74 research outputs found

    The sick throne: Royal power and affection in the Kingdom of León in the tenth century, a political theological portrait

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    Este estudio trata de encontrar el significado político, alegórico y teológico a las enfermedades que condicionaron los reinados en León de Fruela II, Sancho I y Vermudo II. Para comprender este análisis sobre los monarcas enfermos del siglo X noroccidental peninsular presentaremos primeramente la mentalidad general del cristianismo altomedieval sobre la enfermedad, el papel de la monarquía asturleonesa hasta ese siglo y sus particularidades. Así, daremos contenido a los males físicos, relacionados con el potente ejemplo de la corrupción del alma o del gobierno, de un trono en el que puede que la enfermedad no fuese el mayor mal interno de un reino amenazado desde el exterior y también desde su propio corazónThis work seeks to find the political, allegorical, and theological meaning of the diseases that greatly influenced the reigns of Fruela II, Sancho I, and Vermudo II in León. Prior to the discussion on the sick kings in tenth-century North-Western Iberian Peninsula, this paper addresses the generalmentality of early medieval Christianity regarding disease, as well as the role and particularities of the Astur-Leonese Monarchy until that century. We will subsequently focus on the physical ailments of the throne, as related to the powerful example of the corruption of the soul or the government. Sickness was probably not the worst evil within a kingdom threatened both from the outside and from its own hear

    Short-term heart rate variability in resting conditions: methodological considerations

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    Low values on heart rate variability (HRV) derived parameters at resting have been used to predict cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and mortality. In this regard, short-term HRV recordings (usually from 5 to 15 minutes) are increasing their popularity because data acquisition can be performed under more controlled conditions than long-term recordings (e.g., 24 hours). However, different method ological aspects before, during, and after the HRV assessment could affect the quantification and the clinical interpretations of the HRV-derived parameters, as well as hamper comparisons across different studies. In the present study, we summarize these methodological aspects that should be considered in both the research and the clinical settings. These are: (1) the validity and reproducibility of the device used to assess the HRV; (2) the influence of the software used to perform the artefact correction; (3) previous conditions before the testing day; (4) establishing the proper conditions during the HRV assessment (e.g., controlled respiratory frequency); (5) after assessing the HRV, con sidering the “best” data selection and statistical analysis approach; and (6) the role of the heart rate on the associations between the different CVD risk factors outcomes (e.g., cardiorespiratory fitness) and the HRV-derived parameters

    Evaluación de la eosinofilia en pacientes procedentes de países tropicales

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    Las enfermedades infecciosas están adquiriendo más relevancia por el aumento de las migraciones poblacionales. La eosinofilia es un hallazgo frecuente en inmigrantes y en viajeros. Una de las causas más frecuentes de eosinofilia es la presencia de parásitos, concretamente, la infección por helmintos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir las características epidemiológicas y clínicas de pacientes (inmigrantes y viajeros) con eosinofilia procedentes de regiones tropicales/subtropicales que acuden al Hospital General Universitario de Alicante y analizar las variables (epidemiológicas y clínicas) asociadas con la eosinofilia. Se trata de un estudio observacional retrospectivo donde se incluyen los casos diagnosticados de eosinofilia registrados en la Consulta de Enfermedades Importadas y Parasitología Clínica desde 1 de junio de 2000 hasta 31 de diciembre de 2016. Se registraron en total de 1555 pacientes durante el periodo de estudio y la eosinofilia se encontró en un 17.7% de los casos (El 88.8% eran inmigrantes y el resto viajeros). Los parásitos identificados más frecuentes fueron Strongyloides stercolaris, Ascaris lumbricoides y Schistosoma spp (68, 67 y 32 casos respectivamente). Existía asociación entre eosinofilia y presencia de parásitos (helmintos). La sintomatología y el periodo de estancia en España fueron factores que determinaban la presencia de eosinofilia. La presencia de eosinofilia en pacientes procedentes de zonas endémicas de helmintiasis es aconsejable realizar estudios dirigidos para su diagnóstico, independientemente de la duración de la estancia o la presencia de sintomatología. En muchos casos hay que valorar administrar tratamiento empírico antihelmíntico

    El teorema de Hartman-Grobman

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    The stability theory of di erential equations studies variations in the solutions of Cauchy Problems under small perturbations of initial conditions. The objective of this document is to study a classic result about of stability of differential equations. The Hartman-Grobman Theorem. We give a proof of the theorem for autonomous di erential equation. The theorem states that the behavior of a dynamical system in a domain near a hyperbolic equilibrium point is qualitatively the same as the behavior of its linearization near this equilibrium point, where hyperbolicity means that no eigenvalue of the linearization has real part equal to zero. It is a important result because through the theorem, the stability of many autonomous systems is characterized for the stability of the simpler linearization of the systems.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Matemática

    Cálculo y diseño de un reductor de velocidad para accionar una cinta transportadora en mina de cobre

