636 research outputs found

    A model study of present-day Hall-effect circulators

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    Stimulated by the recent implementation of a three-port Hall-effect microwave circulator of Mahoney et al. (MEA), we present model studies of the performance of this device. Our calculations are based on the capacitive-coupling model of Viola and DiVincenzo (VD). Based on conductance data from a typical Hall-bar device obtained from a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a magnetic field, we numerically solve the coupled field-circuit equations to calculate the expected performance of the circulator, as determined by the SS parameters of the device when coupled to 50Ω\Omega ports, as a function of frequency and magnetic field. Above magnetic fields of 1.5T, for which a typical 2DEG enters the quantum Hall regime (corresponding to a Landau-level filling fraction ν\nu of 20), the Hall angle θH=tan1σxy/σxx\theta_H=\tan^{-1}\sigma_{xy}/\sigma_{xx} always remains close to 9090^\circ, and the SS parameters are close to the analytic predictions of VD for θH=π/2\theta_H=\pi/2. As anticipated by VD, MEA find the device to have rather high (kΩ\Omega) impedance, and thus to be extremely mismatched to 50Ω50\Omega, requiring the use of impedance matching. We incorporate the lumped matching circuits of MEA in our modeling and confirm that they can produce excellent circulation, although confined to a very small bandwidth. We predict that this bandwidth is significantly improved by working at lower magnetic field when the Landau index is high, e.g. ν=20\nu=20, and the impedance mismatch is correspondingly less extreme. Our modeling also confirms the observation of MEA that parasitic port-to-port capacitance can produce very interesting countercirculation effects

    Exotic Ground States and Dynamics in Constrained Systems

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    The overarching theme of this thesis is the question of how constraints influence collective behavior. Constraints are crucial in shaping both static and dynamic properties of systems across diverse areas within condensed matter physics and beyond. For example, the simple geometric constraint that hard particles cannot overlap at high density leads to slow dynamics and jamming in glass formers. Constraints also arise effectively at low temperature as a consequence of strong competing interactions in magnetic materials, where they give rise to emergent gauge theories and unconventional magnetic order. Enforcing constraints artificially in turn can be used to protect otherwise fragile quantum information from external noise. This thesis in particular contains progress on the realization of different unconventional phases of matter in constrained systems. The presentation of individual results is organized by the stage of realization of the respective phase. Novel physical phenomena after conceptualization are often exemplified in simple, heuristic models bearing little resemblance of actual matter, but which are interesting enough to motivate efforts with the final goal of realizing them in some way in the lab. One form of progress is then to devise refined models, which retain a degree of simplification while still realizing the same physics and improving the degree of realism in some direction. Finally, direct efforts in realizing either the original models or some refined version in experiment today are mostly two-fold. One route, having grown in importance rapidly during the last two decades, is via the engineering of artificial systems realizing suitable models. The other, more conventional way is to search for realizations of novel phases in materials. The thesis is divided into three parts, where Part I is devoted to the study of two simple models, while artificial systems and real materials are the subject of Part II and Part III respectively. Below, the content of each part is summarized in more detail. After a general introduction to entropic ordering and slow dynamics we present a family of models devised as a lattice analog of hard spheres. These are often studied to explore whether low-dimensional analogues of mean-field glass- and jamming transitions exist, but also serve as the canonical model systems for slow dynamics in granular materials more generally. Arguably the models in this family do not offer a close resemblance of actual granular materials. However, by studying their behavior far from equilibrium, we observe the onset of slow dynamics and a kinetic arrest for which, importantly, we obtain an essentially complete analytical and numerical understanding. Particularly interesting is the fact that this understanding hinges on the (in-)ability to anneal topological defects in the presence of a hardcore constraints, which resonates with some previous proposals for an understanding of the glass transition. As another example of anomalous dynamics arising in a magnetic system, we also present a detailed study of a two-dimensional fracton spin liquid. The model is an Ising system with an energy function designed to give rise to an emergent higher-rank gauge theory at low energy. We show explicitly that the number of zero-energy states in the model scales exponentially with the system size, establishing a finite residual entropy. A purpose-built cluster Monte-Carlo algorithm makes it possible to study the behavior of the model as a function of temperature. We show evidence for a first order transition from a high-temperature paramagnet to a low-temperature phase where correlations match predictions of a higher-rank coulomb phase. Turning away from heuristic models, the second part of the thesis begins with an introduction to quantum error correction, a scheme where constraints are artificially imposed in a quantum system through measurement and feedback. This is done in order to preserve quantum information in the presence of external noise, and is widely believed to be necessary in order to one day harness the full power of quantum computers. Given a certain error-correcting code as well as a noise model, a particularly interesting quantity is the threshold of the code, that is the critical amount of external noise below which quantum error correction becomes possible. For the toric code under independent bit- and phase-flip noise for example, the threshold is well known to map to the paramagnet to ferromagnet transition of the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model along the Nishimori line. Here, we present the first generalization of this mapping to a family of codes with finite rate, that is a family where the number of encoded logical qubits grows linearly with the number of physical qubits. In particular, we show that the threshold of hyperbolic surface codes maps to a paramagnet to ferromagnet transition in what we call the 'dual'' random-bond Ising model on regular tessellations of compact hyperbolic manifolds. This model is related to the usual random-bond Ising model by the Kramers-Wannier duality but distinct from it even on self-dual tessellations. As a corollary, we clarify long-standing issues regarding self-duality of the Ising model in hyperbolic space. The final part of the thesis is devoted to the study of material candidates of quantum spin ice, a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid. The work presented here was done in close collaboration with experiment and focuses on a particular family of materials called dipolar-octupolar pyrochlores. This family of materials is particularly interesting because they might realize novel exotic quantum states such as octupolar spin liquids, while at the same time being described by a relatively simple model Hamiltonian. This thesis contains a detailed study of ground state selection in dipolar-octupolar pyrochlore magnets and its signatures as observable in neutron scattering. First, we present evidence that the two compounds Ce2Zr2O7 and Ce2Sn2O7 despite their similar chemical composition realize an exotic quantum spin liquid state and an ordered state respectively. Then, we also study the ground-state selection in dipolar-octupolar pyrochlores in a magnetic field. Most importantly, we show that the well-known effective one-dimensional physics -- arising when the field is applied along a certain crystallographic axis -- is expected to be stable at experimentally relevant temperatures. Finally, we make predictions for neutron scattering in the large-field phase and compare these to measurements on Ce2Zr2O7

