169 research outputs found

    Exclusion, Transition, and Recognition: Normative Archetypes for Crossing Urban Social Spaces

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    The paper intends to explore three archetypes of possible interaction between the agent and the social space in which one's own action is located. In this article, we will talk about modalities endowed with normative significance, that is focused around universal scopes and extra-contextual validities (values). Special attention will be paid to the dimension of the "intersection of social spaces" (the scheme assumes both the permanent dimension of "acting within spaces" and the dynamic dimension of "passing beyond them"), the modalities of exclusion, transition, and recognition are thus presented. Their action is complicated by alternative intersection paths in introdynamic and extradynamic dimensions. The study proposes to represent these modalities in order to further offer scenarios for the development and change of urban social spaces. Finally, the paper intends to propose a phenomenological interpretation of their possible interaction with reference to some ways of transforming urban spaces, which are typical of the European context

    Hacia una Crìtica de la razòn armònica

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    Este artículo intenta articular la idea de una crítica de la razón armónica como un proyecto comprehensivo (no expresado explícitamente) dentro del camino teórico de Kant. En la primera sección se aborda el intento de elaborar una idea crítica de la armonía tanto biográfica como teóricamente, en referencia al intenso periodo de 1783-1786. En la segunda sección, presento y discuto una idea metódica de armonía crítica, cuyas raíces están basadas en el marco del periodo pre-crítico y crítico. Finalmente, como presentación del editor de este número monográfico, el trabajo inaugura el diálogo concerniente a la cuestión de la armonía con otros caminos interpretativos, ofreciendo una perspectiva comprehensiva de todos los trabajos reunidos en el número y organizando estos ricos materiales en torno a tres círculos concéntricos

    ¿Contra Schmitt? Modelos de alteridad para la convivencia

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    The essay is devoted to an attempt of legitimizing the civic virtue of living together, trying an alternative path to the classical dialectic friend/enemy (Freund/Feind) articulated by Schmitt (§ 1). Such an alternative – which it is believed most consonant to the intercultural destiny of our societies – implies a rethinking of the boundaries between the spheres of politics and its most obvious denial: terrorism, that makes extreme the attempt of affirmation of difference and otherness, up to foreseeing the annulment of the other (§ 2). The theoretical proposal here presented, therefore, articulates three models of otherness, devoted to proposing a twofold redefinition of the identity’s concept often invoked in that problematic context (§ 3). The outcome of this discussion would justify a different way of thinking the “being-in-common”, committed to bring the initial dialectic into a more comprehensive “public sphere” and to the discussion oriented to a (potentially) democratic living together (§ 4).El artículo está dedicado a la legitimación de la virtud civil de la convivencia, buscando un camino alternativo a la clásica dialéctica amigo/enemigo (Freund/Feind) articulada por Schmitt (§ 1). Dicha alternativa – que creemos que se encuentra en plena consonancia con el destino intercultural de nuestras sociedades – implica repensar las fronteras entre las esferas de la política y su más obvia negación: el terrorismo, que lleva al extremo el intento de afirmación de la diferencia y de la alteridad, hasta la previsión de la anulación del otro (§ 2). La propuesta teórica presentada aquí, por lo tanto, articula tres modelos de alteridad, con el fin de proponer una doble redefinición del concepto de identidad, a menudo invocado en este contexto problemático (§ 3). El resultado de la discusión justificaría una manera diferente de pensar el “ser-en-común”, comprometida con la tarea de conducir la dialéctica inicial hacia una más comprehensiva “esfera pública” y hacia la discusión orientada hacia una vida en común (potencialmente) democrática (§ 4)

    Space and Anthropology of Limit: A Philosophical Perspective

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    In no other living species does technology (or more precisely the need for technological development) play such an important role as it does in the human species. Almost every animal species is able to implement techniques in order to improve its living conditions, that is to produce tools or structures capable of enhancing its ability to procure food and defend itself. No animal, however, to the same extent as the human being, seems unable to do without the constant innovation of its own capacities and their outcomes. This is a constant factor, which unequivocally connotes our being human. It is a constant that we can say is expression of an essentially dual nature: fear of inadequacy, on the one hand, anxiety for perfection, on the other.This rationale remains surely a matter of fact regarding the traditional or common condition of the man, understood as a being living on the Earth with a specific biological structure. However, any possible understanding of the same issue requires new efforts if and as far we try to maintain it open in a totally different context: the space, namely, a not-specific place outside Earth in which the man is trying to give shape to a new path of its own surviving (§ 1).Here rises what we would like to call the anthropology of limit. In order to grasp a provisional content for such expression, we must proceed analytically, first, by reconsidering briefly the two conceptual sides implied in that expression, namely What is a man? and What do we mean with limit? (§ 2).Secondly, we should try to reconsider the twofold results under a synthetical or comprehensive point of view, trying to gather a common area of questioning that opens up if and as far we shift and reconsider both conceptual sides of that expression within the space-context (§ 3)