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    [ES] El siguiente proyecto tiene como fin el cálculo y diseño de un reductor de velocidad de dos etapas, el cuál será utilizado en el ámbito de la minería en una cinta transportadora para la extracción de cobre. El reductor se accionará con un motor eléctrico de 60 kW y estará formado por engranajes de dientes helicoidales. Este deberá cumplir con las siguientes especificaciones: Velocidad de entrada de 2100 rpm y velocidad de salida de 167.11 rpm. Además, el proyecto contiene una parte de simulación de funcionamiento mediante el programa Solidworks y la impresión en 3D del reductor obtenido.Plaza Jarque, A. (2019). Cálculo y diseño de un reductor de velocidad para accionar una cinta transportadora en mina de cobre. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/126077TFG

    La eficiencia lectora en vista de niños y adolescentes con baja visión

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    Muchos estudiantes con baja visión no consiguen durante su etapa escolar una lectura fluida y eficiente. Se inició la investigación con un estudio en el que se aplicó un programa para incrementar la eficiencia lectora en un caso de hemianopsia heterónima bitemporal. A continuación se realizó un estudio exploratorio acerca de la práctica lectora de los estudiantes con baja visión que utilizaban como código primario de lectoescritura la vista en la Educación Secundaria. La mayoría presentaba lectura monocular, distancia reducida y no precisaban ayudas ópticas. La eficiencia lectora presentaba: gran desviación típica, velocidad lenta, baja comprensión y dificultades en el reconocimiento de palabras. Para la recogida de datos se emplearon 53 cuestionarios que indicaron que la mayoría estudian en tinta; consideran que su acceso a la información es suficiente pero podrían mejorarlo con práctica. EFILECT propone una intervención que tiene como base una combinación entre: lecturas repetidas, lectura conjunta y técnicas de lectura rápida. Se realizó un estudio piloto y se está aplicando a una muestra de alumnos con dificultades lectoras con una mejora significativa. Es relevante investigar en las estrategias que puedan optimizar la eficiencia lectora y minimizar el esfuerzo de aprendizaje.Many low vision students do not reach an efficient and fluent reading during their schooling stage. The research started with a study in which a Programme to enhance reading efficiency in a case of Bitemporal Heteronymous Hemianopia was applied. Afterwards, an exploratory study about real reading practice of the visual impaired students in Secondary Education who mainly use the vision was conducted. Most of the students have a monocular reading, they use short distance and do not need optical aids. The reading efficiency showed: a high typical deviation, low reading speed, low level of comprehension and difficulties with words recognition. In order to collect information 53 questionnaires were used by the researchers. The questionnaires showed that most of the students read ink printed contents; they considered having an adequate access to information and being able to improve with the practice. EFILECT proposes an intervention program based on a combined model of procedures like: repeated reading, joint reading and speed reading techniques. Thus a pilot study was conducted and now it is being applied to a sample of students with visual impairment and reading difficulties with a significant improvement. A more in depth research is needed in order to optimize readding efficiency and minimize the learning efforts

    Effects of exercise on whole-blood transcriptome profile in children with overweight/obesity

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    Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033ERFD A way of making Europe, Grant/Award Number: PID2021-127280OB-I00University of Jaén, Grant/Award Number: PAIUJAEI_ CTS02; Spanish Ministry of EducationCulture and Sport, Grant/Award Numbers: FPU 16/02760DEP2016-79512-R, DEP2013-47540; National Institutes of HealthGrant/Award Number: U01TR002004; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health; EXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health in Special Populations, Grant/Award Number: DEP2005-00046/ ACTIUniversity of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions; Junta de AndalucíaConsejería de Conocimiento, Investigaci on y UniversidadesEuropean Regional Development FundSigrid Jusélius Foundation; Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation; Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Programa para el incremento de la eficiencia lectora en alumnos adolescentes con baja visión

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    Esta investigación describe el diseño y desarrollo de un programa para incrementar la eficiencia lectora de estudiantes con baja visión, EFILECT. Un programa individualizado para estudiantes adolescentes, de 11 a 18 años, con baja visión moderada o severa. EFILECT ha propuesto una intervención basada en la combinación de tres procedimientos: el método de “lecturas repetidas”, la lectura conjunta y las técnicas de lectura rápida. Ha sido aplicado en un estudio con 6 estudiantes con deficiencia visual y dificultades lectoras. El grupo de estudiantes participantes en esta investigación han obtenido una significativo incremento de su eficiencia lectora. En este artículo se realiza un análisis de caso único de tres de los alumnos. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos EFILECT es un programa eficiente para algunos de los estudiantes con deficiencia visual. Los profesores pueden utilizar con sus alumnos programas diseñados para implementar estrategias con el objetivo de automatizar la lectura e incrementar la comprensión. No obstante es necesario investigaciones adicionales para desarrollar y validar programas que tengan como objetivo implementar estrategias. Estas estrategias permitirán optimizar y minimizar los esfuerzos de aprendizaje.This research describes the design and development of an optimization program addressed to improve the reading efficiency of student with low vision, EFILECT. An individualized programme for adolescent students, aged 11 to 18, with moderate or severe low vision. EFILECT allows them to apply an intervention program based on a combined model of procedures like: repeated reading, joint reading and speed reading techniques. EFILECT program has been applied in a study involving 6 students with visual impairment and reading difficulties. The group of students participating in the research have got a significant improvement in the reading efficacy. In this article we performe a single-subject analysis of 3 students. Acording to the results EFILECT appears to be an effective program for some students with visual impairments. Teachers can engage children in programs addressed to implement strategies in an effort to develop automaticity in reading and improve comprehension. However a more in depth research is needed in order to develop and validate programs addressed to implement strategies. These strategies will allow to optimize and minimize the learning efforts. KEY WORDS: Education. Visual rehabilitation. Students with low vision. Reading skills.peerReviewe

