1,486 research outputs found

    Correction of distortion for optimal image stacking in Wide Field Adaptive Optics: Application to GeMS data

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    The advent of Wide Field Adaptive Optics (WFAO) systems marks the beginning of a new era in high spatial resolution imaging. The newly commissioned Gemini South Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) combined with the infrared camera Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI), delivers quasi diffraction-limited images over a field of 2 arc-minutes across. However, despite this excellent performance, some variable residues still limit the quality of the analyses. In particular, distortions severely affect GSAOI and become a critical issue for high-precision astrometry and photometry. In this paper, we investigate an optimal way to correct for the distortion following an inverse problem approach. Formalism as well as applications on GeMS data are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Deep GeMS/GSAOI near-infrared observations of N159W in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Aims. The formation and properties of star clusters at the edge of H II regions are poorly known, partly due to limitations in angular resolution and sensitivity, which become particularly critical when dealing with extragalactic clusters. In this paper we study the stellar content and star-formation processes in the young N159W region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Methods. We investigate the star-forming sites in N159W at unprecedented spatial resolution using JHKs-band images obtained with the GeMS/GSAOI instrument on the Gemini South telescope. The typical angular resolution of the images is of 100 mas, with a limiting magnitude in H of 22 mag (90 percent completeness). Photometry from our images is used to identify candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) in N159W. We also determine the H-band luminosity function of the star cluster at the centre of the H II region and use this to estimate its initial mass function (IMF). Results. We estimate an age of 2 + or - 1 Myr for the central cluster, with its IMF described by a power-law with an index of gamma = - 1.05 + or - 0.2 , and with a total estimated mass of 1300 solar mass. We also identify 104 candidate YSOs, which are concentrated in clumps and subclusters of stars, principally at the edges of the H II region. These clusters display signs of recent and active star-formation such as ultra-compact H II regions, and molecular outflows. This suggests that the YSOs are typically younger than the central cluster, pointing to sequential star-formation in N159W, which has probably been influenced by interactions with the expanding H II bubble

    Live Demonstration: Multiplexing AER Asynchronous Channels over LVDS Links with Flow-Control and Clock- Correction for Scalable Neuromorphic Systems

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    In this live demonstration we exploit the use of a serial link for fast asynchronous communication in massively parallel processing platforms connected to a DVS for realtime implementation of bio-inspired vision processing on spiking neural networks

    Sensitivity studies on the photolysis rates calculation in Amazonian atmospheric chemistry ? Part I: The impact of the direct radiative effect of biomass burning aerosol particles

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    International audienceThe impact of the direct radiative effect of the aerosol particles on the calculation of the photolysis rates and consequently on the atmospheric chemistry in regional smoke clouds due to biomass burning over the Amazon basin is addressed in this work. It explores a case study for 19 September 2002 at LBA-RACCI-SMOCC (The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere experiment in Amazonia ? Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions ? Smoke, Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate) pasture site in SW Amazonia. The Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible radiation model (TUV) version 4.2, (Madronich et al., 1987) is used for the photolysis rates calculation considering the layer aerosol optical depth from the Coupled Aerosol Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS) (Freitas et al., 2005). A dynamical aerosol model (Procópio et al., 2003) is included in the radiative transfer model to take into account the high temporal variability of the aerosol optical thickness. This methodology is tested by comparing modeled and measured clear sky solar irradiances. The results show a good agreement with measured PAR radiation values. The actinic flux attenuation, for AOT (500 nm) values around 1.94, decreases the photolysis rates by about 70% in the presence of near-ground smoke aerosol and above the smoke layer the photolysis process tends to increase by about 40%. A simulation of the ozone production is carried out using a one-dimensional photochemical box model and comparisons with observation are shown

    Extented ionized gas emission and kinematics of the compact group galaxies in HCG 16: Signatures of mergers

