46 research outputs found

    Pantoprazole may enhance antiplatelet effect of enteric-coated aspirin in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Background: Antiplatelet therapy has proven beneficial in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are commonly used for gastroprotection in patients receiving antiplatelet therapy. Several trials have been carried out to establish interactions between PPIs, clopidogrel and soluble formulations of aspirin, but no studies with PPIs and enteric-coated (EC) forms of aspirin have been conducted. The aim of this study was to assess if concomitant pantoprazole usage influences antiplatelet effect of EC aspirin in patients with acute coronary syndrome treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and dual antiplatelet therapy. Methods: Thirty-one consecutive patients were prospectively enrolled in the randomized, crossover, open-labelled designed study. The first 16 patients were given orally 40 mg of pantoprazole for the first four days while the next 15 subjects were treated with pantoprazole from the fifth to the eighth day of hospitalisation. Blood samples were collected at 6.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m., 2.00 p.m., and 7.00 p.m. on the fourth and eighth day of hospitalization. Aggregation in response to arachidonic acid was assessed in the whole blood on a new generation impedance aggregometer. Results: Lower overall platelet aggregation in patients treated with pantoprazole (p < 0.03) was observed. When aggregation of platelets was analyzed separately at different times, the differences reached statistical significance six hours after the administration of pantoprazole and antiplatelet agents. The highest absolute difference in arachidonic acid-dependent aggregation was observed two hours after drug ingestion. Conclusions: Co-administration of pantoprazole may enhance the antiplatelet effect of enteric-coated aspirin in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing PCI

    Metal-Dependent Cytotoxic and Kinesin Spindle Protein Inhibitory Activity of Ru, Os, Rh, and Ir Half-Sandwich Complexes of Ispinesib-Derived Ligands

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    Ispinesib is a potent inhibitor of kinesin spindle protein (KSP), which has been identified as a promising target for antimitotic anticancer drugs. Herein, we report the synthesis of half-sandwich complexes of Ru, Os, Rh, and Ir bearing the ispinesib-derived N,N-bidentate ligands (R)- and (S)-2-(1-amino-2-methylpropyl)-3-benzyl-7-chloroquinazolin-4(3H)-one and studies on their chemical and biological properties. Using the enantiomerically pure (R)- and (S)-forms of the ligand, depending on the organometallic moiety, either the SM,R or RM,S diastereomers, respectively, were observed in the molecular structures of the Ru- and Os(cym) (cym = η6-p-cymene) compounds, whereas the RM,R or SM,S diastereomers were found for the Rh- and Ir(Cp*) (Cp* = η5-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) derivatives. However, density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggest that the energy difference between the diastereomers is very small, and therefore a mixture of both will be present in solution. The organometallics exhibited varying antiproliferative activity in a series of human cancer cell lines, with the complexes featuring the (R)-enantiomer of the ligand being more potent than the (S)-configured counterparts. Notably, the Rh and Ir complexes demonstrated high KSP inhibitory activity, even at 1 nM concentration, which was independent of the chirality of the ligand, whereas the Ru and especially the Os derivatives were much less active

    The preparations, duty period and conclusions of the Polish Special Operations Component Command stand-by in the NATO Response Force

