18 research outputs found

    Lectura Cuidadosa de Genesis

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    Resumo: o ensaio trata de exegese e interpretação de Gênesis 1, com base na palavra hebraica bresit. A narrativa mítica é entendida, assim, como a criação não do universo, mas de uma casa para toda a humanidade. Nisso reside também seu apelo ecológico para a atualidade. Palavras-chave: Gênesis 1. Criação. Ecologia. Interpretação

    Teología bíblica y filosofía procesual

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    This essay wants to practically show the value of Processual Philosophy depending on Biblical Theology. Processual Philosophy, created by Alfred North Whitehead, has as its central theme its novel doctrine of creation. This work focuses on Gn 1,1-3, which presents a syntactical problem, not yet completely resolved, clearly presented by Rashi in the 11th Century AD and proposed in the Jewish Publication Society translation. The text can be accepted due to its importance and the clarification that might be presented about it by Processual Philosophy, as well as it may happen with the unresolved and perhaps unsolvable problem of theBook of Job’s interpretation, can be better understood with the contribution of Processual Philosophy.Este ensayo pretende mostrar en la práctica el valor de la filosofía procesual en función de la teología bíblica. La filosofía procesual, creada por Alfred North Whitehead, tiene como tema central su novedosa doctrina de la creación. Este trabajo se centra en Gn 1,1-3, que tiene un problema de sintaxis, aún no resuelto totalmente, presentado con claridad por Rashi, en el siglo XI, y propuesto en la traducción de la Jewish Publication Society. El texto puede ser aceptado por su importancia y la clarificación que de él pueda hacer la filosofía procesual, del mismo modo que el no resuelto y quizás insoluble problema de la interpretación del libro de Job puede aclararse desde el aporte de la filosofía procesual

    Los estudios bíblicos en la Teología de la Liberación hoy

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    En estas páginas se presenta la situación de los estudios bíblicos en la Teología de la Liberación. Se muestra la necesidad de estos estudios así como también que dentro de la Teología de la Liberación existe ya una producción bíblica nada despreciable. También se ha podido señalar la precariedad con que se desarrollan los estudios en este campo que requiere, por su misma naturaleza, un tecnisismo para el cual se necesita una infraestructura de la que aún se carece


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    Os leitores de PERSPECTIVA TEOLÓGICA recentemente tiveram conhecimento de meu comentário sobre Jó, no qual se procurava entender este livro extraordinário como um diálogo sobre o método da teologia. Sem pretender polemizar com o Professor Stadelmann, que não está convencido da validez desta leitura de Jó, gostaria de expor, em síntese, as razões por que ler este livro enigmático da Bíblia como um diálogo sobre a razão teológica. Como ponto de comparação, e sem pretender que haja uma conexão histórica entre os dois livros, recomendo que o leitor retire da biblioteca e se deleite com a leitura do diálogo de Platão denominado Eutifrão, que justamente em forma de diálogo (como Jó) trata o problema do discurso teológico.

    Lectura Cuidadosa de Genesis

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    Resumo: o ensaio trata de exegese e interpretação de Gênesis 1, com base na palavra hebraica bresit. A narrativa mítica é entendida, assim, como a criação não do universo, mas de uma casa para toda a humanidade. Nisso reside também seu apelo ecológico para a atualidade. Palavras-chave: Gênesis 1. Criação. Ecologia. Interpretação

    Teología bíblica y filosofía procesual

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    This essay wants to practically show the value of Processual Philosophy depending on Biblical Theology. Processual Philosophy, created by Alfred North Whitehead, has as its central theme its novel doctrine of creation. This work focuses on Gn 1,1-3, which presents a syntactical problem, not yet completely resolved, clearly presented by Rashi in the 11th Century AD and proposed in the Jewish Publication Society translation. The text can be accepted due to its importance and the clarification that might be presented about it by Processual Philosophy, as well as it may happen with the unresolved and perhaps unsolvable problem of theBook of Job’s interpretation, can be better understood with the contribution of Processual Philosophy.Este ensayo pretende mostrar en la práctica el valor de la filosofía procesual en función de la teología bíblica. La filosofía procesual, creada por Alfred North Whitehead, tiene como tema central su novedosa doctrina de la creación. Este trabajo se centra en Gn 1,1-3, que tiene un problema de sintaxis, aún no resuelto totalmente, presentado con claridad por Rashi, en el siglo XI, y propuesto en la traducción de la Jewish Publication Society. El texto puede ser aceptado por su importancia y la clarificación que de él pueda hacer la filosofía procesual, del mismo modo que el no resuelto y quizás insoluble problema de la interpretación del libro de Job puede aclararse desde el aporte de la filosofía procesual

    A comprehensive review of platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of dermatologic disorders

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) offers anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties through angiogenesis, cell differentiation, and proliferation. Although studied in many dermatologic conditions, its efficacy is not well-understood. Our objective is to review the use and effectiveness of PRP for dermatologic conditions. A literature search was performed through PubMed and yielded 54 articles published between January 2000 and November 2021; articles written in English were reviewed. Intradermal injections were associated with increased hair density in androgenic alopecia. Successful treatment of inflammatory nail diseases with PRP has been reported. Improvement in psoriasis was described, but only two studies were available. PRP was associated with higher patient self-assessment scores of photoaging and fine lines. Treatment with PRP in melasma has been associated with improved subjective satisfaction, but not with objective measures of disease improvement. PRP can serve as a safe and potentially effective adjunct for hair loss, vitiligo, nonhealing wounds, photoaging, and acne scars. An important barrier to interpreting PRP research is lack of standardization of PRP preparation protocols, inconsistent clinical endpoints, and frequent combination treatments. However, PRP is relatively noninvasive, has a well-established safety profile, and patient satisfaction is often high as patients perceive great benefit from treatment with PRP

    Genetic variation among elite inbred lines suggests potential to breed for BNI-capacity in maize

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    Abstract Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) is a plant function where root systems release antibiotic compounds (BNIs) specifically aimed at suppressing nitrifiers to limit soil-nitrate formation in the root zone. Little is known about BNI-activity in maize (Zea mays L.), the most important food, feed, and energy crop. Two categories of BNIs are released from maize roots; hydrophobic and hydrophilic BNIs, that determine BNI-capacity in root systems. Zeanone is a recently discovered hydrophobic compound with BNI-activity, released from maize roots. The objectives of this study were to understand/quantify the relationship between zeanone activity and hydrophobic BNI-capacity. We assessed genetic variability among 250 CIMMYT maize lines (CMLs) characterized for hydrophobic BNI-capacity and zeanone activity, towards developing genetic markers linked to this trait in maize. CMLs with high BNI-capacity and ability to release zeanone from roots were identified. GWAS was performed using 27,085 SNPs (with unique positions on the B73v.4 reference genome, and false discovery rate = 10), and phenotypic information for BNI-capacity and zeanone production from root systems. Eighteen significant markers were identified; three associated with specific BNI-activity (SBNI), four with BNI-activity per plant (BNIPP), another ten were common between SBNI and BNIPP, and one with zeanone release. Further, 30 annotated genes were associated with the significant SNPs; most of these genes are involved in pathways of “biological process”, and one (AMT5) in ammonium regulation in maize roots. Although the inbred lines in this study were not developed for BNI-traits, the identification of markers associated with BNI-capacity suggests the possibility of using these genomic tools in marker-assisted selection to improve hydrophobic BNI-capacity in maize