    Cardiorespiratory fitness in children with overweight/obesity: Insights into the molecular mechanisms

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    Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant/Award Number: DEP2013--47540, DEP2016-79512--R and DEP2017--91544--EXP; Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO); European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), Grant/Award Number: RYC--2016--21199 and ENDORE SAF2017--87526--R; Junta de Andalucia, Grant/Award Number: BIO--302 and US--1254251; University of Jaen, Grant/Award Number: PAIUJA--EI_CTS02; Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Grant/Award Number: FPU 16/02760; NIH, Grant/Award Number:UO1 TR002004; PERC Systems Biology Fund; Unit of Excellence on EXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health in Special Populations; Alicia Koplowitz Foundation; Henning Och Johan Throne--Holsts Stiftelse Grant; University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES); Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Grant/Award Number: SOMM17/6107/UGR; European Regional Development Funds, Grant/Award Number: B--CTS-355--UGR18 and B--CTS--500--UGR18; Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAObjectives: High cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) during adulthood. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying the health benefits of high CRF levels at the early stage of life. This study aimed to analyze the whole-blood transcriptome profile of fit children with overweight/obesity (OW/OB) compared to unfit children with OW/OB. Design: 27 children with OW/OB (10.14 ± 1.3 years, 59% boys) from the ActiveBrains project were evaluated. VO2peak was assessed using a gas analyzer, and participants were categorized into fit or unfit according to the CVD risk-related cut-points. Whole-blood transcriptome profile (RNA sequencing) was analyzed. Differential gene expression analysis was performed using the limma R/Bioconductor software package (analyses adjusted by sex and maturational status), and pathways’ enrichment analysis was performed with DAVID. In addition, in silico validation data mining was performed using the PHENOPEDIA database. Results: 256 genes were differentially expressed in fit children with OW/OB compared to unfit children with OW/OB after adjusting by sex and maturational status (FDR < 0.05). Enriched pathway analysis identified gene pathways related to inflammation (eg, dopaminergic and GABAergic synapse pathways). Interestingly, in silico validation data mining detected a set of the differentially expressed genes to be related to CVD, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, inflammation, and asthma. Conclusion: The distinct pattern of whole-blood gene expression in fit children with OW/OB reveals genes and gene pathways that might play a role in reducing CVD risk factors later in life.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness DEP2013-47540 DEP2016-79512-R DEP2017-91544-EXPSpanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO)European Commission RYC-2016-21199ENDORE SAF2017-87526-RJunta de Andalucia BIO-302 US-1254251University of Jaen PAIUJA-EI_CTS02Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport FPU 16/02760United States Department of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA UO1 TR002004PERC Systems Biology FundUnit of Excellence on EXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health in Special PopulationsAlicia Koplowitz FoundationHenning Och Johan Throne-Holsts Stiftelse GrantUniversity of GranadaUnit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades and European RegionalDevelopment Fund (ERDF) SOMM17/6107/UGR European Commission B-CTS-355-UGR18 B-CTS-500-UGR18Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Resting heart rate but not heart rate variability is associated with the normal-weight obesity phenotype

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    Objective: To determine differences in resting heart rate variability (HRV) and heart rate (HR) between young adults with normal-weight obesity (NWO) and normal-weight lean (NWL). Methods: A total of 65 normal-weight individuals (18–25 years old, 50 women, body mass index 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2) were included in this cross-sectional study. Body fat percentage was determined using a whole-body dual energy x-ray absorptiometry scanner. Resting HRV and HR were assessed with the Polar RS800CX. Forty-one participants were classified as NWO and 24 NWL using cutoff points for body fat percentage (33.3% for women and 23.1% for men). Results: There were no differences in HRV between NWO and NWL groups (all p > .05). HR was higher in NWO (mean 70 beats per minute [bpm], standard deviation [SD] 8) than in NWL adults (mean 65 bpm, SD 10), the adjusted mean difference 5 bpm (95% CI, 0 to 10 bpm). Conclusion: HR is a noninvasive biomarker and relatively cheap, fast, and easy to measure that could detect “apparently healthy” young individuals with an adverse cardiovascular disease risk profile despite presenting a normal body weight.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant/Award Numbers: PTA 12264-I, DEP2016-79512-RSpanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Grant/Award Number: FPU15/04059MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR, Grant/Award Number: FJC2020-044453-IPERC Systems Biology FundUnit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)EXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health in Special Populations, Grant/Award Number: DEP2005-00046/ ACTIUniversity of Granada and Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Funds, Grant/Award Number: SOMM17/6107/UG