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationArtykuł zawiera opis procesu przygotowań polskich Wojsk Specjalnych do pełnienia dyżuru bojowego w ramach Komponentu Operacji Specjalnych (ang. Special Operations Component, SOC) Sił Odpowiedzi NATO 2015 (ang. NATO Response Force, NRF). W materiale przedstawiono również drogę do uzyskania przez Polskę zdolności tzw. państwa ramowego Sojuszu w obszarze operacji specjalnych. Opisano natowski proces certyfikacji, jakiemu podlegali polscy komandosi przed przystąpieniem do wykonywania zadań w ramach NRF. Materiał odnosi się także do kwestii związanych z wprowadzoną, w styczniu 2014 roku, reformą systemu kierowania i dowodzenia Sił Zbrojnych RP oraz jej skutkami dla funkcjonowania Wojsk Specjalnych. Przedstawiony został również przebieg samego dyżuru, utworzonego na bazie polskich komandosów, Komponentu Operacji Specjalnych SON 2015. Ostatnia część materiału to istotne, z punktu widzenia Wojsk Specjalnych, wnioski wypływające z ich funkcjonowania w ramach NRF.The article contains the description of the process of the Polish Special Operations Forces (Polish SOF) preparations to perform combat readiness duties as the Special Operations Component (SOC) of the NATO Response Force 2015 (NRF 2015). It refers also to the way Poland achieved the ability of the so called NATO framework nation within the area of special operations. The text describes the NATO certification process to which Polish commandos were subject to before taking over combat readiness duties within the NATO Response Force. The article also refers to the Reform of the System of Command and Control of the Polish Armed Forces implemented in January 2014 and its consequences for the Polish SOF. NRF SOC 2015 stand-by duty period is also presented in the article. The last part constitutes important, from the perspective of SOF, conclusions related to their duties within NRF

    Tourist attractiveness of the Green Velo trail in the Podlaskie Voivodeship

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    Szlak rowerowy Green Velo to najdłuższy tego typu szlak rowerowy w Polsce. Przebiega przez pięć województw, w tym województwo podlaskie, które jest rzadziej odwiedzanym miejscem na mapie turystycznej Polski, chociaż oferuje szeroką gamę walorów przyrodniczych i kulturowych. W pracy dokonano oceny atrakcyjności szlaku rowerowego Green Velo, pod względem dostępnej infrastruktury turystycznej oraz jego walorów turystycznych. Przedstawiono także genezę szlaku, jego przebieg oraz dokonano analizy mocnych i słabych stron. Ważną metodą badawczą były własne obserwacje terenowe, których dokonano w lipcu w 2022 roku, na całym odcinku szlaku Green Velo w województwie podlaskim. Wnioski jakie wyniknęły zarówno z analizy pozyskanych materiałów, jak i badań własnych wskazują na wysoką atrakcyjność turystyczną szlaku Green Velo w omawianym województwie. Pomimo tego, w analizie wskazano także na słabe strony szlaku oraz potencjalne kroki do polepszenia jego rozpoznawalności i funkcjonowania.The Green Velo bike trail is the longest bike trail in Poland. It crosses through five voivodeships, including the Podlaskie Voivodeship, which is a rather uncommon tourist destination in Poland, however it offers a big variety of cultural and nature benefits. In this essay, there was conducted an evaluation of attractiveness of the Green Velo trail, in terms of available tourist infrastructure and cultural and nature benefits. The origin of the trail, its path, and strengths and weaknesses were also analyzed in the essay. In the presentation of the research results, the methods of cartographic presentation, statistical analysis and the query of available literature were used. A very important research method were field observations, which were conducted in July 2022, along the entire section of the Green Velo trail in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The conclusions that emerged from the entire analysis indicate a high tourist attractiveness of the Green Velo trail in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Despite this, the analysis also indicated the weaknesses of the route and potential steps to improve its recognition and functioning