    Reinventing Library Instruction: The Ivy Tech Story

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    Most academic libraries have been involved in formal library instruction for as long as we can remember, and most likely we are all in that continuous quality improvement mode of always trying to do it better. Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana Region is no different. After years of delivering the standard show and tell version of "what our library has for you," a spurt of fast-paced enrollment growth, library growth and staffing changes put the traditional instructional program into disarray. Library staff took the opportunity to evaluate what was being done and reorient the growing program. This article gives a brief review of our past efforts at library class instruction and then describes our recent activities and plans to improve and diversify what we do

    Porous Graphene-like Carbon from Fast Catalytic Decomposition of Biomass for Energy Storage Applications

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    A novel carbon material made of porous graphene-like nanosheets was synthesized from biomass resources by a simple catalytic graphitization process using nickel as a catalyst for applications in electrodes for energy storage devices. A recycled fiberboard precursor was impregnated with saturated nickel nitrate followed by high-temperature pyrolysis. The highly exothermic combustion of in situ formed nitrocellulose produces the expansion of the cellulose fibers and the reorganization of the carbon structure into a three-dimensional (3D) porous assembly of thin carbon nanosheets. After acid washing, nickel particles are fully removed, leaving nanosized holes in the wrinkled graphene-like sheets. These nanoholes confer the resulting carbon material with ≈75% capacitance retention, when applied as a supercapacitor electrode in aqueous media at a specific current of 100 A·g–1 compared to the capacitance reached at 20 mA·g–1, and ≈35% capacity retention, when applied as a negative electrode for lithium-ion battery cells at a specific current of 3720 mA·g–1 compared to the specific capacity at 37.2 mA·g–1. These findings suggest a novel way for synthesizing 3D nanocarbon networks from a cellulosic precursor requiring low temperatures and being amenable to large-scale production while using a sustainable starting precursor such as recycled fiberwood.Spanish Government Agency Ministerio de Economí a y Competitividad (MINECO) (grant number MAT2016-76526-R)

