40 research outputs found

    Design and synthesis of organic sensitizers for dye solar cells: molecular structure vs device performance

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    La present tesi esta focalitzada tant en la síntesi de molècules orgàniques òpticament actives així com en la seva aplicació i caracterització en dispositius fotovoltaics, concretament per a les cel·les solars sensibilitzades amb colorant (DSSC en anglès). Les DSSC són cel·les foto-electroquímiques formades per colorant ancorat a un semiconductor (normalment TiO2) i en presencia d'un electròlit. En aquests dispositius, cada component té un efecte clau en la eficiència final de la cel·la, degut als processos de transferència electrònica que tenen lloc la interfície TiO2/colorant/electròlit. Aquests processos varen ser estudiat en gran detall utilitzant porfirines, perilens i D -  - A com a colorants, per poder així definir uns paràmetres amb els quals l'eficiència final del dispositiu es pugui correlacionar amb l'estructura molecular del colorant. Entendre aquesta relació entre l'estructura química i l'eficiència del dispositiu permet un millor diseny de futures molecules per a DSSC.The present thesis focuses on the synthesis of organic chromophores as well as their use in optoelectronic devices, particulary in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). This kind of solar cell is based on a photoactive unit, a dye, anchored to a nanostructured metal-oxide semiconductor, usually TiO2, in a redox electrolyte media and sandwiched between two contact electrodes. In DSSC devices, each component (semiconductor, sensitizer and electrolyte) plays an important role in determining the final device efficiency, in a large part due to the charge transfer processes that take place at the TiO2/dye/electrolyte interface. Therefore, these charge transfer kinetics were studied using porphyrins, perylenes and donor -  - acceptor organic dyes in order to understand and establish a relationship between the molecular structure and the device performance. Improved understanding of this relationship is crucial for improved molecular design of future dyes for DSSC

    Interdye Hole Transport Accelerates Recombination in Dye Sensitized Mesoporous Films

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    Charge recombination between oxidized dyes attached to mesoporous TiO2 and electrons in the TiO2 was studied in inert electrolytes using transient absorption spectroscopy. Simultaneously, hole transport within the dye monolayers was monitored by transient absorption anisotropy. The rate of recombination decreased when hole transport was inhibited selectively, either by decreasing the dye surface coverage or by changing the electrolyte environment. From Monte Carlo simulations of electron and hole diffusion in a particle, modeled as a cubic structure, we identify the conditions under which hole lifetime depends on the hole diffusion coefficient for the case of normal (disorder free) diffusion. From simulations of transient absorption and transient absorption anisotropy, we find that the rate and the dispersive character of hole transport in the dye monolayer observed spectroscopically can be explained by incomplete coverage and disorder in the monolayer. We show that dispersive transport in the dye monolayer combined with inhomogeneity in the TiO2 surface reactivity can contribute to the observed stretched electron-hole recombination dynamics and electron density dependence of hole lifetimes. Our experimental and computational analysis of lateral processes at interfaces can be applied to investigate and optimize charge transport and recombination in solar energy conversion devices using electrodes functionalized with molecular light absorbers and catalysts

    Novel intragenic deletion within the FXN gene in a patient with typical phenotype of Friedreich ataxia: may be more prevalent than we think?

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    Background Friedreich ataxia is the most common inherited ataxia in Europe and is mainly caused by biallelic pathogenic expansions of the GAA trinucleotide repeat in intron 1 of the FXN gene that lead to a decrease in frataxin protein levels. Rarely, affected individuals carry either a large intragenic deletion or whole-gene deletion of FXN on one allele and a full-penetrance expanded GAA repeat on the other allele.Case presentation We report here a patient that presented the typical clinical features of FRDA and genetic analysis of FXN intron 1 led to the assumption that the patient carried the common biallelic expansion. Subsequently, parental sample testing led to the identification of a novel intragenic deletion involving the 5'UTR upstream region and exons 1 and 2 of the FXN gene by MLPA.Conclusions With this case, we want to raise awareness about the potentially higher prevalence of intragenic deletions and underline the essential role of parental sample testing in providing accurate genetic counselling

    Brain metabolism during hallucination-like auditory stimulation in schizophrenia

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    Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) in schizophrenia are typically characterized by rich emotional content. Despite the prominent role of emotion in regulating normal perception, the neural interface between emotion-processing regions such as the amygdala and auditory regions involved in perception remains relatively unexplored in AVH. Here, we studied brain metabolism using FDG-PET in 9 remitted patients with schizophrenia that previously reported severe AVH during an acute psychotic episode and 8 matched healthy controls. Participants were scanned twice: (1) at rest and (2) during the perception of aversive auditory stimuli mimicking the content of AVH. Compared to controls, remitted patients showed an exaggerated response to the AVH-like stimuli in limbic and paralimbic regions, including the left amygdala. Furthermore, patients displayed abnormally strong connections between the amygdala and auditory regions of the cortex and thalamus, along with abnormally weak connections between the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex. These results suggest that abnormal modulation of the auditory cortex by limbic-thalamic structures might be involved in the pathophysiology of AVH and may potentially account for the emotional features that characterize hallucinatory percepts in schizophreni

    Effect of alkyl chain length on the properties of triphenylamine-based hole transport materials and their performance in perovskite solar cells

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    A new series of diacetylide-triphenylamine (DATPA) derivatives with five different alkyl chains in the para position, MeO, EtO, nPrO, iPrO and BuO, were synthesised, fully characterised and their function as hole-transport materials in perovskite solar cells (PSC) studied. Their thermal, optical and electrochemical properties were investigated along with their molecular packing and charge transport properties to analyse the influence of different alkyl chains in the solar cell parameters. The shorter alkyl chain facilitates more compact packing structures which enhanced the hole mobilities and reduced recombination. This work suggests that the molecule with the methoxy substituent (MeO) exhibits the best semiconductive properties with a power conversion efficiency of up to 5.63%, an open circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.83 V, a photocurrent density (Jsc) of 10.84 mA cm−2 and a fill factor of 62.3% in perovskite solar cells. Upon replacing the methoxy group with longer alkyl chain substituents without changing the energy levels, there is a decrease in the charge mobility as well as PCE (e.g. 3.29% for BuO-DATPA). The alkyl chain length of semiconductive molecules plays an important role in achieving high performance perovskite solar cells