    Ocena zawartości żelaza w wybranych płatkach owsianych

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    Iron deficiency is one of the most common and widespread deficiencies of the nutrient. Insufficient amounts of iron necessary to maintain physiological functions can manifest as dizziness, fatigue, pale and dry skin, or irregular heartbeat. Lack of the micronutrient can have adverse effects on long-term neurological development and behavior in children. Satisfaction of nutrient requirements for a given age and gender should be based primarily on the average daily intake of recommended amounts of iron. Oatmeal is a source of many minerals, such as protein, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, as well as iron. There are three types of oat flakes – classic flakes, instant flakes and mountain flakes. The products differ in processing, degree of grinding and granulation of the grain. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in iron content in oat flakes due to the types of the food product. The highest Fe content was found in classic oat flakes characterized by the lowest level of processing – 34.494 mg⋅kg-1. A slightly lower content of the element, at 33.967 mg⋅kg-1, was found in mountain flakes, while instant flakes, characterized bythe highest level of processing, contained 31.470 mg⋅kg-1 of the micronutrient.Niedobór żelaza (Fe) stanowi jeden z najczęstszych i najbardziej rozpowszechnionych niedoborów składnika odżywczego. Niewystarczająca ilość żelaza, a zatem taka, która nie pozwala na utrzymanie funkcji fizjologicznych, może objawiać sięzawrotami głowy, zmęczeniem, bladością i suchością skóry czy też nieregularnym biciem serca. Brak tego mikroelementu może mieć niekorzystne skutki na długoterminowy rozwój neurologiczny i zachowanie u dzieci. Zaspokojenie zapotrzebowania na składnik odżywczy u osób w danym wieku i płci powinien opierać się w głównej mierze na średnim dziennym spożyciu zalecanych ilości żelaza. Płatki owsiane są źródłem wielu składników mineralnych, takich jak białko, potas, magnez, witamina B6, a także żelazo. Wyróżniamy trzy rodzaje płatków owsianych: klasyczne, błyskawiczne oraz górskie. Produkty różnią się procesem przetwarzania, stopniem rozdrobnienia i granulacją ziarna. Celem pracy było określenie różnic w zawartości żelaza w płatkach owsianych ze względu na rodzaj tego produktu spożywczego. Najwyższą zawartością Fe charakteryzowały się klasyczne płatki owsiane, cechującesię najmniejszym stopniem przetworzenia – 34,494 mg⋅kg-1. Niewiele mniejszą zawartość pierwiastka, na poziomie 33,967 mg⋅kg-1, stwierdzono w płatkach górskich, natomiast płatki błyskawiczne, poddane obróbce w największym stopniu, zawierały31,470 mg⋅kg-1 mikroelementu

    Structural Characterization of the Avidin Interactions with Fluorescent Pyrene-Conjugates: 1-Biotinylpyrene and 1-Desthiobiotinylpyrene

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    Avidin is a tetrameric protein that belongs to the calycin superfamily. It has been studied mainly because of its extraordinary affinity to biotin, which led to a wide range of applications based on the avidin-biotin system. In the present study, we report the first crystal structures of avidin in a complex with two novel fluorescent pyrene derivatives: 1-biotinylpyrene (B9P) and 1-desthiobiotinylpyrene (D9P). The crystal structures were solved by molecular replacement using the coordinates of avidin molecule as a starting model and the final models of avidin/B9P and avidin/D9P were refined to resolutions of 2.0 Å and 2.1 Å, respectively. Our data reveal changes in loop conformation as well as in overall fold and quaternary arrangement of the avidin upon the binding of these fluorescent probes. Moreover, the crystal structures allowed analysis of the details of the interactions between the protein and the pyrene derivatives. Structural description of the complexes will contribute to the design of conjugates for expanding the capabilities of avidin–biotin technology

    Tautomeric Equilibrium in 1-Benzamidoisoquinoline Derivatives

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    In this study, the tautomeric equilibrium of a sequence of 1-benzamidoisoquinoline derivatives was investigated with the tools of NMR spectroscopy and computational chemistry. The equilibrium between different tautomers in these systems could be controlled via the substitution effect, and the relative content of the amide form varied from 74% for the strong electron-donating NMe2 substituent to 38% for the strong electron-accepting NO2 group in the phenyl ring. In contrast to the previously investigated 2-phenacylquinoline derivatives, the most stable and thus most abundant tautomer in the 1-benzamidoisoquinoline series except the two most electron-accepting substituents was an amide. The intramolecular hydrogen bond present in the enol tautomer competed with the intermolecular hydrogen bonds created with the solvent molecules and thus was not a sufficient factor to favor this tautomer in the mixture. Although routinely computational studies of tautomeric equilibrium are performed within the continuum solvent models, it is proven here that the inclusion of the explicit solvent is mandatory in order to reproduce the experimental tendencies observed for this type of system, facilitating strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds