362 research outputs found

    Aumento de produtividade em processos de forjamento através da redução de desperdícios : oportunidades latentes em grandes multinacionais

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    O presente trabalho visou a utilização de técnicas amplamente conhecidas da manufatura enxuta como o Mapeamento de Fluxo de Valor (MFV), Setup rápido (TRF), 7 perdas do Sistema Toyota de Produção (STP) e os cinco sensos (5S) em processos de forjamento para obter aumentos expressivos de produtividade e redução do tempo de processamento com baixos investimentos. Estas metodologias cientificamente comprovadas foram aplicadas em um processo de forjamento gerando grandes ganhos de produtividade e redução de custos. Após identificados desperdícios de movimentação ou transporte, espera, superprodução, estoque, defeitos, processamento em excesso e habilidades não utilizadas, além de oportunidades de melhoria no fluxo produtivo, ações foram implementadas levando a produção a novos patamares. Os resultados mais expressivos foram a redução do tempo de setup de 1 hora e 18 minutos para 12 minutos, redução de tempo jateamento liberando mais de 31 horas de hora máquina no mês, aumento de produtividade de uma célula de forjamento em mais de 24% e aumento de produtividade de cortes por cisalhamento em 9x.This study aims to apply techniques widely known thanks to lean manufacturing such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Toyota Production System (increase production through waste elimination) and 5S system can provide significant increase of productiveness in a forging company to obtain significant increases in productivity with low investments. These scientifically proven methodologies were apply in a forging process resulting in great productivity gains and cost reduction. After identifying several waste (movement, transport, wait, over production, over processing, abilities not used and inventory) and improvements opportunities in the shop floor, actions were implemented taking production to new levels. Reduction of the setup time from 1 hour and 18 minutes to 12 minutes, reduction of shot blasting time releasing more than 31 hours of machine time per month, through the cell balancing technique increased productivity in +24 and increased productivity of billet shearing cell over 9

    Vascular cells derived from Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) inducible pluripotent stem cells

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    To study the vulnerability of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS)

    Sublingual immunotherapy in the treatment of allergic asthma: a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Introduction: The guidelines for the management of allergic respiratory diseases oriented towards control from medical treatment combined with measures of environmental hygiene. Immunotherapy is one of several types of treatment, applied in combination with prophylactic drugs and environmental care. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) for house dust mites (HDM) in people with allergic asthma.Methods: The study is based on a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials, associating sublingual immunotherapy with the treatment of allergic patients with HDM.Results: The searches were applied in PubMed, ScienceDirect and Scielo databases. Initially, 98 articles were recovered, of which only nine were eligible. Of these, eight (88.9%) were conducted in Europe and only one (11.1%) in Asia. Comparing the outcomes expiratory volume in the first minute (FEV1) and sensitivity to allergens (HDM) between SLIT and placebo groups before and after intervention, no differences were observed between the groups.Conclusions: SLIT is not evidenced significantly by meta-analysis for the treatment of allergic asthma.Keywords: Mites; asthma; rhinitis; respiratory diseas

    O Teatro Regional da Serra de Montemuro: uma viagem dos sentidos

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    O presente trabalho é um estudo de caso que se integra no âmbito do Mestrado em Teatro – Variante: Direcção de Cena e Produção, ministrado na Escola Superior de Música e das Artes do Espectáculo. Consiste num trabalho individual de pesquisa, sobre uma companhia de teatro – Teatro Regional Serra do Montemuro - que tem como principal objectivo a análise do processo de formação, de desenvolvimento, de criação e produção desta estrutura teatral. No presente estudo, proponho-me reunir informações sobre a Companhia Teatro de Campo Benfeito e sobre o seu trabalho de forma a reflectir sobre os processos de criação e produção teatral partindo de um contexto específico.This paper is a case study which integrates the Masters in Theatre – Variant: Stage Manager/ Production taught at Escola Superior de Música e das Artes do Espetáculo (the School of Music and Performing Arts). It consists of an individual research about a theatre company – Teatro Regional da Serra de Montemuro – which sets as main goal the analysis of the formation process of development, creation and production of this theatrical structure. In this study, I propose to gather information about Campo Benfeito Theatre Company and its work in order to think over the process of creation and theatrical production based on a specific context

    Usefulness of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire in assessing the quality of life of parents of children with asthma

