73 research outputs found

    Analisis Kadar Nitrit pada Sarang Burung Walet Asal Pulau Sumatera Menggunakan Metode Kromameter

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    Kadar nitrit dalam sarang burung walet (SBW) telah menjadi perhatian dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. SBW yang diekspor dari Indonesia ke Negara Tiongkok harus memenuhi standar kadar nitrit (NO2), yaitu maksimum 30 ppm. Dinamika perkembangan teknologi dan jaman saat ini menuntut instrumen pengujian kadar nitrit secara akurat, diantaranya menggunakan spektrofotometer dan kromameter. Penelitian ini mengkaji kadar nitrit pada SBW bersih yang telah dilakukan pencucian asal Pulau Sumatera dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometer dan mengevaluasi warna menggunakan kromameter berbasis sistem CIE pada parameter L*, a*, b*, C*, dan h*. Jumlah sampel ditentukan secara purposif dari rumah burung walet (RBW). Sebanyak 18 sampel SBW berasal dari berbagai wilayah di Sumatera. Sampel SBW diuji kadar nitritnya menggunakan spektrofotometer di Balai Besar Uji Standar Karantina Pertanian (BBUSKP) Jakarta dan kromameter diuji di laboratorium Ilmu Teknologi Pangan IPB, Bogor. Hasil kadar nitrit pada SBW menunjukkan bahwa persentase kadar nitrit di bawah 30 ppm adalah 72,22%. Nilai rata-rata L* pada grup A (kadar nitrit >30 ppm) dan B (kadar nitrit <30 ppm) secara berurutan adalah sebesar 67,65±1,97 dan 68,47±5,25. Hasil analisis statistik dengan uji-t menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p>0,05) antara nilai L*, a*, b*, C* dan *h pada kedua grup. Metode kromameter tidak dapat digunakan sebagai metode tunggal dalam mengukur kadar nitrit pada SBW serta tidak dapat membedakan secara signifikan warna SBW yang berasal dari RBW yang berbeda


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan SO sampel tanah yang berasal dad sekitar rumah pemHik anjing atau kucing di lima wilayah kota Surabaya yaitu Surabaya Pusat. Surabaya Selatan, Surabaya Utara, Surabaya Barat serta Surabaya Timur dan 50 sarnpeJ fcses anjing atau kucing peHharaannya. Setiap wilayah diwakili 10 sampe! tanah dan feses, Bertujuan lilltuk mengetahui berapa besar pencemaran tanah oleh telur cacing Toxocara sp. dan prevalensi toxocariosis berdasarkan pemeriksaan fescs, scrta hubungan arttara kejadjan loxocariosis pada anjing atau kucing terhadap tanah disekitar rumah pemiliknya di lima witayah kota Surabaya, Jenis caeing tersebut bersifat soil transmitted helminths dan bersifat zoonosis, Metode apung dengan menggunakan sukrosa yang memiIiki berat jenls 1,2 dan pemeriksaan feses mel1ggunakan larutan gula jenuh, kemudian data yang diperoleh dihitung dengan rurnU$ prevalensi. selanjutnya diuji dengan chi ~ square dan analisis regresi dilakukal1 terhadap penelitian tanah, HasH penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kontaminasi tanah oleh tefur Toxocara sp. sebesar 30 %, dengan uj! chi -square pencemaran tanah oleh te-lur Toxocara sp. menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara kelima wilayah di kota Surabaya (pO.05), Pada uji kore1asi regresi terdapat hubungan yang crat antMa kejadian loxocariosis pada anjing dan kucing terhadap tanah di sekitar rumah pemiliknya di lima wilayall di kota Surabaya (r == + 0,832


