48 research outputs found

    Literacies, hermeneutics, and literature

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    With the development of new information and communication technologies, new concepts of extending the concept of literacy have emerged, such as media literacy, computer literacy, and information literacy. This paper addresses literary literacy as a form of extended literacies. The notion of literary here comprehends widely various fields of literature, with artistic literature as one, although in a sense paradigmatic, instance. The aspects of reading and literacy emphasized in this paper will have particular educational significance in contexts of general school education. Hermeneutics is a classical discipline of how we should read. It emphasizes aspects of appropriative, or Bildung-oriented, reading that we can oppose to the instrumental use of what one reads. Within hermeneutics, and particularly the sociological studies of literature, the paper also finds foundations for critical reading. There would be, however, a tension between the fundamentally hermeneutical appropriative literacy and critical questioning, and the notion of literary literacy should contain a dialect between them. The paper emphasizes the significance of literary literacy, since there is a danger that it disappears behind more instrumentally emphasized notions of literacy. Similarly, there is a risk that the everyday plausibility of the demand of being critical suffocates the appropriative aspects of literacy and reading

    Kirjasto organisaationa: sosiologis-kulttuurinen näkökulma

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    Kirjaston ja kirjastonhoitajan rooli kirjallisuusinstituutiossa

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    Yleinen kirjastolaitos Suomessa: instituutio ja sen tulevaisuuskuvat

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    Informaatiotutkimuksen päivät 2016

    E-kuvakirjoja iPadeilla

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    Kulttuurilaitoksesta valintataloksi – yleisen kirjastolaitoksen institutionaaliset tehtävämäärittelyt ja niiden kehitys Suomen itsenäisyyden aikana

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    From civic educator to a market place - the institutional definitions of the public libraries’ tasks and its development during the Finnish independence The development of the Finnish public library system can be divided into four phases. During the first two, the Swedish reign and the period of the Autonomy, the library was mainly for the upper classes and for the academic use. The trend to strengthen the library as a key actor in the educational system of the newborn independent Finland meant that the public library became an institution. This started to break down from the 1990’s onward with the implementation of the new public management techniques and with the integration of the library system as one of the key players in the information society development. The paper discusses the role of the Finnish library system in the system of the fictional literature and analyses the changes that have happened during the Finnish history. Keywords: public libraries, policies, institutional role, public rol

    Tutkintorakenteen uudistus muuttaa opintoviikot opintopisteiksi

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