial stability, because only in this way can the normal functioning of the economy as a whole be ensured. Financial stability is most threatened by systemic risks, which consist of several types of risks, such as interest rate, market, operational and the like, all of which, together, greatly threaten the achievement of financial stability in a country. Microprudential and macroprudential policies are directly related to financial stability. Microprudential observes it at the country level and macroprudential at the global level


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    Razvoj dugoročnih odnosa podrazumijeva stalnu interakciju između poduzeća i potrošača. U radu se analizira proces odlučivanja o kupnji usluga mobilnih operatera, od spoznaje potrebe do poslijekupovnog ponašanja. Tržište mobilnih operatera u Republici Hrvatskoj u potpunosti je aktivno i dinamično. S razvojem tehnologije i pojavom pametnih mobitela iz godine u godinu raste i broj korisnika ovih uređaja. Mobilni operatori su prinuđeni da stimuliraju svoje korisnike na različite načine - inovativnim uslugama, različitim paketima usluga po mjeri korisnika, nižim cijenama i raznim drugim pogodnostima. Razvoj mobilnih tehnologija i sve veća upotreba pametnih mobitela stavila je u prvi plan mobilne operatere kao važne faktore širenja ove tehnologije na tržištu. Praćenje kupovnih odluka kupaca potiče veću mobilnost na tržištu. Da bi bili konkurentni, pružatelji usluga mobilne telefonije trebaju pružiti uslugu u skladu s potrebama i stavovima korisnika.The development of long-term relationships implies constant interaction between companies and consumers. The paper analyzes the process of decision making on the purchase of mobile service providers, from the knowledge of the need to post-secondary behavior. The mobile operator market in the Republic of Croatia is fully active and dynamic. With the development of technology and the emergence of smart phones year by year, the number of users of these devices is growing. Mobile operators have been forced to stimulate their users in a variety of ways - innovative services, different user service packages, lower prices, and various other benefits. The development of mobile technologies and the increasing use of smartphones has put mobile operators in the forefront as important factors in spreading this technology in the market. Monitoring customer purchasing decisions encourages greater market mobility. In order to be competitive, mobile phone service providers should provide the service according to the needs and attitudes of users


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    Prudencijalna politika ima velik značaj u ostvarivanju financijske stabilnosti svake zemlje, pa tako i Hrvatske. Ona se dijeli na mikroprudencijalnu i makroprudencijalnu politiku. Obje prethodno navedene politike su izuzetno važne, a njihov suodnos je važan kako bi samo istraživanje ove teme bilo konzistentno i točno. Problem samog istraživanja se ogleda u činenici da različiti autori na različit način definiraju makroprudencijalnu te mikroprudencijalnu politiku, a isto tako pojedini autori veću važnost pridaju jednoj, a pojedini autori drugoj politici. Stoga je sam cilj ovoga rada uvidjeti kakva je veza između ovih dviju politika, koje su njihove posebitosti te kakve učinke na financijsku stabilnost svaka od njih ostavlja. Samim istraživanjem je tako utvrđeno kako suobje ove politike jednako važne u ostvarivanju ukupne financijske stabilnosti zemlje. Svaka zemlja je dužna brinuti o financijskoj stabilnosti, jer se jedino na taj način može osigurati normalno funkcioniranje gospodarstva u cjelini. Financijsku stabilnost ponajviše ugrožavaju sistemski rizici koji se sastoje od više vrsta rizika, primjerice kamatnog, tržišnog, operativnog i slično, a svi oni zajedno uvelike ugrožavaju ostvarivanju financijske stabilnosti u nekoj zemlji. Mikroprudencijalna i makroprudencijalna politika su u izravnom odnosu sa financijskom stabilnošću. Mikroprudencijalna ju promatra na razini jedne zemlje, a makroprudencijalna na globalnoj razini.Prudential policy is of great importance in achieving the financial stability of every country, including Croatia. It is divided into microprudential and macroprudential policies. Both policies mentioned above are extremely important, and their coherence is important in order to make the research of this topic consistent and accurate. The problem of the research itself is reflected in the fact that different authors define macroprudential and microprudential policy in different ways, and also some authors attach more importance to one and some authors to another policy. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to see what is the connection between these two policies, what are their particularities and what effects on financial stability each leaves. The research itself has established that the coherence of these policies is equally important in achieving the overall financial stability of the country. Every country is obliged to take care of financial stability, because only in this way can the normal functioning of the economy as a whole be ensured. Financial stability is most threatened by systemic risks, which consist of several types of risks, such as interest rate, market, operational and the like, all of which, together, greatly threaten the achievement of financial stability in a country. Microprudential and macroprudential policies are directly related to financial stability. Microprudential observes it at the country level and macroprudential at the global level