10 research outputs found

    Papel del cribado mediante estudio de mutaciones del gen JAK2 en el diagnóstico de las neoplasias mieloproliferativas crónicas

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    Se trata de un estudio realizado con el objetivo de desarrollar e implementar un algoritmo de despistaje para la identificación de individuos con potencial Policitemia Vera (PV). La actualización de la clasificación de la organización mundial de la salud (OMS) de 2017, revisó a la baja la cifra de hemoglobina y/o hematocrito necesarios para el diagnóstico de PV con el fin de identificar formas paucisintomáticas, pero con potencial significado clínico. Esto motivó que una gran cantidad de individuos (se estima que en torno al 4%) cumplieran este criterio de hemoglobina y/o hematocrito, con la repercusión socio-económica que ello implica. Para solventar este problema, hemos desarrollado un algoritmo que nos permita identificar potenciales individuos con PV. El desarrollo de este algoritmo se ha realizado en tres fases, una primera en la que se estudió la prevalencia de la mutación de JAK2 V617F en individuos que cumplían el criterio OMS de hemoglobina y/o hematocrito. Posteriormente, a partir de ese dato y mediante el análisis de otras variables estudiadas, se desarrolló un algoritmo. Finalmente, este algoritmo se aplicó en una cohorte independiente con el fin de validarlo. A modo de conclusión, es posible la creación de un algoritmo para el despistaje de individuos con potencial PV. Este algoritmo permite una reducción de en torno al 50% de los estudios necesarios al partir desde población general. No obstante, sigue arrojando una cifra muy alta de casos como para permitir su incorporación en práctica clínica habitual

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in lymph nodes show frequent NOTCH1 activation

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common adult leukemia in the Western world. Pathogenic mechanisms involve multiple external events (such as microenvironmental and antigenic stimuli) and internal events (genetic and epigenetic alterations) that are associated with the transformation, progression and evolution of CLL. CLL is characterized by an accumulation of mature B cells in peripheral blood, bone marrow and lymphoid tissues. Extracellular stimuli play an important role in the development and maintenance of neoplastic cells. B-CLL cells proliferate and activate pathogenic signaling pathways in anatomical structures known as proliferation centers, which are usually more conspicuous in involved lymph nodes.1 Its clinical course is quite heterogeneous, whereby some patients progress rapidly and have short survival, whereas others have a more stable clinical course that may not need treatment for years.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (SAF2013-47416-R) Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)- FEDER – MINECO- AES (CP11/00018, PI10/00621, RD012/0036/0060), and Asociación Española contra el Cancer (AECC). MS-B is supported by a Miguel Servet contract from ISCIII-FEDER (CP11/00018). Salary support to SG is provided by CP11/00018, from ISCIII-FEDER. JG-R is supported by a predoctoral grant from the Fundación Investigación Puerta de Hierro.S

    Neuropathological findings in fatal COVID-19 and their associated neurological clinical manifestations

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    9 p.Severe cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) can present with multiple neurological symptoms. The available neuropathological studies have described different lesions; the most frequent was the presence of neuroinflammation and vascular-related lesions. The objective of this study was to report the neuropathological studies performed in a medical institution, with abundant long intensive care unit stays, and their associated clinical manifestations. This is a retrospective monocentric case series study based on the neuropathological reports of 13 autopsies with a wide range of illness duration (13-108 days). A neuroinflammatory score was calculated based on the quantification of CD8- and CD68-positive cells in representative areas of the central nervous system. This score was correlated afterwards with illness duration and parameters related to systemic inflammation. Widespread microglial and cytotoxic T-cell activation was found in all patients. There was no correlation between the neuroinflammatory score and the duration of the illness; nor with parameters of systemic inflammation such as the peak of IL-6 or the HScore (a parameter of systemic macrophage activation syndrome). Two patients had global hypoxic ischaemic damage and five patients had subacute infarcts. One patient had many more brain vascular microthrombi compared to the others and multiple subacute pituitary infarcts. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was not detected with qRT-PCR. The proportion of brain lesions in severe COVID-19 patients could be related to illness duration. In our series, with abundant long hospitalisation stays, neuroinflammation was present in all patients and was more prominent between day 34 and day 45 after onset of symptoms. Clinical correlation showed that two patients with the highest neuroinflammatory scores had severe encephalopathies that were not attributable to any other cause. The second most frequent lesions were related to vascular pathology.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIICIBERONCInstituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación SanitariaMerck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD

    Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma and marginal zone lymphoma involving bone marrow: A diagnostic dilemma. Useful clinicopathological features to accurate the diagnosis

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    Abstract Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL) and marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) frequently infiltrate the bone marrow with similar histologic and immunohistochemical characteristics posing diagnostic problems. Bone marrow biopsy specimens from 25 LPL and 16 MZL have been studied, correlating with clinical, laboratory parameters and the MYD88_p.L265P mutation. Paratrabecular and interstitial infiltration pattern, serum IgM paraprotein levels, and MYD88_p.L265P mutation were significantly more frequent in LPL. Nodular or intrasinusoidal pattern with lymphocytosis and splenomegaly were associated with MZL diagnosis. Different clinical and histological parameters should be collected when LPL or MZL is suspected in bone marrow biopsy specimens