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    We report on kinematic observations of Ha emission line from four late-type galaxies of Hickson Compact Group 16 (H16a,b,c and d) obtained with a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer and samplings of 16 km/s and 1". The velocity fields show kinematic peculiarities for three of the four galaxies: H16b, c and d. Misalignments between the kinematic and photometric axes of gas and stellar components (H16b,c,d), double gas systems (H16c) and severe warping of the kinematic major axis (H16b and c) were some of the peculiarities detected. We conclude that major merger events have taken place in at least two of the galaxies group. H16c and d, based on their significant kinematic peculiarities, their double nuclei and high infrared luminosities. Their Ha gas content is strongly spatially concentred - H16d contains a peculiar bar-like structure confined to the inner \sim 1 h^-1 kpc region. These observations are in agreement with predictions of simulations, namely that the gas flows towards the galaxy nucleus during mergers, forms bars and fuel the central activity. Galaxy H16b, and Sb galaxy, also presents some of the kinematic evidences for past accretion events. Its gas content, however, is very spare, limiting our ability to find other kinematic merging indicators, if they are present. We find that isolated mergers, i.e., they show an anormorphous morphology and no signs of tidal tails. Tidal arms and tails formed during the mergers may have been stripped by the group potential (Barnes & Hernquist 1992) ar alternatively they may have never been formed. Our observations suggest that HCG 16 may be a young compact group in formation throught the merging of close-by objects in a dense environment.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 35 pages, 13 figures. tar file gzipped and uuencode

    Round table on morbilliviruses in marine mammals.

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    Since 1988 morbilliviruses have been increasingly recognized and held responsible for mass mortality amongst harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and other seal species. Virus isolations and characterization proved that morbilliviruses from seals in Northwest Europe were genetically distinct from other known members of this group including canine distemper virus (CDV), rinderpest virus, peste des petits ruminants virus and measles virus. An epidemic in Baikal seals in 1987 was apparently caused by a morbillivirus closely related to CDV so that two morbilliviruses have now been identified in two geographically distant seal populations, with only the group of isolates from Northwest Europe forming a new member of the genus morbillivirus: phocid distemper virus (PDV). Because of distemper-like disease, the Baikal seal morbillivirus was tentatively named PDV-2 in spite of its possible identity with CDV. The appearance of morbilliviruses in the Mediterranean Sea causing high mortality amongst dolphins should further increase the research activities on protection strategies for endangered species of marine mammals

    Extended HI disks in dust-lane elliptical galaxies

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    We present the results of HI observations of five dust-lane ellipticals with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Two galaxies (NGC 3108 and NGC 1947) are detected, and sensitive upper limits are obtained for the other three. In the two detected galaxies, the HI is distributed in a regular, extended and warped disk-like structure of low surface brightness. Adding data from the literature, we find that several more dust-lane ellipticals have regular HI structures. This HI is likely to be a remnant of accretions/mergers which took place a considerable time ago, and in which a significant fraction of the gas survived to form a disk. The presence of regular HI structures suggests that some mergers lead to galaxies with extended low surface brightness density gas disks. These gas disk will evolve very slowly and these elliptical galaxies will remain gas rich for a long period of time. (abridged)Comment: 21 pages, 12 separate jpeg figures, at http://www.nfra.nl/~morganti/Papers/dust.ps.gz the full ps version is available. Accepted for publication in A

    The Intrinsic Shape Distribution of a Sample of Elliptical Galaxies

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    We apply the dynamical modeling approach of Statler (1994b) to 13 elliptical galaxies from the Davies and Birkinshaw (1988) sample of radio galaxies to derive constraints on their intrinsic shapes and orientations. We develop an iterative Bayesian algorithm to combine these results to estimate the parent shape distribution from which the sample was drawn, under the assumption that this parent distribution has no preferred orientation. In the process we obtain improved estimates for the shapes of individual objects. The parent shape distribution shows a tendency toward bimodality, with peaks at the oblate and prolate limits. Under minimal assumptions about the galaxies' internal dynamics, 35% of the objects would be strongly triaxial (0.2 < T < 0.8). However, the parent distribution is sensitive to the assumed orbit populations in the galaxies. Dynamical configurations in which all galaxies rotate purely about either their long or short axes can be ruled out because they would require the sample to have a strong orientation bias. Configurations in which the mean motion about the short or long axis is either ``disklike''---dropping off away from the symmetry planes---or ``spheroidlike''---remaining roughly constant at a given radius---are equally viable. Spheroidlike rotation in the long-axis or short-axis tube orbits significantly lowers the abundance of prolate or oblate galaxies, respectively. If rotation in ellipticals is generally disklike, then triaxiality is rare; if spheroidlike, triaxiality is common