    Sul fondamento, ovvero il non-luogo della comunità politica

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    The lecture intends to face the question about the ground of political community in Kant, discussing mainly the concept of place. In order to accomplish this task, we’ll cover synthetically the effective inquiry about this question in the kantian works’ corpus, namely, the place or the places of this research. Such a path intends to analyse the subject of the ground of political community, that is, of politics in a large sense, which has a paradigmatical context of development in the Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals, which position inside the kantian “system” has often been misunderstood and undervalued. We’ll analyse in this work especially the concept of the kingdom of ends [Reich der Zwecke]. Through an analytical exam of the terminological and conceptual elements that make it up, we expect to frame this notion as an accomplished ground of political community, which goes beyond every physical place and simultaneously opens every possible moral field, as field of both ethical and juridical regulation, and grounds every possible political action that doesn’t try to escape of the pure practical reason’s imperative.La relazione si propone di affrontare il tema del fondamento della comunità politica in Kant attraverso la problematizzazione del concetto di luogo. Sarà innanzitutto sinteticamente ripercorsa l’effettiva trattazione del tema della comunità politica all’interno del corpus delle opere kantiane, ovvero il luogo o i luoghi della sua effettiva elaborazione. Tale ripercorrimento intende analizzare il tema del fondamento della comunità politica, ovvero del politico in senso complessivo, che trova nella Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi un suo contesto di elaborazione paradigmatico per quanto spesso misconosciuto o sottovalutato rispetto alla sua collocazione all’interno del “sistema” kantiano. In tale opera sarà in particolare analizzato il concetto di regno dei fini (Reich der Zwecke). Attraverso un’analitica disamina dei suoi elementi terminologici e concettuali costitutivi, si intende inquadrare tale nozione quale compiuto fondamento della comunità politica, che travalica ogni luogo fisico, al tempo stesso che apre ogni possibile spazio morale, inteso come spazio della normatività insieme etica e giuridica, e fonda ogni possibile agire politico che intenda non sottrarsi all’imperativo della ragione pura pratica.La relazione si propone di affrontare il tema del fondamento della comunità politica in Kant attraverso la problematizzazione del concetto di luogo. Sarà innanzitutto sinteticamente ripercorsa l’effettiva trattazione del tema della comunità politica all’interno del corpus delle opere kantiane, ovvero il luogo o i luoghi della sua effettiva elaborazione. Tale ripercorrimento intende analizzare il tema del fondamento della comunità politica, ovvero del politico in senso complessivo, che trova nella Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi un suo contesto di elaborazione paradigmatico per quanto spesso misconosciuto o sottovalutato rispetto alla sua collocazione all’interno del “sistema” kantiano. In tale opera sarà in particolare analizzato il concetto di regno dei fini (Reich der Zwecke). Attraverso un’analitica disamina dei suoi elementi terminologici e concettuali costitutivi, si intende inquadrare tale nozione quale compiuto fondamento della comunità politica, che travalica ogni luogo fisico, al tempo stesso che apre ogni possibile spazio morale, inteso come spazio della normatività insieme etica e giuridica, e fonda ogni possibile agire politico che intenda non sottrarsi all’imperativo della ragione pura pratica

    Rethinking community in the aftermath of communitarianism: outlines of a phenomenological path

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    Three decades after it arose, the contemporary Communitarianism and the questions it raised still appear to beworthy of serious attention. In an attempt to confront this legacy, the first part of the present essay seeks to propose aredefinition of the concept of community. It does so by setting itself two key phenomenological questions, which areboth devoted to the concept of sharing. The first question asks how something can be shared amongst multiplebeings who are divided by emotional, ethical, religious, linguistic and ethnic differences. The second and no lessfundamental question, in turn, asks what people have to share in the first place. The second part of the essay invokesa familiar Kantian distinction in order to sketch out and discuss a proposed 'semantics of sharing'. This semanticmodel is intended to clarify and enrich the questions surrounding the 'integration of the self', which constitutes oneof the most central aspects of the human being's need for sociality

