3,646 research outputs found

    The Effect of the 2014-17 Refugee Crisis on the Sicilian Labor Market

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    This paper analyzes the effects of the 2014-17 migration crisis on the Sicilian labor market. I find that low-skilled Italian men experienced declines in employment and workforce participation, and both low-skilled Italian men and women experienced increases in duration of non-employment. The effects on salaries were modest and largely insignificant


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    Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis have argued that individual-selection accounts of human cooperation flounder in the face of the free-rider identification problem. Kim Sterelny has responded to this line of argument for group selection, arguing that the free-rider identification problem in fact poses no theoretical difficulty for individual-selection accounts. In this article, I set out to clarify Bowles and Gintis’ argument. As I see matters, the real crux of their argument is this: solving the free-rider identification problem, even in modestly sized social groups, requires that group members are disposed to share social information with one another. The difficulty for individual-selection accounts, according to Bowles and Gintis, is that these accounts have no explanation for why individuals should be disposed to behave in this way. Having clarified their argument, I then turn to Sterelny’s criticism, and argue that Sterelny underestimates the challenge being raised by Bowles and Gintis. More specifically, I argue that it is unclear whether the expected benefits of having a disposition to share social information would have outweighed the expected costs for an individual belonging to a Pleistocene social group. Importantly, this is not to say that I am persuaded by Bowles and Gintis’ argument; on the contrary, what I claim is that more theoretical (and in particular) empirical work is necessary before the issues under discussion can be settled. I formulate some specific questions which I think future research in this area should aim to address

    Bibliography of the University of Nebraska Studies

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    In this the Centennial Year of the University of Nebraska, it seems appropriate to present a bibliography of the University\u27s Studies series, which was initiated in 1888. Works issued from that date through 1941 comprised the Old Series ; they were identified by volume and number and by month and year of publication. publication. Eighteen Studies in Language, Literature and Criticism were printed between 1917 and 1940, four Studies in the Humanities between 1941 and 1945, and two Studies in Science and Technology in 1941 and 1942. The New Series, which began in 1946, continues to this day on an irregular basis, depending on manuscripts received and accepted for publication. The University of Nebraska Studies are scholarly monographs covering a wide variety of subjects. Most are out of print; those still in print (marked with an asterisk) are in the custody of the Acquisitions Department of the University of Nebraska Libraries. While the supply of many is very limited, those still in print are available to institutions and to individual scholars on an exchange or gift basis. Requests for copies should be directed to the Acquisitions Librarian at the University of Nebraska

    Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations in the Rioverde basin, Mexico

