82 research outputs found

    Contribution of organic acids to the acidity of Finnish lakes

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    Characteristics of the allochthonous organic matter in Finnish forest lakes and reservoirs

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    Alloktonisen orgaanisen aineen ominaisuuksista suomalaisissa metsäjärvissä ja tekoaltaiss

    Comparative study on the estimation of humic matter in natural waters

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    Luonnonvesien humuspitoisuuden arviointi eri menetelmill

    The effect of water quality on the mercury concentration of northern pike (Esox Iucius, L.) in Finnish forest lakes and reservoirs

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    Veden laadun vaikutus hauen elohopeapitoisuuteen Suomen metsäjärvissä ja tekoaltaiss

    Geographic and tourist position of Ternopil region as a factor of tourism development

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    The quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from inland waters into the atmosphere varies, depending on spatial and temporal variations in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in waters. Using 22,664 water samples from 851 boreal lakes and 64 boreal streams, taken from different water depths and during different months we found large spatial and temporal variations in pCO2, ranging from below atmospheric equilibrium to values greater than 20,000 μatm with a median value of 1048 μatm for lakes (n = 11,538 samples) and 1176 μatm for streams (n = 11,126). During the spring water mixing period in April/May, distributions of pCO2 were not significantly different between stream and lake ecosystems (P > 0.05), suggesting that pCO2 in spring is determined by processes that are common to lakes and streams. During other seasons of the year, however, pCO2 differed significantly between lake and stream ecosystems (P < 0.0001). The variable that best explained the differences in seasonal pCO2 variations between lakes and streams was the temperature difference between bottom and surface waters. Even small temperature differences resulted in a decline of pCO2 in lake surface waters. Minimum pCO2 values in lake surface waters were reached in July. Towards autumn pCO2 strongly increased again in lake surface waters reaching values close to the ones found in stream surface waters. Although pCO2 strongly increased in the upper water column towards autumn, pCO2 in lake bottom waters still exceeded the pCO2 in surface waters of lakes and streams. We conclude that throughout the year CO2 is concentrated in bottom waters of boreal lakes, although these lakes are typically shallow with short water retention times. Highly varying amounts of this CO2 reaches surface waters and evades to the atmosphere. Our findings have important implications for up-scaling CO2 fluxes from single lake and stream measurements to regional and global annual fluxes

    Regional Variability and Drivers of Below Ice CO2 in Boreal and Subarctic Lakes

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    Northern lakes are ice-covered for considerable portions of the year, where carbon dioxide (CO2) can accumulate below ice, subsequently leading to high CO2 emissions at ice-melt. Current knowledge on the regional control and variability of below ice partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO(2)) is lacking, creating a gap in our understanding of how ice cover dynamics affect the CO2 accumulation below ice and therefore CO2 emissions from inland waters during the ice-melt period. To narrow this gap, we identified the drivers of below ice pCO(2) variation across 506 Swedish and Finnish lakes using water chemistry, lake morphometry, catchment characteristics, lake position, and climate variables. We found that lake depth and trophic status were the most important variables explaining variations in below ice pCO(2) across the 506 lakes(.) Together, lake morphometry and water chemistry explained 53% of the site-to-site variation in below ice pCO(2). Regional climate (including ice cover duration) and latitude only explained 7% of the variation in below ice pCO(2). Thus, our results suggest that on a regional scale a shortening of the ice cover period on lakes may not directly affect the accumulation of CO2 below ice but rather indirectly through increased mobility of nutrients and carbon loading to lakes. Thus, given that climate-induced changes are most evident in northern ecosystems, adequately predicting the consequences of a changing climate on future CO2 emission estimates from northern lakes involves monitoring changes not only to ice cover but also to changes in the trophic status of lakes.Peer reviewe

    Lakes as nitrous oxide sources in the boreal landscape

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    Abstract Estimates of regional and global freshwater N2O emissions have remained inaccurate due to scarce data and complexity of the multiple processes driving N2O fluxes the focus predominantly being on summer time measurements from emission hot spots, agricultural streams. Here we present four-season data of N2O concentrations in the water columns of randomly selected boreal lakes covering a large variation in latitude, lake type, area, depth, water chemistry and land use cover. Nitrate was the key driver for N2O dynamics, explaining as much as 78% of the variation of the seasonal mean N2O concentrations across all lakes. Nitrate concentrations varied among seasons being highest in winter and lowest in summer. Of the surface water samples 71% were oversaturated with N2O relative to the atmosphere. Largest oversaturation was measured in winter and lowest in summer stressing the importance to include full year N2O measurements in annual emission estimates. Including winter data resulted in four-fold annual N2O emission estimates compared to summer only measurements. Nutrient rich calcareous and large humic lakes had the highest annual N2O emissions. Our emission estimates for Finnish and boreal lakes are 0.6 Gg and 29 Gg N2O-N y-1, respectively. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of N2O cannot be neglected in the boreal landscape, being 35% of that of diffusive CH4 emission in Finnish lakes.peerReviewe