256 research outputs found

    Where have all the heathers gone?

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    Heathers have been cultivated for several centuries, both the hardy heaths (Calluna, Daboecia and Erica) from the northern hemisphere and the more frost-tender species of Erica from southern Africa known as Cape heaths. In the late 19th century, a number of heather gardens were created, especially in Britain, and the popularity of heathers as long-lasting garden plants reached its zenith in western Europe and temperate North America in the late 20th century. At about the same time, deliberate breeding and selecting of Calluna vulgaris (ling) for flowers that lack normal sexual parts and remain bud-like led to a revolution in heather production with tens of millions of these bud-bloomer Calluna propagated each year for an ephemeral trade dominated by throwaway plants. Concomitantly, the diversity of hardy heathers offered by the trade has declined sharply with a small number of artificially raised clones, protected by plant breeders’ rights, now dominating the market. In contrast, the discovery of living lineages of a few Erica species that are extinct in the wild in South Africa has led to successful reintroduction programmes, particularly of Erica verticillata. The Erica Conservation Consortium, inaugurated in 2020, aims to coordinate and prioritise ex situ conservation of endangered Cape heaths.publishedVersio

    An approach to determining anthocyanin synthesis enzyme gene expression in an evolutionary context: an example from Erica plukenetii

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    Background and Aims: Floral colour in angiosperms can be controlled by variations in the expression of the genes of the anthocyanin pathway. Floral colour shifts influence pollinator specificity. Multiple shifts in floral colour occurred in the diversification of the genus Erica (Ericaceae), from plesiomorphic pink to, for example, red or white flowers. Variation in anthocyanin gene expression and its effects on floral colour in the red-, pink- and white-flowered Erica plukenetii species complex was investigated. Methods: Next generation sequencing, reverse transcriptase PCR and real-time reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR were used to quantify anthocyanin gene expression. Key Results: Non-homologous mutations causing loss of expression of single genes were found, indicating that the cause was likely to be mutations in transcription factor binding sites upstream of the 5′-untranslated region of the genes, and this was confirmed by sequencing. Conclusions: Independent evolution and subsequent loss of expression of anthocyanin genes may have influenced diversification in the E. plukenetii species complex. The approach developed here should find more general application in studies on the role of floral colour shifts in diversification.acceptedVersio

    The effect of rare variants on inflation of the test statistics in case-control analyses.

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    BACKGROUND: The detection of bias due to cryptic population structure is an important step in the evaluation of findings of genetic association studies. The standard method of measuring this bias in a genetic association study is to compare the observed median association test statistic to the expected median test statistic. This ratio is inflated in the presence of cryptic population structure. However, inflation may also be caused by the properties of the association test itself particularly in the analysis of rare variants. We compared the properties of the three most commonly used association tests: the likelihood ratio test, the Wald test and the score test when testing rare variants for association using simulated data. RESULTS: We found evidence of inflation in the median test statistics of the likelihood ratio and score tests for tests of variants with less than 20 heterozygotes across the sample, regardless of the total sample size. The test statistics for the Wald test were under-inflated at the median for variants below the same minor allele frequency. CONCLUSIONS: In a genetic association study, if a substantial proportion of the genetic variants tested have rare minor allele frequencies, the properties of the association test may mask the presence or absence of bias due to population structure. The use of either the likelihood ratio test or the score test is likely to lead to inflation in the median test statistic in the absence of population structure. In contrast, the use of the Wald test is likely to result in under-inflation of the median test statistic which may mask the presence of population structure.This work was supported by a grant from Cancer Research UK (C490/A16561). AP is funded by a Medical Research Council studentship.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2Fs12859-015-0496-1

    A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Cremastosperma (Annonaceae), including five new species

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    We present a taxonomic revision of Cremastosperma, a genus of Neotropical Annonaceae occurring in lowland to premontane wet forest, mostly in areas surrounding the Andean mountain chain. We recognise 34 species, describing five as new here: from east of the Andes, C. brachypodum Pirie & Chatrou, sp. nov. and C. dolichopodum Pirie & Maas, sp. nov., endemic to Peru; C. confusum Pirie, sp. nov., from southern Peru and adjacent Bolivia and Brazil; and C. alticola Pirie & Chatrou, sp. nov., at higher elevations in northern Peru and Ecuador; and from west of the Andes, C. osicola Pirie & Chatrou, sp. nov. endemic to Costa Rica, the most northerly distributed species of the genus. We provide an identification key, document diagnostic characters and distributions and provide illustrations and extensive lists of specimens, also presenting the latter in the form of mapping data with embedded links to images available online. Of the 34 species, 22 are regional endemics. On the basis of the extent of occurrence and area of occupancy of species estimated from the distribution data, we designate IUCN threat categries for all species. Fourteen species proved to be endangered (EN) and a further one critically endangered (CR), reflecting their rarity and narrow known distributions

    Arboretets venner, aktiviteter og opplevelser 2019–2021

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    Friends of the Arboretum, activities and events 2019–2021. Moe & Pirie report from the Arboretum: seasonal events and highlights from the collections from 2019 to 2021, including an account of the Arboretum’s 50th anniversary. They document challenges presented by invasive species, diseases, and damage caused both by a cold winter in 2020/2021 and by unexpectedly high salt content of water taken from Mørkevatnet after a dry June in 2020. Finally, they detail and illustrate contributions to the gardens by voluntary work and support from the friends association (Arboretets venner), with thanks

