220 research outputs found

    Проблемы взаимодействия вузов и предприятий

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    The article deals with the review of forms of interaction of higher education institutions and the enterprises. The most preferable forms of cooperation are presented. Classification of forms of interaction by compliance to a management cycle is offered. There are problems of management of interaction with the enterprises in the majority of higher education institutions. Necessity of development of the general control system by interaction with the enterprises for each higher education institution is proved.В статье представлен обзор форм взаимодействия вузов и предприятий. Отражены наиболее предпочтительные формы сотрудничества. Предложена классификация форм взаимодействия по соответствию циклу управления. В большинстве вузов существуют проблемы по управлению взаимодействием с предприятиями. Обоснована необходимость разработки для каждого вуза общей системы управления взаимодействием с предприятиями

    Computerization of pre-school education

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    The article is interesting the use of information technology in working with children. The role of computer games in the personality development of the preschool child. The use of ICT with children of preschool age. Update the content of preschool education at the expense of informationВ статье представляет интерес использование информационных технологий в работе с дошкольниками. Рассматривается роль компьютерных игр в развитии личности дошкольника, а также использование ИКТ при обучении детей старшего дошкольного возраста. Обновление содержания дошкольного образования за счет информатизаци

    Theoretical basis for composition of economic strategy for industry development

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    The article deals with the issues related to analysis of domestic engineering problems with the assessment of the current state of the industry as a whole. Considering the prospects of exiting the current crisis, as well as long-term economic growth we expect general welfare within the sector. As the object of the study the authors have selected the engineering industry of the country. The subject of research is the economic relations between producers and consumers of engineering products, as well as issues of strategy formation and development of the engineering industry. The authors analyzed the state of machine-manufacture and highlighted the problems, the solution of which is most relevant given the government policy of increased import substitution and enhanced productivity. Further analysis was carried out in the sphere of sources of financing and attraction of investment resources for all kinds of enterprises of mechanical engineering, on the basis of which economic development strategy for the industry may be constructed. In addition, the authors propose measures and concrete ways of solving the problems identified by the formation of economic strategy of development of the industry, involving plans of achievement of all the defined targets. As a result of the study authors concluded that the need to stop subsidizing loss-making enterprises, creating a favorable climate for the development of venture companies, in order t introduce innovative technology as soon as possible. These technologies could subsequently be exported together with products of greater added value.peer-reviewe

    Emotional Leadership: The Relationship of Level of Education and Emotional Intelligence

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    The article proposes the formulation of the problem of the correlation of the level and direction of education with emotional intelligence and leadership potential. Leadership is seen as the ability to influence individuals and groups to achieve company’s goals, based on emotional intelligence. The conceptual basis of the study of emotional leadership is proposed as the basis for the success of an organization at all levels and the need for leadership development. The basic approaches for understanding emotional intelligence and its basic models are given. The author describes the relevance of the research topic for the modern world. The results of an empirical study are presented, during which interconnections of three main components were established: emotional intelligence, educational level and leadership potential. The necessity of modern educational programs of managerial education for managers is substantiated. The prospect of further research on the problem of the development of emotional leadership is determined

    Metal-free α-amination of secondary amines: Computational and experimental evidence for azaquinone methide and azomethine ylide intermediates

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    We have performed a combined computational and experimental study to elucidate the mechanism of a metal-free α-amination of secondary amines. Calculations predicted azaquinone methides and azomethine ylides as the reactive intermediates and showed that iminium ions are unlikely to participate in these transformations. These results were confirmed by experimental deuterium-labeling studies and the successful trapping of the postulated azomethine ylide and azaquinone methide intermediates. In addition, computed barrier heights for the rate-limiting step correlate qualitatively with experimental findings. © 2013 American Chemical Society

    Nature of S\bm{S}-wave NN\bm{NN} interaction and dibaryon production at nucleonic resonance thresholds

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    Phase shifts and inelasticity parameters for NNNN scattering in the partial-wave channels 3S1{}^3S_1--3D1{}^3D_1 and 1S0{}^1S_0 at energies TlabT_{\rm lab} from zero to about 1 GeV are described within a unified NNNN potential model assuming the formation of isoscalar and isovector dibaryon resonances near the NN(1440)NN^*(1440) threshold. Evidence for these near-threshold resonances is actually found in the recent WASA experiments on single- and double-pion production in NNNN collisions. There, the excitation of the Roper resonance N(1440)N^*(1440) exhibits a structure in the energy dependence of the total cross section, which corresponds to the formation of dibaryon states with I(Jπ)=0(1+)I(J^\pi)=0(1^+) and 1(0+)1(0^+) at the NN(1440)NN^*(1440) threshold. These two SS-wave dibaryon resonances may provide a new insight into the nature of the strong NNNN interaction at low and intermediate energies.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure


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    The relevance of the chosen direction is due to the gowing role of distance learning technologies in the teaching of medical disciplines. The aim of the work is to assess the prospects for the use of distance learning technologies in the teaching of pediatric disciplines, including in conditions of quarantine restrictions. The study was conducted by bibliometric and content analysis of information sources obtained from electronic databases OVID, PubMed, Embase, as well as official sources of national ministries of education of developed countries and CIS countries. Search depth – 3 years. The obtained data are organized and analyzed with the selection of the main trends in the application and development of distance learning in the teaching of pediatric disciplines. In addition, a survey of 50 students of Odesa National Medical University and 20 teachers from departments that teach pediatric disciplines. Statistical processing was performed by analysis of variance using MS Excel software (Microsoft Inc., USA). In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 406 of March 16, 2020 in medical universities of the country students switched to distance learning. For many teachers and students, this form of education has proved difficult. Along with purely technical problems (instability of the Internet connection, non compliance of equipment with software requirements, low level of computer literacy of elderly teachers) respondents noted the inconvenience of the interface, the difficulty of maintaining proper attention when working online, lack of practical skills. Among the main problems, teachers mentioned the difficulty of identifying users participating in the conference. In the conditions of quarantine restrictions application of remote technologies allows to carry out educational process at rather high level. Zoom and Microsoft Teams platforms are the most suitable for distance learning needs. Only half of the respondents were satisfied with the quality of distance learning during quarantine restrictions. This indicates a lack of preparation of both teachers and students for this format of the educational process.Актуальність обраного напрямку обумовлена зростанням ролі технологій дистанційного навчання у викладанні медичних дисциплін. Метою роботи є оцінка перспектив застосування технологій дистанційного навчання при викладанні педіатричних дисциплін, у тому числі в умовах карантинних обмежень. Дослідження проведене шляхом бібліометричного та контент-аналізу інформаційних джерел, одержаних з електронних баз даних OVID, PubMed, Embase, а також офіційних джерел національних міністерств освіти розвинутих країн світу та країн СНД. Глибина пошуку – 3 роки. Одержані дані упорядковані та проаналізовані із виділенням основних тенденцій у застосуванні та розвитку дистанційного навчання при викладанні педіатричних дисциплін. Додатково проведено анкетування 50 студентів Одеського національного медичного університету та 20 викладачів з кафедр, які викладають педіатричні дисципліни. Статистична обробка проведена методом дисперсійного аналізу з використанням програмного забезпечення MS Excel (Microsoft Inc., США). Відповідно до наказу МОН України від 16.03.2020 р. № 406, у медичних ВНЗ країни студенти перейшли на дистанційну форму навчання. Для багатьох викладачів та студентів така форма навчання виявилася складною. Поряд із суто технічними проблемами (нестійкість інтернет-з’єднання, невідповідність обладнання вимогам до програмного забезпечення, низький рівень комп’ютерної грамотності літніх викладачів) респонденти зазначали незручність інтерфейсу, складнощі підтримання належного рівня уваги при роботі он-лайн, недостатність набутття практичних навичок. Серед основних проблем викладачі називали складності ідентифікації користувачів, що беруть участь у конференції. В умовах карантинних обмежень застосування дистанційних технологій дозволяє проводити освітній процес на достатньо високому рівні. Найбільш придатними для потреб дистанційного навчання є платформи Zoom та Microsoft Teams. Лише половина респондентів була задоволена якістю дистанційного навчання під час карантинних обмежень. Це свідчить про недостатню підготовленість як викладачів, так і студентів до такого формату освітнього процесу

    Comparative ecological testing of <i>Achillea millefolium</i> (L.) cultivars in Moscow Province

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    Background. The cultivars of Achillea millefolium L.: ‘Eney’ and ‘Millennium’ (Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea), and ‘Vasyurinsky’ (North-Caucasian Branch of VILAR), were the objects of the ecological testing in 2018–2020 in Moscow Province.Methods. A nursery was established with planting material of vegetative origin. Phenological and morphometric parameters, indicators of raw matter productivity, and crop structure components were assessed in the phase of mass flowering.Results. For cv. ‘Vasyurinsky’, the start of growing and subsequent phenological phases occurred 14–25 days earlier than for ‘Eney’ and ‘Millennium’ whose growing season was 15–20 days longer. The plant height varied from 72 to 106 cm for cv. ‘Vasyurinsky’, 43 to 56 cm for ‘Eney’, and 38 to 42 cm for ‘Millenium’. The yield of fresh green biomass reached 8.8–10.3 t/ha for the Crimean cultivars, and 18.2 t/ha for ‘Vasyurinsky’. The latter exceeded cvs. ‘Eney’ and ‘Millenium’ in the yield of green biomass and air-dry matter (1.7–2.9 and 1.5–2.6 times, respectively). Essential oil content in ‘Eney’ was 4.74% of the absolute dry weight, being 1.6–3.5 times higher than in ‘Millenium’ (2.99%) and ‘Vasyurinsky’ (1.35%). Chamazulene content in the essential oil of the Crimean cultivars was 10–12 times higher, and the content of caryophyllene and germacrene D 2.5–3.1 times higher than in the essential oil of cv. ‘Vasyurinsky’.Conclusion. All the studied cultivars of A. millefolium can be recommended for commercial cultivation in Moscow Province

    Fundamentalization and professionalization of learning content under the competence approach

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    © The author(s). The purpose of this paper is aimed at studying the issue of formation of learning content based on its fundamentalization and professionalization under the competence approach. The presented paper demonstrates the process of professionalization and fundamentalization of training as a conceptual framework of shaping the content of disciplines in higher education. The basis of the presented work is the ideas of the competence approach, theory of fundamentalization and professionalization of vocational education. The paper presents the principles and mechanisms of fundamentalization and professionalization of the discipline's content and the algorithm of formation of fundamental and applied discipline content under the competence approach. This article is intended for teachers, researchers, heads of educational institutions involved in the formation and selection of the content of disciplines in higher education