    Identification of Immunological Parameters as Predictive Biomarkers of Relapse in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia on Treatment-Free Remission

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    BCR-ABL is an aberrant tyrosine kinase responsible for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) induce a potent antileukemic response mostly based on the inhibition of BCR-ABL, but they also increase the activity of Natural Killer (NK) and CD8+ T cells. After several years, patients may interrupt treatment due to sustained, deep molecular response. By unknown reasons, half of the patients relapse during treatment interruption, whereas others maintain a potent control of the residual leukemic cells for several years. In this study, several immunological parameters related to sustained antileukemic control were analyzed. According to our results, the features more related to poor antileukemic control were as follows: low levels of cytotoxic cells such as NK, (Natural Killer T) NKT and CD8±TCRγβ+ T cells; low expression of activating receptors on the surface of NK and NKT cells; impaired synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines or proteases from NK cells; and HLA-E*0103 homozygosis and KIR haplotype BX. A Random Forest algorithm predicted 90% of the accuracy for the classification of CML patients in groups of relapse or non-relapse according to these parameters. Consequently, these features may be useful as biomarkers predictive of CML relapse in patients that are candidates to initiate treatment discontinuation.Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (IMP19_18)NIH grant (R01AI143567)Spanish Ministry of Econ omy and Competitiveness (SAF2016-78480-R, PID2019-110275RB-I00)Spanish AIDS Research Network (RD16CIII/0002/0001)4.964 Q2 JCR 20211.040 Q1 SJR 2021No data IDR 2021UEMUE

    Identification of Immunological Parameters as Predictive Biomarkers of Relapse in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia on Treatment-Free Remission.

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    BCR-ABL is an aberrant tyrosine kinase responsible for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) induce a potent antileukemic response mostly based on the inhibition of BCR-ABL, but they also increase the activity of Natural Killer (NK) and CD8+ T cells. After several years, patients may interrupt treatment due to sustained, deep molecular response. By unknown reasons, half of the patients relapse during treatment interruption, whereas others maintain a potent control of the residual leukemic cells for several years. In this study, several immunological parameters related to sustained antileukemic control were analyzed. According to our results, the features more related to poor antileukemic control were as follows: low levels of cytotoxic cells such as NK, (Natural Killer T) NKT and CD8±TCRγβ+ T cells; low expression of activating receptors on the surface of NK and NKT cells; impaired synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines or proteases from NK cells; and HLA-E*0103 homozygosis and KIR haplotype BX. A Random Forest algorithm predicted 90% of the accuracy for the classification of CML patients in groups of relapse or non-relapse according to these parameters. Consequently, these features may be useful as biomarkers predictive of CML relapse in patients that are candidates to initiate treatment discontinuation.This work was supported by the Foundation for Biomedical Research of the HospitalUniversitario Ramón y Cajal (IMP19_18); NIH grant R01AI143567; the Spanish Ministry of Econ-omy and Competitiveness (SAF2016-78480-R, PID2019-110275RB-I00); the Spanish AIDS ResearchNetwork RD16CIII/0002/0001 that is included in Acción Estratégica en Salud, Plan Nacional deInvestigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2016–2020, Instituto de Salud CarlosIII, European Region Development Fund (ERDF). The work of María Rosa López-Huertas and SaraRodríguez-Mora is financed by NIH grant R01AI143567. The work of Lorena Vigón is supported bya pre-doctoral grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI16CIII/00034-ISCIII-FEDER). The workof Elena Mateos is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness SAF2016-78480-R. The work of Miguel Galán is supported by a Scholarship of the Scientific Foundation of theSpanish Association against Cancer (AECC) for the training of staff scientists in cancer research.S

    Proposal and validation of a method to classify genetic subtypes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma.

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a heterogeneous disease whose prognosis is associated with clinical features, cell-of-origin and genetic aberrations. Recent integrative, multi-omic analyses had led to identifying overlapping genetic DLBCL subtypes. We used targeted massive sequencing to analyze 84 diagnostic samples from a multicenter cohort of patients with DLBCL treated with rituximab-containing therapies and a median follow-up of 6 years. The most frequently mutated genes were IGLL5 (43%), KMT2D (33.3%), CREBBP (28.6%), PIM1 (26.2%), and CARD11 (22.6%). Mutations in CD79B were associated with a higher risk of relapse after treatment, whereas patients with mutations in CD79B, ETS1, and CD58 had a significantly shorter survival. Based on the new genetic DLBCL classifications, we tested and validated a simplified method to classify samples in five genetic subtypes analyzing the mutational status of 26 genes and BCL2 and BCL6 translocations. We propose a two-step genetic DLBCL classifier (2-S), integrating the most significant features from previous algorithms, to classify the samples as N12-S, EZB2-S, MCD2-S, BN22-S, and ST22-S groups. We determined its sensitivity and specificity, compared with the other established algorithms, and evaluated its clinical impact. The results showed that ST22-S is the group with the best clinical outcome and N12-S, the more aggressive one. EZB2-S identified a subgroup with a worse prognosis among GCB-DLBLC cases