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    The study area is part of a 4500 km2 large sedimentary basin, the Rioverde basin, in the central-northern part of Mexico at altitudes of 1000 masl surrounded by the volcanics of the Mesa Central to the east and the Sierra Madre Occidental to the west. Average annual temperatures in the basin are approximately 21°C, precipitation is about 500 mm/a. Typical for a semiaride climate rainfall occurs in few, heavy rain events during the rainy season around September while in other months, especially February and March there may be no rainfall at all. Potential evaporation with about 1600 mm/a exceeds precipitation by far. The biggest town, Rioverde, is located in the southern part of the basin, on the southern riverside of the river rio verde, that crosses the basin from the west to the east. Westsouthwest of the town Rioverde the area around the village El Refugio is intensively used for irrigation agriculture. The irrigation water is provided by a karst spring with a yield of about 4.35 m3/s, the Media Luna, and approximately 600 wells, about 10 of them garantueeing also Rioverde´s drinking water supply. North of Rioverde around the village of Pastora agriculture is limited especially due to soil properties and water quality, drinking water is supplied by tanks. The whole eastern part of the basin is sparsely populated wasteland. The most important structure for the geological development in this area and the deposition of the corresponding rocks is the platform Valles - San Luis Potosi that formed during the Appalachian (Permian-Triassic) and remained emerged during the entire Triassic and Jurassic. At the beginning of Cretaceous the platform subsided and the oldest sediments that can be found at the basin´s margins and underneath the Quarternary basin fill in the basin are Cretaceous limestones. At the transition from Cretaceous to Tertiary compressive tectonical forces from the SW related to the subduction of the Farallon plate caused the formation of a basin and range province today bordering the basin to the north and northeast. Subsequent extension enabled acid volcanic extrusions, mainly rhyoliths, today forming the basin´s eastern border. It could be shown in this study that the sedimentary basin is a tectonical graben structure formed at the transition from Tertiary to Quarternary. The main thrust of this graben structure probably is an elongation of the Meozoic platform that was activated again. The further Quarternary development was reconstructed for the first time in this thesis. The sudden subsidence of the graben is supposed to have created a drainageless depression, filled by shallow lakes and puddles which were subject to intensive evaporation in the semiaride environment. The deposition of chalk and later on gypsum happens in this period. It is assumed that the river rio verde filled the depression rather fast with debris from the nearby Sierra creating a deltaic fan of gravel, sand and clay in the southwestern part of the basin. Later on basalts and tuffs intruded in these Quarternary sediments. The youngest deposits are caliche and travertine which were differentiated in this study. The whole depth of the Quarternary basin fill was found to be around 200 m in average, 450 m at the most. Starting with these new ideas about geology and tectonics a hydrogeological model for the southern part of the basin was set up for the first time in a serie of many previous projects. The model was based on both hydraulic parameters as the calculations of the groundwater recharge, the catchment area and the groundwater flow direction, obtained from the interpretation of time series of groundwater table determinations, and hydrogeochemical results from the field campaign in July and October 1999. Reverse geochemical modeling with PhreeqC2, done for 4 representative wells, proved the created model to be consistent. Concerning hydraulic parameters the most important results are the following: Two main aquifers exist in the basin, a confined Cretaceous and an unconfined Quarternary one both interconnected without distinct aquiclud in between. The main recharge area for the Cretaceous aquifer was proven to be the Sierra west of the basin; in the basin groundwater recharge was calculated to be very low. The calculated amount of recharged groundwater for the basin´s southwestern part equals the yield of the karst spring Media Luna (4.35 m3/s), while in the northwestern part it is only one quarter of that. The main drain in the southwestern part is the river rio verde causing a general groundwater flow for both aquifers from the west to the east, while in the northwestern part the shallow groundwater (Alluvium) flow it is from the east to the west, probably due to the influence of the graben fault zone with higher permeability. No man made declining of the groundwater table was detected in Pastora area, while severe drawdown of -10 to -15 m from 1972-1997 was documented for El Refugio. South of El Refugio, near El Jabali, several former dug wells are dry and new wells have been drilled with watertables 4-15 m below the bottom of the old dug wells. This is consistents with reports of former wetlands that are cultivated farmland nowadays and indicates drawdown of the groundwater table over a large area. For detailed chemical investigations (main ions, trace elements, isotopes, pesticides) two distinct areas were choosen, El Refugio and Pastora. Observations from previous projects were confirmed for Pastora area with high mineralization and Ca2+ and SO4 2- concentrations close to gypsum saturation resulting from the contact with Quarternary evaporites. Considering El Refugio reported low mineralization and a predominancy of Ca2+ and HCO3- could only be confirmed for the deep wells tapping Cretaceous groundwater but also Quarternary groundwater through leakage conditions or due to the fact having a screen in both Quarternary and Cretaceous aquifer. Shallow wells in El Refugio show the influence of Quarternary evaporites, yet not as high as in Pastora. The system of karst springs with the biggest karst spring, Media Luna, it´s smaller neighbour Anteojitos (0.25 m3/s) and Ojo de Agua de Solano, the spring of the river rio verde, are characterized by increased concentrations of Ca2+ and SO4 2- supposed to result from the contact to a Cretaceous gypsum formation (Guaxcama) at the bottom of the Cretaceous limestone. The idea that the 6 different outlets from the karst spring Media Luna spill water from different horizons or aquifers was disproved by direct sampling of the outlets by scuba diving. The reported high arsenic concentrations of 1-5 mg/L that originally were the main point of concern fortunately were neither confirmed in the above described wells and springs nor in about 30 further wells spread all over the southern part of the basin. A new method for determining both total arsenic and As(III) directly on-site was tested and though some handicaps like handling, reaction time and calibration, especially for speciation, still have to be improved, the equipment was proved to work in general. Comparison with laboratory HGAAS showed a maximum negative deviation of -5.6 mg/L and a maximum positive deviation of +2.2 mg/L. Increased pesticide concentrations, especially DDT (2-6 mg/L) as well as a, b, g-HCH (0.08-1.1 mg/L), heptachlor (0.02-0.2 mg/L), dieldrin (0.03-0.4 mg/L), aldrin (0.05-1 mg/L) and endrin (0.06-0.3 mg/L), in all of Rioverde´s drinking water wells, except for the youngest well San Diego drilled in 1999, remain the most severe concern from the chemical part of this study. The presentation of the geological and hydrogeological results (mapping part of this thesis) was not done in the traditional way of printed maps, but as multi-layer digital atlas (supplied on a 650 MB CD) containing the vector objects geology (basis information taken from existing geological maps, checked at about 85 outcrops and modified), tectonics and watersheds/flowpaths, the raster objects digital elevation model (DEM), various false color Landsat images, soil classes and potential land use maps and a contour map with the depth of the Quarternary basin fill as well as numerous databases about the geological outcrops, drillings, geophysics, rock samples, meteorological stations, river flow gauges, groundwater tables from 1972-1999, pumping tests, hydrogeochemical results from July and October 1999 and arsenic concentrations in the whole southern part of the basin. Additionally detailed description for all the wells and springs sampled during the field campaign was performed collecting information about the location, environment and use of the wells, well depth, yield and construction, well equipment, operation, time series of groundwater tables and previous hydrogeochemical analysis.researc