    Tra accettazione e approvazione: dimensioni normative del riconoscimento

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    Conviver com verdades penúltimas? Um percurso kantiano

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    O presente artigo pretende oferecer uma interpretação do tema da verdade (entendida como busca de sentido) no pensamento de Kant, procurando desconstruir um nexo que a história dos conceitos deu como óbvio e imutável, a saber, o nexo entre verdade e ultimidade. Ao fazer isso, pretende-se percorrer duas diferentes ramificações de tal nexo: uma entre último e estável e outra entre último e instável (§ 1). Em conformidade com a epoché, que Kant recomenda com respeito ao "reino da verdade última", efetuaremos um excursus sobre o "reino da penultimidade" e sobre o correspondente nexo duplo entre penúltimo e estável - considerado a partir da reflexão de Hegel - por um lado e entre penúltimo e instável - considerado a partir da perspectiva habermasiana - pelo outro (§ 2). Contudo, parece interessante entender como Kant delineia sua reflexão sobre o tema da verdade na Crítica da razão pura (§ 3), mas também entender quais são os limites da possibilidade de prolongar o "discurso sobre a verdade" além da Analítica, ou seja, no interior da Dialética transcendental, em sentido lógico e ontológico (§§ 4 e 5). Este percurso, ao tentar uma releitura da dialética entre ideia e ideal, proporá como conclusão um novo olhar sobre a dialética entre último e penúltimo (§ 6), na busca de uma "terceira via" entre estável e instável, ou seja, de uma renovada lógica da pluralidade capaz de legitimar o engajamento moral de todo e qualquer agente moral visando a convivência com qualquer ser capaz de razão. Abstract: The essay focuses on the concept of truth - as search for meaning - within the Kant's perspective, by seeking for deconstructing a link - between truth and ultimacy - that the western history of ideas has always assumed as consolidated and not modifiable. In doing that, the essay concentrates first on two different ramifications of such a link: the ramification between ultimate and stable, on the one hand, and that one between ultimate and unstable, on the other (§ 1). According to the epoché suggested by Kant about the "realm of ultimate truth", then the essay deals with an excursus about the "realm of penultimate" and about the corresponding dual link: that one between penultimate and stable - here explored through the concept of law by Hegel - and the second one between the penultimate and unstable - following the concept of public sphere by Habermas (§ 2).  However, it seems interesting to understand how Kant precisely outlines his reflection on the topic of truth in the Critique of Pure Reason (§ 3). But it's also of particular interest to understand possibilities and limits of extending the "discourse of truth", by referring to its logical and ontological meaning, beyond the Transcendental Analytic, ie within the Transcendental Dialectic (§§ 4-5). Conclusively, this argumentative path would like to offer a new perspective about the dialectic between ultimate and penultimate by trying to re-read the Kantian conceptual dialectic between idea and ideal (§ 6). The main goal of such a re-reading is the search for a "third way" between stable and unstable, i.e., a renewed "logic of plurality" able of legitimizing the moral commitment of any rational agent who, according to the law of reason, tries to make effective the attempt of living together with any other.Keywords: truth, ultimate, penultimate, Critique of Pure Reason, idea, ideal, Kant, Hegel, Haberma

    Sul fondamento, ovvero il non-luogo della comunità politica

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    The lecture intends to face the question about the ground of political community in Kant, discussing mainly the concept of place. In order to accomplish this task, we’ll cover synthetically the effective inquiry about this question in the kantian works’ corpus, namely, the place or the places of this research. Such a path intends to analyse the subject of the ground of political community, that is, of politics in a large sense, which has a paradigmatical context of development in the Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals, which position inside the kantian “system” has often been misunderstood and undervalued. We’ll analyse in this work especially the concept of the kingdom of ends [Reich der Zwecke]. Through an analytical exam of the terminological and conceptual elements that make it up, we expect to frame this notion as an accomplished ground of political community, which goes beyond every physical place and simultaneously opens every possible moral field, as field of both ethical and juridical regulation, and grounds every possible political action that doesn’t try to escape of the pure practical reason’s imperative

    Riannodare un filo ancora da tessere: luoghi,culture,convivenze

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