223 research outputs found

    Parents' perceptions: environments and the contextual strategies of parents to support the participation of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder : a descriptive population-based study from Switzerland

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    Environments have a modifying effect on the participation of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in all areas of life. This cross-sectional study investigated parental perspectives on supportive or hindering environments and the daily contextual strategies parents used to enhance their children's participation. Qualitative and quantitative data gathered from 115 parents from German-speaking Switzerland using the participation and environment measure-child and youth (PEM-CY) were analyzed. Results revealed 45 environmental supports and barriers at home, at school, and in the community. Contextual strategies were identified in combination with people, activities, time, objects, and places. Parental perspectives on participation and their contextual strategies should be considered in environmental-based interventions to support the participation of children and adolescents with ASD

    The Rewiring of Ubiquitination Targets in a Pathogenic Yeast Promotes Metabolic Flexibility, Host Colonization and Virulence

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    Funding: This work was funded by the European Research Council [http://erc.europa.eu/], AJPB (STRIFE Advanced Grant; C-2009-AdG-249793). The work was also supported by: the Wellcome Trust [www.wellcome.ac.uk], AJPB (080088, 097377); the UK Biotechnology and Biological Research Council [www.bbsrc.ac.uk], AJPB (BB/F00513X/1, BB/K017365/1); the CNPq-Brazil [http://cnpq.br], GMA (Science without Borders fellowship 202976/2014-9); and the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research [www.nc3rs.org.uk], DMM (NC/K000306/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Elizabeth Johnson (Mycology Reference Laboratory, Bristol) for providing strains, and the Aberdeen Proteomics facility for the biotyping of S. cerevisiae clinical isolates, and to Euroscarf for providing S. cerevisiae strains and plasmids. We are grateful to our Microscopy Facility in the Institute of Medical Sciences for their expert help with the electron microscopy, and to our friends in the Aberdeen Fungal Group for insightful discussions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The increasing threat to European forests from the invasive foliar pine pathogen, Lecanosticta acicola

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    European forests are threatened by increasing numbers of invasive pests and pathogens. Over the past century, Lecanosticta acicola, a foliar pathogen predominantly of Pinus spp., has expanded its range globally, and is increasing in impact. Lecanosticta acicola causes brown spot needle blight, resulting in premature defoliation, reduced growth, and mortality in some hosts. Originating from southern regions of North American, it devastated forests in the USA's southern states in the early twentieth century, and in 1942 was discovered in Spain.Derived from Euphresco project 'Brownspotrisk,' this study aimed to establish the current distribution of Lecanosticta species, and assess the risks of L. acicola to European forests. Pathogen reports from the literature, and new/ unpublished survey data were combined into an open-access geo-database (http://www.portaloff orestpathology.com), and used to visualise the pathogen's range, infer its climatic tolerance, and update its host range. Lecanosticta species have now been recorded in 44 countries, mostly in the northern hemisphere. The type species, L. acicola, has increased its range in recent years, and is present in 24 out of the 26 European countries where data were available. Other species of Lecanosticta are largely restricted to Mexico and Central America, and recently Colombia.The geo-database records demonstrate that L. acicola tolerates a wide range of climates across the northern hemisphere, and indicate its potential to colonise Pinus spp. forests across large swathes of the Europe. Pre-liminary analyses suggest L. acicola could affect 62% of global Pinus species area by the end of this century, under climate change predictions.Although its host range appears slightly narrower than the similar Dothistroma species, Lecanosticta species were recorded on 70 host taxa, mostly Pinus spp., but including, Cedrus and Picea spp. Twenty-three, including species of critical ecological, environmental and economic significance in Europe, are highly susceptible to L. acicola, suffering heavy defoliation and sometimes mortality. Variation in apparent susceptibility between reports could reflect variation between regions in the hosts' genetic make-up, but could also reflect the signif-icant variation in L. acicola populations and lineages found across Europe. This study served to highlight sig-nificant gaps in our understanding of the pathogen's behaviour.Lecanosticta acicola has recently been downgraded from an A1 quarantine pest to a regulated non quarantine pathogen, and is now widely distributed across Europe. With a need to consider disease management, this study also explored global BSNB strategies, and used Case Studies to summarise the tactics employed to date in Europe

    Parallel evolution of the make–accumulate–consume strategy in Saccharomyces and Dekkera yeasts

