75 research outputs found

    Les interaccions dels nadons en les activitats aquàtiques. Conseqüències educatives

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    La present investigació té com a objectiu principal descobrir quins elements de la interacció educativa de la díade nen-adult afavoreixen o dificulten l’accés a les destreses aquàtiques per part del nen. Aquesta voluntat general implica l’estudi teòric de diversos elements. D’una banda, la investigació fa un repàs de les activitats aquàtiques en general, incidint en la història i la cultura que finalment ha contribuït a l’existència d’un cert tipus de pràctiques educatives amb nadons i en el medi aquàtic. També es desenvolupa la noció d’aigua mitjançant la seva dimensió física, cultural i biològica, per la qual cosa coneixem un medi pluridimensional. Aquest treball posiciona la mirada de l’autor entorn del model d’activitats aquàtiques per a nadons

    Las interacciones de los bebés en las actividades acuáticas. Consecuencias educativas

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal descubrir qué elementos de la interacción educativa de la díada niño-adulto favorecen o dificultan el acceso a las destrezas acuáticas por parte del niño. Esta voluntad general implica el estudio teórico de varios elementos. Por un lado, la investigación hace un repaso de las actividades acuáticas en general, incidiendo en la historia y la cultura que finalmente ha contribuido a la existencia de un cierto tipo de prácticas educativas con bebés y en el medio acuático. También se desarrolla la noción de agua mediante su dimensión física, cultural y biológica, por lo que conocemos un medio pluridimensional. Este trabajo posiciona la mirada del autor en torno al modelo de actividades acuáticas para bebés

    Tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació al màster de formació del professorat de secundària d’Educació Física

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    Durant el curs 2010-11 a la Facultat d’Educació de la Universitat de Vic s’ha impartit la primera edició del Màster de Formació del Professorat d’Educació Secundària especialitat d’Educació Física. I enguany s’hi celebra la segona edició. El màster ofertat des la UVic té com a objectiu formar els futurs professionals de l’educació física de Catalunya. En aquesta formació s’inclou també la capacitació del professorat en l’ús i la relació amb les tecnologies de la comunicació i la informació (TIC

    El rompecabezas de aprender a jugar a rugby

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    La comunicación pretende mostrar la experiencia que hemos vivido en el proceso de construcción y consolidación de un equipo de rugby universitario formado por jugadores y jugadoras mayoritariamente inexpertas en nuestro deporte. Por lo tanto, centraremos nuestra comunicación en el ámbito de las habilidades individuales del jugador y el conocimiento teórico del deporte. Para hacerlo, además del estudio del prototipo de jugador que conforma el equipo, también debemos abordar la problemática propia que surge en la construcción de un equipo novel

    Monitoring groundwater nitrate attenuation in a regional system coupling hydrogeology with multi-isotopic methods: the case of Plana de Vic (Osona, Spain)

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    This paper describes an integrated application of classical hydrogeological methods and multi-isotopic methods (d15N, d18ONO3, d34S, d18OSO4, d13C) to assess the fate of groundwater nitrate in the Osona area, declared vulnerable to nitrate pollution by the Catalan Government in 1998, where nitrate is derived from intensive pig farming activities. Previous studies, involving a small area, indicated the occurrence of denitrification processes and their relationship with pyrite oxidation [Vitòria, L., Soler, A., Canals, A., Otero, N., 2008. Environmental isotopes (N, S, C, O, D) to determine natural attenuation processes in nitrate contaminated waters: example of Osona (NE Spain). Appl. Geochem. 23, 3597-3611]. For the present study, groundwater samples were collected at 60 production wells at three different periods between April 2005 and May 2006 to confirm that denitrification takes place in a larger area than that studied by Vitòria et al. [Vitòria, L., Soler, A., Canals, A., Otero, N., 2008. Environmental isotopes (N, S, C, O, D) to determine natural attenuation processes in nitrate contaminated waters: example of Osona (NE Spain). Appl. Geochem. 23, 3597-3611]. The aim of the study was to characterize the denitrification processes that control natural attenuation and to study their spatial and temporal variations. Nitrate concentration ranged from 10 to 529 mg/l, with 82% of the wells above the drinking water threshold of 50 mg NO3/l. Nitrate isotopic composition ranged from +5.3% to +35.3% for d15N and from +0.4% to +17.6% for d18ONO3 , and the samples showed a positive correlation between d15N and d18ONO3 , with a eN/eO ratio of 1.8, consistent with denitrification processes. The link between denitrification and pyrite oxidation is demonstrated by coupling chemical data with nitrate and sulfate isotopes. Furthermore, a spatial distribution of samples with significant denitrification was observed, allowing us to determine two main hydrogeological zones where natural attenuation was most effective. In several of the studied points, denitrification processes related to pyrite oxidation predominated and an estimation of the isotopic enrichment factors was performed using the temporal variations of nitrate concentration and the isotopic composition of dissolved nitrate (d15NNO3 and d18ONO3). Finally, using estimated isotopic enrichment factors, an approximation of the degree of natural attenuation of nitrate was performed on those samples showing clear denitrification, and a median value of 30% of contaminant diminution was obtained