    Reticulation, Data Combination, and Inferring Evolutionary History: An Example from Danthonioideae (Poaceae)

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    We explore the potential impact of conflicting gene trees on inferences of evolutionary history above the species level. When conflict between gene trees is discovered, it is common practice either to analyze the data separately or to combine the data having excluded the conflicting taxa or data partitions for those taxa (which are then recoded as missing). We demonstrate an alternative approach, which involves duplicating conflicting taxa in the matrix, such that each duplicate is represented by one partition only. This allows the combination of all available data in standard phylogenetic analyses, despite reticulations. We show how interpretation of contradictory gene trees can lead to conflicting inferences of both morphological evolution and biogeographic history, using the example of the pampas grasses, Cortaderia. The characteristic morphological syndrome of Cortaderia can be inferred as having arisen multiple times (chloroplast DNA [cpDNA]) or just once (nuclear ribosomal DNA [nrDNA]). The distributions of species of Cortaderia and related genera in Australia/New Guinea, New Zealand, and South America can be explained by few (nrDNA) or several (cpDNA) dispersals between the southern continents. These contradictions can be explained by past hybridization events, which have linked gains of complex morphologies with unrelated chloroplast lineages and have erased evidence of dispersals from the nuclear genome. Given the discrepancies between inferences based on the gene trees individually, we urge the use of approaches such as ours that take multiple gene trees into accoun

    Ancient paralogy in the cpDNA trnL-F region in Annonaceae : implications for plant molecular systematics

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    The plastid trnL-F region has proved useful in molecular phylogenetic studies addressing diverse evolutionary questions from biogeographic history to character evolution in a broad range of plant groups. An important assumption for phylogenetic reconstruction is that data used in combined analyses contain the same phylogenetic signal. The trnL-F region is often used in combined analyses of multiple chloroplast markers. These markers are assumed to contain congruent phylogenetic signal due to lack of recombination. Here we show that trnL-F sequences display a phylogenetic signal conflicting with that of other chloroplast markers in Annonaceae, and we demonstrate that this conflict results from ancient paralogy. TrnL-F copy 2 diverged from trnL-F copy I (as used in family-wide phylogenetic analyses) in a direct ancestor of the Annonaceae. Although this divergence dates back 88 million years or more, the exons of both copies appear to be intact. In this case, assuming that (putative) chloroplast markers contain the same phylogenetic signal results in an incorrect topology and an incorrect estimate of ages. Our study demonstrates that researchers should be cautious when interpreting gene phylogenies, irrespective of the genome from which they are presumed to have been sampled

    Consistency between ARPES and STM measurements on SmB6_6

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    Strongly correlated topological surface states are promising platforms for next-generation quantum applications, but they remain elusive in real materials. The correlated Kondo insulator SmB6_6 is one of the most promising candidates, with theoretically predicted heavy Dirac surface states supported by transport and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments. However, a puzzling discrepancy appears between STM and angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments on SmB6_6. Although ARPES detects spin-textured surface states, their velocity is an order of magnitude higher than expected, while the Dirac point -- the hallmark of any topological system -- can only be inferred deep within the bulk valence band. A significant challenge is that SmB6_6 lacks a natural cleavage plane, resulting in ordered surface domains limited to 10s of nanometers. Here we use STM to show that surface band bending can shift energy features by 10s of meV between domains. Starting from our STM spectra, we simulate the full spectral function as an average over multiple domains with different surface potentials. Our simulation shows excellent agreement with ARPES data, and thus resolves the apparent discrepancy between large-area measurements that average over multiple band-shifted domains and atomically-resolved measurements within a single domain

    History and evolution of the afroalpine fora: in the footsteps of Olov Hedberg

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    The monumental work of Olov Hedberg provided deep insights into the spectacular and fragmented tropical alpine flora of the African sky islands. Here we review recent molecular and niche modelling studies and re-examine Hedberg’s hypotheses and conclusions. Colonisation started when mountain uplift established the harsh diurnal climate with nightly frosts, accelerated throughout the last 5 Myr (Plio-Pleistocene), and resulted in a flora rich in local endemics. Recruitment was dominated by long-distance dispersals (LDDs) from seasonally cold, remote areas, mainly in Eurasia. Colonisation was only rarely followed by substantial diversification. Instead, most of the larger genera and even species colonised the afroalpine habitat multiple times independently. Conspicuous parallel evolution occurred among mountains, e.g., of gigantism in Lobelia and Dendrosenecio and dwarf shrubs in Alchemilla. Although the alpine habitat was ~ 8 times larger and the treeline was ~ 1000 m lower than today during the Last Glacial Maximum, genetic data suggest that the flora was shaped by strong intermountain isolation interrupted by rare LDDs rather than ecological connectivity. The new evidence points to a much younger and more dynamic island scenario than envisioned by Hedberg: the afroalpine flora is unsaturated and fragile, it was repeatedly disrupted by the Pleistocene climate oscillations, and it harbours taxonomic and genetic diversity that is unique but severely depauperated by frequent bottlenecks and cycles of colonisation, extinction, and recolonisation. The level of intrapopulation genetic variation is alarmingly low, and many afroalpine species may be vulnerable to extinction because of climate warming and increasing human impact.publishedVersio

    Innsamlingstur til Serbia på Balkan-halvøya

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