    PiSaar - Pflegebedarf im Saarland. Abschlussbericht

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    PiSaar - Pflegebedarf im Saarland wurde als Studie zur empirischen Personalbedarfsermittlung für die stationäre Altenpflege durch die Saarländische Pflegegesellschaft e.V. (SPG) initiiert und in Kooperation mit der Philosophisch Theologischen Hochschule in Vallendar durchgeführt. Auf der Grundlage der Pflegezeiten von 2028 Bewohnern in 61 stationären Pflegeeinrichtungen des Saarlands konnte das "PiSaar-Bewohnermodell" (PBM) entwickelt werden. Durch das PBM lassen sich 62% der Pflegezeitvarianz erklären, eine deutliche Verbesserung gegenüber den 29 % Varianzaufklärung der Pflegestufen nach SGB XI. Weitere Studien zur Entwicklung eines empirischen Personalbemessungsverfahrens für die stationäre Pflege sind erforderlich


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    Innovation, and therefore the ability to implement innovations in the current era becomes, or at least should be an attribute of each company. However, the same innovation should not be seen merely as a radical change of international importance. Sometimes, even the smallest adjustments in the way of management or production method prove to be extremely important in achieving competitive advantage in the market. Environment in which businesses operate forces them to be innovative, no matter what their activities are provided also part size. The purpose of this article is to present selected aspects of the innovation sector of small and medium-sized companies of the Kujawsko-Pomorski

    Changing the focus in multimedia story production: Experiences from high budget and low budget production settings

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    Complex multimedia stories have initially emerged as prestige projects from high budget newsrooms such as The New York Times or the Washington Post; over time, both the practical experiences with the format as well as the developed technological affordances made it possible for smaller, more inexperienced newsrooms to produce complex multimedia stories, too. Within two different studies, we analyzed the production processes in both high budget and low budget settings. In this paper, we contrast the findings of both studies with the goal of abstracting indicators of change and implications for future productions. Based on the abstraction, we suggest changing the focus in multimedia storytelling productions from a product-oriented process toward a more process-oriented production; from a focus on hard production factors such as numbers and personnel to more soft factors such as distributed responsibilities and internal workflows; and from a focus of rather incidental communication toward a more managed communication within the production team. We conclude by deriving further implications for future research as well as journalistic practice and education

    Normative Legitimation of Digital Longforms in Journalism: Three Arguments for Complex Digital Storytelling

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    Digitale Langformen sind aufwendig produzierte Multimedia-Stories, die ihre User*innen über eine komplexe Thematik informieren und dabei verschiedene Perspektiven einbeziehen. Für Medienhäuuser stellen diese Stories eine Chance zur Prestigesteigerung dar, doch müssen dafür überdurchschnittlich viele personelle, zeitliche sowie monetäre Ressourcen aufgewandt werden. Im Hinblick auf eine normative Legitimierung digitaler Langformen untersucht dieses Paper drei Argumente für deren Produktion: Für Digitalen Journalismus (I) stellen Langformen eine Möglichkeit zum Ausdruck von Qualität im digitalen Bereich und zum Erfüllen der demokratischen Funktion dar; für Journalist*innen (II) beinhalten sie die Chance, neue Produktionsroutinen und Kollaborationen zu etablieren; und dem Publikum (III) ermöglichen digitale Langformen, sich fundiert und mitunter immersiv über Themen zu informieren und einen Wissenszuwachs zu erlangen. Mögliche Gegenargumente und Bedenken werden ebenfalls adressiert.Digital longforms are extensive, technologically advanced multimedia stories which inform users about a complex topic and thereby integrate different perspectives. While media outlets benefit from the prestige-enhancing potentials of these stories, their production bundles timely, monetary and human resources above average. In light of a normative legitimation, this paper critically explores three arguments for the production of these complex digital longforms. It argues that for digital journalism (I), longforms can be seen as a means for demarcation and for fulfilling its democratic role; for the producing journalists (II), longform production bears the chance to establish new production routines and collaborations; and for the audience (III), digital longforms provide the potential for users to immerse into a topic and to gain profound knowledge about it. Potential counter arguments or related concerns will be addressed
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