    Epidermoid Septal Carcinoma, A Rare and Singular Tumor: Case Report and Review

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    Aim: To describe our casuistic and the way we manage these tumors with their differential behavior. Background: Septal epidermoid carcinoma is a rare tumor that accounts for only 9% of tumors of the nasal fossa. This tumor presents histological, clinical, and prognostic characteristics that differentiate it from other nasal cavity tumors, mainly its anterior location that leads to an early diagnosis in incipient stages. Case description: We present a series of six patients diagnosed with nasal squamous cell carcinoma as well as the clinic referred by the patients to the diagnosis, the associated risk factors, and their clinical and therapeutic approach. Conclusion: The majority of cases (4/6) corresponded to early stages I and II, while the rest were classified as stage IV. In all cases, surgical treatment was performed using different approaches according to location and stage and completing treatment with radiotherapy in five of the six patients. After an average of 40 months of follow-up, all the patients were free of disease. Clinical significance: This paper tries to explain many points of controversy in the management of the tumors of the most anterior areas of the nasal fossa and its differential characteristics with respect to the rest of the tumors in this ar

    Escultura d’Afrodita de la Casa Museu de José Benlliure (València)

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    Entre las antigüedades que el pintor José Benlliure se trajo de Italia y se conservan actualmente en su estudio valenciano, se encuentra una pequeña escultura de mármol que representa a la diosa Afrodita. Su reciente restauración ha puesto al descubierto que se trataba de una composición formada por dos partes pertenecientes a piezas diferentes que habían sido unidas con escayola. El tipo escultórico representado es el de Afrodita semi vestida, en el que la diosa aparece con el torso desnudo y un manto que se desliza desde las caderas hasta los pies. Sin embargo, los trabajos de restauración han revelado que solo la mitad inferior corresponde con seguridad a este tipo y se fecha en el siglo II d.C., mientras que la parte superior pudo pertenecer a algún otro tipo escultórico difícil de identificar por el estado fragmentario de la pieza y solo puede fecharse de manera aproximada en los siglos I-II d.C

    Estudio multi-isotópico de la atenuación natural de la contaminación por nitratos en un sistema acuífero regional: Plana de Vic (Osona, NE España)

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    The presence of nitrate in groundwater of the Osona area is derived from the intensive cattle raising. Even though local administration regulates and controls the present use and distribution of manure as fertilizer, according to legal application rates, nitrate pollution in Osona shows the effect of decades of uncontrolled manure application. Vitòria (2004) using stable isotopes determined the presence of denitrification processe (natural attenuation of nitrate pollution) in a small area located in the Osona province. The main goal of this still on-going research (2005-2006) is to determine the extent of denitrification at a regional scale, and the processes that control natural attenuation, using multi-isotopic methods (dD, d18O, T, d34S, d15N,d13C). Results show that denitrification is active in two areas, and that this process is linked to pyrite oxidation. In the studied area, data do not allow to identify the role of organic matter oxidation in denitrification. The observed denitrification processes reveal optional strategies for nitrogen attenuation

    A model of membrane contraction predicting initiation and completion of bacterial cell division

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    Bacterial cell division involves a complex and dynamic sequence of events whereby polymers of the protein FtsZ assemble at the division plane and rearrange to achieve the goal of contracting the cell membrane at the site of cell division, thus dividing the parent cell into two daughter cells. We present a mathematical model (which we refer to as CAM-FF: Critical Accumulation of Membrane-bound FtsZ Fibres) of the assembly of the contractile ring in terms of the accumulation of short linear polymers of FtsZ that associate and dissociate from the cell membrane. In prokaryotes, the biochemical function of FtsZ is thought to underpin the assembly and at least the initial kinetic force of ring contraction. Our model extends earlier work of Surovtsev et al. [PLoS Comput. Biol., 2008, 4, e1000102] by adding (i) the kinetics of FtsZ accumulation on cell membrane anchor proteins and (ii) the physical forces required to deform the cell against its surface tension. Moreover, we provide a more rigorous treatment of intracellular diffusion and we revise some of the model parameter values in light of the experimental evidence now available. We derive a critical contraction parameter which links the chemical population dynamics of membrane-bound FtsZ molecules to the force of contraction. Using this parameter as a tool to predict the ability of the cell to initiate division, we are able to predict the division outcome in cells depleted of key FtsZ-binding proteins