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    Saccharomyces yeasts degrade sugars to two-carbon components, in particular ethanol, even in the presence of excess oxygen. This characteristic is called the Crabtree effect and is the background for the 'make–accumulate–consume' life strategy, which in natural habitats helps Saccharomyces yeasts to out-compete other microorganisms. A global promoter rewiring in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae lineage, which occurred around 100 mya, was one of the main molecular events providing the background for evolution of this strategy. Here we show that the Dekkera bruxellensis lineage, which separated from the Saccharomyces yeasts more than 200 mya, also efficiently makes, accumulates and consumes ethanol and acetic acid. Analysis of promoter sequences indicates that both lineages independently underwent a massive loss of a specific cis-regulatory element from dozens of genes associated with respiration, and we show that also in D. bruxellensis this promoter rewiring contributes to the observed Crabtree effect

    The Alcohol Dehydrogenase System in the Xylose-Fermenting Yeast Candida maltosa

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    The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) system plays a critical role in sugar metabolism involving in not only ethanol formation and consumption but also the general "cofactor balance" mechanism. Candida maltosa is able to ferment glucose as well as xylose to produce a significant amount of ethanol. Here we report the ADH system in C. maltosa composed of three microbial group I ADH genes (CmADH1, CmADH2A and CmADH2B), mainly focusing on its metabolic regulation and physiological function.Genetic analysis indicated that CmADH2A and CmADH2B tandemly located on the chromosome could be derived from tandem gene duplication. In vitro characterization of enzymatic properties revealed that all the three CmADHs had broad substrate specificities. Homo- and heterotetramers of CmADH1 and CmADH2A were demonstrated by zymogram analysis, and their expression profiles and physiological functions were different with respect to carbon sources and growth phases. Fermentation studies of ADH2A-deficient mutant showed that CmADH2A was directly related to NAD regeneration during xylose metabolism since CmADH2A deficiency resulted in a significant accumulation of glycerol.Our results revealed that CmADH1 was responsible for ethanol formation during glucose metabolism, whereas CmADH2A was glucose-repressed and functioned to convert the accumulated ethanol to acetaldehyde. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of function separation and glucose repression of ADH genes in xylose-fermenting yeasts. On the other hand, CmADH1 and CmADH2A were both involved in ethanol formation with NAD regeneration to maintain NADH/NAD ratio in favor of producing xylitol from xylose. In contrast, CmADH2B was expressed at a much lower level than the other two CmADH genes, and its function is to be further confirmed

    Nonrandom Survival of Gene Conversions among Yeast Ribosomal Proteins Duplicated through Genome Doubling

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    By comparing the patterns of evolution in the coding and upstream noncoding regions of yeast ribosomal protein (RP) genes duplicated in a genome duplication, we find that although nonsynonymous sites in the coding sequences show strong evidence for the fixation of recent gene conversion events, similar patterns are less evident among the synonymous positions and noncoding regulatory elements. This result suggests a potential explanation for the somewhat puzzling fact that duplicated RP genes are not functionally redundant despite their very high protein sequence identity. An analysis of the patterns of regulatory network evolution after genome duplication also indicates that the duplicated proteins have diverged considerably in expression despite their similar protein sequences

    Comparative Analysis of Chromosome Counts Infers Three Paleopolyploidies in the Mollusca

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    The study of paleopolyploidies requires the comparison of multiple whole genome sequences. If the branches of a phylogeny on which a whole-genome duplication (WGD) occurred could be identified before genome sequencing, taxa could be selected that provided a better assessment of that genome duplication. Here, we describe a likelihood model in which the number of chromosomes in a genome evolves according to a Markov process with one rate of chromosome duplication and loss that is proportional to the number of chromosomes in the genome and another stochastic rate at which every chromosome in the genome could duplicate in a single event. We compare the maximum likelihoods of a model in which the genome duplication rate varies to one in which it is fixed at zero using the Akaike information criterion, to determine if a model with WGDs is a good fit for the data. Once it has been determined that the data does fit the WGD model, we infer the phylogenetic position of paleopolyploidies by calculating the posterior probability that a WGD occurred on each branch of the taxon tree. Here, we apply this model to a molluscan tree represented by 124 taxa and infer three putative WGD events. In the Gastropoda, we identify a single branch within the Hypsogastropoda and one of two branches at the base of the Stylommatophora. We also identify one or two branches near the base of the Cephalopoda

    Quantifying variation in the ability of yeasts to attract Drosophila melanogaster