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the quality of life (QOL) of parents of children with asthma and to analyze the internal consistency of the generic QOL tool World Health Organization Quality of Life, abbreviated version (WHOQOL-BREF).MethodsWe evaluated the QOL of parents of asthmatic and healthy children aged between 8 and 16, using the generic WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. We also evaluated the internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha (αC), in order to determine whether the tool had good validity for the target audience.ResultsThe study included 162 individuals with a mean age of 43.8±13.6 years, of which 104 were female (64.2%) and 128 were married (79.0%). When assessing the QOL, the group of parents of healthy children had higher scores than the group of parents of asthmatic children in the four areas evaluated by the questionnaire (Physical, Psychological Health, Social Relationships and Environment), indicating a better quality of life. Regarding the internal consistency of the WHOQOL-BREF, values of αC were 0.86 points for the group of parents of asthmatic children, and 0.88 for the group of parents of healthy children.ConclusionsParents of children with asthma have impaired quality of life due to their children's disease. Furthermore, the WHOQOL-BREF, even as a generic tool, showed to be practical and efficient to evaluate the quality of life of parents of asthmatic children

    O feriado de São Jorge e o dia do evangélico disputas políticas e religiosas em torno dos calendários cívicos do Rio de Janeiro

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    Este artigo tem como proposta analisar as influências de valores religiosos na elaboração leis que referendam a institucionalização de datas religiosas nos calendários cívicos do Rio de Janeiro. Através da análise de processos legislativos sobre a criação de datas religiosas na Câmara dos Vereadores e na Assembleia Legislativa do Estado no ano de 2010, foi possível apreender diferentes sinais temporais religiosos que remetem às expressões católicas e pentecostais em disputa neste Estado. Seguindo estas pistas, o presente estudo compara dois casos: o feriado de São Jorge e o dia comemorativo do Evangélico. Nesta direção, pretende-se discutir as relações entre politica e religião de forma a contribuir para o entendimento de tendências atuais presentes no campo religioso brasileiro

    Prevalence and factors associated to depression and anxiety among medical students in an inland university in Brazil

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    Medical schools are known to be stressful environments for students and hence medical students have been believed to experience greater incidences of depression and anxiety than the general population or students from other specialties. The present study investigates the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms together with factors associated with them among medical students in a public federal university in the south of Brazil. A descriptive study was performed using self-administered questionnaires to access socio-demographic, institutional and health variables in association with two scales - Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) - designed to assess depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively. The research sample consisted of 152 subjects. The depressive symptoms prevalence was 65.1% (BDI > 9), state-anxiety was 98.6% and trait-anxiety 97.4% (STAI > 33). Among women, 37.8% demonstrated moderate/severe depressive symptoms. High levels of state-anxiety symptoms and trait-anxiety symptoms were found in 44.7% of students under age 20. In the group with the lowest monthly income, it was observed the highest distributions for moderate/severe depressive symptoms, high state and high trait-anxiety symptoms, corresponding to 47.4%, 57.9% and 47.4%, respectively. Students attending the 3rd term of medical school had the highest percentage of moderate/severe depressive symptoms (62.5%) and high state-anxiety symptoms (50%). In addition, students who had both financial aid programs presented the highest percentages at moderate/severe depressive symptoms (46.2%), high state-anxiety symptoms (61.5%) and high trait-anxiety symptoms (46.2%). We also observed a correlation between depression and trait-anxiety symptoms (P = 0.037).  In conclusion, it was identified as risk factors for depressive symptoms the previous depression diagnosis, previous search for health service due to psychological symptoms, being in financial aid programs, dissatisfaction with the medical school and inadequate psychological help offered by it. For state-anxiety symptoms and trait-anxiety outcome, there is an increased risk among low-income or students who have financial help from financial aid programs and younger age students.Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão e fatores associados a eles entre estudantes de medicina de uma universidade pública do sul do Brasil. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo através de questionários autoaplicáveis para avaliar variáveis sociodemográficas, institucionais e de saúde, associadas a duas escalas - Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e Inventário de Traço-Estado de ansiedade (STAI) - para avaliar os sintomas de depressão e ansiedade, respectivamente. Resultados: A prevalência de sintomas depressivos foi de 65,1% (BDI > 9), estado de ansiedade foi de 98,6% e traço de ansiedade de 97,4% (STAI > 33). Uma correlação significativa foi encontrada entre depressão e traço de ansiedade. Diagnóstico prévio de depressão, busca prévia por serviços de saúde, insatisfação com o curso de medicina e ter auxílio de baixa renda e bolsa de iniciação científica foram identificados como fatores de risco para depressão. Estudantes com baixa renda mensal e menores de 25 anos apresentaram maior risco para estado de ansiedade. Idade, ano da faculdade de medicina e programa de ajuda financeira provaram ser um fator de risco para traço de ansiedade. Conclusão: Esses resultados mostram fatores significativos relacionados à saúde mental de estudantes de uma faculdade de medicina recém fundada no interior do Brasil