205 research outputs found

    Automated Optimization Strategies for Horizontal Wellbore and Hydraulic Fracture Stages Placement in Unconventional Gas Reseroirs

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    In the last decades rapid advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies ensure production of commercial quantities of natural gas from many unconventional reservoirs. Reservoir management and development strategies for shale and tight gas plays have evolved from ad hoc approaches to more rigorous strategies that involve numerical optimization in presence of multiple economic and production objectives and constraints. Application of an automated integrated optimization framework for placement of horizontal wellbores and transverse hydraulic fracture stages along them has potential of increasing shale gas reserves and projects’ revenue even further. This dissertation introduces a novel integrated evolutionary-based optimization framework for placement of horizontal wellbores and hydraulic fracture stages that allows enhancing production from shale gas formations and provides a solid foundation for future field-scale application once better understanding of shale petrophysics and geomechanics is developed. The proposed optimization workflow is developed and tested in stages. First, we summarize what has been done in the subject field previously by scholars and identify what is missing. Second, we present assumptions for the shale gas simulation model that make our framework and the simulation model applicable. Third, we pre-screen several economic and petrophysical parameters in order to identify the most significant for the subsequent sensitivities analysis. Forth, we develop evolutionary-based optimization strategy for placement of hydraulic fracture stages along a single horizontal wellbore. We investigate how sensitive the optimization results to changes in the key parameters pre-selected during pre-screening. Fifth, we enhance the framework to handle multiple horizontal producers, discuss the conditions when such approach is applicable, and extensively test this integrated workflow on a suite of simulation runs. Finally, we implement and apply multi-objective optimization approach (the improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm) to the problem of optimal HF stage placement in shale gas reservoirs and analyze the efficiency of our evolutionary-based optimization scheme in presence of multiple conflicting or non-conflicting objectives. Based on our extensive testing and rigorous formulation of the optimization problem, we find that the chosen evolutionary framework is effective in calculating the optimal number of horizontal wells, the number of HF stages, their specific locations along the wells as well as their half-length. We also conclude that further computational efficiency can be achieved if minimum stage spacing and same chromosome elimination procedure are used. The multi-objective approach has been tested on conflicting and non-conflicting objectives and proved to compute the Pareto optimal front of solutions (or production scenarios) in computationally efficient manner

    Modeling effects of coupled convection and CO2 injection in stimulating geopressured geothermal reservoirs

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    Geopressured geothermal brines are a vast geothermal resource in the US Gulf of Mexico region. In particular, geopressured sandstones near salt domes are potential sources of geothermal energy because salt diapirs with high thermal conductivities may pierce younger, cooler strata. These characteristics enhance transfer heat from older, hotter strata at the base of the diapir into shallower strata. Moreover, widespread geopressure in the Gulf region tends to preserve permeability, enhancing productivity. As an example, the Camerina A sand of South Louisiana was chosen as a geomodel for a numerical simulation study of effects of CO2 injection and coupled convection as a method of geothermal development. This study presents scenarios for heat harvesting from typical Gulf of Mexico aquifers including Camerina A that take advantage of coupled convection and simultaneous CO2 sequestration. Suites of TOUGH2 numerical simulations demonstrate benefits of introducing CO2 injection wells, varying locations of injection/production wells, and exploiting gravity segregation of the fluids


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    В статье рассматриваются возможности и особенности подготовки магистров в профессионально-педагогическом ВУЗеThe article deals with the possibilities and peculiarities of training masters in the professional pedagogical universit

    Preparation of welding production specialists in vocational-pedagogical educational institutions

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    Quality of professional training and market orientation is a guarantee of success in modern conditions. Bachelor of vocational training has applied character. The main problem in the field of welding production is preparation of highly skilled workers with higher education. Possible solutions to this issue are also identified. The experience of the chair of welding production in RSVPU.Качество профессиональной подготовки и ориентация на рынок - гарантия успеха в современных условиях. Подготовка бакалавров профессионального обучения имеет прикладной характер. Главная проблема в области сварочного производства – подготовка высококвалифицированных рабочих с высшим образованием. Определены возможные пути решения данной проблемы. Приведен опыт кафедры сварочного производства РГППУ

    Preparation of master in Vocational Pedagogical University

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    В статье рассматривается специфика подготовки магистров в профессионально-педагогическом вузе.The article deals with the specifics of training masters in professional pedagogical university

    To the problem of implementation of the educational area “Verbal development” in the policultural environment

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    The article addresses the problem of the implementation of the educational area “Speech Development” in a multicultural environment in preschool educational institutions of the city of Yekaterinburg.В статье затрагивается проблема реализации образовательной области "Речевое развитие" в условиях поликультурной среды в дошкольных образовательных организациях города Екатеринбурга

    Speech development of a child of preschool agein a policultural environment: analysis of teacher's educational activity

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    The article offers an analysis of the educational activities of the teacher in the implementation of the educational field “Speech development” in a multicultural environment in preschool educational organizations in order to determine the orientation of the teaching staff at various categories of children in the group regarding the level of Russian, since Russian is the language of education the territory of the Russian Federation. The author designates three categories of children in pre-school educational organizations: children, native speakers of the Russian language; children are bilingual; children, speakers of another language, not owning the Russian language system. Observations of the implementation of educational activities by teachers are described.В статье предлагается анализ образовательной деятельности педагога при реализации образовательной области "Речевое развитие" в условиях поликультурной среды в дошкольных образовательных организациях с целью определения ориентированности педагогического коллектива на различные категории детей в группе относительно уровня владения русским языком

    Peculiarities of training of specialists of welding production for industrial enterprises in modern

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    Качество профессиональной подготовки и ориентация на рынок – гарантия успеха в современных условиях. Подготовка бакалавров имеет прикладной, практико-ориентированный характер. Приведен анализ особенностей подготовки специалистов сварочного производства. Определены основные факторы, влияющие на подготовку конкурентоспособных специалистов в современных условияхThe quality of training and orientation to the market – a guarantee of success in the modern world. Bachelor's applied, practice-oriented character. Given the analysis of features of training of specialists of welding production. The main factors affecting the preparation of competitive specialists in modern condition

    О двух системах массового обслуживания с "прозрачными" заявками и их применении к анализу услуг мультивещания

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    Two multicast service models with different users behavior are considered. We present corresponding mathematical models as queuing systems M|G|1|0|T with arbitrary distributed service times and transparent (T) calls. Calculation formulas for stationary probabilities of service customers and other characteristics are obtained.В статье представлены результаты исследования двух моделей услуг мультивещания. Построены математические модели в виде системы массового обслуживания типа M|G|1|0|П с прозрачными (П) заявками, проведён анализ моделей и получены формулы для основных вероятностно-временных характеристик

    Вістря стріл золотоординського часу з околиць с. Чаплищі

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    Період перебування Путивльщини у складі Золотої Орди на сьогодні залишається мало вивченим. Через брак писемних джерел три століття після Батиєвого погрому історики називали «темними віками». Наконечники стріл є надійним маркером присутності військ тієї чи іншої держави, а також свідчать про бойові дії, що відбулися в регіоні. У 2009 р. фонди Державного історико-культурного заповідника у м. Путивль поповнилися п’ятьма залізними наконечниками XIII-XIV ст. Знайдені вони були у с. Чаплищі Путивльського району