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    Edible bird nest is a high-value export commodity. The industry of edible bird nests encounters various challenges regarding food safety demands for consumers, especially related to the quality of edible bird nests and compliance of nitrite below 30 ppm for the export commodity to China. The purpose of this paper is to obtain information on nitrate content in edible bird nests, the impact of nitrite on consumers and mechanism of nitrite, nitrification processes and mechanisms of nitrification in nature, types of nitrifying bacteria, the nitrification process, and the role of nitrifying bacteria in the edible bird nests, and also nitrite testing methods. This paper shows the nitrite content in edible bird nests at various levels. Nitrite is toxic and dangerous. Nitrite can cause methemoglobinemia, impaired oxygen flow, and difficulty breathing. Hygiene conditions and the environment of the swallow’s house can affect the amount of nitrite in the edible bird nest. Alteration in nitrite can occur through changes in nitrogen in the air to nitrite. Nitrite forming in edible bird nests is a natural process of shift nitrogen in the swallow's house environment and influenced by nitrite-producing bacteria were found in swallow's houses and converting nitrate to nitrite. Nitrification bacteria are bacteria that important role in increasing organic content and the availability of nutrients in the soil by providing nitrate. There are a few bacteria nitrification find in nature and edible bird nests such as Nitrosomonas Sp, Nitrobacter Sp, Nitrospina Sp, Nitrosococcus Sp, Nitrocystis Sp, and Bradyrhizobium japonicum

    Mouse DRG Cell Line with Properties of Nociceptors

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    In vitro cell lines from DRG neurons aid drug discovery because they can be used for early stage, high-throughput screens for drugs targeting pain pathways, with minimal dependence on animals. We have established a conditionally immortal DRG cell line from the Immortomouse. Using immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR and calcium microfluorimetry, we demonstrate that the cell line MED17.11 expresses markers of cells committed to the sensory neuron lineage. Within a few hours under differentiating conditions, MED17.11 cells extend processes and following seven days of differentiation, express markers of more mature DRG neurons, such as NaV1.7 and Piezo2. However, at least at this time-point, the nociceptive marker NaV1.8 is not expressed, but the cells respond to compounds known to excite nociceptors, including the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin, the purinergic receptor agonist ATP and the voltage gated sodium channel agonist, veratridine. Robust calcium transients are observed in the presence of the inflammatory mediators bradykinin, histamine and norepinephrine. MED17.11 cells have the potential to replace or reduce the use of primary DRG culture in sensory, pain and developmental research by providing a simple model to study acute nociception, neurite outgrowth and the developmental specification of DRG neurons

    LLM3D: a log-linear modeling-based method to predict functional gene regulatory interactions from genome-wide expression data

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    All cellular processes are regulated by condition-specific and time-dependent interactions between transcription factors and their target genes. While in simple organisms, e.g. bacteria and yeast, a large amount of experimental data is available to support functional transcription regulatory interactions, in mammalian systems reconstruction of gene regulatory networks still heavily depends on the accurate prediction of transcription factor binding sites. Here, we present a new method, log-linear modeling of 3D contingency tables (LLM3D), to predict functional transcription factor binding sites. LLM3D combines gene expression data, gene ontology annotation and computationally predicted transcription factor binding sites in a single statistical analysis, and offers a methodological improvement over existing enrichment-based methods. We show that LLM3D successfully identifies novel transcriptional regulators of the yeast metabolic cycle, and correctly predicts key regulators of mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal more accurately than existing enrichment-based methods. Moreover, in a clinically relevant in vivo injury model of mammalian neurons, LLM3D identified peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) as a neuron-intrinsic transcriptional regulator of regenerative axon growth. In conclusion, LLM3D provides a significant improvement over existing methods in predicting functional transcription regulatory interactions in the absence of experimental transcription factor binding data

    Importance of Non-Selective Cation Channel TRPV4 Interaction with Cytoskeleton and Their Reciprocal Regulations in Cultured Cells

