37 research outputs found

    Transparent yttrium hydride thin films prepared by reactive sputtering

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    Metal hydrides have earlier been suggested for utilization in solar cells. With this as a motivation we have prepared thin films of yttrium hydride by reactive magnetron sputter deposition. The resulting films are metallic for low partial pressure of hydrogen during the deposition, and black or yellow-transparent for higher partial pressure of hydrogen. Both metallic and semiconducting transparent YHx films have been prepared directly in-situ without the need of capping layers and post-deposition hydrogenation. Optically the films are similar to what is found for YHx films prepared by other techniques, but the crystal structure of the transparent films differ from the well-known YH3 phase, as they have an fcc lattice instead of hcp

    Surface oxide on thin films of yttrium hydride studied by neutron reflectometry

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    The applicability of standard methods for compositional analysis is limited for H-containing films. Neutron reflectometry is a powerful, non-destructive method that is especially suitable for these systems due to the large negative scattering length of H. In this work we demonstrate how neutron reflectometry can be used to investigate thin films of yttrium hydride. Neutron reflectometry gives a strong contrast between the film and the surface oxide layer, enabling us to estimate the oxide thickness and oxygen penetration depths. A surface oxide layer of 5-10 nm thickness was found for unprotected yttrium hydride films

    A new thin film photochromic material: Oxygen-containing yttrium hydride

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    In this work we report on photochromism in transparent thin film samples of oxygen-containing yttrium hydride. Exposure to visible and ultraviolet (UV) light at moderate intensity triggers a decrease in the optical transmission of visible and infrared (IR) light. The photo-darkening is colour-neutral. We show that the optical transmission of samples of 500 nm thickness can be reduced by up to 50% after one hour of illumination with light of moderate intensity. The reaction is reversible and samples that are left in the dark return to the initial transparent state. The relaxation time in the dark depends on the temperature of the sample and the duration of the light exposure. The photochromic reaction takes place under ambient conditions in the as-deposited state of the thin-film samples.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cell

    Absorption Coefficient of a Semiconductor Thin Film from Photoluminescence

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    The photoluminescence (PL) of semiconductors can be used to determine their absorption coefficient (a) using Planck's generalized law. The standard method, suitable only for self-supported thick samples, like wafers, is extended to multilayer thin films by means of the transfer-matrix method to include the effect of the substrate and optional front layers. a values measured on various thin-film solar-cell absorbers by both PL and photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS) show good agreement. PL measurements are extremely sensitive to the semiconductor absorption and allow us to advantageously circumvent parasitic absorption from the substrate; thus, a can be accurately determined down to very low values, allowing us to investigate deep band tails with a higher dynamic range than in any other method, including spectrophotometry and PDS