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    Yeasts that invade and colonise fruit significantly enhance the volatile chemical diversity of this ecosystem. These modified bouquets are thought to be more attractive to Drosophila flies than the fruit alone, but the variance of attraction in natural yeast populations is uncharacterised. Here we investigate how a range of yeast isolates affect the attraction of female D. melanogaster to fruit in a simple two choice assay comparing yeast to sterile fruit. Of the 43 yeast isolates examined, 33 were attractive and seven repellent to the flies. The results of isolate-versus-isolate comparisons provided the same relative rankings. Attractiveness varied significantly by yeast, with the strongly fermenting Saccharomyces species generally being more attractive than the mostly respiring non-Saccharomyces species (P = 0.0035). Overall the habitat (fruit or other) from which the isolates were directly sampled did not explain attraction (P = 0.2352). However, yeasts isolated from fruit associated niches were more attractive than those from non-fruit associated niches (P = 0.0188) regardless of taxonomic positioning. These data suggest that while attractiveness is primarily correlated with phylogenetic status, the ability to attract Drosophila is a labile trait among yeasts that is potentially associated with those inhabiting fruit ecosystems. Preliminary analysis of the volatiles emitted by four yeast isolates in grape juice show the presence/absence of ethanol and acetic acid were not likely explanations for the observed variation in attraction. These data demonstrate variation among yeasts for their ability to attract Drosophila in a pattern that is consistent with the hypothesis that certain yeasts are manipulating fruit odours to mediate interactions with their Drosophila dispersal agent. © 2013 Palanca et al

    Surface Science of DNA Adsorption onto Citrate-Capped Gold Nanoparticles

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Langmuir copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by publisher. To access the final edited and published work see Zhang, X., Servos, M. R., & Liu, J. (2012). Surface Science of DNA Adsorption onto Citrate-Capped Gold Nanoparticles. Langmuir, 28(8), 3896–3902. https://doi.org/10.1021/la205036pSingle-stranded DNA can be adsorbed by citrate capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), resulting in increased AuNP stability, which forms the basis of a number of biochemical and analytical applications, but the fundamental interaction of this adsorption reaction remains unclear. In this study, we measured DNA adsorption kinetics, capacity, and isotherms, demonstrating that the adsorption process is governed by electrostatic forces. The charge repulsion among DNA strands and between DNA and AuNPs can be reduced by adding salt, reducing pH or by using noncharged peptide nucleic acid (PNA). Langmuir adsorption isotherms are obtained, indicating the presence of both adsorption and desorption of DNA from AuNPs. While increasing salt concentration facilitates DNA adsorption, the desorption rate is also enhanced in higher salt due to DNA compaction. DNA adsorption capacity is determined by DNA oligomer length, DNA concentration, and salt. Previous studies indicated faster adsorption of short DNA oligomers by AuNPs, we find that once adsorbed, longer DNAs are much more effective in protecting AuNPs from aggregation. DNA adsorption is also facilitated by using low pH buffers and high alcohol concentrations. A model based on electrostatic repulsion on AuNPs is proposed to rationalize the DNA adsorption/desorption behavior.University of Waterloo || Canadian Foundation for Innovation || Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation || Canadian Institutes of Health Research || Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council |

    Evidence for Divergent Evolution of Growth Temperature Preference in Sympatric Saccharomyces Species

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    The genus Saccharomyces currently includes eight species in addition to the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, most of which can be consistently isolated from tree bark and soil. We recently found sympatric pairs of Saccharomyces species, composed of one cryotolerant and one thermotolerant species in oak bark samples of various geographic origins. In order to contribute to explain the occurrence in sympatry of Saccharomyces species, we screened Saccharomyces genomic data for protein divergence that might be correlated to distinct growth temperature preferences of the species, using the dN/dS ratio as a measure of protein evolution rates and pair-wise species comparisons. In addition to proteins previously implicated in growth at suboptimal temperatures, we found that glycolytic enzymes were among the proteins exhibiting higher than expected divergence when one cryotolerant and one thermotolerant species are compared. By measuring glycolytic fluxes and glycolytic enzymatic activities in different species and at different temperatures, we subsequently show that the unusual divergence of glycolytic genes may be related to divergent evolution of the glycolytic pathway aligning its performance to the growth temperature profiles of the different species. In general, our results support the view that growth temperature preference is a trait that may have undergone divergent selection in the course of ecological speciation in Saccharomyces