28 research outputs found

    Uporaba 3D virtualnih okolij za učenje

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    Virtual worlds represent a powerful media for instruction, offering a wide scope of tools for social interaction and innovation in learning that encourages student participation. Supported by the AVATAR course, teachers were able to productively create teaching and learning environments that support the needs of learners of diverse linguistic, cultural and economic backgrounds, all within a safe virtual environment. This paper outlines the AVATAR course structure, delivery, experiences, and post course reflections on teaching within a 3D virtual world.Virtualni svetovi so interaktivni medij z velikim potencijalom za pouk, ki ponuja širok obseg orodij za vzpodbujanje socialnih interakcij. Z inovativnimi pristopi k učenju motivirajo aktivno sodelovanje študentov. S pomočjo projekta AVATAR in ponujenega dodatnega izobraževanja, so bili učitelji sposobni ustvariti produktivno učno okolje in izvesti učne vsebine iz različnih področij v varnem virtualnem okolju. V članku je opisana struktura in izvedba AVATAR izobraževalnih modulov, ter podane izkušnje in razmišljanja učiteljev o poučevanju v 3D virtualnem svetu

    Zasvojenost s heroinom

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    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Vpliv gibalno/športnega programa "Mali sonček" na motorični razvoj otrok je teoretično in predstavlja nov gibalno/športni program Mali sonček. Program je predstavljen kot prehod iz športnega programa "Zlati sonček" v gibalno/športni program "Mali sonček". V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen celotni program in vsebina gibalno/športnega programa Mali sonček, predstavljeni so izvajalci v gibalno/športnem programu Mali sonček in potrebni ustrezni športni pripomočki ter oprema za izvajanje programa. Predstavljen je tudi pomen knjižice in zgibanke, ki so namenjene otrokom in njihovi motivaciji ter beleženju uspešno opravljenih nalog. Na osnovi dostopnih virov ugotavljamo, da je namen gibalno/športnega programa "Mali sonček" obogatiti program na področju gibanja v vrtcu s sodobnimi gibalno/športnimi vsebinami, da vsa navedena področja v gibalno/športnem programu "Mali sonček" vplivajo na motorični razvoj otrok in da gibalno/športni program "Mali sonček" temelji na elementarnosti in ne na tekmovalnosti.The diploma project "The Effect of the "Little Sunshine" (Mali sonček) Sports/Exercise Programme on Children’s Motor Development" is theoretical in nature and presents the new "Little Sunshine" sports/exercise programme. The work examines the development of the "Little Sunshine" programme from the earlier "Golden Sunshine" (Zlati sonček) sports programme and presents all aspects of the programme itself, those responsible for carrying it out, and the various materials and equipment it requires. The function of the booklets and leaflets, particularly in terms of the children’s motivation and their recording their activities, is also considered. On the basis of the information obtained, it is noted that the intention of the programme is to employ modern methods to enrich the area of physical activity in kindergartens, that all the mentioned aspects of the "Little Sunshine" programme do indeed impact on children’s motor development, and that the programme is based on individuality rather than on competitiveness

    Uporaba 3D virtualnih okolij za učenje: poročilo iz prakse

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    Virtual worlds represent a powerful media for instruction, offering a wide scope of tools for social interaction and innova­tion in learning that encourages student participation. Supported by the AVATAR course, teachers were able to productively create teaching and learning environments that support the needs of learners of diverse linguistic, cultural and economic backgrounds, all within a safe virtual environment. This paper outlines the AVATAR course structure, delivery, experiences, and post course reflections on teaching within a 3D virtual world.Virtualni svetovi so interaktivni medij z velikim potencijalom za pouk, ki ponuja širok obseg orodij za vzpodbujanje socialnih interakcij. Z inovativnimi pristopi k učenju motivirajo aktivno sodelovanje študentov. S pomočjo projekta AVATAR in ponujenega dodatnega izobraževanja, so bili učitelji sposobni ustvariti produktivno učno okolje in izvesti učne vsebine iz različnih področij v varnem virtualnem okolju. V članku je opisana struktura in izvedba AVATAR izobraževalnih modulov, ter podane izkušnje in razmišljanja učiteljev o poučevanju v 3D virtualnem svetu

    Play and Learn: Potentials of Game-Based Learning

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    Learners are encouraged to combine knowledge from different areas to choose a solution or to make a decision at acertain point. Learners can test how the outcome of the game changes based on their decisions and actions. Learners are encouraged to contact other team members and discuss and negotiate subsequent steps, thus improving their social skills

    Game-Based Learning in Universities and Lifelong Learning: "UniGame: Social Skills and Knowledge Training" Game Concept

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    How to design effective learning opportunities? Why is learning by experience often more efficient than learning by studying? How to provide the learning experiences needed to respond to current challenges? Using computer games and games in general for educational purposes offers a variety of knowledge presentations and creates opportunities to apply the knowledge within a virtual world, thus supporting and facilitating learning processes. An innovative educational paradigm such as game-based learning, which is considered suitable for the given purpose, is described in this article. The connection of the collaborative social context of education with game-based learning is discussed in the first part of the paper. The second part of the paper introduces the game concept of "UniGame: Social Skills and Knowledge Training". Game ideas along the educational background of the UniGame game concept are outlined. UniGame scenarios presented and possible use cases should stimulate users to apply game-based learning approach in the future for their classes

    Igre za učenje in učenje iz iger

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    This paper details a model of game-based learning and suggests how this can be applied to both the playing of computer games and learning within the classroom environment. The authors document the results from a University level course, created in a role-playing form for designing educational games and highlights the student’s attitudes and beliefs regarding game design as a career. They also suggest that educational games can be used successfully for the transfer of knowledge to domains outside the world of computer games and highlights several case studies in the area of health and medicine.V prispevku je predstavljen model učenja na osnovi iger in možnosti uporabe modela v različnih okoljih: pri igranju iger kakor tudi pri uporabi iger za učenje v razredu. Opisane so izkušnje in rezultati tečaja na univerzitetni ravni, ki je bil zasnovan kot role-play igra, ter mnenja študentov o poklicni karieri na področju koncepcije iger za učenje. Znanje, pridobljeno s pomočjo iger za učenje, je moč uspešno uporabljati in prenesti v različne domene izven računalniških iger, kar je prikazano na primerih in študijah iz zdravstva

    The Role of Adaptation and Personalisation in Classroom-Based Learning and in e-Learning

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    The paper focuses on adaptability, knowledge mediation and knowledge flows in face-to-face classes compared to computer-based or Internet-based classes. The paper gives an overview of features of on-line learning systems that facilitate the learning process and gives some aspects on adaptation and personalisation issues within those systems. Some recent developments of intelligent tutors capable of expressing emotions are presented. Application examples of adaptable multimedia e-learning solutions for different user groups are described. An outlook on possible future developments and constraints is provided. The paper starts an important discussion about how to design effective human-computer interaction