    Ising Fracton Spin Liquid on the Honeycomb Lattice

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    We study a classical Ising model on the honeycomb lattice with local two-body interactions and present strong evidence that at low temperature it realizes a higher-rank Coulomb liquid with fracton excitations. We show that the excitations are (type-I) fractons, appearing at the corners of membranes of spin flips. Because of the three-fold rotational symmetry of the honeycomb lattice, these membranes can be locally combined such that no excitations are created, giving rise to a set of ground states described as a liquid of membranes. We devise a cluster Monte-Carlo algorithm purposefully designed for this problem that moves pairs of defects, and use it to study the finite-temperature behavior of the model. We show evidence for a first order transition from a high-temperature paramagnet to a low-temperature phase whose correlations precisely match those predicted for a higher-rank Coulomb phase.Comment: 12 pages in total (6 pages main text + 6 pages supplementary material), 4 figure

    Lafayette Forensics Standards and Policies

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    Standards and policies from the Lafayette Forensics Society at Lafayette College

    Hierarchy of energy scales and field-tunable order by disorder in dipolar-octupolar pyrochlores

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    Dipolar-octupolar pyrochlore magnets in a strong external magnet field applied in the [110] direction are known to form a `chain' state, with subextensive degeneracy. Magnetic moments are correlated along one-dimensional chains carrying effective Ising degrees of freedom which are noninteracting on the mean-field level. Here, we investigate this phenomenon in detail, including the effects of quantum fluctuations. We identify two distinct types of chain phases, both featuring distinct subextensive, classical ground state degeneracy. Focussing on one of the two kinds, we discuss lifting of the classical degeneracy by quantum fluctuations. We map out the ground-state phase diagram as a function of the exchange couplings, using linear spin wave theory and real-space perturbation theory. We find a hierarchy of energy scales in the ground state selection, with the effective dimensionality of the system varying in an intricate way as the hierarchy is descended. We derive an effective two-dimensional anisotropic triangular lattice Ising model with only three free parameters which accounts for the observed behavior. Connecting our results to experiment, they are consistent with the observation of a disordered chain state in Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7. We also show that the presence of two distinct types of chain phases has consequences for the field-induced breakdown of the apparent U(1)U(1) octupolar quantum liquid phase recently observed in Ce2_2Sn2_2O7_7

    Critical properties of the Ising model in hyperbolic space

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    The Ising model exhibits qualitatively different properties in hyperbolic space in comparison to its flat space counterpart. Due to the negative curvature, a finite fraction of the total number of spins reside at the boundary of a volume in hyperbolic space. As a result, boundary conditions play an important role even when taking the thermodynamic limit. We investigate the bulk thermodynamic properties of the Ising model in two and three dimensional hyperbolic spaces using Monte Carlo and high and low-temperature series expansion techniques. To extract the true bulk properties of the model in the Monte Carlo computations, we consider the Ising model in hyperbolic space with periodic boundary conditions. We compute the critical exponents and critical temperatures for different tilings of the hyperbolic plane and show that the results are of mean-field nature. We compare our results to the 'asymptotic' limit of tilings of the hyperbolic plane: the Bethe lattice, explaining the relationship between the critical properties of the Ising model on Bethe and hyperbolic lattices. Finally, we analyze the Ising model on three dimensional hyperbolic space using Monte Carlo and high-temperature series expansion. In contrast to recent field theory calculations, which predict a non-mean-field fixed point for the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic phase-transition of the Ising model on three-dimensional hyperbolic space, our computations reveal a mean-field behavior.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Teenagermütter : über das Selbstkonzept der jungen Mütter und Möglichkeitender Unterstützung im Rahmen der Sozialen Arbeit

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    Die Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit Müttern in der Adoleszenz und deren Erleben und Bewertung in Bezug auf ihre eigenen Lebensentwürfe und Lebensgestaltung. Die Ergebnisse sind das Resultat einer Studie der BZgA, wobei sieben Probandinnen zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten interviewt wurden. Neben den Lebensentwürfen folgen Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung, in rechtlicher, finanzieller und sozialpädagogischer Hinsicht, wobei besonders auf die Besonderheiten des Jugendalters eingegangen wird. Die Bachelorarbeit ist ausschließlich als reine Literaturarbeit zu verstehen. Es werden für die Bearbeitung der Thematik keine selbst durchgeführten Interviews oder ähnliches Material herangezogen