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    BACKGROUND: TRPV4 and the cellular cytoskeleton have each been reported to influence cellular mechanosensitive processes as well as the development of mechanical hyperalgesia. If and how TRPV4 interacts with the microtubule and actin cytoskeleton at a molecular and functional level is not known. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the interaction of TRPV4 with cytoskeletal components biochemically, cell biologically by observing morphological changes of DRG-neurons and DRG-neuron-derived F-11 cells, as well as functionally with calcium imaging. We find that TRPV4 physically interacts with tubulin, actin and neurofilament proteins as well as the nociceptive molecules PKCepsilon and CamKII. The C-terminus of TRPV4 is sufficient for the direct interaction with tubulin and actin, both with their soluble and their polymeric forms. Actin and tubulin compete for binding. The interaction with TRPV4 stabilizes microtubules even under depolymerizing conditions in vitro. Accordingly, in cellular systems TRPV4 colocalizes with actin and microtubules enriched structures at submembranous regions. Both expression and activation of TRPV4 induces striking morphological changes affecting lamellipodial, filopodial, growth cone, and neurite structures in non-neuronal cells, in DRG-neuron derived F11 cells, and also in IB4-positive DRG neurons. The functional interaction of TRPV4 and the cytoskeleton is mutual as Taxol, a microtubule stabilizer, reduces the Ca2+-influx via TRPV4. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: TRPV4 acts as a regulator for both, the microtubule and the actin. In turn, we describe that microtubule dynamics are an important regulator of TRPV4 activity. TRPV4 forms a supra-molecular complex containing cytoskeletal proteins and regulatory kinases. Thereby it can integrate signaling of various intracellular second messengers and signaling cascades, as well as cytoskeletal dynamics. This study points out the existence of cross-talks between non-selective cation channels and cytoskeleton at multiple levels. These cross talks may help us to understand the molecular basis of the Taxol-induced neuropathic pain development commonly observed in cancer patients


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan 50 sampel tanah yang berasal dari sekitar rumah pemilik anjing atau kucing di lima wilayah kota Surabaya yaitu Surabaya Pusat, Surabaya Selatan, Surabaya Utara, Surabaya Barat serta Surabaya Timur dan 50 sampel feses anjing atau kucing peliharaannya. Setiap wilayah diwakili 10 sampel tmah dan feses. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa besar pencemaran tanah oleh telur cacing Toxocara sp. dan prevalensi toxocariosis berdasarkan pemeriksaan feses, serta hubungan antara kejadian toxocariosis pada anjing atau kucing terhadap tanah disekitar rumah pemiliknya di lima wilayah kota Surabaya. Jenis cacing tersebut bersifat soil transmitted helminths dan bersifat zoonosis. Metode apung dengan menggunakan sukrosa yang memiliki berat jenis 1,2 dan pemeriksaan feses menggunakan larutan gula jenuh, kemudian data yang diperoleh dihitung dengan rumus prevalensi, selanjutnya diuji dengan chi - square dan anal isis regresi dilakukan terhadap penelitian tanah. Hasil peneIitian menunjukkan lingkat kontaminasi tanah oleh telur Toxocara sp. sebesar 30 %, dengan uji chi - square pencemaran tanah oleh telur Toxocara sp. menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara kelima wilayah di kota Surabaya (p0,05). Pada uji korelasi regresi terdapat hubungan yang erat antara kejadian toxocariosis pada anjing dan kucing terhadap tanah di sekitar rumah pemiliknya di lima wilayah di kota Surabaya (r = + 0,832)

    Detection of Nitrite in Cleaned Edible Bird Nest from Sumatra Island

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    Edible bird nest (EBN) is a bird's nest commonly made from the saliva of a swiftlet species, one of which is from species Aerodramus fuciphagus. As the largest exporting and production country, Indonesia must comply with the nitrite content standard set by China, which is 30 ppm. The maximum limit of nitrite content in EBN exported to China currently refers to the regulation of nitrite content in processed baby food because nitrite can cause poisoning and harm human health. This project aims to study and analyze the nitrite content in EBN from Sumatra as a reference and levels of nitrite policy in Indonesia. The number of samples was calculated proportionally from the data on the swiftlet houses using OpenEpi software. A total of 18 samples cleaned EBN from swiftlet houses were obtained from various regions of Sumatra Island. Samples were washed with one rinse. Samples were tested with the spectrophotometric method at The Center for Diagnostic of Agricultural Quarantine. The results showed that from the total 18 samples cleaned EBN; there was 72.22 % sample below than the nitrite content standard (30 ppm). The average nitrite in cleaned EBN is 30.19 ppm, while the median value in cleaned EBN from Sumatra is 15.42 ppm